> Pokémon CrimsonRed and CobaltBlue > by Golden Flare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Welcome To The World of Pokemon! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a silent, dark room, there appeared to be nothing. Until a light came on and showed an earth pony on some kind of stage. "Greetings, trainers! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! I am Doctor Whooves, I will be your guide on this journey. On your journey, you will meet many Pokémon." Doctor Whooves took a Poké Ball and threw it with his tail, and a Bunnelby came out. Bunnelby landed on Doctor Whooves's back. "Pokémon can be pets, friends, or even partners. You can also use your Pokémon in battle." Doctor Whooves raised his forehooves in the air. "Alright, Let's get started!" > Episode 1: A Light of Crimson and Cobalt! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a warm spring day in Ponyville, not much was going on, ponies were just going about their business just like any other day. But today was not just "any other day" for a couple of stallions. One of them has a red and orange flame-like mane with a slightly darker red coat, the bottom of his hooves are tan, has bright blue eyes, and is an earth pony. His name is Crimson Blaze. The other has a blue spiky mane with a light blue streak running across it, a neon blue coat, the bottom of his hooves are pure white, has moderately light blue eyes, and is a unicorn. His name is Cobalt Ocean. Crimson was just laying around in the fields just outside of Ponyville, not having a care in the world, until his mom, Scented Candle, showed up. "Crimson!" She called out. "Yeah, mom?" Crimson called back. "I just ran into Derpy at the market." Scented said. "The Doctor's wife?" Crimson asked. "Yes, she wanted me to tell you that the Doctor finished that thing he was working on." Scented answered. Crimson quickly jumped up to his hooves and started to run, but he tripped on a big rock in his path. "WHHHHHOOOOAAA!!" Crimson screamed as he fell. He got back to his hooves again, but slowly this time. "Crimson, you need to be more careful." Scented said, trying to help Crimson up. "Right, sorry mom." Crimson replied. "I'll see ya back at home! Love you!" Crimson rushed over to the Doctor's lab, then he met up with someone there, someone he knew all too well. "Hey, Crimsey!" a blue unicorn called. "Cobalt Ocean!" Crimson said, surprised. "So, let me take a wild guess, Doc called you here too, huh?" Cobalt asked. "Yeah! I heard it's finished!" Crimson answered. "Well," Cobalt began to run to the door, "I'll see you inside!" Crimson began to run up to him, "Hey! I'M going in first!" They burst through the door, shoving each other. "Hey, hey! What's going on?" a brown earth pony asked. They looked at the earth pony and said, "Doctor Whooves!" They quickly ran up to him, "Is it true? Is it done?" Crimson quickly asked. "Yes. Derpy, if you may?" Doctor Whooves said. "Sure, hubby." Derpy replied, carrying a box. Derpy gave Doctor Whooves the box and popped the lid off, inside lay two devices. "Is that..." Cobalt began. "Yes, the National Dex." Doctor Whooves said. "It will automatically record any Pokémon you catch." "Science is really awesome! Eh, Cobalt?" Crimson said. "Mmmmm, science is little nerdy for me." Cobalt replied in an uninterested tone. "Of course you would think that." Crimson stated flatly. "Anyway, you will each receive one National Dex. I want you two to complete the National Dex so Equestria has an encyclopedia of all the Pokémon in the land." Doctor Whooves explained. "Wait, didn't the Pokémon come from-" "Yes, they came from many other regions, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos. The Pokémon somehow made their way to Equestria, and they were really friendly, well, for the most part. The Princesses introduced them to Equestria after they've done some research on the region that they came from." Doctor Whooves explained once again, this time, interrupting Crimson in the process. