Just Another Cross To Bear:

by Ponyess

First published

In a dream, Rosalie sent me her Unicorn Foal, for me to care for and protect. In a vain attempt, I wished to take her to a place where she was to be safe, and we both ended up in a very unfamiliar throne room, before a Princess.

As I woke up, I realised I have a Unicorn foal on my bed. It is up to me to protect and care for her now.

I had ended up wishing to take her to a safe place, where she would be with other Unicorns, I soon found myself in a throne room, facing a princess.

Was this the safest place for a Unicorn, or was it the lack of reliability on the part of her magic?

A Strange Morning: 1

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It had all started with a strange dream, or rather a series of dreams, only now I found the Unicorn foal on my bed as I woke up. Apparently Rosalie had left her with me, in order for me to protect her, but how am I to do that?

Maybe I should have taken the time to have a breakfast, but as it turned out, I skipped it. Only wishing against all hope, I could do what I had been asked to do, only I had been holding my hand on her horn as I made the wish.

The next instant I found myself in a great throne room, and facing a pony, or an Alicorn to be exact. The Princess of all Equestria, even if I had no idea at this time.

“Who are you?” a stern, authoritative voice demanded.

“I'm Princess LilliFee, and this is the foal of Rosalie!” I responded.

“Princess. Sorry, I've never heard of you. You're in charge of the safe keeping of a Unicorn. If that's the case, I could help you with that. I'll just have someone fix a room for the two of you. You'll be safe here!” Celestia proclaimed.

“I'm grateful. This will be most helpful!” I responded.

“It's my duty to keep all the citizens of Equestria safe and sound. Any Unicorn is safe with me, and if you're here entrusted with her safety, this is automatically extended to you as well.

“Guess I did at least find a safe spot with other Unicorns. I'm just not used to large castles, like this. I'll need to gather my thoughts, and possibly something just a little to eat, some time soon!” I mentioned.

“I could give you time to gather your thoughts, which only make your presence all the more curious, I hope you don't mind me dropping by to see how you're settling in, from time to time. I could find a place for you to stay, and have something brought in for you!” Celestia offered.

“For as long as I'm here, I guess I could make use of some place to live, a bed and something to eat, if it isn't too much to ask of you?” I asked curiously, but also somewhat insecurely at the same time.

“It may not be a Royal Suit, but you'd have more than just the room for a bed. I'm sure I could offer you a feast. Equestria is plentiful, due to our close cooperation!” Celestia pointed out.

“We could as well have it done and over with? I think I could enjoy sharing the meal with you, if you could spare the time?” I enquired.

“Then I could as well show you the way to the royal dining hall right away. I should manage to convince the cook to prepare something fitting!” Celestia pointed out, as she started to move towards the door.

It would be rude to hold her up, now as she had promised to share the meal with me, showing me the way there and everything. I may have preferred my own bed and breakfast with my friends, but I had unintentionally chosen to forgo it and wished me here. I can as well follow her.

On my way to the dining hall, I wished to have the ability to help others and incidentally held my hand on her horn as I specified my wish. I should have been more careful, I should have known better, but it is how it went down.

The Surprise Acquaintance: 2

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All of a sudden I found myself in a royal dining hall. I guess that isn't too strange or unexpected. The one detail that struck me, I'm apparently a light pink pony, even though my mane and tail is still the same black hue and style I had kept them in.

What grounded me squarely in reality, I'm wearing the bracelet I had come to know as the 'Witch Blade'. If I had not, I could have dismissed it as a dream. Yet my life isn't that kind of a dream. You may call it a nightmare.

True to my general situation, I walked up to the Princess, a large Alicorn, sitting by a small girl.

“Greetings, Princess Celestia. I'm Sara Pezzini. I would love to offer you my services!” I pointed out.

First after the fact it hit me, just how unsettling this may be to others. I had grown used to knowing, what I couldn't naturally have known, by their standards. Only now it was too late to regret what I had offered her.

