• Published 29th Mar 2014
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The Price - Snap Shot

A civil war has broken out in Equestria and a draft has been initiated. Skirmishes have broken out between the REA Regulars and the guerrilla Rebel forces. Yet things aren't what they seem and this war holds many dark secrets.

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Chapter 1

I sat in the dark debriefing room as the pristine pearl white mare paced back and forth in front of us. My wingman had just described the incident for a third time but the explanation didn’t seem satisfactory. The interrogation had been going on for nearly two hours and all parties were at the end of their patience; particularly the officer asking the questions. The overhead light reflected off the solitary sun that graced the unicorn’s epaulettes, she seemed to be in a state of disbelief because she once again asked us.

“Tell me again how a convoy, protected by my best flyers, suffered extremely heavy casualties and was raided down to the bare bones.”

My wingman began to speak but was sharply cut off by the general.

“I’ve heard enough out of you,” the brigadier stated flatly. “Sergeant, how about you enlighten me.”

I couldn’t meet her glare as she addressed me.

“There’s not really all that much to tell, Ma’am.”

The senior officer was getting very impatient with me.

“Why don’t you just humor me, Sergeant?”

“Alright, but like my wingman said…it was him.”

The general walked right up to me, her muzzle almost touching mine.

“Who?” she barked.

“The Raven,” I replied bluntly.

“Maybe you should start from the beginning, Sergeant.”


I looked out at the rising sun and smiled. It was beautiful, something to truly inspire Celestia’s troops. I looked down at the dragon scale in my hoof, and the initials that were lovingly carved into it. I heard the telltale “clip-clop” of a pony behind me on the tarmac and immediately knew who it was.

“Good Morning, Crimson.” I smiled.

My wingman walked up to stand next to me, her pink coat tinted a dark shade of red in the morning light. It was this effect that earn her the callsign Crimson Sunrise, or just Crimson for short.

“’Morning Snap,” She replied. “Enjoying the view?”

“Just thinking,” I answered. “Firefly, don’t you wish that every morning could be like this?”

She shot me a sideways look at the mention of her real name.

“Snap, please just use my callsign.”

Firefly was always worried that somepony would associate her name with night time because that’s when fireflies were most active. It was something that she desperately wanted to avoid; to that extent she made every pony address her with either her callsign or her rank. I was the lone exception, but only when we were in private.

“It’s just us, Major,” I stated looking around.

“I know…but still, please?”

I sighed; I was trying to make her feel more at ease, it didn’t seem right that a pony should be afraid of their own name.

“Okay,” I relented. “I was just…”

She noticed the dragon scale I was holding.

“You still miss her don’t you?”

I gazed down at the shimmering scale.

“Terribly,” I said truthfully, tears in my eyes.

She hugged me tightly. I returned her embrace, my tears running into her cyan mane. At times, I could tell that for her our relationship went deeper than simple friendship, but she was giving me time to heal; for which I was eternally grateful. There were some instances that I felt the same way about her. This was one of those times; I was just at a loss for words.

“I’ll be okay,” was the only thing I could think to say. “I’m just happy she didn’t have to see this war.”

Our nation was split, divided by the sun and moon. The start of the war began innocently, the two rulers Celestia and Luna began to argue over the state of the country. When they couldn’t agree, Luna left Cantorlot. The rebellion started slowly at first, just a few ragtag upstart groups claiming that Luna was the rightful ruler of Equestria and she was cast out by her sister. The crown didn’t really pay much thought to them, never considered them a threat; that was until they got organized. Nopony knows how it happened, but in a single night the Pony’s Lunar Republic was born. All those scattered resistance movements unified under one flag and an army was created.

The war started the next day; the PLR attacked the Appleloosa guard outpost, taking weapons and military equipment. Celestia sent troops to snuff out the rebels but they were ambushed before they could make it to the settlement. That raid changed everything, it showed that the resistance wasn’t just this political stance, it was a military force willing and able to take on the Royal Equestrian Army. Regions began to take sides in the conflict, and soon our once great country was at war with itself.

A draft had been initiated; I had gotten caught in its net. My home region supported the sun, so I was supposed to as well. The army taught me how to fight and sent me off to war. I was lucky I suppose, they sent me to one of the best squadrons in the REA, that’s where I met my wingman. She was a great flyer, after only four missions she achieved Ace status and was now considered one of the top Aces of the REA. She brought me to greatness as well, teaching me her moves and allowing me to find my limits, but I knew I’d never be on her level. Our skill kept us alive, but our friendship kept us sane. We both flew several very difficult missions and managed to out fly our opponents, barely surviving the enemy onslaught. Coming home we would head to the mess hall and try to push the visions of the ponies that we had killed out the back of our minds. The next morning we would simply rise and get ready for another normal mission.

Today was different though, I could feel it in the morning air. Something about this particular mission seemed off. Whatever it was didn’t bother the major, so I dismissed it.

“Come on,” she said, turning back to the base. “Briefing in fifteen.”
The ground crews were out beginning their preparations before the missions. I looked out at Celestia’s sun one more time, and felt uneasy.

