• Published 21st Mar 2014
  • 952 Views, 9 Comments

Pokémon CrimsonRed and CobaltBlue - Golden Flare

An MLP:FiM x Pokemon crossover. Two stallions shall begin their Pokemon journey, to try and become the very best.

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Episode 3: The Ponyta and the Blueblooded Prince

After battling other trainers, leaving Appleoosa, and catching the earliest train, Crimson was on his way to Canterlot to restock on items; Poké Balls, Potions, and also food and water. Once departing the train, he went into the nearest department store and bought quite a few items with his hard earned prize money. Shortly after leaving, he heard a commotion near the castle, quietly he snuck to the fence of the gardens and saw something horrible: a white Unicorn pony with a blonde mane whipping a bunch of Ponytas.

"Bad! Bad Pokémon! Bad, bad, bad!" he said as he cracked his whip in his magic.

Before Crimson could intervene, one of the Ponytas had enough common sense not to stay and ran off, hopping the fence as the Unicorn chased it until he stopped at the gate.

"Wretched Ponyta! I'll get you back here! Wait till Auntie Celestia gets her hooves on you!"

He huffed and stormed off. It was beginning to make sense now, that pony was a Canterlot noble...that alone explains more than enough. With a sigh of annoyance, Crimson went after the Ponyta to make sure it was okay.

Following the Ponyta until it stopped and sat in a clearing outside of the city of Canterlot, Crimson carefully walked up to it and took a place next to it.

"...I saw what happened." he began.

The Ponyta turned its head to him.

"I didn't like what he was doing to you or the other Ponyta. If you didn't run off, I probably would've said or done something."

The Ponyta shook its head.


It was trying to communicate with you, trying to say that the Unicorn was too strong, but Crimson just smiled.

"I could've taken him. If not, I could still protect you."

Ponyta just stared into his eyes, trying to search for any deception in himself, but Crimson continued to smile genuinely. When Ponyta stopped staring, it leaned closer to him and nuzzled his face, not allowing its flames to burn him. Crimson nuzzled back, showing the Ponyta that he was a friend.

Crimson stood and guided the Ponyta to a more secluded spot and pulled out a Potion, he sprayed it on, healing its wounds, but the pain from the spray made Ponyta rear up with its hooves in the air.

"It's okay! It's okay! It's just a Potion! It'll help you!"

Ponyta lowered itself back down to four hooves.

"I just need you to hold still."

Crimson walked back up to it and sprayed it again, the sting quickly subsiding into relief. After using up three Potions, Ponyta was healed up, raring to go, it even neighed and raised its front hooves in the air.

"Good Ponyta, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

The Ponyta looked at Crimson and he did the same to it, slowly creating a bond between the two of them. Suddenly, a massive net covered Ponyta as it neighed in panic, behind it was none other than the Canterlot noble who abused it.

"Gotcha! Now you're coming back with me to face the maximum punishment!"

The Unicorn began to drag Ponyta away, but Crimson got in his path.

"Let the Ponyta go!" he demanded.

"And what is THIS? A filthy commoner telling ME what to do? HA! I'm Prince Blueblood, the nephew of Princess Celestia! I can do whatever I want!"

"Then how about this? I challenge you to a Pokémon battle! If I win, I get Ponyta!"

"Hmm..." Blueblood began to ponder, "Alright, I accept. But if I win..." he developed a mischievous grin, "...I get ALL of your Pokémon."

Battle Theme

Spoiled Noble Blueblood would like to battle!

Spoiled Noble Blueblood sent out Skorupi!

"Fine!" Crimson took out his Poké Ball, "Go, Fennekin!"

Fennekin was now at Lv. 9 and Skorupi was at Lv. 9 as well.

The foe's Skorupi used Leer!

Fennekin's defense fell!

"Fennekin, use Scratch!"

Fennekin used Scratch!

Critical hit!

"Why you! Skorupi, Poison Sting!"

The foe's Skorupi used Poison Sting!

"Fennekin, dodge it!"

Fennekin tried to avoid the attack, but took the brunt of it and felt ill.

Fennekin is badly poisoned!

"Oh no! I don't have any Antidotes on me!" Crimson feared. "I have to end this battle now! Fennekin, Ember!"

Fennekin used Ember!

It's super effective!

The foe's Skorupi fainted!

Fennekin has been hurt by the poison!

"W-What?!" Blueblood spoke in panic, but regained himself, "Alright, here comes the next one!"