“Right now, have a seat, and enjoy the meal. Secondly, what services would you be offering, Sarah? Sorry, I have never heard of you before. Though it is a mighty curious bracelet on your right wrist. I have never seen the like!” Celestia responded.

“Since you wouldn't need a personal guard, you're much too popular to have any plots against you at the time being. I could teach your guards a few things. Where I came from, they saw a mundane world, compared with yours, I can get used to a life here. Even at your age, I doubt you'd have seen quite what I've seen. What I see on a daily basis!” I suggested.

I noticed how the spherical red crystal stared at her, as I enjoyed the salad. It was a surprisingly good taste to it. Something I could get used to. Just like I had gotten used to being the wielder of the witch blade. It had chosen me, and there is no way out.

“Maybe you could demonstrate some of these tricks for me?”Celestia suggested with a sly smile on her face, as if she knew something.

“That would be a great idea, would you have a few of the guards gathered, they may enjoying the event?” I suggested.

“Right this way!” Celestia pointed out, as the meal was finished.

“You'll be surprised!” I stated, as we reached the square where the guards was practising.

“Since I haven't seen you before, that is likely. Question is, will it be positively, or negatively?” she challenged me.

“Let's see!” I said, smiling as I lift my right fore hoof, only to see the bracelet change drastically and a blade extend as if from out of nowhere.

“I'd have to admit, I had never seen that in a thousand years. That could be useful, for a guard. You're not even a Unicorn, how do you manage this trick?” she enquired.

Celestia hastily drew her blade in the Alicorn style. Her blade currently measuring a full two feet, compared with my short dagger. Then she moved towards me with her blade before her, slowly making her first move and I easily parried it with the tip of my blade.

“Earth Ponies doesn't wield a blade like yours!” Celestia pointed out.

“This isn't an ordinary blade, it's the Witch Blade, it can't be wielded by any Pony, it chose me!” I responded.

“Witch Blade? A blade is rarely named, unless there is something more to it. Just as it doesn't choose who may wield it!” she responded.

“The Witch Blade does. Maybe it is comparable to the Elements, or the Alicorn Amulet?” I enquired, straight to the point.

Dark Mare: 3

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I had gone to bed the other night just like I used to, that is as far as the commonality went this time.

As I woke up, I realised something was off, and in an unusually strange way. First thing, it isn't my bed and it isn't my body, or is it. I'm lying in bed, just as if nothing had happened, which feels good.

Maybe it had been time to move on, I had grown tired of stalking these people anyway. Just taking pictures, recording voices, and imitating them in order to make them kill one another off. How many more did I have to trick, before my revenge was done and over with.

As it turned out, now I am a white Earth Pony. That would be a fresh start for someone like me. I still did recall I had been a man, back where I came from, but something told me I'm a mare now.

As I slipped the quilt off of my body, I could clearly see the room around me. It's barren in a very Spartan manner. I apparently do have a bed, and an empty bookshelf. The light comes from glowing crystals embedded in the wall, how curious.

Before I open the heavy wooden door, I notice something curious, a mark on my white flank, an image that would look as if it is a short strap of bandages. The same kind of bandages that had covered my face, from the fateful moment in my lab and until now, all these years. What I couldn't see is the bandage pattern on my entire face. Apparently her these bandages will be linked to, and referring to a special talent for healing the flesh of ponies and others.

Maybe it isn't a sign of a curse here, but an honour of the healer. I didn't know, but that is to become clear to both me and others soon enough, just as I was to learn.

Before I actually did get to the door, I noticed it was opened, and a guard in a shiny armour stop just outside of my room.

“Greetings and welcome to the royal castle of Celestia and Luna of Equestria. This is going to be your home from now on, Dark Mare. I have been instructed to guide you around, and the first place will be the dining hall. I hope you're hungry!” the stallion pronounced.

