• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 409 Views, 0 Comments

Pony Tails - furryman

A collection of extremely short stories inspired by characters and ideas from MLP.

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Chapter 1

Obscure Joke 1

Twilight’s world suddenly turned pink and she felt the warm tingly sensation of two soft lips pressing against hers. Twilight pulled away and the pinkness resolved into an exuberantly smiling pink pony.

“Pinkie!” Twilight said sighing. “How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not into girls.”

“You can’t tell me you’re not interested. My Pinkie sense is never wrong.” the pink pony pouted.

Twilight realized she need to tell her friend the truth otherwise Pinkie would never leave her alone.

“Fine. The truth is: I am attracted to you.” Twilight said.

“Yay! Let’s fuck!” Pinkie interrupted.

Twilight held up her hand for quiet.

“But I’m not interested in casual sex.”

“It’s so much fun though.” Pinkie objected.

Twilight did a face palm and continued.

“Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I might want more.”

“More?” Pinkie said in a fake cockney accent.

“Yes! I want a real relationship. I want to fall in love, then get married and then have sex.”

“I can do that.” Pinkie said.

“Can you? If we go out I need you to take this seriously. That means no more sleeping around.”

“I’ll do it!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight still wasn’t sure if Pinkie was taking her seriously, but it was a start.


Twilight and Pinkie stood in front of their friends, Twilight was holding a newborn alicorn filly.

“I named her Sparkle Plenty.” Twilight said proudly.


Obscure Joke 2

“Pretty weird huh, the way the two of them got married like that?” Rainbow asked Fluttershy.

“I think it’s wonderful. To be honest with you I was a little worried Twilight would never find somepony special.”

“You don’t think it’s strange? The fact that their both women?” Rainbow asked

“Of course not! They’re both our friends and they love each other that’s all that matters. Frankly I’m a little shocked at your attitude.” Fluttershy said.

She usually wasn’t this bold, but she felt as if she needed to stand up for her friends.

Rainbow held up her hands in surrender.

“I’m sorry ‘Shy. I think I gave you the wrong impression. I think it’s wonderful.”

Flutteshy wilted back to her old shy self.

“Oh… I… I’m sorry I misjudged you, can you forgive me?” the yellow furred Pegasus asked, blushing.

“Of course.” Rainbow said, smiling.

“The reason I brought it up was…” the cyan furred pony hesitated.

Fluttershy could have sworn Rainbow was afraid. That wasn’t possible, was it?

“Fluttershy, we’ve been friends for a long time right?”

“Ever since Flight Academy.” Fluttershy responded

“I can tell you anything and you’ll still be my friend, won’t you?”

“Of course.”

“I… I’m a lesbian.”

A thrill of excitement went through Fluttershy when she heard that.

“I’m glad you told me.” she responded.

“So… is there anypony your attracted to? Somepony special?” Fluttershy held her breath waiting for Rainbow‘s answer.

“I… I love you!” Rainbow blurted out.

“Oh Rainbow!” Fluttershy gushed, hugging the cyan furred pony tightly. “I love you too.”


Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash stood in front of their friends. Fluttershy was holding a newborn Pegasus filly.

“I’d like to introduce you all to our daughter, Rainbow Brite.” Fluttershy announced.



As Fluttershy walked home one home one day she noticed her lover Rainbow Dash talking to some friends. A mischievous notion came to her. The formerly shy Pegasus would have never acted on such a thought. Her relationship with the brash rainbow haired pony had increased her confidence 120 percent though.

Fluttershy walked over to were the beautiful mare was standing. She swept Rainbow Dash up in her arms, bent her over backwards and kissed her passionately. The cyan furred pony’s wing sprang wide in an instant.

Fluttershy whispered softly in Dash’s ear. “I’m not wearing any underwear.”

The yellow pony slowly walked away swaying her generous hips seductively.

When she reached the edge of the field, Fluttershy noticed that Dash was still standing where she’d left her, stunned.

“Coming?” Fluttershy asked huskily.

Rainbow Dash moved so quickly Fluttershy could have sworn she saw her leaving a rainbow colored trail behind.


The Book of Beginnings

Chaos and Harmony decided to create beings who would be able to chose between Them. As their very last joint creation the two of them created Ponies. There were four types of ponies. First they created the Earth, Pegasus and Unicorn tribes. To rule over the three pony tribes they then created a fourth type of pony. A blend of all the races called an Alicorn.

There were two alicorns. These alicorns were like unto gods themselves.


Helios was a yellow furred stallion with glowing red hair. It was so bright you could have sworn it was on fire. Helios opened his eyes and beheld an extraordinarily beautiful mare. The mare was jet black, bright points of lights glittered in her fur as if stars had been set there. She had a transparent blue mane. She had wings and a horn. The word “alicorn” came to his mind and he liked it. He instantly fell in love with her.

“Hello.” she said. “My name is Selene”

“I am Helios.” he replied. “You are very beautiful.”

“Thank you, you are very handsome.”

Looking around Helios spotted two beings standing nearby. One was amorphous, changing shapes constantly. The other was a beautiful snow white female alicorn with a glittering rainbow colored mane. They were both much larger than he.

“Hello my children.” the mare said. “I am Harmony and this is Chaos. We have created you to lead the three pony tribes. Helios, from this day forward you shall be in charge during the day. In addition to ruling you will be in charge of the raising and setting of the sun."

Helios found he liked his role. He bowed low and said. “Thank you O great ones.”

“Selene, you will be in charge of the night. In addition to ruling you will make the moon and stars move.” Harmony continued.

“I shall do as you ask.” Selene replied, curtsying.

Selene too was proud of her new duties.

Harmony nodded in satisfaction and the two elder gods vanished.


Many eons passed, growing tired of their duties Helios and Selene had two daughters, Celestia who would rule the day and Luna who would rule the night.

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