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's nice and all, but Doc, you didn't forget your promise, right?" Cobalt said, trying to avoid a history lesson. "Oh, yes Cobalt, I haven't forgotten." Doctor Whooves replied. The group walked over to a nearby table, on top of it lies three Pokémon. "The Spiny Nut Pokémon, Chespin." "The Fox Pokémon, Fennekin." "The Bubble Frog Pokémon, Froakie." Doctor Whooves said, naming the starter Pokémon. "Looks like it's just Kalos starters." Cobalt commented. "How bout you go first, Crimsey? I don't wanna feel like I'm greedy." "Ok, I know which one I'll choose." Crimson declared, walking towards the middle Poké Ball. "Ah, Fennekin. Why him?" Doctor Whooves said. "You see, my dad gave me the name, 'Crimson Blaze', because he wanted me to treat those I love with heart and burning passion, especially, one who I would one day call, 'My Very Special Somepony'. Like that's ever gonna happen!" Crimson explained. "Yeah! Crimson's no ladies man!" Cobalt commented as a cruel joke. "That's really mean, Cobalt." Derpy stated, taking account of Cobalt's rudeness. Crimson threw his Poké Ball and out came his new partner, Fennekin. "My own Pokémon!" Crimson said. "Well, Cobalt, are you choose Froakie because your name is another word for the color blue?" Doctor Whooves asked. "If you ask me, that's a pretty lame reason to choose a Pokémon." Cobalt half-answered snidely. "But since Crimson chose fire, I'm going with water!" Cobalt threw his Poké Ball and his Froakie came out. "Ha-ha!" Cobalt laughed. "Now, Crimson, Cobalt, you can give your Pokémon it's own nickname if you want." Doctor Whooves commented. "Hmm, Nah, I'll keep the name Fennekin." Crimson said. "Yeah, I'll do the same with my Froakie." Cobalt agreed. "Wait a moment..." Doctor Whooves said, walking over to Crimson. "This Fennekin isn't a 'he', it's a 'she!' Crimson, you have rare starter!" "Really?!" Crimson asked, astonished. "Wait, what about my Froakie?" Cobalt asked. "Hmm, no, Froakie is a male." Doctor Whooves said flatly. "Oh." Cobalt said, disappointed. "Well, Crimsey, why don't we give these bad boys a test run?" "Fennekin's a girl, Cobalt." Crimson deadpanned. "Eh, never mind, I don't want a flimsy girl to be mashed to bits by a macho guy." Cobalt said, insulting Fennekin. "Hey! A girl can do whatever a guy can do, Cobalt!" Crimson stated, in all seriousness. "Heh, sure they can. Anyway, now that I have my own Pokémon, I'm going to show the land of Equestria what Cobalt Ocean can really do!" Cobalt said. Cobalt rushed to the door, leaving Crimson behind. "Cobalt, it's ok for you to try and make it big, but don't forget my request!" Doctor Whooves shouted out to Cobalt. "No worries! I got this, Doc!" Cobalt shouted back as he went out the door. "Well, Crimson, you better get going." Doctor Whooves said. "And don't forget to let your mom know about your journey as a Pokémon Trainer." "Right!" Crimson agreed. > Episode 2: The National Dex Isn't Everything (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crimson went home to inform his mom about his journey to complete the National Dex. "Hmm. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Scented asked Crimson. "Yeah, mom." Crimson answered. "I mean, I want to complete the National Dex just as much as the Doctor." Scented Candle knew how much this meant to Crimson, she also knew how dangerous the journey was, but if Crimson is VERY careful and not get into ANY trouble... "Well... I suppose it would be ok, but please be careful, Crimson, I really worry about you sometimes." Scented said. "I'll be ok, mom, I promise." Crimson said, trying to reassure his mom. Scented embraced her son in a warm, loving hug, and of course, he returned the favor. He knew in his heart that he would miss his mom very much, but he couldn't show any tears, he had to be strong, he had to be confident... For his dear mother. "Ok, mom, I gotta get going." Crimson said after they broke up the hug. "Crimson... please be sure to visit, ok?" Scented asked, trying to hold back her tears. "I will." Crimson answered as he strapped on his saddlebags. Crimson went out the door and followed the dirt path, exiting the town of Ponyville. Crimson continued on the path, now entering the grassy fields just outside of Ponyville. And then he spotted a Pokémon right off the bat! It was a Starly, Lv. 3, Normal/Flying type, male. "Whoa! A Pokémon!" Crimson