The guard stepped aside as I approached and promptly stay on my side as he leads me through corridors, until we finally did reach the promised dining hall. He had been quiet the entire walk, not that I had challenged his silence, maybe I didn't feel like asking anything right now.

“Greetings, Dark Mare!” came from an uncommonly large Pony, apparently the Princess by the name of Celestia I had been promised earlier.

“Greetings, Princess!” I responded, as I looked at her, then around the room, looking for the breakfast I had been promised earlier.

Something told me they actually did respect her, something I had seen all too little of, actual true respect. I had been force-fed the view of what was to pass for respect, when it had in fact been fear. The difference is only too obvious, when you can compare it with the true respect I just witnessed.

“Would you care to join me, and share breakfast with me?” she enquired in a royal tone I never had heard before, a tone to require respect, but also a tone that made me realise, she was to listen to me, before she was to pass her just judgement.

“I'd be honoured!” I responded, simply in a slightly lower voice.

“Yet, the delight would be on my side!” She responded in a simpler tone.

“Since I'm your guest, that would please me too. I'm just a bit new to the life I woke up to, not that I would complain. I just realised, I had enough of the life I lived before I ended up here!” I continued.

“From your mark, I could see how you are going to have an important place at the Equestrian castle!” she pointed out.

“The bandages on my flank?” I suggested, in an earnest enquiry.

“We all have a mark in Equestria, it signify who we are, and our talents. You would be a great healer, with a mark like yours. My task is to raise the sun each morning, and lower it each night, thus creating the cycle of DayLight!” She pointed out.

“You're raising the Sun, each and every day? For how long have you been doing that? I can't even begin to imagine such a task. I was a simple scientist, bent on trying to create something good, a means to help people, that almost cost me my life. That bent me on a cause for revenge, I finally escaped. It was a curse!” I responded.

“Yes, revenge is a cruel curse. I hope you can finally know peace!” she said, in a simple, yet sympathetic voice.

“Since you so graciously granted me a new life, I have a chance, since none of what bought the pain and rage to me followed me, to the best of my knowledge!” I continued.

“Don't mention it, I'm just happy to have you with me. I'm sure I can find good use for a talent like yours. I can never have too many healers on my side!” she teased me.

“I guess you're right. Though we only need one raising the sun. Does your sister raise the Moon too, then?” I threw a chance guess.

“Some Pony has to be charged with the task. Sadly, it caused her pain. Thankfully, she seems to have gotten over it, even if it was at a horrendously high cost!” Celestia explained.

“Now you made it sound as if it pained you just as much as it hurt her?” I enquired.

“I was forced to live with both the failure and the loneliness, since I have been without her for a millennia. She only returned most recently, which spare me from the loneliness, but the original failure will stay with me for time to come!” she pointed out in an increasingly sad tone of voice.

Thankfully, this is when the Unicorn came with a bowl of salad. It was starting to be too sad, and I did not want to interrupt her, but I couldn't quite keep this line of discussion going either. What truly saved the moment, is the small detail my eye caught, just as the Unicorn placed the bowl before me. It wasn't much, just enough to chance my talent. I just placed a hoof on top of the cut, for the briefest of moments, feeling the effect of what my talent did to her.

“Thanks!” she responded, almost out of shock, but with a touch of gratitude.

In a sense it had been a chance act. I'm new at this since I had only woken up to be a pony this morning. The cut had been covered over with new skin, and her coat now as good as new, even the pain was gone, by the look on her face.

“You're quite welcome. Besides, it's my pleasure!” I responded, in earnest truthfulness.

Naturally, there had been no reason to lie, and I had enjoyed to do it for her, even though I did not know her, at least not yet. It had offered me a welcome interruption, in a discussion that did not lead either of us to happy thoughts.

“That is exactly the point, and what I said earlier. Looks like natural magic for an Earth Pony, just like yourself!” she just pointed out, in an amused tone, as if the event was almost a joke, but still not rubbing it into my face, which caused me to chance a brave smile.

