• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 1,766 Views, 31 Comments

Being A Snob has Its Ups and Downs - JusSonic

Blueblood is becoming a bit of a jerk to everyone in Ponyville, enough that even the princesses has decided to teach him a lesson once and for all. Will it work?

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Chapter 1: Inspection Pestion

Chapter 1: Inspection Pestion

It is another day as the time for the Summer Sun Celebration is getting closer. Ponyville is doing better than usual. Twilight and her friends are inspecting the town, which is doing better since the End of Equestria adventure.

"Well, things in Ponyville is doing mighty fine." Applejack said with a pleased look on her face. "An' wit' mah family's crops gitting better, just in time fer 'de Summer Sun Celebration."

"Yeah. I'm glad that trouble is over." Twilight said with a sigh while sitting her flank down. "I sure hate to get into another hassle anytime soon."

"Not unless the next season premiere has anything to say!" Pinkie exclaims playfully while balancing a muffin tray on her mane. She notes her friends looking at her. "What?"

Suddenly Spike rush over with a scroll, looking concerned as he speaks, "Twilight; Okay, I got good news and bad news."

"A message from the princess," Twilight ask as Spike unroll the scroll that he's holding.

"Yeah; Good news is that he send someone from Canterlot to inspect Ponyville, making sure that things are doing up and up so far."

"Okay and the bad news?" Rainbow asks puzzled, wondering what the bad news is. It has to be something that concerned Spike, right?

Suddenly neighing is heard. The Mane Six, Spike and everypony else saw a carriage being held by Pegasus Royal Guards flying down, landing near a mud puddle. Once it stops, a door opens; Must be the representative from Canterlot to inspect Ponyville.

And that someone came out and steps a hoof in the muddle...Prince Blueblood. The arrogant rude unicorn frowns to a guard, snapping, "Must you stop right near a mud puddle?!"

"Sorry, sir," A Royal Guard said to Blueblood with a stance.

"Sorry? Try looking for another job if this happens again, air head!"

"Oh no...him." Rarity groans in annoyance. She never forgave that creep Blueblood after he was rude to her and humiliated her at the Grand Galloping Gala. And the princess sent him to inspect Ponyville? Bad idea!

"Well, I'm sure that this inspection won't go too bad...I hope." Fluttershy said meekly to her friends.

Blueblood mumbles as he trots on forward, saying, "Ugh. This home for Earth ponies and lowly peasants...should've been wiped out years ago."

"Ahem. Prince Blueblood..." Twilight said to Blueblood, being joined by Ben as they and the girls came over. "Good to see you. As you know, Ponyville is doing fine..."

"Skip it, Twilight. You may be a princess but that doesn't mean I must like you. I just came to see how this peasant place has been doing since you came back from Tartarus."

"End of Equestria, cousin." Ben points out to Blueblood, making him glare to him. "We came back from the End of Equestria...but yeah, it's close to Tartarus. You know, I'm amazed mom appointed you to the inspection."

"Yes, I am too...and don't bother trying to treat me like family, Benjamin." Blueblood remarks dryly to Ben, making the Earth pony frowns a bit. "You are only related when Auntie Celestia took you in. She should've left you out in the rain."

"Ugh!" Spike groans a bit. Already, Blueblood is acting like a jerk.

"Ahem! I do wish that you behave yourself, Blueblood." Rarity said to Blueblood, trying to keep herself under control a bit. "You are here on an inspection. Heavens knows that this place could be chosen for the Summer Sun Celebration again. You are a prince, act like one."

"And you must remember to call me 'Prince Blueblood', peasant!" Blueblood scoffs a bit to Rarity. "I haven't forgotten how you treated me at the Grand Galloping Gala not too long ago."

"That's because you were being rude to me and acting un-prince like!"

"Let's get this over with so I can get back to Canterlot and wish never to come back here."

Blueblood trots off, making Twilight sighs as she and Ben follows him. Rainbow groans, "I hate that guy. Rarity, why did you even like him before the GGG?"

"Honestly, I don't know why! I just wish Twilight told me what a...ugh! I can't believe I once fell for him!" Rarity exclaims in disgust.

"Calm down, Rarity. Maybe someday, you may show him how to be nice and stuff." Fluttershy said to Rarity, trying to help her calm down and maybe someday show Blueblood the errors of his ways...to an extension.