said as he pulled out his Poké Ball. "Ok, Fennekin, let's go!" He sent out Fennekin to battle Starly. A wild Starly has appeared! The wild Starly used Tackle! Fennekin was knocked onto it's back. "Wait! Hang on!" Crimson exclaimed as he desperately tried to catch Starly, unfortunately, the Poké Ball he threw at it only shook once and Starly popped out. "Oh no! It broke free!" Crimson said. The wild Starly fled! Crimson checked the National Dex for Starly's data. #396 Starly ????? Pokémon ??????????????????????? ??????????????????????? Both Crimson and his Fennekin plopped down to the ground and sighed. "Aw man, it won't record the data unless I catch it." Crimson stood up, "Well, we can't give up now! We have to do this! For Doctor Whooves!" Fennekin smiled as she stood up and jumped on Crimson's back. A Spinarak was lazing around on its web, Lv. 2, Bug/Poison type, female. A wild Spinarak appeared! Crimson threw Fennekin's Poké Ball with his tail, "We got 'em this time!" The wild Spinarak used Poison Sting! "Fennekin, dodge it!" Crimson commanded. The wild Spinarak's attack missed! "Fennekin, use Ember!" Crimson commanded. It's super effective! "Go, Poké Ball!" Crimson declared as he threw his Poké Ball with his tail. shake shake shake ding! The wild Spinarak has been caught! "Alright! We did it!" Crimson cheered. Spinarak's data has been added to the PokéDex. #167 Spinarak, the String Spit Pokémon It spins a web using fine--but durable--thread. It then waits patiently for prey to be captured. "Wow, that's so cool!" Crimson said. Crimson continued catching Pokémon as he journeyed through Equestria. #276 Taillow, the Tiny Swallow Pokémon It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates. #265 Wurmple, the Worm Pokémon It lives among the tall grass and in forests. It repels attacks by raising up the spikes on its rear. #198 Murkrow, the Darkness Pokémon Feared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring misfortune to all those who see it at night. Crimson then went back to catch that Starly that flew away. #396 Starly, the Starling Pokemon They flock in great numbers. Though small, they flap their wings with great power. Crimson then came across a teenage filly with a white coat and a purple and pink mane. "You think you take on the Pokémon my sister gave me?" The filly asked, taunting him to battle. "Huh?" Crimson shot a look of confusion. Cilck here for trainer battle music Glamour Girl Sweetie Belle would like to battle! Glamour Girl Sweetie Belle sent out Glameow! "I've never seen that Pokémon before!" Crimson thought out loud. "Ok, I'm counting on you Fennekin!" The foe's Glameow used Scratch! "Fennekin, watch out!" Crimson called out. The foe's Glameow's attack missed! "Ok, Fennekin, use Ember!" Crimson commanded. A critical hit! "Hurry, use Scratch!" Crimson commanded. "Glameow, hurry up and use Fake Out!" Sweetie Belle commanded. The foe's Glameow used Fake Out! Fennekin flinched! "Grrr..." Crimson growled though his gritted teeth. The foe's Glameow used Scratch! "Fennekin, counter with your own Scratch!" Crimson commanded. The foe's Glameow's attack missed! Fennekin used Scratch! The foe's Glameow fainted! Fennekin grew to Lv. 6! "Now!" Crimson said as he threw a Poké Ball. "Wait, what're you--?!" Sweetie Belle tried to say. Crimson's Poké Ball bounced back. (stop music) "What the?!" Crimson asked, astonished. "Return, Glameow!" Sweetie Belle returned her Pokémon to its Poké Ball. "What's wrong with you, trying to catch somepony else's Pokémon?! You're a thief!" "What, thief?" Crimson was once again confused. "I-I'm sorry, I guess I got a little Poké Ball Trigger Happy. Um, where can I find a Glameow like that?" "Hmmm..." Sweetie Belle tried to be cautious. "Well, alright. Since you won, I'll tell you. There's a mare who takes care of many Pokémon, she tries to have them adopted to good homes, her name is Fluttershy. Her cottage isn't far from here, just head to the entrance of the Everfree Forest and you can't miss it." Crimson won 30 bits from Glamour Girl Sweetie Belle! "Ok, thanks!" Crimson said as he trotted away from Sweetie Belle. "BUT!" Crimson snapped his head back to the filly. "She'll only allow Pokémon to be