The briefing was simple; escort a convoy transporting military arms and medical supplies until we were relieved by a flight from a Trottingham outpost. The mission seemed simple, but it didn’t mean that we could become complacent, and Crimson made sure to remind us on the flight line.

“Remember, the PLR can attack at any time and any place. They are fighting with borrowed weapons and it’s necessary for them to keep raiding the REA in order to continue their war effort. Remmy, I want you and Spectrum in the front of the convoy keeping an eye out for trouble. Draco and I will cover from up above, Celestia gave us the sun so we are going to use it to our advantage.”

Remus, her real name Flitter, shifted from hoof to hoof. Her callsign came from the sad story that her twin sister betrayed her, leaving to join the rebellion. It took some very complex political dancing by Crimson to keep Remus from being arrested as a traitor and even more to keep her in the squadron. I saw Sunburst, the brown Pegasus who served as her wingman, lean over and whisper something in her ear, and Remmy immediately stopped her nervous movement. I couldn’t hear what was actually being said, but I had an idea of what it might have been. Remmy’s greatest fear was that we would run against her sister in combat and she might have to kill her own sibling to protect us. My heart went out to her; I wouldn’t wish that horrible choice on anypony.

I went through my pre-flight ritual, and took out the dragon scale that gave me my callsign and gave a quick kiss before the control tower crackled in my ear.

“Caspian Flight, you are clear for take off. Good luck.”

We took off as a group and headed east to meet the convoy. The long line of ponies wasn’t difficult to spot from the air; the dust they were kicking up was like a beacon. The previous protection flight gave us a small wave before turning to head back to their home base, and we took up positions around the column, the two privates in front and us watching over them from above. I checked my guns one more time to make sure that the safeties were off. The automatic crossbows that we were issued were effective but it was very difficult to tell if they were ready to fire or not.

The sky was slowly becoming overcast and Crimson and I had to lower our altitude to maintain visual contact with the convoy and our flight mates. However, the journey was uneventful; until we were supposed to be relieved.

“Where is that flight from Trottingham?” Remmy asked from up ahead.

I scanned the sky and I didn’t see any ponies coming from the direction of the outpost. A cloud drifted in to obscure the sun; I looked up contemplating if I should clear it away or not. That’s when I saw it, the outline of a two ponies against the clouds, at first I thought it was our relief, but they would have radioed in. I looked harder at them and then my blood turned to ice as I realized that one of them was jet black. It was the Dark Ace Raven, known to the REA as the harbinger of death, nopony ever wanted to meet him in the sky because it was likely you wouldn’t make it back to base. I saw him fold his wings and dive toward the convoy with his wingman.

“Remmy! Break break break! Enemy from five o’clock high!”

“Buck! Is that who I think it is?” Crimson asked.

I didn’t have time to answer. I dove down towards the black pegasus, trying to get a shot in before he was in range of Remmy. I waited until the magic pipper was slightly in front of him and fired an arrow. The projectile flew out and passed right in front of his nose, he turned facing me. Crimson come in from above firing her weapon, but The Raven easily dodged. He returned fire, two bolts from his stolen weapon flew at us, I rolled and the arrow flew beneath me, I could feel the fletching graze my mane as it shot past. Crimson defended as well, coming out of her maneuver in a position to loose another shot. Before she could, the black pegasus flew past her. He was gaining altitude attempting to get into the sun where he’d have the advantage over us. Crimson immediately inverted to pursue him.

“Caspian two, engage second bandit!” She ordered.

The Raven’s wingman was circling to get behind Crimson.

“Tally target!” I shouted as I lined up on the second flyer.

I shot an arrow at the gray mare and she took evasive. Pulling hard right she rolled over her left wingtip, trying to get a bolt off at me. I swung around, not letting her get a firing angle and getting into position behind her.

She knew she was in trouble and made a run, trying to flee the battlefield. I attempted to cut her off but, as I turned, a huge black shape flew right in front of me. Instinctually, I dodged left, narrowly avoiding a collision with Crimson. The Raven took advantage of the disruption and quickly changed direction catching my wingman out of position.

“Switch targets!” She shouted over the radio.

I had the better angle on The Raven and rolled to get behind him. I was able to get on his six, but I couldn’t get a shot off. That colt could fly like nopony else I had ever seen. The speed at which he flew and the maneuvers he pulled off were incredible, it was all I could to stay behind him. He stopped suddenly, launching skyward. My wings strained to copy him; it felt as though they were going to be ripped from my back with the force. I followed him up through the cloud layer and suddenly, he was gone; simply vanished into the sky. That’s when I realized I was neck deep in the cow chips.

Four hooves crashed into my back, the blow causing me to see stars. I landed on my back in the cloud, and held very still as I felt the cold edge of a blade against my throat. I looked up into the hard sapphire eyes of the black pegasus.

“Well,” I spat. “What are you waiting for?”

“Do you even know what you are dying for?”

“I fight because I’m told, and I have to see the sunrise. Plus, I don’t think I could be one of the bad guys.”