"Only if ponies treat him the same way, Fluttershy; Only if ponies treat him the same way."


Twilight and Ben lead Blueblood to the vegetable supplies, which have gotten bigger. The others follow just to make sure that this inspection goes well.

"As you can see, we no longer have any worries of vegetable shortage, thanks to the quest being a success." Ben said to his adopted cousin.

"Ugh, no fancy foods or whatever," Blueblood asked, a bit disgusted then yelps as one of his hooves stepped in something. "Ugh! I've stepped in something!"

"Best to be careful, that's cowpie!" Pinkie giggles, much to Blueblood's disgust.

"UGH, GROSS!!" Blueblood shouted as he shook a bit of the brown stuff off his hoof.

As it happened, Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack, Spike, Nyx, Phobos and the CMC all snickered at this. This is very amusing to them.

"Focus, Blueblood." Twilight said, though she is snickering as well.

"I will focus when I get out of this dump of a filthy town!" Blueblood snapped at Twilight in irritation.

"Watch it, she's a princess now." Ben said to Blueblood sternly.

"Please. She only got the job because Auntie Celestia considers her a favorite student." Blueblood remarked, rolling his eyes. "It's like they give the Alicorn power to any peasant or ridiculous unicorns that comes along."

"Don't talk about my mommy that way!" Nyx shouted angrily. How dare that Blueblood call Twilight a peasant and/or a ridiculous unicorn!

"Let's move on, quickly." Twilight said, worried that this could get out of hoof here.

"Yeah, before Nightmare Moon starts destroying us all." Blueblood remarks dryly as he leaves. Twilight kept her temper over that remark in check. Her ridiculous visitor will only be here for inspection, nothing more...


At Sweet Apple Acres, Blueblood was checking the farm...well, actually more bored than checking to be honest.

"Eeyup, Sweet Apple Acres is back an' running." Applejack said to Blueblood with a nod. "We done are supplying food 'ta every pony in 'de area an' beyond."

"I supposed this is where you made your filth that you tried to pass off at the Grand Galloping Gala one time?" Blueblood asks Applejack dryly.

"Yes, we did, and fer yer information, Blueblood, this 'filth' is the Apple Family's pride and joy, and everypony loves it." Applejack said while glaring at the royal snob, not liking how he called the apples filth one little bit.

"You almost poisoned me with that trash!" Blueblood remarks to Applejack. "And furthermore..."

Without warning, Blueblood yelps as Big Macintosh 'accidentally' kicks him in the flank, sending the snobby unicorn through a tree.

"Oops. My bad," Big Macintosh remarks in pretend shock.

"Ouch! He did that on purpose!" Blueblood whined to Applejack.

"Sorry, didn't see what happened." Applejack remarks with a hidden evil smirk.

"Ah didn't see it either." Apple Bloom said innocently while she batted her eyes rapidly, just the same as Pinkie did towards Twilight one time when trying to butter her up for giving her the second ticket.

Blueblood got himself freed, scowling angrily, "It's a wonder why you even founded this place. You all enjoy the smell of dirt too much."

"Don't make them call Cousin Tough Apple." Pinkie warned Blueblood in a singsong tone.

Blueblood yelps a bit, recalling the last time he saw Tough got mad...and that's back when Lorcan was defeated and he made the mistake of getting on the purple stallion's bad side personally.

"I think I will move on, let's move on." Blueblood said quickly as he trots off.

"Good call." Twilight said while rolling her eyes. So far, Blueblood is being himself, a natural jerk!


Blueblood glances up at the Pegasus ponies doing the weather. Rainbow smirks as she tries out, causing it to rain...though too near Blueblood.

"Mind watching where you pour that," Blueblood scowls at Rainbow in annoyance. "You almost got rainwater on my suit and I just had it dry-cleaned!"

"Oh, I am so sorry about that. I didn't see you there." Rainbow said in pretend surprise while winking at her friends.

"So far, the weather is fine...but you should find someone to replace the Wonderbolt reject." Blueblood remarks, rolling his eyes while trotting off. "She needs to learn some manners."

"Speaking of manners," Scootaloo mumbles to her friends, not happy with what Blueblood called Rainbow.

"Blueblood, honestly, if you keep that up, you're going to land in a bunch of trouble." Twilight said to Blueblood in irritation.