adopted by trainers who truly care for their Pokémon." "Ok, thanks again!" Crimson said. NOTE: There will be a side story for this in another chapter. Crimson continued on his journey, he ended up just outside of a local town. "Appleloosa." Crimson said. "Hey, Crimsey!" Cobalt shouted as he approached him. "Cobalt!" Crimson replied, acknowledging his friend. "So, has your Pokémon gotten stronger yet?" Cobalt asked. "Cobalt, my goal in my journey isn't to make my Pokémon stronger." Crimson stated clearly. "I just wanna complete the National Dex." Cobalt chuckled, "Well, Crimsey, to complete the National Dex, you do realize you're gonna have to face powerful Pokémon, do ya? Well, at least you have a good excuse to back outta battle if you chicken out." "What did you say?!" Crimson angrily asked with an intense stare. Cobalt got up in Crimson's face, "C'mon, Crimsey, you know it and I know it, no matter how hard you try, if you battled me, you'll never, ever win!" Crimson snapped, "ALRIGHT! I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!!" Battle Theme Pokémon Trainer Cobalt Ocean would like to battle! Pokémon Trainer Cobalt Ocean sent out Froakie! "Go, Fennekin!" Crimson yelled as he threw his Poké Ball. Little do they know that they were being watched by a teenage mare with a yellow coat, orange eyes, and a red mane tied into a ponytail by a pink ribbon. Another thing that they do not know is that Fennekin is Lv. 6 and Froakie is at Lv. 9. "Fennekin, use Ember!" Crimson commanded. Fennekin's attack missed! The foe's Froakie used Bubble! It's super effective! "Grr! Quick, use Tail Whip!" Crimson commanded. The foe's Froakie's Defense fell! "Hurry, use Scratch!" Crimson commanded. The foe's Froakie used Quick Attack! Froakie's ability: Protean Froakie's type is now Normal type! The foe's Froakie used Pound! "Come on back, Fennekin!" Crimson called as he returned Fennekin to her Poké Ball. (stop music) "You're kidding, right?" Cobalt asked, smugly. "I've never seen such a weak trainer before. Me and Froakie are WAY too strong, and awesome to boot!" Crimson stared at his Poké Ball. "All you do is attack, Crimsey, it's far too predictable!" Cobalt said with a smug grin on his face. "I...I..." Crimson couldn't find any words to say. "Listen, Crimsey, maybe you should head back to Ponyville, you're just gonna end up getting hurt out in the real world. And forget about completing the National Dex, you're just wasting your time!" Cobalt said. Cobalt walked away, laughing, leaving Crimson alone, clenching Fennekin's Poké Ball in his hoof. Crimson sat on the outskirts of Appleloosa, trying to gather his thoughts. "I don't understand," Crimson began. "Me and Cobalt...should be at the same level by now. I just don't get it!" Crimson plopped down to the ground, his face buried in his hooves. "No." a voice said, pulling Crimson from his thoughts and turned around to face where the voice was coming from. "It's obvious that the one who used Froakie, is way more experienced." It was the yellow coated teenage mare from before. "W-What do mean?" Crimson asked, hesitantly. "Sorry ta' say this, but you and your Fennekin are not in sync." the mare explained. "Not in sync? You're lying!" Crimson retorted. "An Apple doesn't lie, ya know." the mare countered. "An Apple?" Crimson asked, confused. "Tell me somethin' kid, do ya know bout Types and Characteristics of Pokémon?" "Types...and Characteristics?" Crimson asked, more confused than before. "Huh. You began your journey as a trainer, an' ya don't know bout that?" the mare asked. Crimson had no clue what to say at this point. "Y'all should go and challenge the Gym Leaders, they'll teach you the ways of battle." the mare advised. "Um, right, got it!" Crimson said as he walked past the mare. He yelped as he felt a slight tug on his tail, the mare grabbed his tail with her teeth and stopped him. "Slow down there, partner, where ya goin'?" the mare asked. "Isn't it obvious? I'm going to go challenge these Gym Leaders to battle." Crimson answered with determination in his voice. The mare shot Crimson an extremely intense stare, more intense than the one he himself gave Cobalt. "Are ya tryin' ta' tell me that you're gonna make that