“I guess this is exactly what all my hard work was meant to lead me to. Now I can finally help others. Not for the glory of fame, just for the joy of helping her!” I responded.

“You were meant for this world. Do I really need to see more?” Celestia pondered, as if she was speaking to herself about me.

Get Serious: 4

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This was starting to get interesting. The walls are packed with guards, looking seriously curious and amused. I didn't bother delving into motivations, they are sure to get all the entertainment they could have been prepared for, or hope for.

Maybe it is hilarious to them, to see a mere Earth Pony against two Alicorns in full Armour? I guess I could see the point, even from my position, since I wear nothing but a bracelet, even if it is the Witch Blade, but they couldn't know that. It isn't of this world, even that could have been said where I came from too.

“This will be interesting. Should I go easy on her?” Luna called out to the crowd.

“Just to a point, or they will all miss the point!” Celestia pointed out.

“What point?” a new guard enquired.

“That is exactly what I'm going to demonstrate, with the assistance of a new friend and instructor. She has travelled all the way to Canterlot castle, for your benefit!” Celestia responded.

“We could as well get started, then we can make the points!” I suggested.

I merely lifted my right hoof, and the bracelet started to change from what seems to be mere jewellery, and into what was clearly a piece of armour.

“How did she do that?” a guard whispered to a friend close by.

“If it isn't Celestias doing, I don't have the faintest clue, she is an Earth Pony, she is incapable of pulling of this level of magic!” the friend responded.

“Her horn isn't glowing, she is clearly not doing anything yet, and the same goes for Luna!” came the reply.

“In that case, that has to be one mean amulet!” interjected a third friend.

“You think, Glimmer?” the first friend pondered.

“May I chance that it could even rival the Alicorn Amulet, if a mere Earth Pony could use it in such a fluid and effortless manner?” Glimmer responded.

“I guess it is time to warm up!” Celestia pointed out, as she readied her blade.

“This demonstration will commence, starting out, one-on-one!” Luna declared.

At this point, I slowly started top move towards Celestia, who in turn moved closer towards me as well. Then I merely blocked her first thrust with the tip of my own blade, clearly demonstrating a point.

Once I had stopped her blade, I extended my own in a similar attack, just slightly faster, which she easily managed to block in return, which pleased me, since I had no intent to actually hurt her.

A few more blow for blow, easily blocked was exchanged, each faster than the one before. Just as more power had been placed behind the thrust. Then I playfully choose to extend my blade to double the original length, just for a show. There was a gasp from the audience.

After a few more blows had been exchanged, I hear Luna giggle in amusement. Or is this just my out of body sensitivity playing ghost tricks on me again. Either way, I couldn't help it, as a smile spread over my face such as it is now.

Knowing this armour, like none in Equestria ever did, in part due to experiences, aside from the hits and lectures I had been given, firstly by the two men, and then, from the one who is closer than any living being ever could. The essence within the Bracelet itself. Only I couldn't reveal this secret right now, though I would give a few hints soon.

For now, I was merely focusing on the task at hoof. Even when certain words did come out as strange to me, even as they started to make sense to me, in the form I had been given.

I had been taken out of time, and then even out of my body and self, then returned to a land of dreams and Ponies in various forms, where I'm merely one of them. Though I may be looked up to by some, and feared by others. That's the way of things, it is what I had been born into.

I knew my armour could forsake me, at the drop of a hat, as it were, just as it could save me, if it felt like it. Apparently, now it felt like staying with me. Or is that just me forsaking it in my subconscious, then blaming it on the bracelet? I know just how easy it is. That's the way we are, blame anything outside of yourself, particularly when you are the one to screw up.

By now, my blade is about as long as my arm, or rather foreleg, as it is referred to. I'm a Pony, I have no arms, the way I had where and when I lived and came from. Not that I mind being a pony, not since every other some Pony are ponies too. Maybe if I had been the only Pony, but this isn't the case.

