• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 2,561 Views, 75 Comments

Equestria Girls: a Life Cut Short - MetroXLR99

The Mane Six visit Twilight's new boyfriend..only to be in for a serious shock.

  • ...

a Life Cut Short




Responding to the rapid succession of knocks, a woman with Auburn hair opened her door, and was greeted by a group of girls.

"HEY, MRS. COSMOS!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

The woman smiled weakly. "Hi, nice of you all to come."

The girls all entered the house. As the woman closed the door, Twilight Sparkle looked at her.

"So, where's Alex? I got his text to meet him here."

"Me too." said Rainbow Dash.

"I did as well." added Rarity.

Mrs. Cosmos exhaled sharply. "He's...u-up in his room."

"Great!" chirped Applejack.

"We'll go surprise 'em!"

Mrs. Cosmos did her best to smile, but even Fluttershy could tell that she was near tears.

"M-Mrs. Cosmos...?" began the shy girl. "i-is something wrong?"

Mrs. Cosmos quickly wiped her eyes."N-No...Nothing," she stuttered. "J-j-just go see my son."

Now, even Twilight was suspicious, raising an eyebrow at the woman. However, she nevertheless pushed it in the back of her mind and walked off with her friends. Once they left, Mrs. Cosmos finally broke down in tears.

"Something's wrong." said Fluttershy, finally.

"What?" said Rainbow Dash.

"She looked upset." continued Fluttershy.

"Hmm...she DID look rather distant." said Rarity in agreement.

Pinkie gulped.

"You don't suppose...Something BAD has happened to Alex!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Pinkie." said Applejack. "We all done put his rattlesnake of'a Pa in prison, remember? So, there ain't NOTHIN' that can hurt him, anymore."

Rarity grinned. "I heard the sick bastard got the death penalty for what he tried to do."

Twilight showed little emotion at this. "Good, he was a horrible man. The whole world's better off without him."

Rainbow Dash eyed Twilight. "Burr..." began the tomboy. "I've never seen you act so cold before, Twi'."

Twilight cast a glare. "Alex's father was an abusive drunk who beat his wife, and tormented his own son since the day he was born. I'm glad he won't ever hurt Alex again. But, i hate that i didn't save Alex from him sooner."

"Twilight, none of us has ANY idea what he was doing to his own family." began Rarity. "Remember, love: he terrorized Alex and Mrs. Cosmos into silence. It was just luck that we caught him when we did, and put a stop to it."

Twilight exhaled sharply. "I know, but I should've known. The bruises, the burn marks, the bloody nose."

"Hush." said Rarity. "It's all over now. Let us not speak of it, again."

"YEAH." said Rainbow Dash firmly. "Alex's got a bright, brand new future ahead of him, and WE'LL make sure it's the best one ever!" Rarity smirked. "Or, at least Twilight will."

Twilight blushed bright red.

"Aw, don't act so Shy, Twily." began Rainbow Dash. "We all know that's Fluttershy's thing." Fluttershy responded with her usual meek sounds. "And, we all know that you have a thing for Alex." continued the multicolored haired girl.

Twilight continued to blush.

"He...he needed me." said Twilight, finally. "Alex is a sweet boy, and I couldn't let people like his father, or Sunset take advantage of him."

"You sure this isn't just another crush?" asked Rarity

"You know, like what happened with you and Flash Sentry."

Twilight looked at her popular friend. "Yes, Rare. I'm SURE. Flash was just a good friend. With Alex, it's different."

The girls at last reached the door to Alex's room. Twilight was about to knock, but Pinkie beat her to it, knocking rapidly.

"ALEEEEEEEEEX!" exclaimed Pinkie, rather loudly.

"Yoo-Hooooo!! Ollie-Ollie Oxen FREEEEEEE!!!"


The girl paused upon hearing a faint cough from within the room. "Alex??"

(("C-c-come in...")) said a weak sounding voice.

