• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 1,766 Views, 31 Comments

Being A Snob has Its Ups and Downs - JusSonic

Blueblood is becoming a bit of a jerk to everyone in Ponyville, enough that even the princesses has decided to teach him a lesson once and for all. Will it work?

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Chapter 3: Blueblood's Major Trouble

Chapter 3: Blueblood's Major Trouble

Twilight decides that if Blueblood helps out with the Summer Sun Celebration, perhaps maybe it could help out further in breaking the spell that Celestia put on him. She told the mayor this idea. Of course, she isn't thrilled at all.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, please forgive me for lashing out but...HAVE YOU GONE NUTS?!" The Mayor snaps angrily to Twilight, making her cringe a bit.

Twilight cringes a bit as she said, "Look, I know Blueblood acted like a jerk but if we could give him a chance, we could change Blueblood around. We just need him to help out in the celebration."

"Why should we?! We're not like you! We didn't forgive Discord or Trixie for what they did, unlike you Fluttershy!"

"Hey, we still don't trust Discord either!" Rainbow exclaims, a bit annoyed by the attitude towards her Flight Camp friend. "And only a idiot would forgive Trixie!"

"Um..." Twilight said a bit awkwardly.

"We kinda did." Nyx said to the ponies sheepishly.

"What," The ponies exclaim in shock and alarm. Twilight and Nyx forgave Trixie despite the fact that she enslaved Ponyville with the power of the Alicorn Amulet one time?!

"Look. Trixie was possessed by the Alicorn Amulet's magic which is why she acted the way she herself did. And yes, Trixie did helped Lorcan in the war, but those times are over now." Twilight points out to the skeptic ponies. "Right now though, we must focus on Blueblood. Please, give him a chance to redeem himself."

"We will take responsibility should my cousin causes anypony trouble." Ben insists to the mayor with a smile.

Mayor frowns then groans, "All right, fine. Put Blueblood on some tasks. He is your responsibility should the foal messed up. Ugh, honestly. I am just a softy..."

Twilight nods a bit in satisfaction. Hopefully now, Blueblood can be freed from his curse and he won't bug the ponies of Ponyville. Who knows? If Fluttershy could change Discord a bit, perhaps Blueblood can be changed a bit too...maybe...


Soon Rainbow Dash & Applejack take Blueblood to 'help' them for the Summer Sun Celebration. And by help, we mean...they're gonna give the guy manual labor work.

"Alright Blueblood, ye wanna earn some respect, then here's wha ye gonna do." Applejack spoke in instructing this stallion in what to do.

"Take those boards to set up a stack to allow Earth Ponies to climb up to help with setting up the decoration & paint work." Rainbow Dash pointed at the boards in explaining what this guy has to do.

"Are you actually wanting a royal prince to do this...this...mandatory labor like some...commoner?" Blueblood asked off in disbelief in what these two are asking.

"Well unless you help, we can't help yew get wha's making pony folks treat yew like dirt off, now can we?" Applejack remotely issued this fact for the spoil prince to know this.

"Unless you don't mind always being given the same treatment you yourself do." Rainbow Dash spoke off with a sly eye & smile in what this guy knows he wants.

Blueblood gritted his teeth in hating to lose the only way to remove the curse, so he sighs before giving in. He used his horn's magic to make the boards levitate up and soon made what seem look like a constructed board stand for worker ponies to climb up and use.

"There, how's that? Just cause I maybe a royal unicorn, doesn't mean I don't know a few helpful traits in my daily life." Blueblood spoke with being proud of himself in making this, that wasn't so hard, now was it?

"Hmm, I don't know if it's gonna pass the safety measures." Rainbow Dash spoke from rubbing her chin in a different thought here.

"Safety measures; for what," Blueblood asked off as if his work was not cutting it.

"'Ta makes sure ya did de job properly." Applejack spoke off in stating if this pony even did a decent job or not when hurrying.