Moving on all fours makes for intricate changes in everything, not just how I move, but I still managed to wield my blade, just about as nimbly as you could ever have imagined. Maybe some of my grace had followed me into this form.

All of a sudden I hear a noise I had not expected, which instantly startled me, but a moment later as I realised what it was, just another glove, or shoe. As a Pony, I now have two front shoes, rather than just the first.

Then it dawned upon me, I wasn't the one to be hit the hardest, at least it wasn't Celestia, or Luna, but the entire group of guards. The second shoe had apparently set them off, maybe in part due to the silly detail, I'm an Earth Pony, and as such, I'm supposed not to wield magic, which is how the tale went.

Both my shoes, or boots now reaching half way up my legs. They may look heavy, but on my hooves, they're almost as light as feathers. Maybe this is part of how the local magic works, but it sure is convenient to me.

Then I see the ghost of my armour looking back at me, as if winking to me, trying to convey a message, or imbue with all the courage I could hold. I knew I had nothing to fear, but it still is a nice feeling to it. If I'm the only Pony to see it, but I sure know I had seen it. Most of my visions are private, I'm the one who see them.

Then I laugh, before I lifted my left hoof, striking a new blow towards her, she barely managed to block it, as I push harder still. I could see something in her eye, but I couldn't put a hoof to it, or find the words right now. Something she certainly had not expected.

There was a gasp from the spectators.

“See that? You need to be prepared for a second blade, as well as facing it in any situation!” Luna pointed out with a crooked grin on her face, as she addressed the guards.

The guards fell flat, as the words sank in, where they stood, looking at the spectacle. I dare say, this isn't what they had expected to see as late as a week ago. It isn't so much that I'm duelling the Princess, is it.

Maybe it was Luna's words that so harshly cut them down. She sure have a sharp tongue, if she had something to say, maybe this is part of what went down, a millennia back in time?

Then it just struck me, just what a fine day it is. Is it a coincidence, or is this how it always is in Equestria. I'm new here, so I may as well ask, but I'd keep this for after this show, the demonstration and duel for the benefit of the guards.

I just laughed for a moment, but allowed for nothing more, just a grin, as I step forwards, slipping in a new thrust, only to be blocked and pushed to the side, once more, just as I had expected. Then she made a thrust of her own as response, moving up the level just one more step.

Like this it went on, moving back and forth, blow by blow, thrusts and blocks, no longer really stopping to count scores. That was never the intent in the first place. It had been pointed out, and now the point is to see, just how long it would take for either to make a slip, but the slip never really came.

Now the duel had turned into more of a dance, where we moved around one another, pushing blows blocking and sliding thrusts. In one sense, she had the advantage, but in the next case, I could hammer down a point of how the advantage is all mine. I can see it all before it actually happened, in a way at least most ponies never could. I can't tell how far in advance she saw, but the guards never saw the blows coming.

After a while, it is more fun than anything else, and so long as I trust in myself, and the blade, I know I am perfectly safe. Now, this is another shock on the poor guards, they still would refuse to see how my armour could advance. I've seen and experienced it, and first hoof at that. Nothing beats a first hoof experience, now does it.

I had realised, a few things are different here. Not just am I a pony, and an Earth Pony, even if it is a clear change on me. That's not the real change. The change had nothing to do with my visions either. What had changed, is the connection to the blade. I certainly still is the 'Witch Blade', it had never changed, it still is my destiny.

What had changed is my connection to it. When I was pulled in, something in the connection changed, as vaguely as it may seem, it is definitely a change, and now I could feel it. Maybe it is as if I had been pulled in as a person, and the blade is a part of me, just as surely as my head. Maybe this should have been a shock?

Now, there it was again, a large shadow looming, but it didn't prevent me from seeing what was about to happen, as if it had already happened. Once Luna stepped in, and stepped up the anti, I already knew it. I'm prepared and faced her as I face Celestia. This made for an impression on the guards, gawking.