Twilight looked at her friends, then she gripped the doorknob and opened the door. Inside was a boy with auburn hair, who looked to be frantically hiding tissue paper in a waste basket. He then looked at the girls, and smiled weakly. "Hi, everyone...I'm so glad you could make it."

Twilight smiled back at Alex. Pinkie then zipped over to the boy, gripping his hand.

"Oh, we ALWAYS have time for you, 'Lexie'. You're just like One-of-the-Girls, except, you're a BOY, which is 'different.'"

Rainbow Dash took ahold of Pinkie. "Okay, PINK, he gets it."

Twilight approached Alex.

"So, Alex, what was it you wanted to tell us?"

"And, more importantly: why did you wanna tell us all in person, an' not over the phone?" asked Applejack.

Alex glanced away, and then exhaled. "Shut the door and sit down...I'll tell you."

The girls eyed Alex, but they nonetheless heeded his requests. Rarity shut the door behind her, and the rest of the girls all sat on the side of his bed.

"Okay. What's the word?!" said Rainbow Dash, chipper as ever.

Alex sighed as she rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm...I'm not really sure how to say this."

"Oh, just SAY IT! A'm sure it ain't all that bad!!" said Applejack

Alex gulped hard. "Trust me..it IS."

Now the girls looked worried. Twilight then looked at Alex."Alex, what's wrong?"

Alex looked into Twilight's violet eyes, then exhaled again. "I've...b-been feeling sick, lately. Been coughing a lot, my throat is sore, and I'm feeling extremely tired in the mornings." as Alex spoke, he kept looking in another direction, almost as if he was avoiding eye contact with the girls. "I...I went to see a doctor, to find out what was wrong. I had hoped it was just the flu, something that would eventually pass...but-"

Alex paused, his eyes getting moist.

Twilight stared at him, feeling dread eating away at her. "Alex...what are you trying to tell us?!"

Alex looked at his friends, tears escaping his eyes. He finally exhaled, closed his eyes, and spoke the words he dreaded.

"i have cancer."

Twilight turned pale as a ghost, as did Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity.

Pinkie, however, just stared at him with wide eyes. "Of course you mean that: "You ARE a Cancer, as in the Astrology Sign, the Big CRAB. You're NOT talking about CANCER Cancer. You know...the Big Disease with no cure that everyone dies from, right??"

Alex stared silently at Pinkie, a depressed look on his face.

"Oh god..." said Pinkie, turning pale as a ghost.

Twilight finally stood and approach Alex, her eyes staring blankly at him. "Tell me this isn't true..." began Twilight, beginning to lose it. "PLEASE tell me this is a stupid joke!!"

Alex looked away, exhaling. He then handed her a piece of paper.

"i'm sorry." said Alex, silently.

Twilight took the paper and looked at it. It was a note from the Doctor. As the girl read it, her heart sank.

TO: Cosmos, Alexander

FROM: Dr. Craig Faust, MD

SUBJECT: Test Results.

Mister Cosmos, I've gone over your X-Rays and Blood Samples, and it isn't good.

It is my deepest regret to inform you that you have a severe case of Lung Cancer. And, by the looks of it, you've been infected for quite some time.

While I can surgically remove the tumor, it is already too late. The cancer has spread at an alarming rate, and I doubt even Radiation or Chemo will do any good.

Enclosed with this report is a local Cancer Center that you can attend. At the very least, they can slow the rate of the infection..buy you more time. But, i'm afraid it's now terminal. If I had to make an educated guess, I'd give you a few months, maybe more.

Use the time you have left WISELY.

I am sorry.

---Doctor Craig Faust, MD

Twilight crumpled the letter, and began to cry. The others were deathly silent as Alex faced Twilight.

"T-Twilight, i-"

Twilight suddenly slapped Alex. She then cried with intensity, and embraced him tightly, crying in his chest.

Rarity mustered the courage to walk over and pick up the crumpled letter that Twilight dropped. The others gathered near her, and they all read its contents.

