• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 461 Views, 2 Comments

Falls and Follies of a Princess - Michael Hudson

Celestia is the ruler all wish to achieve. She has the perfect kingdom and happy subjects, but how did this all happen? What caused her to learn what it takes to be a good ruler? And what did she got wrong first?

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Falls and Follies: Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Jack had arrived at the Everfree Apple almost two hours before the meeting. The meeting last week had ended shortly after Crowd Raiser broke down. It was hard to really talk after watching such a great man break like that, the shame being evident on poor Peace Treaty’s face. She had been shaking as she chose the next location and time. Crowd Raiser had warned him that he would pay if he didn’t come to this meeting, and that he still had to be punished. Now it was three days later, and Jack was terrified as to what Crowd may have decided.

Walking in he tasted the sweet yet sour smell that came from the multitude of bodies and sweet apple spiced cider that was the large tavern’s specialty. He found a table on the edge, trying to avoid attention from the other patrons. Crowded areas like this always made him feel a little claustrophobic, afraid that a fight might start, an accident that he would be unable to excape as everyone rushed for the door. He was snapped out of his thoughts by a sweet melodic, yet familiar voice.

“What might you be having tonight sir? And please don’t say me, I’ve heard it seventeen times tonight.” Jack was thankful he wasn’t a pegasus as Peace was standing in front of him, the blue and green hair falling messily around her face, and a wonderful barmaid outfit hugging her body.

“Uh, uhm, I- I would like some hay and oars please.” Peace raised an eyebrow at him. “Hay and oats I mean! Yes, I would like hay and oats please.”

Peace’s slight giggle just slammed into his rising amount of embarrassment as he just looked down, not believing he had been so clumsy in response. “I’m sorry sir, but we are out of that at the moment. Perhaps you would like to try our unicorn salad. It helps you resist the elements.” Peace winked at him, a soft smile on her face. She must have been loving her role that night.

“Yes, I think that sounds fantastic.”

“Fine, but you’re paying the check first.” Peace put a piece of paper in front of him, and his curiosity beat his thoughts of Peace as he snatched the paper. It merely said cellar, so it was off to the cellar with him. Jack thought he had been smooth and subtle, but just caused Peace to giggle at the young colt as he almost sprinted down the cellar, bumping into a few other patrons in his rush.

Reaching the cellar, the smell of fermenting beer and wine hit him, almost sending him tumbling down the stairs. Jack always had hated alcohol, it always clouded the mind and the smell was terrible. Recovering from this though, he saw a stage made up of tables supported by barrels, and in front were tables being set up by a lone pony.

“Alright, now I don’t have to kill you, but you and I need to talk. Why don’t you start with why you are against our rulers?” Crowd was setting up the tables, and even though the warning was evident, it was said with a smirk and a joking attitude. Jack grabbed a tables and started pulling it to place.

Jack’s voice came out much deeper and calmer than before, sadness creeping within. “Well, at first it was my cutie mark. I believed with all my might that I had a cutie mark that was to discover new places. I looked into the forest with hope and longing, but then my adopted father’s sickness really took affect. He had been fighting it for most of my life, but about six years ago his health started to fail on him. As it got worse, his status as archivist got him the best health care he could hope for. But the cure wasn’t in the city.”

“They wanted to go look for ingredients, try a few new recipes or find a flower that might be able to at least ease his pain. The guards simply said no though. When I tried heading out at night, Luna’s Night Guard beat me halfway to chaos. A month after that, I watched as he died, telling me to always reach for the stars, never stop trying to learn and get stronger. His last words were to allow nothing to limit my growth, to never let the past he collected deter me from reaching the future. So I don’t understand why the princesses allow the past to hold all of us behind the world, behind the walls.”

Crowd was stunned. Who he thought was just some punk colt trying to join the newest movement had some purpose behind him. He was happy that he still had to be punished, and that tonight should be interesting. Of course, he still had tables to move before that. Jack now spoke, back to his childish voice. “ So you want to talk about Howdy and --”

“Remember, I still need to punish you. I would change the subject NOW!” The sharp edge at the end and Jack’s worry made him snap to literally the first thing that came to mind.

“Is Peace single?” Crowd let out a raucous laughter as Jack punched himself in the face trying to take back what he had just said. “Ah, my eye!”

“Look you. I might come up with the slogans and get everyone pumped, but that girl runs this program, balancing books, paying bribes, and coming up with our security measures. You’re going to have to try hard if you want to take up some of her time. She cares about this movement, and I’m thankful that she stops me from speaking only of war and anger. Of course, I do that sometimes anyways.”

Jack nodded, digesting the information thinking about how to impress mare, or at least getting to know her better. Crowd left him alone to his thoughts, rehearsing in his head the meeting. He was going to have to reinvigorate everyone tonight if he didn’t want to lose membership. Besides, there were still tables to be moved.

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