The move had been fairly well timed, short of the fact that I knew it beforehoof, and thus had all the time in the world to prepare and take action. I had been facing her as she stepped in, though she had stepped in as I had turned tail on her.

At this point, With Luna circling me, I had less time to act, but still managed to keep them from making a hit, just by blocking off each attack. The fact that I knew my armour was going to stop each and every blow was something I did not let on, as if not both Celestia and Luna would know it, just by the demonstration of blocking their thrusts alone. I'm not making a mistake as easy as playing them for fools, they had been around for far too long for that. Besides, the way they had taken the place they are holding should speak loudly enough, all by itself, wouldn't it.

I felt the gaze from each pony, as they observed my every move, I had apparently managed to keep them interested.

In the end, I had realised I was enjoying it, and quite royally so. Could you blame me, if so, why. Only now, it looks as if it is the guards that are slowly starting to waver. Knowing they are not Alicorns made it easier to follow the position. Even if I'm not an Alicorn myself, but I'm not relaying on being a specific type of Pony. I had my training, my experience, and I am the Witch Blade. There is a difference I had finally learned to trust, and in an entirely new and very different way. I could feel it within me.

“I think we've taken up enough of the time of our guards. I can feel them lingering. There is no point in prolonging this, just to see who will falter first!” Luna pointed out.

This is when the guards finally snapped back to full attention, if just for long enough to realise this show was about to be over.

“Yes, it is time. You're dismissed, have something to eat, then rest. You certainly do have something to contemplate now!” Celestia pointed out.

That's when I saw it again, only now it is two shadows, and distinct enough, only when I look up, the individuals behind the shadows are already gone. I didn't mention the shadows, they either saw them, or not. Just as it may as well have been a premonition, in which case it was no point in bothering, or worrying anyone with what I had seen.

Then I noticed the guards had already left, as had Luna.

“That would be the toughest sparing I've had, since I could remember!” Celestia pointed out.

“Thanks, but there can't have been a Pony like me here before?” I pondered.

“No, it certainly haven't. Where did the armour come from?” Celestia responded.

“I have no idea. I stumbled upon the bracelet in a museum, and it apparently chose me. It's the Witch Blade. The bracelet apparently create the armour every time I need it!” I pondered.

“That is curious. I have never heard, or seen an artefact quite like it, in all my years!” Celestia responded.

“I guess I could see that. There can never be all that many with quite this power!” I suggested.

“Now, you're right about that. Though I think it is time for a meal, I'm hungry!” Celestia pointed out.

With that, she turned towards the dining hall with me in tow, only the armour now entirely out of sight.

Sight Unseen – A Foreshadowed Arrival: 5

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I had just spotted a castle, it looks like something I had seen before, but I know this isn't the forest I used to live in. Something is off, just not wrong in a bad way.

In the end, I decided on going down, and after encircling the building several times I made up my mind, I was to land in order to have a better look. What stuck out first is that there is a large city around this castle, much unlike where I came from. How I ended up here in the first place still escaped me, but I guess I'd be better off her, considering the development back where I came from. Maybe I could actually feel safe here.

Just as I landed just outside of the castle, I saw a most curious pony. Apparently she spotted me too, but barely showed any sign of me, short of the one thing.

“Greetings, I'm Witch Blade. Welcome to the Royal castle of Equestria. I take it you would like to meet Celestia, then?” she simply blurted out, as if she had been a long lost friend who practically knew me from before.

“Greetings, Witch Blade. Though that is a mighty curious name, for a Pony, wouldn't you say?” responded as I approached her.

“Ah yeah, it is, but I'm no more from around here, than you would be. I think we would go inside!” she then responded.

“I used to live in a nice forest, just outside a Castle looking much like this, but it was called Hagwarts. Celestia? Sorry, I have never heard of her!” I responded.

“I know. Buckbeak, was it? I doubt you'll find any Hipogriffs around here. Not sure you'd like the local Griffons!” Witch responded.

“Witch, is that really a name, I thought it was more of a Title. But alas, how do you know everything? Not just my name!” I pointed out.