One by one, tears formed in their eyes. Fluttershy whined in her throat, trying her best not to cry, and tears were already streaming down Rarity's cheek. Applejack pulled her hat down, hiding her face. Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie just stood there, silent as the grave.

"How...?" choked Twilight, still sobbing. She looked at Alex, her tears streaming. "HOW CAN YOU HAVE LUNG CANCER?! You've NEVER smoked a cigarette a single day in your life!!"

Alex frowned. "No, but I breathed plenty of smoke in all my lifetime." he began. "Aside from being a drunk, my dad was also a constant smoker. He smoked so much, I used to have coughing fits as a baby." He looked down, sighing sadly. "Dad said he'd "get me" as he was taken to prison, said that somehow, someway: he'd make me PAY."

A tear formed in Alex's eye. "Looks like he got me, afterall."

Rainbow Dash kicked something in response to this, then muttered something that no lady should ever repeat.

Twilight then began to panic. "There...there has to be SOMETHING we can do!!"

"Twilight," began Rarity, softly. "The letter says it's term-"

"I DON'T CARE!!!" shouted Twilight, angrily. "There HAS to be something I can do, ANYTHING!!"


Twilight continued to rant and rave in an explosion of emotions. "I LOVE ALEX! I can't lose Alex...NOT HIM!! Not when i've finally found happiness..." She was now shouting. "HE WON'T TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!! I won't let HIM!!"

"Twilight, PLEASE!" began Alex. "Caa-" He was cut off by a fit of wheezing and hacking coughs that wracked his entire body. "Please...c-calm do-" Alex fell to his knees, coughing harshly.

"ALEX!!" shrieked Twilight

Twilight and the girls ran over to him. They were all confused and scared, and could do nothing but watch as their friend suffered. Twilight's stomach turned as Alex coughed up large quantities of blood. Rainbow Dash, who was always the toughest of the girls, and could handle almost anything, had to cover her mouth to barely resist the urge to vomit right there.

Alex finally stopped himself and rose his head up. Blood was seeping from his mouth, and dripping like drool. His body shook, and he groaned painfully. He was clearly feeling weak from his episode. Alex looked..and, saw the tears in each of the girls eyes. He then groaned, lowering his head, feeling shame and regret.

"i'm sorry." groaned Alex, his voice weak. "i..." He managed to clear his throat. "i sh-shouldn't of..t-told you."

Twilight dropped down, and embraced Alex tightly. Fluttershy also knelt down, touching him affectionately. Rarity did the same, then Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and finally Pinkie Pie.

"We'll get through this, Alex.." said Twilight, her voice soothing. "We promise."

Alex shivered. "I'm scared."

"That's okay.." began Fluttershy. "We're scared, too."

Rainbow Dash gulped hard. "Yeah, we ALL are."

Pinkie tried to put on her best smile. "Hey..don't lose hope. So what if nobody's been able to cure cancer, yet. Maybe THIS'LL be the day they finally do it!! And you'll be okay, and everything will be normal, again."

Alex glanced at the cotton candy-haired girl.

"You...you really think there's hope for me??"

Pinkie fell silent..the others soon looked at her. The ditzy girl finally got serious, and exhaled sharply. Better than giving up, and letting you die. We wouldn't be good friends if you did that."

Alex smiled weakly, which made Pinkie smile, herself.

Rainbow Dash then looked at Alex, her voice choking up. "But, just in case things don't go our way. we'll...we'll make sure you're..." Her voice broke completely. "l-last days...are the BEST." Rainbow dash wiped her tears away, feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah. In fact, I know EXACTLY what you can do!" said Applejack.

Alex looked at the country girl. "What?"

"Make yer'self a Bucket List."

Now everyone was staring at Applejack.

"And just what pray tell is a "Bucket List??" asked Rarity.

"Somethin' mah Grandma made fer' herself awhile back," began Applejack. "It's where ya make a list of all th' things you wanna do before you die. Like, oh' say...flyin' a supersonic jet plane, or wrestlin' a grizzly bear."