poor, hurt Fennekin battle even more?" Crimson just stared at his Poké Ball. "You should take it to the Pokémon Center at Appleloosa." the mare suggested. "Right. Sorry." Crimson said. "It's the building with the red roof, you can't miss it." the mare explained. "Before ya go to the gyms, find the answer to this question: What is Pokémon battling really all about?" The mare left Crimson by himself, he suddenly realized he had to go to the Pokémon Center. Who was that girl? Crimson thought to himself. Had she been watching our battle? "What is Pokémon battling really all about?" What did she mean by that? "Crimson," Nurse Redheart began. "I wanna thank you for waiting! Your Pokémon are completely fighting fit! We hope to see you again!" "Thanks a lot, Nurse Redheart!" Crimson replied. Crimson continued on his journey to find the ones called "Gym Leaders", but who knows what adventures may lie ahead? Only time will tell. To Be Continued... > Episode 3: The Ponyta and the Blueblooded Prince > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After battling other trainers, leaving Appleoosa, and catching the earliest train, Crimson was on his way to Canterlot to restock on items; Poké Balls, Potions, and also food and water. Once departing the train, he went into the nearest department store and bought quite a few items with his hard earned prize money. Shortly after leaving, he heard a commotion near the castle, quietly he snuck to the fence of the gardens and saw something horrible: a white Unicorn pony with a blonde mane whipping a bunch of Ponytas. "Bad! Bad Pokémon! Bad, bad, bad!" he said as he cracked his whip in his magic. Before Crimson could intervene, one of the Ponytas had enough common sense not to stay and ran off, hopping the fence as the Unicorn chased it until he stopped at the gate. "Wretched Ponyta! I'll get you back here! Wait till Auntie Celestia gets her hooves on you!" He huffed and stormed off. It was beginning to make sense now, that pony was a Canterlot noble...that alone explains more than enough. With a sigh of annoyance, Crimson went after the Ponyta to make sure it was okay. Following the Ponyta until it stopped and sat in a clearing outside of the city of Canterlot, Crimson carefully walked up to it and took a place next to it. "...I saw what happened." he began. The Ponyta turned its head to him. "I didn't like what he was doing to you or the other Ponyta. If you didn't run off, I probably would've said or done something." The Ponyta shook its head. "Huh?" It was trying to communicate with you, trying to say that the Unicorn was too strong, but Crimson just smiled. "I could've taken him. If not, I could still protect you." Ponyta just stared into his eyes, trying to search for any deception in himself, but Crimson continued to smile genuinely. When Ponyta stopped staring, it leaned closer to him and nuzzled his face, not allowing its flames to burn him. Crimson nuzzled back, showing the Ponyta that he was a friend. Crimson stood and guided the Ponyta to a more secluded spot and pulled out a Potion, he sprayed it on, healing its wounds, but the pain from the spray made Ponyta rear up with its hooves in the air. "It's okay! It's okay! It's just a Potion! It'll help you!" Ponyta lowered itself back down to four hooves. "I just need you to hold still." Crimson walked back up to it and sprayed it again, the sting quickly subsiding into relief. After using up three Potions, Ponyta was healed up, raring to go, it even neighed and raised its front hooves in the air. "Good Ponyta, that wasn't so hard, was it?" The Ponyta looked at Crimson and he did the same to it, slowly creating a bond between the two of them. Suddenly, a massive net covered Ponyta as it neighed in panic, behind it was none other than the Canterlot noble who abused it. "Gotcha! Now you're coming back with me to face the maximum punishment!" The Unicorn began to drag Ponyta away, but Crimson got in his path. "Let the Ponyta go!" he demanded. "And what is THIS? A filthy commoner telling ME what to do? HA! I'm Prince Blueblood, the nephew of Princess Celestia! I can do whatever I want!" "Then how about this? I challenge you to a Pokémon battle! If I win, I get