“Witch Blade is neither a name nor a Title, it is merely my Identity. My name is Sarah Pezzini, but call me Sarah, if it makes you feel easier around me. I know more than most, because I see beyond what mundane people can see!” she merely summarised.

“Sarah? Sounds like a good name. People, as in Humans? Mundane, as opposed to Witches or other Special Individuals?” I enquired with a curious tone to my voice as a smile spreads over my face.

“I was a Human, before I came here. At least to a point, as far as I knew. Maybe Witch Blade is a good name on a Pony like me? She confessed.

“There were Witches and Wizards where I used to live. Most of them were nice and respectful, much thanks to a Wizard named Hagrid!” I responded.

“I think you'll fit right in here. What you knew as Wizards and are referred to as Unicorns here. We had better go see the Princess, she's bound to see you, Buckbeak!” Sarah pointed out as she started to move towards the door.

“Oh, Unicorns. We had them back where I came from, but they would look more like my rear end than they would look like you. Only with a single horn in the forehead. This is promising to be more than just an adventure!” I stated, as I followed her through halls towards where she was taking me.

The halls feels small to me, but that should have been expected, looking down at the Pony leading me to where we're heading. All the other ponies are in her size as well. Yet, there is something about the Pony I have before me. Not just the name she had picked for herself, she apparently goes by 'Witch Blade' here, despite the fact that her original name was Sarah Pezzini. Maybe it is in how she moves, or is there a connection to the taken name? I had noticed the Bracelet on her right foreleg, it looks almost as if it could have been worn by a woman, if we had been among Humans.

From time to time, we passed an armoured Guard passing us this way or that, on his or her way to an errand I had no idea of. I ignored them, as they ignored me. Their business is none of my concerns. I'm merely following this Pony towards the Princess she had mentioned earlier.

“Princess, meet Buckbeak, the Hippogriff. Buckbeak, this is Princess Celestia!” Witch stated, introducing me to the Princess of Equestria.

“Greetings, Buckbeak. This is a pleasant surprise. I hope you're enjoying the hospitality, you're the first Hippogriff I had the honour to greet into the Castle!” Celestia said.

“Greetings, Princess Celestia. Seems most appropriate that you're the ruler of these lands. Maybe I'm making assumptions, based on what my experience tells me, since it was a powerful Wizard in charge of the Castle where I'm from. Yet, what I see confirms it. I hope I haven't offended you in any way!” I expressed.

The Princess wasn't a mere Unicorn, but an Alicorn, looking like a winged Unicorn. Even if she is much larger than the common Ponies, she is still smaller them I am. I couldn't help but notice the detail.

There is a host of details I could see, most of which escaped my conscious thought at this time. The one thing that was still puzzling me, how and why I had ended up, where I am now, being on the top of my mind, as much as I may try to ignore it. Magic isn't exactly new to me, yet it was new in the form it stood before me. Ponies were mere pets where I came from, as opposed to what I had before me.

“Being a Princess is just as much a life as it is a job, there is no truly free hours. Never know when I will be called for. I am responsible to keep the Ponies safe, each day all year, and every year. Besides, it is hard to see them come and go. At least, now I have my sister by my side!” she put forth.

At that, I noticed a strange knowing smile on the face of the Pony who had helped me find my way here.

“To see the ages slowly walk past you is the challenge of being timeless. Your fellows may say they like to be immortal, but in the end, they would curse the day it happen!” Witch then exclaimed quietly.

Expectation Nigh: 6

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There had been a build-up of fallen heroes in and around the royal castle of Canterlot for quite some time. There couldn't be, without an equal and opposite on the other side.

Here is the first down-payment on the debt. A debt to balance, and it had to be paid. He is a man, so dark, his kind had spared no effort in obliterating him, His name had been feared, but here it had to be changed once more. Lord of Lupus.