"You want me to stop? Get some better friends!" Blueblood snaps to Twilight as he heads off, making the Alicorn twitch one of her eyes.

"Why, I oughta--!" Rainbow shouted angrily. Nopony disses Twilight's friends and gets away with it!

"Calm down, Rainbow, calm down." Ben said to Rainbow, though upset as well. "Trust me; Blueblood will get his karma someday...maybe not today, but someday."


At the local Carousel Baroque, Rarity was showing off some dresses to her friends. Blueblood was looking at some of them.

"Wouldn't this look dashing for the Summer Sun Celebration?" Rarity asks her friends in delight.

"You really outdid yourself Auntie Rarity." Nyx chirps to Rarity happily.

"Why, thank you, Nyx, darling." Rarity said to her adopted niece.

"Yes, thank you." Blueblood remarks while glancing at a suit. "I'm amazed that someone who was a jinx at the GGG would make this stuff."

"Excuse me? What happened at the gala was an accident." Twilight explains to Blueblood with a sigh. "Pinkie's dancing got all out of control; she pounces onto AJ's cake and sending it right onto you and Rarity..."

"And she got me filthy!" Blueblood whined a bit. "I can never get that memory out of my mind!"

"Well, you got Rarity filthy first, you big meanie!" Sweetie shouted angrily.

"Sweetie Belle, calm down." Rarity said with a sigh. Yes, she told Blueblood off and got him dirty back, that's true, but the unicorn calmed down since then. "Blueblood, since you are a visitor, I figure I may give you an outfit free of charge."

"No thanks, I prefer to get my outfits from someone who didn't humiliate me!" Blueblood remarks in annoyance as he left the shop.

"Oooh, if I could just take the skin off of that jerk!" Rarity shouted angrily.

Suddenly, Rarity yelped as she felt her mouth covered by a panicked Pinkie, who said urgently, "No, Rarity, no! You can't act like your counterpart from that one awful fic JusSonic and Toonwriter hate!"

"We still got some left for him to go." Twilight said with a sigh, though Blueblood is really pushing her buttons. It won't take long for something to break.


Blueblood spat out some samples given to him at Sugarcube Corner. Glaring angrily to the nervous Cakes, he snaps, "Are you trying to poison me?! This stuff is worse than that Apple mare tried to push on me!"

"We're sorry." Mrs. Cake apologizes to Blueblood.

"Sorry? Get yourself another job!" Blueblood snaps as he storms out of the shop.

"Why, that meanie..." Pinkie mumbled to herself angrily. "If I wasn't a goodie good mare in reality, I would make cupcakes out of him...but I am, so I won't..."


"And here it is, the most important part of the inspection or tour or whatever." Twilight said as she leads Blueblood into the library.

"Why would you bother staying here? A princess of your status should at least live in a palace instead of here." Blueblood remarks to Twilight, glancing at the library in irritation.

"Because she likes it here, and mother assigned her here as the librarian, thank you very much." Ben said sternly, not liking Blueblood's attitude about the library.

"And here's the most important part: the Elements of Harmony!" Nyx giggles as she shows the Elements to Blueblood that are in a case. "With them, mommy and her friends beat up the bad guys like Nightmare Moon back when Luna and I were bad, Discord when he was bad and some bad guys here and there."

"Without them, Equestria would've come to an end." Fluttershy said with a happy smile.

"You think those necklaces are powerful? Bah!" Blueblood exclaims in annoyance, much to the disgust of the others.

"Hey, those Elements saved everypony's flanks every now and then!" Spike protests to Blueblood in anger. "Why I even used them myself."

"Sure, after your scarhead of a brother almost destroyed us all!" Blueblood scoffs a bit. "Face it, Auntie Celestia should've did the right thing and left your egg to die coldly. Then maybe Lorcan would've left everypony alone!"

This got furious looks on everypony's faces at that along with Spike's and Phobos's.

"Take it back now!" Twilight said angrily to Blueblood.

"No, I won't. In fact, ever noticed that when bad guys attacked, they usually do so right here?" Blueblood ask, ignoring the angry looks. "There's Nightmare Moon and her cult, Discord, Lorcan, Tirek, the tribe rulers and even that monster Grimmore when someone seems to cut off an elf's head and tick him off."

"Those bad guys always had an excuse to attack somepony!" Rainbow protested to Blueblood in irritation.