Ponyta!" "Hmm..." Blueblood began to ponder, "Alright, I accept. But if I win..." he developed a mischievous grin, "...I get ALL of your Pokémon." Battle Theme Spoiled Noble Blueblood would like to battle! Spoiled Noble Blueblood sent out Skorupi! "Fine!" Crimson took out his Poké Ball, "Go, Fennekin!" Fennekin was now at Lv. 9 and Skorupi was at Lv. 9 as well. The foe's Skorupi used Leer! Fennekin's defense fell! "Fennekin, use Scratch!" Fennekin used Scratch! Critical hit! "Why you! Skorupi, Poison Sting!" The foe's Skorupi used Poison Sting! "Fennekin, dodge it!" Fennekin tried to avoid the attack, but took the brunt of it and felt ill. Fennekin is badly poisoned! "Oh no! I don't have any Antidotes on me!" Crimson feared. "I have to end this battle now! Fennekin, Ember!" Fennekin used Ember! It's super effective! The foe's Skorupi fainted! Fennekin has been hurt by the poison! "W-What?!" Blueblood spoke in panic, but regained himself, "Alright, here comes the next one!" Spoiled Noble Blueblood sent out Nidorino! Nidorino was at Lv. 9, but Fennekin is barely hanging on. "Come back, Fennekin!" Crimson called back his Pokémon and prepped one of his other ones, "Go, Murkrow!" Crimson's Murkrow was at Lv. 7 and has the ability Insomnia. Blueblood just smirked cockily and prepared himself. "Use Double Kick." The foe's Nidorino used Double Kick! Hit 2 times! "Murkrow, use Pursuit!" Murkrow used Pursuit! "Nidorino, use Focus Energy!" The foe's Nidorino used Focus Energy! Nidorino's is getting pumped up! "Murkrow, Astonish!" Murkrow used Astonish! Nidorino was getting weaker with each hit it took, but Blueblood didn't seem to care, infuriating Crimson more. "Again, Double Kick!" The foe's Nidorino used Double Kick! Critical hit! Critical hit! Hit 2 times! Murkrow fainted! "Come back, Murkrow!" Crimson called his defeated Pokémon back to its Poké Ball. "Is that really all you've got?" Blueblood taunted. Crimson growled and sent out his next Pokémon, "Just a little more, hang in there, Starly!" Starly came out of its Poké Ball, chirping in determination, after all the training it went through, it was at Lv. 9 as well. Nidorino was at a disadvantage, being nearly depleted of its strength, not to mention its will to keep fighting. "Peck." The foe's Nidorino used Peck! Critical hit! "Starly, use Wing Attack!" Starly used Wing Attack! The foe's Nidorino fainted! Starly grew to Lv. 10! Fennekin grew to Lv. 10! "That was...my last Pokémon." Blue said, defeated. Crimson won 1,350 bits from Spoiled Noble Blueblood! Blueblood growled in agitation, "It doesn't matter! Ponyta is still coming with me!" "You dirty double-crosser!" Crimson shouted. "Who's cares what you call me?! I am royalty!" "Blueblood. That's quite enough." Out of nowhere, Princess Celestia, flanked by two of the Royal Guard, walked up to Blueblood, none of which look too thrilled to see him. "A-Auntie Celestia! Thank goodness you're here!" Blueblood points a hoof at Crimson, "This RUFFIAN attacked me with his Pokémon army, and tried to take MY Ponyta!" "WHAT?!" Crimson screeched, "That couldn't be further from the truth!" Celestia raised a hoof, "Enough. I saw everything." Blueblood gulped, "Everything?" "Guards, confiscate my nephew's Pokémon." "What?!" Before he could say more on the matter, the two guards forcibly took his Poké Balls, even the ones that were empty. "You can't do this to me!" "Actually, I can," Celestia stated, "ruler of all of Equestria, remember?" Blueblood went slack-jawed at her use of her position. "Also, I'll be setting your pen of Ponyta free into the wild." Blueblood started crying and ran back to the castle, screaming, "MOMMY! MOMMY!" Celestia had her guards set the Ponyta free from the net, but it didn't run away, it went to Crimson's side and started nuzzling his face in thanks. "S-Stop it!" Crimson said, chuckling, "T-That tickles! Ha-ha!" Celestia and her guards approached the two she addressed them with a smile. "As for you, I can think of no better place for that Ponyta to be...than with you." Crimson was surprised at Celestia's kindness, "Really? You mean it?" She nods, "You certainly care for Pokémon very much." Crimson smiles and nods, "Thank you very much, Your Highness! But, I'm