"What's wrong with it? I set it up like you told me to do." Blueblood protests in saying that he did the job perfectly.

"Then walk up and prove it." Rainbow pointed for the prince to test that he made for himself to be the judge.

"Surely you jest?" Blueblood asked off like that's some joke to him.

"No, and don't call me Shirley either." Rainbow issued off to say while saying not to be called something she clearly missed the meaning.

Blueblood sighs before levitating himself up at the top. As he was on the boards, everything seems to be in place to his eye.

"There, happy now? It's as solid as a...." Blueblood spoke off if this was enough to satisfy the ponies, he did a fine job ; nothing is wrong, nothing....

"Pop...pop-pop-pop-pop...pop...." Course that was suddenly in question from the bolts that were popping out all over the boards.

"Rock," Blueblood spoke off puzzled in seeing this action happen, what did it mean?

"Creeeeeiikk....Crasfhruvhm!" Soon the entire structure came apart, and poor Blueblood was coming tumbling with it to be under it all.

When the dust was clearing, the prince was seen crawling out, looking a bit messy from what he himself made that fell apart.

"Ohhh, what happened?" Blueblood asked off in feeling a terrible headache, what happened to him?

"Ye darn forgot 'ta make sure ye bolted these here bolts properly. Ye rush through, & thanks 'ta dat, anypony would have been in yer hooves." Applejack issued with a stern face in what she saw happen, Blueblood didn't pay attention from seeing the screws all over with the bolts that weren't put in correctly.

"Which you totally helped in catching them a break," Rainbow remarked off with a sly smile off her face.

"Ugh, fine....then I'll just make sure to bolt in these screws." Blueblood spoke to groan before using his horn's magic to get restarted from scratch again.

"No way buster, you wanna do this right, do it de old fashion way!" Applejack spoke off in halting this work, telling the prince that he'll have to try a different way.

"And that would be?" Blueblood raised an eyebrow in not getting what other way there was.

"By hoof; what else; and without magic too," Rainbow spoke off with her hooves wave when saying the prince does it...by his own hooves & no magic.

"Without my magic; are you daft? It'll take forever to do this by hoof! And I just had them polished!" Blueblood protest the very idea, he can't finish doing this stuff when magic could speed it up.

"Too bad, ye wanna be helpful then yew gotta earn respect by working hard!" Applejack issued off to push a bunch of tools for Blueblood to use in this labor work.

"And you better hurry, otherwise, you'll miss out on lunch break!" Rainbow Dash issued off to remind the guy, time is ticking, so he better hurry.

"Ooooohhhh, this will ruin my composure from working up sweat!" Blueblood groans in seeing this will make him appear less pleasant from this tough job .

"Buddy, de day's only starting." Applejack spoke off with a half-smile in saying this was only the start of Blueblood's day; aka, his torture.


Later that day, Blueblood was done; he somehow managed to finish what Applejack & Rainbow Dash asked of him. So now he came with a tray with Pinkie Pie serving lunch to the workers, and all he got...was a gray blob of mass.

"What's this slop?" Blueblood asked off in disgust, was this even edible.

"Silly, it's mush-pudding!" Pinkie Pie smile to say what she was serving.

"You dare play me for a tom-foolery?" Blueblood protest to slam his tray on the counter, this is unacceptable.

"No, I play you as a pony that never once ate anything without a silver spoon. Oh, speaking of which...here's your wooden spoon!" Pinkie spoke off in making this fact before throwing in a spoon that's wood in the glop that was the prince's meal; great.

"Ugh, don't you have anymore...refine condemnatory meals befitting of nobility?" Blueblood moans to ask if the pink pony had something else that he could eat.

"Nope; we don't get that much stuff down here!" Pinkie Pie shook her head in stating a claim to the matter.

"Not even a nice delicate salad?" Blueblood asked with a twitchy eye, even a simple salad be fine, it's a delicacy of a royal meal, sorta speak.

