• Published 19th Mar 2014
  • 344 Views, 3 Comments

Twisted Fates - Halopony3

As Star Swirl sacrifices the lives of his five counsel brothers he summons an oracle to deliver him a seventh element of harmony. which leads to an aggravating discussion forcing State Swirl to sign his live away for the protection of equestria.

  • ...

The Summoning

“I say again…are you sure about this?” A large and tall figure surrounded with a dark mist asked in a loud echoing voice that filled the room with whispers. A gray pony with a long flowing beard that twirled at the end responded.

“For the second time Oracle…YES! I’ve already agreed to your terms. My students Celestia and Luna won’t be able to defeat him without the seventh element, That you need to provide to me.” The Oracle’s dark red eyes stared deeply at the gray pony and questioned him.

“You don’t think they can defeat him without it, aren’t they strong enough for this task?
Do you not believe in your student’s ability and strength on defeating him?”

“No…I mean I…I do. I’ve, taught them all I know, there power is strong and their determination to learn new spells that they’ve never heard of before, its astonishing,also there love for each other is also a key part of this all. But just that isn’t enough for this. That’s why we’ve spent two years searching for those elements of harmony. But their power is unstable that’s why we need the seventh element…it'll acts as a stabilizer and controls the energy that they release.

“Then what’s the problem,” The Oracle asked. “Why not just find this last element like you did thee others?”


“Don’t you raise your voice at me!” The Oracle demanded in a demonic voice as his pony form rose high off the ground and the black mist that surrounded him turned into a dark blood red cooler the Oracle changed its form and grow into a demonic creature that had razor sharp teeth and claws. “You're nothing but a lower being compared to me, I can make your existing life a living hell if I so wished to!” The gray pony fell back curled into a ball with his front hooves over his head.

“I…I apologise, I spoke out of turn please forgive me.” The gray pony said in a studier as he started to force himself back up on his hooves.

“An apology?” The Oracle question in a calm collected voice as he returned to his previous form. “Don’t make me laugh, apologies are just words, I require, something more, something like, another sacrifice.” The Oracle demanded with a twisted look on his face.

The gray pony was shocked and started stuttering. “Another sacrifice.”

“Yes, is there a problem with that?” The Oracle asked.

“Bu...but I already offered you five sacrifices.” The gray pony said.

“You're council members did please me, but after that outburst I don't think it’s enough now.”

“They sacrificed their lives just to summon you here, and you're telling me that you want more.”

“It’s not much, just one more.” the Oracle said with the flick of his tongue.”

“Just one?”


The Gray pony sighed. “Fine but I need time to find another who is willing to risk themselves for the fate of Equestria.”

The Oracle started chuckling and then began laughing maniacally. “Don’t you worry about that I’ve already found someone who would do well.”

The gray pony was raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Very well who do you have in mind?”

The Oracle grinned. “The soul of your old apprentice, Clover the Clever.”

The Gray ponies heart sank and began breathing heavily. “Sorry wh...who do you want?”

“You heard me.”

“You want her” The gray bearded pony stuttered, “...why would you pick her?”

The Oracle grind. ”The soul of a powerful unicorn like that shouldn’t be sleeping in the ground for all eternity, it should be embraced and it should also provide a good meal for anyone, a meal that could last for years to come.”

“By anyone...you mean your self right?” The gray pony replied in discuss.

“You better watch your tone wouldn't another life to be lost now would we, Now do we have a deal.”

The gray pony looked at the Oracle with discuss.”NO!”

“Excuse me.” The Oracle immediately responded.

“I will not give you her soul.”

“How dare you defy me you insolent scum.” The Oracle lashed out.

Star Swirl stared at the Oracle menacingly. “You should let your summoners finish before you come to the conclusion that they won't give you what you want. I will not grant you Clovers soul, but I think I can give you something better.”

“Like what.” The Oracle asked.

“I could offer you the one this you could only reach in your dreams.”

“You're making me impatient Star Swirl, spill it out.”

“If you can perform the task I asked for then I will give you my soul.”

The Oracle stared at Star Swirl and began chuckling, then it led up to maniacal laugh. Star swirl stared at him with silence. “Well Star Swirl, I would of never thought you would risk that.”

“Do you want it or not.”