Alex's face turned pale, (or "Pale-er" in his case.) "i..." He gulped. "I w-won't have to do THAT kinda stuff, will I??"

"Not unless ya' WANT to." replied Applejack.

"No, YOUR List can be of all the things you've always wanted ta' do." Twilight finally released Alex as he thought for a bit.

"What k-kind of things??" said Alex, thinking out loud.

"Well..." began Applejack, thinking. "If today was yer 'last day', what would YOU wanna do with th' time you had left?"

Twilight took out a napkin and began to tenderly wipe the blood from Alex's mouth.

"i..I'm not sure." replied Alex. "I've never thought that much about what I wanted to do with my life."

Applejack smiled weakly. "Take all th' time ya' need, sugar. You ain't licked YET."

Twilight stifled a sob, trying her best to keep calm. She leaned over, and gave Alex a quick kiss on his lips. The lavender haired girl then cupped his face, looking at him. "Everything will be alright, Alex," began Twilight. "We'll make it through this, i promise." Twilight looked into Alex eyes, then cried some more."I love you, baby." said Twilight, embracing him again and sobbing. "I love you so much!!"

Fluttershy shed a tear, feeling her sensitive heart ache at this.

Rainbow Dash just narrowed her eyes, scowling. "Damn him.." she muttered darkly. Everyone knew that she was referring to Alex's father. "I hope that bastard is burning in hell for this."

"Don't think that way, Dashie." said Fluttershy. "Anger and Bitterness won't solve anything."

"Then WHAT WILL!!?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, raising her voice. Fluttershy began to tear up. "Oh, Fluttershy, I'm so sorry." said Rainbow Dash, regretting her anger.

Rarity faced Alex. "Alexander, dear...do you need anything??"

Alex exhaled sharply. "Well, I'm feeling really tired. I-If it's not too much trouble, can you-"

"Of course."

With that, the girls all helped Alex up, and gently guided him over to his bed. Pinkie fluffed his pillow while Rainbow Dash pulled the covers over him.

Twilight looked at Alex. "Do you need anything else, Alex??"

Alex made a harsh sound with his throat. "M-my throat is killing me, " groaned Alex, his voice raspy and dry. "Ugh...I could use some...hot chocolate."

"Of course, sweetie." said Rarity, kindly. "I'll get it for you." Rarity turned and left the room The remaining five girls then looked at him.

Alex coughed again, making a terrible phlegm-induced sound. He peered at them all with tired, bloodshot eyes. "i'm...I'm sorry you had to find out this way. The last thing i wanted was to upset you all."

Twilight smiled weakly. "Don't worry about it," she began. "We're g-glad you told us. It gives us..." she stifled a sob. "...more time."

Alex breathed heavily, his face beginning to sweat. Applejack then took out a rag from her pants pocket, and gently wiped his scalp.

"i'm afraid I AM going to die.." began Alex, weakly.

"PLEASE, Alex: Don't talk like that." said Twilight.

"We'll find a-"

"When dad was taken away, I remember feeling so FREE." continued Alex. "Like all my suffering...and torment...was finally OVER. And, that I had a bright future ahead of me. At least, that's what my Mom always told me. Alex coughed again, each cough sounding worse and worse. The girls looked at him intently, each feeling their hearts ache - Twilight most of all. "But, now? Now my future feels so bleak...so GRAY. It's like I lived only to suffer, and I'm forbidden to know any happiness."

The five girls just stared at Alex, none dared to say a word.

"The only good thing that happened in my life was you girls." continued Alex, still weak.

"You're...you're more than friends to me; you're all like..FAMILY." Alex then looked at the girls. And, if I am to die, then I want ALL of you to be there, when my time comes."

Twilight shut her eyes tight, tears streaming down her cheek. This was all too much for her to handle.