"Well, I think there's some, I'll go check, you take a seat." Pinkie Pie rubs her head in thought before digging behind her to look for something of a simple salad order for the pony.

Blueblood decided to find a seat to sit down, too bad none of the other ponies were giving any seats for him to be in or just taunt to tease him. The guy sighs, this couldn't get much worse than left to eat standing up or sit on the fifthly floor.

"Found it, catch!" Pinkie shouted out to let the prince know she found something, and then threw it so fast....

"SPLAT," That Blueblood turn his face to end up getting the salad splattered all over his face, "Peetue! Uagh, what was that for?" Blueblood clear his face to begin snapping from what he was given to throw off the salad bowl and have the stuff stuck on his face & mane & practically all over his body.

"What? You asked for salad, so I serve you some Toss Salad! Boy, you really don't know these things." Pinkie Pie shrugs off her shoulders to say in what she did in giving the order, hasn't this prince ever heard of such a salad meal?

"Ugh, what else could possibly go..." Blueblood was groaning to turn and leave with whatever dignity was still with him....

"SLIP," But the poor prince didn't see the slippery salad leaf that his hooves slip on.

"Waaaug...Guuagh!" Blueblood was slipping around until he fell on his flank while tossing his tray up in the air. "Pusssshh...." And soon got a face full of mush-pudding that much of the other ponies were letting loose laughed at the sight.

"Wooh, clean up in aisle seven, a messy prince with mush puddle needs his act cleaned up." Pinkie Pie spoke off in stating what they have here was a messy pony.

Blueblood gets up to wipe the stuff off his face; this was not a good lunch-break for him.


Now Blueblood finds his position far worse than ever, taking care of the animals with Fluttershy. He was dressed like some farmer with some equipment to tending to the animals, if he has to 'pickup' after them; he's gonna crack with already his twitchy eyes seen.

"Now remember, to be gentle with them." Fluttershy spoke kindly in wanting this pony to be careful.

"Gentle? They're filthy animals for pony sakes!" Blueblood spoke off in protest in staring at the animals that he's forced to take care of.

"Oh, I wouldn't call them that. They just need their daily bath so they'll be perfectly clean for the celebration." Fluttershy spoke with a calm and quiet voice to let the prince here know he shouldn't say that, animals have feelings too.

"Fine, so which of them needs aid?" Blueblood groans to give in, may as well get this over with.

"I got Angel, you can help Banjo." Fluttershy picked up her white rabbit to see she'll work in cleaning him up while Blueblood gets a different animal.

"Hmph, very well, where is he?" Blueblood huffed off while wanting to know which animal was Banjo.

"Over there." Fluttershy points to the animal that's near to the left of the two ponies.

Soon Blueblood turns to get a shocking surprise; the animal name Banjo was actually...a BEAR!

"Don't forget his teeth, he especially likes that. Let’s go Angel." Fluttershy spoke with an innocent smile while leaving the prince to his duty.

"Grrroooaakkk," The bear growls in annoyance & impatience here.

"Eek," Blueblood squealed in terror, this won't end well.

Later in Fluttershy's spot, she was just finishing the touches on her bunny friend. Then she heard some heavy breathing, turn to see Blueblood, all messed up with claw marks & bruises, like he was in a fight for his life.

"Oh dear goodness, what happen?" Fluttershy yelped in seeing this, whatever happened to the pony? As if we don't know.

"The bear was giving me problems." Blueblood issued off between his tired breath, trying to clean a bear that will claw & tear you limb from limb is almost impossible to give one a bath.

"Well, did you let him hear banjo music to calm him down, that's how he usually likes it." Fluttershy asked off puzzled if the pony did a little job first to calm the bear.

"Wha; you didn't mention this!" Blueblood spoke off shock to suddenly hear this from out of nowhere.