The Oracle quickly wrapped himself around Star Swirls body and slowly licked his cheek.
“Oh most definitely, like I always say souls always taste better when they have the blood of others stained on them.”

“Enough!” Star Swirl demanded. As the Oracle chuckled himself back across from him. Star Swirl looked down at the ground and back at the Oracle. “Now to insure that we have no confusion on what comes first.” Star Swirl explained as he used his magic to conjure up a saddlebag. “let’s make a contract to insure you stay loyal to your word on getting me that element. He said as he shuffled through the bag to find a scroll and a quill. “Then after all evil that comes with it is eliminated is defeated, then you may have my soul.”

“A contract?” The Oracle asked in confusion. He spoke in a shocked tone. “Come now Star Swirl you act as I wouldn’t be worthy to my word.”

Star Swirl slowly levitated a scroll with a red ribbon holding it together and a white feathered quill out of the saddlebag and looked at it for a bit thinking of what the Oracle had just said, then he tightened the magic pressure on the scroll. “Your an Oracle therefore you’re part demon and demons would do anything for power.” He said as he untied the ribbon from the scroll. “And what are demons the best at, lying. So if you want my soul forming a contract will be the easiest way to do it; don't you think?”

The Oracle stood there quieter than a mouse and stared deeply into Star Swirls soul know he couldn't drive himself to refuse his offer. Then he forced a slow but maniacal laugh. “Very well Star Swirl,” He said as he slowly stopped laughing. “What are your terms.”

Star Swirl took the scroll and the quill and began writing his term. He looked down at the ground and back at the Oracle. “Here.” He said as he passed the scroll to the Oracle.

“So what? You want me to sign this?” The Oracle said, showing false apposition.

“That would be very appreciated,” Star Swirl responded. “And sign it with your real name if you don't you won't be able to at least think about my soul I made that clear in the contract.”

The Oracle chuckled.”You made things really clear in this didn't you.” He said dragging a black claw across the fine print.

“Its my soul where talking about here, so I have to take extreme precautions that you don't take it without fulfilling your part of the deal.”

“There your contract has been signed.” He said as he past the scroll back over to Star Swirls clutches.

Star Swirl read the signature and chuckled. “Um...your last name is SunShine.”

“Shut up,” The Oracle demanded in a embarrass tone. “Look you wanted my real name and there it is, now quit complaining.”

“Oh im not complaining,” Star Swirl admitted with a grin. “Its just an all and powerful being like yourself has SunShine for a last name.”

“See this is why I don't use my real name.” The Oracle wined.

“What ever, the contract has been signed and now we can proceed on making Equestria a better place.” He said as he tucked the Scroll back into his saddlebag.

“Well then I shall be on my way then.” The Oracle said as the clouds of black smoke started to darken masking him from Star Swirl.

“Wait,” Star Swirl demanded. “What of the element?”

The Oracle laughed as the smoke began to spin around him like a tornado. “Don't worry about that, I'll deliver your element on the big day.”

“That wasn't part of the deal!” Star Swirl shouted.

“Not to worry.” The Oracle Replied with confidence. “I just need time to find it myself.”

“What you can't just conjure it up?”

“Patience Star Swirl I’ll get it to you. Just focus on your students, won't want them to be unprepared for what lies at stake later on, now would you.”

Star Swirled Stared at the Oracle as he vanished away. “You best not be trying to swindle me.” He warned.

“Good bye Star Swirl.” Said the Oracle as he vanished taking the darkness that shadowed the room and revealing a summoning circle drawn out in salt and five silhouette that scraped the floor and walls.

Star Swirls looked at the ground and shoot his eyes tight. “Forgive me brothers, Lets hope your sacrifice and mine won't be in vain.”

“Star Swirl!” Called out a kind and gentle voice from outside the room, bringing him back from his depressed state. “Star Swirl, we're here for more training.”

Star Swirl grind and levitated a wooden pipe and a hat that sat on a table behind him. “Coming Celestia, lets hope you can master this spell as fast as your sister did.” He joked as he opened the door looked back one last time. “Three more weeks.” He thought and left the room, locking the door behind him.