not sure if this Ponyta wants to be with--" A flash was heard and Ponyta was sucked into one of Crimson's Poké Balls, turns out it dug one out of his saddlebags when he wasn't paying attention. shake shake shake ding! Just then, Crimson's Pokédex was updated: #077 Ponyta, the Fire Horse Pokémon As a newborn, it can barely stand. However, through galloping, its legs are made tougher and faster. "Ah, I see you're completing the National Dex, is that right?" Crimson hesitated, "Uh...yeah." Celestia smiled, "Well then, I wish you the best of luck." She and her guards left the clearing as Crimson just stood there in shock and surprise. After recollecting himself, he went to the Pokémon Center to heal his Pokémon and then to the train station back to Ponyville to meet a certain Pokémon caretaker he heard about previously. To Be Continued... > Episode 4: The Flim-flam of the Flim Flam Brothers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train pulls into the station as Crimson steps off of it along with some other ponies, he walked to the other side of Ponyville and just outside of it was a nature like cottage, where the Pokémon caretaker, Fluttershy resides. He knocks on the front door and waits for her to answer, but when the door opens, an agitated Buneary stood there while there was a yellow coated mare with a pink mane bawling her eyes out on the couch. "Um...is this a bad time?" Crimson asks. The Buneary nods and tries to slam the door in his face, but Crimson puts his hoof in the way. "Hold on, maybe I can help." The Buneary looked like it was going to object, but after hearing a loud wail from the mare, it sighed in exasperation and allowed him in. Crimson noticed all of her Pokémon trying to console her, but he was focused on the mare herself, he walked over to her and tried to communicate. "Uh, hello?" The mare looked up, panicked, and hid in her hooves. "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." The mare hesitated, but eventually warmed up to him and he sat down with her on the couch. "Now tell me what's wrong." The mare sniffled, "W-Well...somepony snuck into my cottage and p-pony-napped my Glameow." "What?!" The mare was scared by his volume, but calmed down, "I-It's true, I heard hoofsteps last n-night and saw somepony make off with my Pokémon in the night." Crimson furrowed his brow in anger, hardly believing somepony could do such a thing, with his mind made, he addressed the mare again. "Don't worry, I'll go into town and look for some clues, I'm sure somepony had to have seen someone suspicious last night." The mare went wide-eyed, "Y-You would do that? For m-me?" Crimson smiled, "Sure. I love Pokémon too." The mare smiled back at his words, then realized something, "Oh, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Fluttershy." "Crimson. Crimson Blaze." Crimson went back into town and asked the ponyfolk about a suspicious character last night out and about. Sadly, he didn't find anything useful, nopony had seen such a pony last night. He was about to give up when he heard a voice, no, two voices ring out across town. "Hurry, hurry, hurry!" one voice spoke in a slogan manner, "Come one, come all, to the Flim Flam Brothers' Pokémon auction!" "That's right, brother!" the other voice agreed, "We have quite a few Pokémon up for sale today! Do you any of you lovely fillies and gentlecolts want a Pokémon of your very own?" A cheer sounded in the audience as Crimson made his way to town square, where this so called, "Pokémon auction" was taking place. "Then let's get started!" Flim declared. Flam grabbed a cloth that looked like it was covering something, "Our first Pokémon for sale is..." He swiftly removed the cloth to reveal... "A Glameow!" Crimson gasped in shock as he remembered something crucial from Fluttershy before he left... "My Glameow was wearing a little yellow ribbon with my Cutie Mark on it," Fluttershy said, showing that her Cutie Mark had three pink butterflies. The moment after remembering that, Crimson noticed that Glameow was wearing the exact same ribbon in Fluttershy's description. With newfound vigor, he pushed forward through the crowd to the thieving brothers. "Now, who would like this beautiful