Applejack then knelt down to Alex. "We will, Alex. We promise." said the blonde girl softly. "no matter what happens, no matter what we're doin', we'll ALL be there fer' you when yer' time comes." Applejack then touched his face gently. "And NONE of us will ever forget you." Alex smiled weakly at her.

At that moment, Rarity returned with a steaming mug. "Here you go, love. One cup of hot chocolate, fresh from your Mum." Alex scooted up, making his body level. "Open up..." Rarity helped Alex with his drink. He groaned as he tried to swallow, clearly having difficulty.

Alex cleared his throat. "Thanks, I needed that."

Rarity smiled weakly. "Do you need anything else?" asked the wavy haired girl.

"No, not tonight." said Alex. "You can all go home if you want."

The girls each looked at one another, and each knew EXACTLY what the other was thinking. "We're not sure if we can do that." said Rainbow Dash.

"You don't have to stay. Mom can take care of me."

"We WANT to stay." said Applejack.

Fluttershy nodded. "It wouldn't feel right for us to leave you."

Rarity narrowed her eyes, then drew out her phone. "I'm calling my parents."

Rainbow Dash took out her phone. "So am I."

Before long, each of the girls were on their phones, no doubt calling for permission to spend the night at Alex's home. As they did, Twilight leaned over to Alex, bringing her face nearer to his own. "I have a question to ask you, one that can't wait, not anymore." whispered Twilight.

"What?" asked Alex, softly.

Twilight paused, swallowing hard. She then looked into Alex eyes, tears in her own. "Alexander cosmos...will you marry me?"

Alex widened his eyes in shock. "But...but, Twilight, we're only sixteen!!"

"You don't have a lot of time left, and I'll take whatever time you DO have. Now...I'll ask again: will you marry me??"

Alex looked into Twilight's eyes, then took her hand. "Yes..yes, is will." said Alex, a smile on his face. You're the only girl i'd want to spend the rest of my life with."

Twilight smiled as she held his hand tight. "And I'll make your life wonderful, to the very last moment."

With that, Twilight leaned down and kissed Alex softly on his lips. Alex kissed her back, tears streaming down both their eyes, for they knew they didn't have a lot of time left to be together.

[Meanwhile, In an Unknown Location]

Deep within a dark, shadowed chamber, a cloaked figure watched with attentive eyes as Twilight Sparkle and Alex Cosmos kissed. The pale-skinned figure gripped his time piece scepter, and pressed the button atop it, making varied images appear on the display.

He stopped at one final image: of Twilight sobbing as she held Alex's lifeless body.

The figure narrowed his ruby red eyes.

"His future is SEALED."

Author's Note:

This was my very first attempt at doing 'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic' fiction
(and, it had nothing to do with "Magic Horses"..just "Magic Girls")

it's actually an Alternate Version of "The Equestria Girls" (MLP Humanized)
and, pretty much a 'first draft' of a scene from my multi-chapter story: Equestria Girls: Beyond Life and Death.

This short fic is pretty much a tearjerker.

implying a romance between Twilight Sparkle and an OC (as well as a strong friendship shared with the other "Mane Cast")
with a pretty rough life who is sadly dying of Lung Cancer.

for autheticity, I went and did research on the Lung Cancer disease.
from it's primary cause (breathing tobacco smoke), to it's known symptoms.

and, this is hardly a product of fantasy: Cancer is a very real,
and very SERIOUS epidemic, and can strike those at any age group (ex: My brother perished of Cancer at the age of "19")

the tragic/dramatic content is based on what could really happen if a loved one is stricken with such a fatal disease..

and, gave me a chance to experiment with the many varied emotions of the MLP Characters.
show how each reacted differently, and show how they attempt to cope
(for instance, Rainbow Dash copes with aggression and toughness, while Pinkie Pie tries to deal with the situation with her usual lighthearted goofyness)

Applejack's mention of a Bucket List is also a real thing (mostly done by the elderly who aren't content with dying peacefully)
which is best known from the film "The Bucket List", starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.

the cancer drama is also part of my Danny Phantom crossover.
in which I wanted Alex to have Ghost powers, and just decided to have him become a ghost naturally.

so, His death doesn't exactly spell: The END of him (to quote a phrase: "Death is only the Beginning..")

and, yes: Clockwork, the Guardian of Time does INDEED make a cameo appearance at the end of this.

sort of cryptically hinting at things to come.