A bone chilling wind blew over the icy mountain tundra so strongly that it nearly skinned the faces of the two men who thought to themselves on how much time was still left in their shift. The two men wore thin thermal jackets that could withstand negative temperatures below 0°. They also wore visors over their eyes and masks that covered their mouth and nose for protection against the constantly changing negative temperatures. Both men had different designs on their mask. One of the men had the image of three brass cogs he raised his wrist and popped out a holographic projection on the time, temperature and date. The watch showed the time was 13:50 and the temperature was in the clear negatives of -410° and the date was January 15, 4418. The man lowered his wrist and sat down next to another man which was repeatedly throwing a military brand combat knife at the ground. His mask had words that spelled out Arcen.

The man with the Arcen mask turned his head to look at the other man “Yeah.” he asked

“How much longer till we head on inside?” The other man with the cogs wined.

“About an hour or so.” He answered grudging at how long that seemed.

“Well that's good.” The man with the cogs said sarcastically.

“Why is that so good, you're still gonna have to clean up the mess you made in the science lab.”

“Yeah I know, but there’s something wrong out here.” The man with the cogs said as he started to stare off into the distance towards the mountain.

“Henry.” The man with the Arcen mask called out trying to get his attention.

Regaining focus Henry shook his head and saw the other man picking up his weapon off the ground. “Rick what are you doing?” He asked

“I saw movement, up ahead behind those trees.” Rick answered as he moved one foot over the other getting closer to his suspicions

Henry picked up his weapon and start following Rick leaving up to five feet apart from each other

“Do you think its Colonists?” Henry ask in a frightened tone.

“No, it moved too fast for a Colonist plus it was too big.” Rick said looking down the holographic sight of his weapon.

“Well did you at least see what it looked like?” Henry asked.

“Well it kinda looked like a horse. With a horn or some crazy shit popping out of it’s head.” Rick said.

“You mean like a unicorn?” Henry said as he stopped dead in his tracks and lowered his weapon.

“No let me finish.” Rick asked.

“Fine go on with your fairy tail.” Henry said as he made quotation marks with his fingers.

“Its not a fairytale, but it also looked like a shadow, with red eyes, you know, the only type of eyes you see on Shadow Dwellers.”

Henrys neck hairs stood up. “Don't you be fucking with me man, you know how serious this would be if that man was around here.

“We need to keep scouting the area.” Rick ordered with a fright in his voice.

“What.” Henry panicked. “You just told me the most wanted man in the Senate might be out here and now you want me to scout ahead with you. You are out of you mind. Why don't I just get the coms up and let the Senate know that Mason might have just possibly been spotted in the artec planes.

“Because they’re gonna tell you the same thing I just said. Scout ahead and if you have an idea on Mason then we will call in for back up.”

“Fuck man, Fuck the Senate. I fucking hate it when you're right.” Henry said as he stomped the ground, kicking up the snow.

“So you with me or do I have to do this on my own.” Rick asked his partner.

“Fine. But you’re taking point.” Henry said, as he lifted his weapon.

“I wouldn't have it any other way.”

They both kept moving towards the snow topped forest. “Alright turn on your tracker.” Rick command.

“Got it.” Henry responded. They both entered the forest and began picking up movement from a variety of animals, but not the one Rick locked onto with his visor earlier. Rick stopped and began to looking around slowly.

“Anything.” Henry whispered. The visor scanned the area, sending a blue line through the trees, and then the line came back with a ping. Henry cleared his throat multiple times to gain Rick’s attention. Rick shushed him and continued looking. Then out of a tree, the shadow horse began running towards the them letting out a growl.

“Get down!” Rick yelled as he pulled Henry to the ground landing on top of him.

“Shit!” Henry yelled. “It ran past us.”

“Quick get up we need to identify it!” Rick said as he shot up to his feet.

They began running through the terrain of the forest avoiding tripping on any timbered trees or falling into any ditches. “Come on! Keep up we can't lose it!” Rick yelled out.

“I'm going as fast as i can go.” Henry yelled back already running short of breath.

They were both behind the shadow horse and in a blink of an eye it wisped away leaving behind clouds of black smoke that slowly faded away. A blinking red light went off in Rick’s viser warning him of a cliff dead ahead. “Shit!” Rick yelled out as he threw himself on the ground as did Henry. When Rick looked up he noticed they were nearly five inches away from falling off a 15,000 foot cliff. Rick struggled to force himself up and began looking around in a crouched position trying to find the shadow horse, but there was no sign of it. Henry turned himself over and sat on the side of a tree.