"Oh, I must have forgot, sorry." Fluttershy spoke in shock that it slip her mind, Angel was laughing this up while Blueblood made an angry frown on his expression. "Tell you what; I'll help supervise your training in giving Animals tender loving care." Fluttershy spoke nicely in thinking; she'll help make sure Blueblood doesn't have any problems with her animals if she supervises.

"Oh joy." Blueblood rolled his eyes in being hardly waiting to be given orders like a peasant takes from their superior and it's the shy kind pony of all bosses.

Now the scene changes to where Blueblood is trying to get milk from a goat that's eating his dinner while Fluttershy properly instructs the prince.

"Now be careful when you wanna get some nice goat milk from Miss. Goat. And be..." Fluttershy was trying to get Blueblood to be careful in how he handles the goat, but when he reached down...

"Baahahahahah," The goat felt a hard squeeze from where he makes milk from by the user and then lifts his back legs up. "KICK!" And then delivers swift kick to the bad milking pony.

"Gruuaaghh," Blueblood crashed against some tools, getting clobbered by the stuff.

"Oooh, gentle," Fluttershy yelped with a slight squeeze eye reaction, she was trying to warn him of that.

Next scene shows Fluttershy trying to have Blueblood feed her chickens. This should be a more simpler task to do.

"Now remember, the chickens like it when you throw their corn to them." Fluttershy explained this for Blueblood to do this right and the chickens will come.

Blueblood moans before throwing the chicken corn feed across the field, getting the chickens to come to him & eat the corn.

"See, easy, right?" Fluttershy smiled in seeing so far, this pony was doing good.

"Bark-bark...Bark-kah!" Course one chicken was pecking the stallion, asking to give him some corn.

"Wait your turn, I'm busy!" Blueblood remotely stated with a mean & upset look of wishing he wasn't doing this and wasn't nice when he spoke to the bird.

"BARK-Kaaahh," The chicken felt offended to flap himself to attack the stallion now.

"Guuaghh...." Blueblood yelps to toss the corn feed up, and it lands all over his body area while none near Fluttershy.

"Bark-Kah; Bark-Kah," Now the other chickens saw this to begin eating...all over Blueblood covered in corn feed.

"Get off! GET OFF!" Blueblood was heard shouting to wrestle himself free from these confounded chickens.

"Oh my, everypony, let's not be acting all greedy here!" Fluttershy yelped to try to calm down the situation and everything was almost going okay too.

After a bit of that work was done, Fluttershy was having Blueblood give some animals in some wooden buckets some bubbling baths.

"This is easy, giving animals their scrubs to help them feel all freshy clean." Fluttershy spoke with a smile to be scrubbing a dog that was losing her work.

"Uagh, this feels like something my maid would do!" Blueblood moans in thinking this work is something a palace maid does when he needs cleaning.

"Well, now you know how hard she works for you, right?" Fluttershy spoke in making conversation about what the stallion should think about the next time he sees the castle maid.

"I guess." Blueblood rolled his eyes in hearing this, it's not like he cares, but this work is enough for anypony to not enjoy.

"Good, now, has Mr. Skunk's sponge bath progress going well?" Fluttershy responded while drying off the dog that was done on her side.

"Mr. Skunk?" Blueblood asked off to lift up the critter with bubbles falling off it, to appear as none other than...a skunk. "You've got to be kidding me!" He rolled his eyes in not believing his luck was getting to be this bad.

The skunk narrows his eyes before moving around for the back to face the pony, lifts his tail and.....

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh," Soon everything around Blueblood turn into a green mist that was covered by his screams...he just got...SKUNKED!

"Mr. Skunk, you shouldn't do that whenever you hate being bathed!" Fluttershy was scolding the skunk that was walking off proudly while seeing Blueblood had a bad smell all over him. "It's okay, I always keep a bath of tomato juice nearby, in case this happens." She explained to point to a tub filled with red juice of tomatoes to be the cure for skunk spray smell.