Comments ( 75 )

:pinkiegasp: That last guy...

I am guessing the last figure was Death, the fate of Alex could have been worse; Don't get me wrong Cancer is one of the worse fates of passing into the next life with your body painfully and slowly dying but trust me when I say this that there are worse tragedies of death than being terminal ill with Lung Cancer (And God forbid you will say you have no idea what if feels like but unfortunately I do, my grandparents died because of this terrible disease and later when I was the age of 10 it claimed my father in the form of Colorectal Cancer)

Actually, the character at the end is him: http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121025173003/dp_/images/4/43/Clockwork_adult.jpg
BUT, "Death" works closely with him, so you could be right in the technical sense.

4107069 Darn still missed it, but on the other hand he could have suffered a worse fate; If I remember correctly in the final stages of World War II the Soviets were infamous in their brutality against German POWs and civilians in captured portions of what was once the high point of pure evil

True, but the pain I am referring to isn't so much focused on Alex.
but, more have how his gradual death is affecting Twilight and the others.

to quote Peter Fonda from a particular movie..

"The thing about Cancer is the time it takes..the toll on the loved ones.
plans that have to be changed..lives altered."

While I agree Alex could have suffered a worse fate..
the one I chose is bad enough for The Mane Six from their perspective.

4107122 Very true but all I could say is...you did a good story and you my good sir deserve a pat on the back :moustache:

Glad to hear it.

I just hope I can get the extended story that this is based on accepted.
as I have TWO versions of the same story: One is an Equestria Girls Version, and another is a Pony Version.

I am unsure where the FIMFiction rules stand on such AU's.
but, I am happy that you find the core concept featured in this oneshot to be likeable.

So, you have my appreciation.

4107194 Well whatever happens you have my support to the very end.

Least I have more freedom on my DevianART and FF.net webpages
(links that I have supplied on my FIMFiction user page)

the majority of my fan base is there, anyhow:pinkiehappy:

Again, Thank You for your support:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Stiggerzz deleted Mar 22nd, 2014
Comment posted by Pirate Jesus deleted Mar 22nd, 2014
Comment posted by Scootareader deleted Mar 22nd, 2014
Comment posted by The Gardenhead deleted Mar 22nd, 2014

I tried that once with 'Death & Rebirth'..and, my submission was rejected
on the grounds that it's format was akin to "Poetry", and failed to meet moderation.

So, apparently I can't really write my fictions like I write comments.

Comment posted by MetroXLR99 deleted Mar 26th, 2014
Comment posted by MetroXLR99 deleted Mar 22nd, 2014
Comment posted by Stiggerzz deleted Mar 22nd, 2014

Be that as it may, there is no need to be rude.
I believe critics should be Constructive, not cruel.

Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted Mar 22nd, 2014

The proper way of saying it is: "Your Grammar could use some improving"
to say "Your Grammar is atrocious" IS rude.

YOU learn the difference.

I don't write reviews to hate on stories. I write reviews so that authors can see the errors to patch up in this story.

Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted Mar 22nd, 2014
Comment posted by MetroXLR99 deleted Mar 22nd, 2014

Because I am a good storyteller, despite my flawed grammar skills (my scores of fans on DA is proof of that)

It's not my fault I expect a little Politeness in critiques.

You realize I haven't posted-or written- the review yet, right?

Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted Mar 22nd, 2014
Comment posted by MetroXLR99 deleted Mar 22nd, 2014

oh, you mean the website that has up to 25 million members,
is the rated the 13th largest social network, AND where Lauren Faust herself has an account??

yeah..That's right: So bad, it's Good.