Pokémon?" Flim asked the crowd. "How about the pony who owns it?" Crimson said, the crowd parting to reveal him the brothers. "What in Celestia's name are you talking about, young colt?" Flam asked. "That Glameow belongs to Fluttershy, which YOU TWO had stolen from her last night!" The crowd gasps, but the Flim Flam Brothers remain unmoved. "Likely story!" they both said. "Can you in fact prove that this Pokémon isn't ours?" Flam asked smugly. "The ribbon its wearing has Fluttershy's Cutie Mark!" Crimson said, pointing at said ribbon. The two thieves noticed the flaw in their plan and rushed up to hide it, "That could mean anything!" Flim said. "Everypony knows that no two Cutie Marks are the same!" The crowd began to realize that there was truth in Crimson's words and quickly booed the Flim Flam Brothers. The two realized that they've been found out, but they weren't going to go without a fight. "Well then, how do you like this?" Flam threw a Poké Ball in the air and it let loose a Koffing. "Use Poison Gas!" The Koffing spewed its toxic fumes, but Crimson wasn't having it. "Taillow, use Quick Attack!" Crimson shouted as he threw his Poké Ball. Taillow came out and rushed through the gas, making it dissipate and angering the brothers. "You ungrateful little...!" Battle Theme The Flim Flam Brothers would like to battle! The Flim Flam Brothers sent out a Koffing and Seviper! "Two, huh?" Crimson pulled out another Poké Ball, "Go, Ponyta!" Ponyta came out and joined Taillow in the fray. Ponyta and Taillow were Lv. 13 and Koffing and Seviper were Lv. 14. "Taillow, use Quick Attack, Ponyta, use Ember!" Taillow used Quick Attack! Ponyta used Ember! "Use Smog!/Use Bite!" Flim and Flam shouted at the same time. The foe's Koffing used Smog! The foe's Seviper used Bite! Critical hit! Taillow fainted! "Grr! Come back, Taillow!" Crimson swapped Pokémon, "Go, Murkrow!" Murkrow is still at Lv. 7 since it didn't get any training after the fiasco with Blueblood. "Use Pursuit!" Murkrow used Pursuit! Murkrow's attack missed! The foe's Seviper used Poison Tail! Murkrow fainted! "Come back, Murkrow!" Crimson sent out another Pokémon, "Go, Fennekin!" Fennekin is at Lv. 11 after feeding it a Rare Candy found during Crimson's travels and learned Howl from its level up. "Use Scratch! Ponyta, use Flame Wheel!" Fennekin used Scratch! Critical hit! The foe's Seviper fainted! Ponyta used Flame Wheel! Koffing tried to avoid it, but got hit and received a burn. The foe's Koffing has been burned! "Koffing, use Assurance!" Flim ordered. The foe's Koffing used Assurance! Critical hit! Ponyta has endured the hit! The foe's Koffing has been hurt by its burn! The foe's Koffing fainted! Ponyta grew to Lv. 14! Fennekin grew to Lv. 12! "I can't believe it..." Flim said in shock. "Neither can I, brother..." Flam agreed. Crimson won 1,800 bits from The Flim Flam Brothers! The two made a hasty retreat, leaving behind all of the Pokémon they stole as the citizens of Ponyville chased them out of town. Crimson decided to let the Royal Guard handle things from here and take Glameow back to Fluttershy, whom of which was ecstatic that she got her Pokémon back. She was so happy that she allowed Crimson to adopt a Pokémon as a token of her gratitude, and he chose a newly hatched Charmander, the story with it was that the owners of a Charizard and a Ditto breeded to make its egg, but abandoned it after they picked them up, the egg was Fluttershy's even after it hatched, until now. Crimson put it in its own Poké Ball and the Pokédex was updated: #004 Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to go out. Fluttershy didn't question the device as Crimson made his way back into town and to the train station to find the first Gym Leader, only to run into his heated rival, Cobalt. "Hey, Crimsey! Guess what?" Cobalt asked. "Uh, what?" Cobalt showed him a badge shaped like a shiny apple, "I got my first Gym Badge! So how about you? Any luck?" Crimson didn't say anything, which said it all to Cobalt, who laughed. "Are you serious?! Man, I really AM way too strong! Maybe we shouldn't battle again just yet!" Cobalt just walked past Crimson, laughing all the while as Crimson continued on his way. To Be Continued...