"Why, if this place didn't exist, no bad guys would have a reason to attack Equestria!" Blueblood remarked.

"They would've attacked Canterlot, Cloudsdale or anyplace else even if Ponyville was gone, did you think of that?!" Phobos asked angrily to Blueblood.

"Sorry, my inspection is done." Blueblood remarks sarcastically while pretending to look at an imaginary watch. "This place is fine, but for now, I shall take my leave. I hope to never see you all until who knows when I care!"

"You're gonna hear from mom for this!" Ben shouted angrily.

"I like to see you try, 'cousin'." Blueblood remarks arrogantly as he leaves.

The ponies and Dragons growled angrily at him after he left.


It was two hours later after Blueblood left to go back to Canterlot. Twilight was going to blow up right now.

"AAAARGH; I CANNOT BELIEVE HIM!" Twilight exclaims anxiously, pacing back and forth in her library. "Blueblood went and insulted everypony in Ponyville, being a jerk and...ARGH! I can't believe he is related to the princess."

"I can't believe it either and he's worse than Diamond Tiara on a good day." Nyx remarks while reading through a book.

"He can't get away with insulting everypony like that. Blueblood needs to be taught a lesson...I know! Spike!"

"Yes, madam," Spike exclaims as he got out the note and quill as usual. "Ready when you are."

Twilight clears her throat and spoke as her baby Dragon/brother/son write down what she's saying, "Dear Princess Celestia, the inspection of Ponyville has been completed but I am not happy. It's because your nephew Prince Blueblood was acting like a jerk, being rude to everypony during the inspection! Let me tell what you did and said in every detail..."

Ben, Nyx, and Phobos listen as Twilight describes everything that Blueblood said and did during his inspection of Ponyville; boy, is the princess not going to be pleased when she hears this report...


Celestia looks concerned as she saw a picture of a tree in her bedroom. Luna came in, noticing while asking, "Sister? Are you all right?"

Celestia sighs as she turns to Luna, "You remember how we found the Elements of Harmony?"

"Yes, I did. When we have the Dragon Clans make sets for us to help us defeat Discord. But..."

"But to repair the light itself, we need a new source of power . King Spykoran told us about the Tree of Harmony which can be found in where the Everfree Forest was made amongst our ruined castle. Granted, sneaking back during the Flutterponies' distractions was a risky move...but we were able to get the Elements and back to make the source of light needed for the new version of the Rainbow of Light."

"So why are you worried?" Luna asks Celestia, arching an eyebrow at her sister's worry.

"I'm concerned if the tree's magic would hold up for so long. It's been decades since I last checked on it." Celestia said in hesitation. "Perhaps I should go back and do so before the Summer Sun Celebration comes. What do you think?"

Luna was about to respond when a familiar puff of smoke came into the room. The Royal Sisters saw it transformed into a scroll which Celestia takes; must be a message from Twilight.

Celestia opens the scroll and reads it. As she does, her face turns to concern to that of an upset nature.

"I take it something happened." Luna said in concern as Celestia puts the scroll away, the upset look is still on her face.

Celestia got up, trotting away as he sisters follow. The white Alicorn said sternly, "It appears our nephew Blueblood went and disrespected the ponies of Ponyville during his inspection. He acted like himself more so than usual."

"That's a surprise? Blueblood was tampered, being snobbish as always. You got to expect that."

"But what he did and said while he was in Ponyville was disrespectful!" Celestia looks out a window , glaring at a tower where her nephew is staying at. "Twilight request that a lesson be taught and it shall."

"What about the Tree of Harmony?" Luna asks Celestia, reminding her of her question. "Do you wish to inspect it?"

"It will have to wait for now. My nephew shall be taught the errors of his way, whatever he likes it or no..."


Blueblood smiles in his sleep as he lies in his bed. Despite his 'unpleasant' time in Ponyville, the rest of his day appears to be better. The pony has a good dinner, some good times with his friends and some good reading of some taxes that he thought up before heading to bed. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting one.

Unknown to Blueblood however, a familiar Alicorn appears, with her horn glows. She mumbles, "This spell shall not be broken until a lesson is taught...and the only one who can help you break it is the pony whose heart you broke the most..."

Celestia cast her spell on Blueblood who didn't stir or even realizing what's going on. The princess nods as she disappears from the room. Her nephew is going to be taught, whatever he likes it or no.