“Tell me again, how I survived the academy?” Henry joked as he gasped for air.

“Dammit!” Rick yelled aggravated “We lost it, how do we lose something like that?”

“Maybe it fell off the cliff?” Henry suggested.

Rick pulled out a handgun that hung on his utility belt and pointed it at the tree that Henry laid on.

“Whoa! point that somewhere else.” Henry said in a panic.

“Don't worry I'm not going to shoot you, now move.” Henry quickly moved out of the way as Rick pulled the trigger and shot a larger bullet that was attached to a cable line. The bullet stuck to the tree and a green light went off and deployed three spokes for a better grip to the tree. Rick detached the cable from the gun and attached it to his belt and holstered the pistol back.

“What are you doing?” Henry questioned.

“You may be right, it might of fallen off the cliff.” Rick answered. “But I still need to check.” As Rick slowly walked to the edge of the cliff he began feeling the ground fall apart beneath him. He hoped that the ground would hold for a little longer and began questioning his of decent.
“Shit.” He said through his teeth as he grinded them. When he reached the edge of the cliff he took a deep breath and looked down, his vision began blinking red and alert him of his altitude sickness.
“Oh, shit.” He whispered as his heart sank in his stomach.

“Hey do you see anything?” Henry asked.

“N..N..No just a lot of.” He paused as his vision began alerting of something new something more important than his imminent death. Rick looked up and his vision began marking red dots. The viser alerted Rick that the dots were 568 miles away from his position.
“No… it, can't be.” Questioning reality Rick began to push the zoom enhancement button on his visor. As he enhanced his vision the dots began to get bigger and also began to spread out as it continued to pick up more targets. “Oh no.”

“What do you see?” Henry asked.

“There’s Colonists on the Arctic Front.” Rick answered with fright in his voice.

“What? Colonists here? You better not be fucking with me.”

Rick ignored Henry’s comment. “Get the Senate on the line, and tell them we’ve identified Colonist activity in the Arctic.” He froze as his visor picked up one more target. But this one wasn't red, it was a bright yellow triangle. He zoomed in more getting a visual on the target. A white male with slick black hair and and a black trench coat that swayed in the wind of the cold arctic. Ricks visor identified him as Mason Black. Rick panicked and rushed back to solid ground as he detached himself from the rope.

“Rick!” Henry shouted as he grabbed on to Ricks waste.

“We need to get out of here!” Rick shouted as he fell to the ground and struggled to get free from Henry's grip.

Henry repeatedly called Ricks name as he tried to calm him down and get a straight answer from him. ¨Hey! Get ahold of yourself!” Rick ignored Henry’s request and started punching and kicking. Henry punched Rick straight in his stomach, forcing all the air out of him. Rick coughed and gagged, at attempt to replenish his lungs with air. Henry lifted Rick up and demanded him to tell him what he saw.

Rick answered with a cough and studer. “I've identified Mason Black.” Rick said gasping for air.
Henrys stomach dropped. “Shit, we need to inform the Senate, come on get up.” He said as he forced Rick on his feet and carried him on his shoulders.
As they walked out of the woods and back to the crates that they were sitting on earlier, Henry sat Rick down and began to open the crates looking for a signal boost to warn the Senate of the events and sacrifices that were about the be executed.

Author's Note:

This is my first fanfic and I would really appreciate it if you could give me some criticism and tell me what you liked or didn't like about it and give me some pointers of what I can improve on thanks.

Comments ( 3 )

Still needs a lot of work friend. But overall not too bad. Your dialogue seems a bit too simple and there are still quite a few spelling errors. Grammar needs more attention as well as use of words. This is just my personal preference but the way you had the seriousness of the beginning conversation between Star Swirl and The Oracle was great, but ruined at some of the jokes added into it :applejackunsure:. Just watch what you add, sometimes there are things you don't need to put down. Just keep up the practice and you will get there! :pinkiehappy:

I really think that people need to move past the fact of there being grammar errors. Seriously, if you can understand it, then it shouldnt be docked for that. This story, has a good plot behind it.

I have now found TWO "7th element" fics within ONE page of each other on the "Recently Approved Stories" pages.

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