Spoiled Noble Blueblood sent out Nidorino!

Nidorino was at Lv. 9, but Fennekin is barely hanging on.

"Come back, Fennekin!" Crimson called back his Pokémon and prepped one of his other ones, "Go, Murkrow!"

Crimson's Murkrow was at Lv. 7 and has the ability Insomnia. Blueblood just smirked cockily and prepared himself.

"Use Double Kick."

The foe's Nidorino used Double Kick!

Hit 2 times!

"Murkrow, use Pursuit!"

Murkrow used Pursuit!

"Nidorino, use Focus Energy!"

The foe's Nidorino used Focus Energy!

Nidorino's is getting pumped up!

"Murkrow, Astonish!"

Murkrow used Astonish!

Nidorino was getting weaker with each hit it took, but Blueblood didn't seem to care, infuriating Crimson more.

"Again, Double Kick!"

The foe's Nidorino used Double Kick!

Critical hit!

Critical hit!

Hit 2 times!

Murkrow fainted!

"Come back, Murkrow!" Crimson called his defeated Pokémon back to its Poké Ball.

"Is that really all you've got?" Blueblood taunted.

Crimson growled and sent out his next Pokémon, "Just a little more, hang in there, Starly!"

Starly came out of its Poké Ball, chirping in determination, after all the training it went through, it was at Lv. 9 as well. Nidorino was at a disadvantage, being nearly depleted of its strength, not to mention its will to keep fighting.


The foe's Nidorino used Peck!

Critical hit!

"Starly, use Wing Attack!"

Starly used Wing Attack!

The foe's Nidorino fainted!

Starly grew to Lv. 10!

Fennekin grew to Lv. 10!

"That was...my last Pokémon." Blue said, defeated.

Crimson won 1,350 bits from Spoiled Noble Blueblood!

Blueblood growled in agitation, "It doesn't matter! Ponyta is still coming with me!"

"You dirty double-crosser!" Crimson shouted.

"Who's cares what you call me?! I am royalty!"

"Blueblood. That's quite enough."

Out of nowhere, Princess Celestia, flanked by two of the Royal Guard, walked up to Blueblood, none of which look too thrilled to see him.

"A-Auntie Celestia! Thank goodness you're here!" Blueblood points a hoof at Crimson, "This RUFFIAN attacked me with his Pokémon army, and tried to take MY Ponyta!"

"WHAT?!" Crimson screeched, "That couldn't be further from the truth!"

Celestia raised a hoof, "Enough. I saw everything."

Blueblood gulped, "Everything?"

"Guards, confiscate my nephew's Pokémon."


Before he could say more on the matter, the two guards forcibly took his Poké Balls, even the ones that were empty.

"You can't do this to me!"

"Actually, I can," Celestia stated, "ruler of all of Equestria, remember?"

Blueblood went slack-jawed at her use of her position.

"Also, I'll be setting your pen of Ponyta free into the wild."

Blueblood started crying and ran back to the castle, screaming, "MOMMY! MOMMY!"

Celestia had her guards set the Ponyta free from the net, but it didn't run away, it went to Crimson's side and started nuzzling his face in thanks.

"S-Stop it!" Crimson said, chuckling, "T-That tickles! Ha-ha!"

Celestia and her guards approached the two she addressed them with a smile.

"As for you, I can think of no better place for that Ponyta to be...than with you."

Crimson was surprised at Celestia's kindness, "Really? You mean it?"

She nods, "You certainly care for Pokémon very much."

Crimson smiles and nods, "Thank you very much, Your Highness! But, I'm not sure if this Ponyta wants to be with--"

A flash was heard and Ponyta was sucked into one of Crimson's Poké Balls, turns out it dug one out of his saddlebags when he wasn't paying attention.





Just then, Crimson's Pokédex was updated:

#077 Ponyta, the Fire Horse Pokémon
As a newborn, it can barely stand.
However, through galloping, its legs are made tougher and faster.

"Ah, I see you're completing the National Dex, is that right?"

Crimson hesitated, "Uh...yeah."

Celestia smiled, "Well then, I wish you the best of luck."

She and her guards left the clearing as Crimson just stood there in shock and surprise. After recollecting himself, he went to the Pokémon Center to heal his Pokémon and then to the train station back to Ponyville to meet a certain Pokémon caretaker he heard about previously.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Lv. 13
Tail Whip
Flame Wheel