"You expect me to get in a commoner's bathtub and filled with tomato juice? NEVER," Blueblood protest the very idea that he even so much as go in that tub, not on anypony's life.

"But, it's the only way to remove the skunk smell ." Fluttershy was trying to convince this pony that this was the only solution to the skunk problem.

"I'll just spray cologne until it wears off." Blueblood protest to look away, he refuses to go in a bathtub filled with tomato juice, it be like he's a real farmer than a prince.

"But that won't help." Fluttershy was saying that the prince's idea won't even solve the skunk problem, it won't even hide it.

Angel sighs before signaling a warthog nearby, whispers into its ear which it nods in getting the sly thumbs up rabbit's plan.

"OINK," A warthog was heard behind the spoil prince before.... "BOOT," He tackled Blueblood with a head butt when the stallion wasn't looking.

"Guurrugh," Blueblood yelped from that sudden surprise as he was losing balance towards... "Splashvhmm...." Soon he fell into the tub of red tomato juice as he was now looking like a pony covered in the stuff.

"Well...I suppose that's one way to give him a bath." Fluttershy spoke with a cautious sheepish smile as only a few of the animals seem to find this funny.

Blueblood slap his left hoof over his face, this was totally not his day. Labor work, the food, even animal tenderer, he's not sure how much of this he can take if he's trying to be cured. Was it even worth THIS much and what else would he face?


Blueblood groaned a bit as he felt his back breaking. He wonders if what he himself is doing is worth all this trouble.

"Hello, Bluey." Phobos chuckles as he, Nyx and Spike ate some ice cream bars nearby. "Having a good time or bad luck?"

"Ugh, don't remind me." Blueblood said with a sigh.

"Here." Nyx said with a smile, offering an ice cream bar. "It's Seasalt Ice Cream. I thought I would get you one after having a hard day so far."

"Sea salt; they put sea salt in ice cream?!" Blueblood asked in shock and disgust.

"Come on; don't knock it until you try it." Spike insisted to Blueblood in insistence.

Blueblood groaned, but tried the ice cream anyway. He blinks a bit and looks surprised.

"Salty, but sweet," Blueblood said in approval. "Wow, this does taste good."

"There, you see?" Nyx asked happily.

"Well, thanks, I guess." Blueblood said with a nod. At least something good happened to him so far, right?

"Listen, my friends and I got some activities planned for the Summer Sun Celebration." Nyx said to Blueblood with a grin. "I figure you could help test them out."

"Well, why not? Probably some kid games." Blueblood remarks with a shrug. "After all, how hard can they be?"


"Why did I let you talk me into this?!" Blueblood screams in fright. He is in a wagon on top of a huge hill, being tied inside a wagon while wearing pillows and a helmet.

"It's 'ta test fer our daredevil cutie marks!" Apple Bloom giggles as Scootaloo is cutting at a rope keeping the wagon in place at a tree.

"Now don't worry, if you crash, the pillows will act like airbags!" Sweetie exclaims happily to Blueblood.

Scootaloo cut the rope, causing Blueblood to scream as he goes rolling down the hill very fast. Spike, Phobos and the CMC watch him roll downward until he hits the bottom...the hard way.

"Oooh," Phobos remarks as Nyx cringed. "That one hurt him."

"Hey, uh, Scootaloo? You remember to put feathers in the pillows, right?" Spike asked Scootaloo awkwardly.

"Why? The crashes wouldn't be daredevil-like if I did." Scootaloo said to Spike skeptically.

"Well, seems safe enough." Apple Bloom comments as she put in a check on a check board.


"Why do you call this an activity," Blueblood screamed as he ran from bees, with strings on himself. The CMC, Phobos and Spike talked him into getting honey from bees...which may be difficult.

"Well, when it comes to collecting honey, it works!" Pipsqueak exclaims as he runs from the bees. "Ouch, those strings hurt..."