He pressed the blade tighter against my throat, leaning closer and shifting his weight off my back legs.

“Why do you assume you are on the right side?”

I glared back at him.

“And why do you assume I’m going to die?”

Using my back legs, I kicked the cloud as hard as I could and it dissolved into nothingness.

I caught one glimpse of The Raven’s shocked expression before we both plummeted towards the ground. I was able to get enough separation to swat the blade away from my neck and kick out, catching him in the chest with a hoof. I spread my wings and took flight again, trying to escape my pursuer. I could feel him behind me giving chase even before I felt the crossbow bolt. There was a sudden pain in my left foreleg, and I could see the end of a shaft protruding just above my hoof. I tucked in the leg, and rolled, trying to get away. I chanced a look back, The Raven was lining up for another shot, this time he wouldn’t miss. Suddenly, a pink and blue streak collided with him. I saw his crossbow separate from his back and fall earthward, he was now unarmed and staring the best flyer in the REA right in the face. The two aces stared at one another for a brief instant before The Raven turned tail and dove. Crimson and I pursued, two-on-one we had a distinct advantage and he knew it.

The military field manual had always stated that only one flyer should engage any one target, but that handbook had never flown against someone this good. We both attacked, trying to get shots in where we could. I could see that Crimson’s quiver was almost empty and mine felt considerably lighter on my back. We had to conserve our ammo, and that was our downfall. We couldn’t take enough shots to hem him in and before we could stop him he dove into the trees.

It was the same tactic that he had used before; disrupt visual contact and then pounce.

“Major, we need to disengage. He’s baiting us into a trap.”

Crimson hovered above the tree line before nodding and returning to my position.

“Damn it, that’s the second one to get away today,” She grumbled, letting me know in her own way that the other flyer had escaped as well.

I took a moment to rip out the crossbow bolt imbedded in my foreleg with my teeth.

“Oh Celestia!” the major shouted, pointing a hoof toward the road.

Thick black smoke was rising from the position of the convoy. We both flew as fast as our wings could carry us but by the time that we reached the road all that was left was carnage. I scanned the ground looking for any sign of survivors. There were two ponies at the edge of the forest, a red unicorn and a green earth pony. At first I thought they were survivors, but as I approached they retreated into the foliage.

We called for reinforcements and a medivac. Crimson found Remmy and Spetrcum on the ground tending to the wounded. Remmy was unharmed but Spectrum had an arrow in his side.

“Remmy, what happened?” The major asked.

“We were ambushed,” she reported. “They came from the trees…we thought we were done for, but they just took some supplies and left.”

I looked back to where the ponies had gone into the trees.

“Buck it all.” I said angrily.


“There’s really nothing else to report,” I told the general, whose demeanor had not improved during the tale.

“Describe that earth pony you saw at the forest,” she ordered me.

“What?” I asked, it wasn’t really relevant to our mission who it was.

“Did I stutter, sergeant?”

I sat up straighter at the anger in her voice.

“Male, Earth Pony, dark green, brown mane, and a moustache.”

The general’s expression changed for a brief second to one of disbelief then to sadness. She silently trotted to the exit, I thought maybe we were out of the line of her wrath, but as she approached the door she punched the wall, leaving a hoof sized hole in the plaster.

“Consider yourselves on report, both of you. Dismissed.”

And with that she opened the door.

I angrily stood, about to say something to the general’s purple tail, but Crimson placed a hoof on my shoulder, shaking her head silently. I waited until I heard the door click closed behind the unicorn before making my outburst.

“Oh this is such a pile of manure! We did our job! She wasn’t out there! She didn’t have to fly against him!”

Next to me Crimson sighed.

“Calm down, there isn’t anything that we can do…and it’s just a reprimand.”

I glared at where the general had left, still angry at what had just occurred and a thought dawned on me.

“Firefly, do you ever wonder if we are on the right side of this war?”

The major looked shocked. She glanced around the empty room in a panic.

“Snap! Keep it down will you, somepony hears you say that and you’ll be arrested, or worse, sent to the moon!”

I looked back into her soft blue eyes.

“That’s kind of my point…”

“We’ve talked about this, right or wrong doesn’t matter. We fight so that others don’t have to, so that the foals under Celestia don’t have to grow up without with out parents and so that the sun will still rise.”

“I know, but sometimes it just doesn’t feel right.”

“War never does, especially between the same people.”

She was right, this war could never be right, both sides were at fault on some level but I still couldn’t shake this feeling in my gut.

“Come on, we have a mission tomorrow and we still need to visit Spectrum in the medical bay.”

I nodded solemnly.

“Give me a minute okay?”

“Sure, I’ll be right outside.”

She left closing the door quietly.

I reached into my flight suit, pulling out my dog tags. I looked down at the silver dragon scale shimmering in the dim light.

“Am I doing the right thing?” I asked it.

As usual, it simply remained silent. I sighed, and the movement caused the scale to shift revealing Celestia’s sun embossed on the dog tags underneath. A smile crept across my face.

“Right,” I said. “For the sunrise.”

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