This would seem the ideal place, since Unicorns was common in the lands known as Equestria. There was the one problem, just as it always had to be, not only are they sentient on pair with the humans he had been counted amongst, but they were part of a much larger community.

His coat a solid grey, though he had been granted wings as black as night of the Bat variety, which apparently pleased him to a levelled degree at this point. His features had been changed to those of Lupus, though the muzzle now is but an inch longer than his former nose had been, from the time he actually did have his own face.

Most of his features merely those bland of a Lupus, though he is clearly standing on his hind quarters, just like the man he had once been.

Could he have chosen his castle and its location by himself, he would have put it just about where it now stood, point the far end of the Everfree forest. Out of sight from both Canterlot and Ponyville. Away from the Ponies who could see and hate him for whom he was, who he had been and what he was. His plans would not please the Ponies, he knew it and was wise enough to hide it, while his power wasn't strong enough to face even the villagers.

Soon, very soon this was about to change. Everything always changed. It was the one constant. Even death and fortune could be changed. If you but know the right spell, had the right ingredients and knew the right friends.

I had had friends where I came from, yet, for all the good they could do for me, I had failed and ended up here in the end. Where ever here may be, if it is even relevant to me.

A stone castle had been raised where I stand, it is my home and base of operation. It is basically all I have. The forest surrounding my lonely castle is the most fiercely hostile I have ever seen. If I thought I had seen unfriendly woods, I guess that was for the child picnic?

I had heard howls from wolves, the likes I had never dared dreaming of. The one guidance I have, is a book I had found. This one book told me of many things. It told me of the horrors of the Everfree forest. I had found images and descriptions. Among them was the Timber wolf. Aside from several Constellation beasts.

I had been used to see several orders of monsters roaming freely, not just the Trolls, but also Gremlins and Dementors. There are none of them here by the looks of it, or they should have been mentioned in the book. Something in the thoroughness make me think it is fairly complete.

If it was not complete, there is nothing I could do about it. Just as there is nothing I could do about a great many things. Magic is present, I could feel it. There is something to be grateful for. Though I can feel differences great and small in how and what the magic is here. Exactly what the differences are is too early to point out at this time.

What is important is that I am here, and that I can still use magic. I would have been crippled severely if I had no magic. I did get my wand with me, which is also good. I have no idea what I would have done, if it had not followed me over to the new place to be called my home.

The castle I now call my home had been built out of stone, naturally, but since it is no stone I had seen or heard of, I had to assume it is a local variety, one of Equestrian origin, the book had told me.

I had found, what was to be my bedroom, since I do have need for sleep even in this farm. I may need some time to get accustomed to what I had become.

Walking the smooth black floor, examining the equally smooth walls, before affording to glance up at the ceiling.

What surprised me the most about my castle, is the great throne room, since I had no followers or subjects, for all I know, though it was a nice touch to it. Planning ahead is always good, what ever you were about to venture.

The question may be, where could I start, what I had in mind? I need a base of power, not merely a grand but empty castle out of rock. Maybe I could find support from whom and what ever dwelled these forbidding forest. Could I speak to the wolves and beasts of the forest, like I had once spoken to the great snake. If it is the case, I had a lead on how to set my first stone in motion.

I had even found maps of the lands, including maps of the important communities of the land I had been sent to. Names listed are; Canterlot, Ponyville, Manehattan, Chrystal Empire, Philidelfia, Vanhoover. There would be numerous smaller and less important places, but these were listed as important.

Most of the listed communities seem to be great cities, with large population, and some even had a royal palace, but what puzzled me is the one small village named Ponyville. It is small and had nothing important to it, going by regular standards of which I knew. I did not like the sound or looks of it.

Then something struck me, just a coincidental similarity? Was this village the equivalence to the village where a certain Harry Potter grew up, or the Hogwarts school for gifted wizards and witches? Such a reference would make sense, if it indeed was the case. It would be logical to have such a place in this realm, since they had where I came from. Thinking of it, maybe it should have been scarier, if it had been left out.