"Yeah, maybe we should go for jelly collecting next." Dinky Doo said with a cringe.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch," Blueblood groaned in pain.

"Come on, it isn't that bad!" Sweetie exclaimed to Blueblood, trying to cheer him up a bit.

"Right, we do this all 'de time." Apple Bloom said with a giggle.

"Well, my friends, anyway," Nyx remarked making the unicorn groans a bit.


"Looking for rocks, looking for rocks." Blueblood mumbled as Spike talked him into looking for diamonds in the ground. "How was I talked into this?"

"Hey, Rarity needs jewels and I decided to see if I can find any without her horn assistance." Spike remarked to Blueblood with a chuckle. Even if he has to help him lift his dumb curse, it's worth seeing the snobby prince like this.

"I swear, this kind of stuff makes me want to blow up." Blueblood growled as he dug in a spot.

As if to grant his wish, Blueblood blew up...or rather, got blown away screaming into a wall.

"Oooh, I forgot to mention, sometimes those Diamond Dogs like to leave landmines for intruders." Spike said to Blueblood with a shrug.

"Now you tell me..." Blueblood groaned in pain.


Pinkamena was reading her book as Omega waits and Jack Zen was off doing his task. Gold Wing was on Golden Heart's back as Pinkamena's senses go off.

"Hmm, seems there will be much evil plans and tricks going on though this fanfic." Pinkamena said in concern.

"Uh, okay but you really act like Pinkie Pie sometimes." Golden Heart pointed out, still weirded out by his sister's Fourth Wall breaking.

"Well, I am like her after all, and besides, we need to be ready for anything, and I might check up on the light elves later." Pinkamena points out clearly to her big brother.

Well, who can argue with that, right?


Twilight was preparing for her big role for the Summer Sun Celebration with Ben helping. They stop as the two saw Blueblood, covered in dirt and scratches, trots over.

"Wow, Blueblood. You look like you were hit by a bus." Ben said to Ben in amazement.

"I was. Note to self: never stop to comb mane in traffic." Blueblood said to his adopted cousin with a groan.

"Well, since you're here, you can help me." Twilight said with a smile. "I am practicing for a big performance for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration."

"And we will need you to make some rings appear so that Twilight can fly through them." Ben said to Blueblood with a smile.

"But I rarely perform magic." Blueblood points out to Ben in concern. "How could I do this?"

"Come on, do your best. What do you got to lose?" Ben ask Blueblood, reminding him that he still needs help in breaking his curse, even though the unicorn still doesn't know whom he hurt the most yet.

"Well... if I must, I must." Blueblood said with a sigh, deciding to help with the celebration.

Ben nodded at Twilight, giving her the signal to start flying which she did before joining her. The Earth pony helped his love fly at it.

Meanwhile, Blueblood focused his horn and made rings appear. Twilight flew through them. The unicorn prince smiled a bit. This could actually work.

"Okay, Twiley, you're doing good," Ben called out to Twilight as he flew near the Alicorn in approval.

"Thanks." Twilight giggled a bit.

"You know, forgive me but you aren't seem that better with your flying yet." Blueblood said, noting how Twilight was struggling with her flying abilities.

"I'm doing my best, and...whoa," Twilight yelped as she was having trouble controlling her wings.

"Twilight," Ben exclaimed as he flew after her. Twilight went through the rings...but was losing control again, heading right towards Blueblood.

"Argh," Blueblood screams as he tried to escape, but Twilight crashed into him. While the mare landed on the ground, the unicorn prince crashed...into some trash cans.

"You okay, Twilight?" Ben asked Twilight as he helps the Alicorn up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Blueblood, how about you," Twilight asked Blueblood.

The two ponies saw a disgusting yet amusing sight: there's Blueblood covered in trash, fish, eggs, etc. He smelled like he himself just came out of the dump. While Twilight and Ben managed to keep from laughing, some ponies just laughed cruelly right at him.

