• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 953 Views, 4 Comments

Just Another Cross To Bear: - Ponyess

In a dream, Rosalie sent me her Unicorn Foal, for me to care for and protect. In a vain attempt, I wished to take her to a place where she was to be safe, and we both ended up in a very unfamiliar throne room, before a Princess.

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Sight Unseen – A Foreshadowed Arrival: 5

Author's Note:

BuckBeak's POV

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Previous Chapter: Get Serious

Next Chapter: Expectation Nigh


I had just spotted a castle, it looks like something I had seen before, but I know this isn't the forest I used to live in. Something is off, just not wrong in a bad way.

In the end, I decided on going down, and after encircling the building several times I made up my mind, I was to land in order to have a better look. What stuck out first is that there is a large city around this castle, much unlike where I came from. How I ended up here in the first place still escaped me, but I guess I'd be better off her, considering the development back where I came from. Maybe I could actually feel safe here.

Just as I landed just outside of the castle, I saw a most curious pony. Apparently she spotted me too, but barely showed any sign of me, short of the one thing.

“Greetings, I'm Witch Blade. Welcome to the Royal castle of Equestria. I take it you would like to meet Celestia, then?” she simply blurted out, as if she had been a long lost friend who practically knew me from before.

“Greetings, Witch Blade. Though that is a mighty curious name, for a Pony, wouldn't you say?” responded as I approached her.

“Ah yeah, it is, but I'm no more from around here, than you would be. I think we would go inside!” she then responded.

“I used to live in a nice forest, just outside a Castle looking much like this, but it was called Hagwarts. Celestia? Sorry, I have never heard of her!” I responded.

“I know. Buckbeak, was it? I doubt you'll find any Hipogriffs around here. Not sure you'd like the local Griffons!” Witch responded.

“Witch, is that really a name, I thought it was more of a Title. But alas, how do you know everything? Not just my name!” I pointed out.

“Witch Blade is neither a name nor a Title, it is merely my Identity. My name is Sarah Pezzini, but call me Sarah, if it makes you feel easier around me. I know more than most, because I see beyond what mundane people can see!” she merely summarised.

“Sarah? Sounds like a good name. People, as in Humans? Mundane, as opposed to Witches or other Special Individuals?” I enquired with a curious tone to my voice as a smile spreads over my face.

“I was a Human, before I came here. At least to a point, as far as I knew. Maybe Witch Blade is a good name on a Pony like me? She confessed.

“There were Witches and Wizards where I used to live. Most of them were nice and respectful, much thanks to a Wizard named Hagrid!” I responded.

“I think you'll fit right in here. What you knew as Wizards and are referred to as Unicorns here. We had better go see the Princess, she's bound to see you, Buckbeak!” Sarah pointed out as she started to move towards the door.

“Oh, Unicorns. We had them back where I came from, but they would look more like my rear end than they would look like you. Only with a single horn in the forehead. This is promising to be more than just an adventure!” I stated, as I followed her through halls towards where she was taking me.

The halls feels small to me, but that should have been expected, looking down at the Pony leading me to where we're heading. All the other ponies are in her size as well. Yet, there is something about the Pony I have before me. Not just the name she had picked for herself, she apparently goes by 'Witch Blade' here, despite the fact that her original name was Sarah Pezzini. Maybe it is in how she moves, or is there a connection to the taken name? I had noticed the Bracelet on her right foreleg, it looks almost as if it could have been worn by a woman, if we had been among Humans.

From time to time, we passed an armoured Guard passing us this way or that, on his or her way to an errand I had no idea of. I ignored them, as they ignored me. Their business is none of my concerns. I'm merely following this Pony towards the Princess she had mentioned earlier.

“Princess, meet Buckbeak, the Hippogriff. Buckbeak, this is Princess Celestia!” Witch stated, introducing me to the Princess of Equestria.

“Greetings, Buckbeak. This is a pleasant surprise. I hope you're enjoying the hospitality, you're the first Hippogriff I had the honour to greet into the Castle!” Celestia said.

“Greetings, Princess Celestia. Seems most appropriate that you're the ruler of these lands. Maybe I'm making assumptions, based on what my experience tells me, since it was a powerful Wizard in charge of the Castle where I'm from. Yet, what I see confirms it. I hope I haven't offended you in any way!” I expressed.

The Princess wasn't a mere Unicorn, but an Alicorn, looking like a winged Unicorn. Even if she is much larger than the common Ponies, she is still smaller them I am. I couldn't help but notice the detail.

There is a host of details I could see, most of which escaped my conscious thought at this time. The one thing that was still puzzling me, how and why I had ended up, where I am now, being on the top of my mind, as much as I may try to ignore it. Magic isn't exactly new to me, yet it was new in the form it stood before me. Ponies were mere pets where I came from, as opposed to what I had before me.

“Being a Princess is just as much a life as it is a job, there is no truly free hours. Never know when I will be called for. I am responsible to keep the Ponies safe, each day all year, and every year. Besides, it is hard to see them come and go. At least, now I have my sister by my side!” she put forth.

At that, I noticed a strange knowing smile on the face of the Pony who had helped me find my way here.

“To see the ages slowly walk past you is the challenge of being timeless. Your fellows may say they like to be immortal, but in the end, they would curse the day it happen!” Witch then exclaimed quietly.