Yeah? Well forget it now. I'm not going to waste my time on someone who obviously wouldn't respect my opinion anyways. And to think I actually had some positive things about this story.

Comment posted by MetroXLR99 deleted Mar 22nd, 2014
Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted Mar 22nd, 2014

More popular that THIS site, apparently.

gee..I wonder why that is?
could it be that this site is Stuck-Up, Picky, Snobbish, Rude, ect.

I think we should just stop talking.

You realize I am not everyone else, right?

And I have tried my best to be civil. All I wanted to do was help you by showing you what needs work. Part of it may even be that I sympathized with your loss. But now? After you have purposefully started three arguments on different pages, refused to take the olive branches I've extended to you, and personally insulted my character on my own blog? I would rather have nothing to do with you.

I hope you continue to get hate. It's obvious you can't just let someone read and comment on your work maturely.

alright..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to explode on you.

I'm just frustrated.

But why frustrated with me? That's what I don't understand. All I said was I wanted to write a review on your story, and no offense to movie master, but it would likely have been much less railing against this fic. Why would you blow up on the person who was willing to give you and your story a fair shake?

I jumped to the wrong conclusion..on how my fictions ended up on those two groups

and, was acting out from what others have said.

I apologize for it..sorry.

I forgive you, man. Honestly, I probably should have been a bit less confrontational with my counter arguments and explained my intentions better.

I was a bit confused at your intent..but, I forgive you.

"Water over the bridge", and such.

apparently I do.

the best I have done is post a blog requesting editors.

Hopefully, I'll get a response.


I just saw this in my feed, and I was curious about it. Then I saw the like/dislike bar, and, as I always do when I see a large number of dislikes compared to the likes, I went down to the comments to find out what happened. I read most of the argument, and while I don't know what happened elsewhere, I would just like to publicly commend you both for ending the argument in a peaceful, mature way. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. (No, I'm not being sarcastic.)

I am told the main problem with my stories thus far is Grammar and Format (which I am doing my best on)

as for the "arguments", I don't really like to argue.
I got involved in order to explain myself, but some people just don't listen.

Thankfully, I gained at least ONE friend from the whole issue.
we may got off to a rocky start, but I think NOW we are pals.

I always try to be civil and polite: "You catch bees better with Honey, than with Vinegar." I always say,

What else were we to do? Resort to a fist fight? What are we? Americans? :ajsmug: (Joking, of course. I am American.)


I've seen most other arguments devolve into little more than name-caling and unfounded insults. It's just nice to see that there are still people capable of rational thought on the internet.

More people need to understand this on this site. Like, when someone trashes a movie, that's funny, because it took however million dollars it took to pay the actors, writers, and special effects and shoot the footage and it STILL came out bad. But when you're a single writer doing things all by yourself, there's a lot less people involved to check your work.

That said, there are a few things I'd like to say

1) Ignore the Plan 9 guys.


Cancer is a killer..far worse than Guns, Knives and Poison.

and, Twilight Sparkle will sadly learn just how devastating it can be..when the one she loves the most finds his life being Cut Short.

"Guns, "Knives" and "Poison" should not be capitalized. 'Cause they're not names or proper nouns, see?
There should either be no "and" OR there should be a comma the end of "poison" and no comma before the "and Twilight Sparkle" - you put a comma after the "and" if you're listing items in a series, and you're not doing that here. Also, your ".." have two periods: they should have three.

If you make these changes, it should look like this instead:

Cancer is a killer . . . far worse than guns, knives and poison, and Twilight Sparkle will sadly learn just how devastating it can be . . . when the one she loves the most finds his life being cut short.

Hope this helps!

4116096 Good for you, don't suppose you be free to help you out, in return for my services when you need proofreaders?

Not to offend, but I'm confused by the sentence as to what your asking. Again, I don't mean offense, it's just that it's late, I'm tired and starving, and was confused by the wording of your sentence. Sorry. :twilightblush:

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