"Fine, just fine," Blueblood remarked with a groan. This had not been his day at all.


Rarity hums happily while working on her latest clothes that she's working on for all of Ponyville to marvel.

"This is darling, don't you think Opal?" Rarity asks her cat Opalscence who just meows at it. "Now I need somepony to help organize my latest wardrobe models of the next clothes. You think I shall ask my friends?"

Suddenly, Rarity heard the door of her Carousel Baroque opening and closing. She turns to see Blueblood of all ponies coming in. The unicorn prince looks like he's just been clean of dirty and other garage that happened to him all day.

"My, my; Seems like your community service isn't doing very well, Blueblood darling." Rarity teases Blueblood a bit, making him frown at her.

"You're the one to talk! You don't have to deal with working with stuff without magic, dealing with café messes, animals, crazy activities and got trashed by a princess who has troubled flying all day!" Blueblood complains to Rarity while sitting in a chair, "Oooh, my aching back."

"Well, sorry for all you had to go through. It's just another day in Ponyville."

"I hope you got something I could do that won't bring me mortally harm or humiliation."

"Glad to you to even asked; I need someone to help organize my latest wardrobe models of the next clothes to be marvel by all of Ponyville." Rarity said to Blueblood, motioning to some models...in this case, some dummies. "Mind giving me a hoof?"

"At least it's better than what I have to go through all day." Blueblood mumbles a bit as he trots over to help a bit. The unicorn glances carefully and put the models in certain places; so far, no harm. "

"Careful with that; I just had Twilight remake it."

Blueblood mumbles a bit as he works on the model. The unicorn glances at Rarity who gave him some looks every down and again. He does recall how he himself treated her at the GGG: eating her rose, not giving her a pillow to sit down, making Rarity open the door for him, making the unicorn pay for Applejack's snacks (which he later rejected) and even got her dirty.

Come to think about it, why did Rarity wish to stick by him until the disaster when she told the prince off after Blueblood got her dirty?

Blueblood will find out. He spoke to Rarity who is using a needle to sow a dress, "Miss Rarity...tell me, did you...had longings before me? Every mare, well almost, wishes to be with moi. So did you?"

Rarity frowns, rolling her eyes while remarking, "Oh my. You cannot imagine. Before I met you in pony, I thought you to be the perfect pony, a gentlecolt and a dream husband. But when I met you, ha! What a laugh! You were rude to me, my friends and acted nothing like a prince. I was devastated! It's like meeting a movie idol who is nothing like he was in the films!"

"Wait...so out of all of you and your friends, I've hurt you the most?"

"Oh geez, you think? Hold this for me, will ya?"

Blueblood nods as he holds the needle with a hoof. Rarity quickly uses her magic to put the thread through the needle. As this progress goes on, what his aunt's head goes through the unicorn's mind; He must get kindness from the pony whose he hurts the most...and it's definitely Rarity.

Blueblood ponders what to do: Rarity has shown him some kindness despite what he did to her. But the main question is how will she will help in getting the curse lifted off of him? So far, Blueblood has been a jerk to Rarity and her friends and even has trouble in doing the tasks so far today.

Blueblood yelps a bit in pain. That's because Rarity accidentally pricks him with the needle. The female unicorn gasps in concern, "Oh dear; so so sorry about that."

"I'm fine, really." Blueblood cringes a bit while feeling his pricked hoof. Rarity however thought better. She saw a little bit of blood coming from where the mare accidentally poked him. "Wait, is that..."

Rarity heads off and gets a first aid kit . After coming back, the mare got to work, spraying onto the wound and put a bandage on it. Blueblood blinks a bit, looking a bit surprised. Rarity should've let him bleed to death or worst. But she helped him out by putting a bandage on his wound.

"Better?" Rarity asks Blueblood with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks." Blueblood said with a nod; Looks like if he wishes to break the spell on himself, he will have to get Rarity's help in order for that to happen.