• Published 26th Oct 2011
  • 3,961 Views, 84 Comments

Night's Magic - SteampunkBrony

What if the other statues in canterlots garden were sealed ponies? this is one idea.

  • ...

Night and Day

Author's Note:

I'm ditching the music system unless there's a large amounts of people asking for it back.


Time and Shade pressed through the thick foliage that grew along the small path, their hooves sinking into the soft moss that covered it, showing that while three others had followed the path recently, only one had returned.

"Time... I don't think we're going the right way..." Shade said nervously.

"Relax shade, it'll be fine, besides, somepony came this way recently, look at the plants that line the path, some of them have broken twigs." Time said as he forged onward.

"Shouldn't I be leading? you can't use any normal magic and I don't think the order's magic would be easy to explain if an earth pony used it." Shade said.

"Will you quit your whining? I'm trying to follow the path here."

"Whining? My friend I am not whining, I am complain- why'd you sto..." The deep blue unicorn's jaw dropped at the sight of the estate. "Think this is it?"

"I think we can be sure of it, look at the gateposts."

The two grey stone pillars holding up the wrought iron gate bore the symbol of the Order of the Moon, as well as a depiction of Luna's cutie mark was the central design in the large gate. Beyond that the ferns, shrubs, and trees seemed to be growing wild, yet in such a way that all the cobblestone paths through the grounds were clear from obstruction. As they stepped through the gate, the hinges not uttering a sound despite their age, they could see the vines covering the walls and roof.

"Who lives here?" Shade muttered as he glimpsed a small garden of various plants from the Everfree down one of the paths, recognizing only the deep blue leaves of poison joke among the garden.

"I don't know... but this may be the house of the founder..." Time said excitedly. "Look at the door, it bears the motto of the order, as well as his cutie mark."

The heavy ebony door was decorated with patterns that weaved through each other, making it impossible to find any single beginning or end. 'In the shadows we hide, for the moon we stand.' was engraved around the edges of the order's symbol, the heavy brass knocker sitting in the middle of the door depicted a unicorn holding and ancient scroll which the curved ring made of a silvery chain with it's links welded together hung from.

"Should we knock?" Shade asked.

"Probably, what harm can it do?" Time replied, pulling on the blue tassel that hung from the knocker, lifting the ring before allowing it to fall with a resounding knock. "Daymn... that thing is loud."

"Probably enchanted... usual cover story?" Shade asked as he turned to look over at time.

"Yeah, usual." Time said, jumping as the door opened of its own accord.

Shade shivered at that, glancing to the sky. "Almost night... sun's about to set. Think we should try to head back?"

"Through those woods? Hell nah. That would be asking to get lost, let's just get inside before something attacks us."

"Sounds good to me brony." Shade muttered as he stepped inside with Time, the door closing with a thud behind them.


Luna sat in her study, staring at the fire crackling in the hearth, its light reflecting off of the polished onyx that rimmed the fireplace. Silver inlays depicting her moon's phases danced across the arched mantle, allowing room for only her abacus of fine silver and polished obsidian room atop the graceful arch. The rooms walls were covered in bookshelves, or rather the obsidian shelves were part of the walls. six grand pillars rose through the room, the candles held in delicate silver holders adorning their sides casting a warm glow through the room.

A small click was heard from the direction of one of the bookshelves before it swung inwards, revealing a hidden passage. A blue and white maned unicorn stepped out.

"Ah Colgate, thank you for arriving so soon." Luna said smiling.

"You're welcome Your Highness, although the sudden summons and the method of my entrance has me wondering why I was called." Colgate said.

"I need a message delivered to the order, and you are one of the three, actually come to think of it it's four now, living ponies that know of that passage."

"Well that makes se... wait four? Who else did you show?" Colgate asked curiously.

"Nopony you'd know personally, but he is somepony you've heard of, and he is the reason why I need this message delivered." Luna said, smiling. "Come sit, I have some tea that I think a connoisseur such as yourself would enjoy. It's an import from Neighpon."


"Yes, Gyokuro, or Jade Dew in Common Equestrian. It was a gift from their ambassador upon my return." Luna said pouring a cup for the other unicorn, as well as refilling her own.

"I have heard of it before your majesty, it is one of their finest teas and I thank you for allowing me to partake in it." Colgate said smiling.

"Colgate, you know you don't have to be so formal around me when the other aristocrats aren't around, I get enough of that though my daily life as is..." Luna joked, sipping her tea.

"I'm sorry Luna," Colgate said in a less formal tone of voice as she chuckled. "I just spend so much time with the aristocracy that it sort of sticks. I am one of the orders only nobles after all..."

"Yes, which is why you were the one I asked for. It seems an old friend of mine has broken free of his prison, you remember that odd storm a few days ago? The one my sister claimed was caused by a, and I quote, 'overzealous weather patrol who were trying to clear clouds." Luna said chuckling at the poor excuse.

"Yes, I do recall that. What about it?"

"Well it was not so much as the storm that was important, more the cause that was. It seems that that statue of the Order's founder wasn't a statue so much as it was him trapped in stone. I discovered this and in my confusion ran, which caused a few of the castle's gardening staff to take an interest in the statue. When they probed it with their magic he siphoned off their magic reserves and used that to break free, the act of which caused that storm. Unlike Discord he couldn't escape without such a light show, due to his seal still being rather strong."

"Starlight has returned? Is that the message you want me to deliver?" Colgate asked once she pulled her jaw off the floor.

"Not just that, I would also like you to relay to the two agents of ours in Ponyville to keep an ear out for any news regarding a black and gray unicorn with starlight's cutie mark. I sensed him casting the mark of the lunar scholar earlier, which means the Order has a new member as well."

"The mark of the Lunar Scholar?"

"More commonly known as the order's symbol, Starlight devised a spell that would mark a member of the order with said symbol. It was lost when he was locked away though, so he's currently the only one who knows how to cast it."

"Ah..." Colgate said as she finished her tea. "Well then I'd best be on my way to deliver your message Luna."

"Oh, Colgate, one more thing,"

"Yes? Your highness?" The aristocratic tone back in her voice.

"Let the Order know that I will soon be calling a gathering, I wish to examine the current members and determine if any wish to use the knowledge that they could gain for more... nefarious purposes than just research."

"Of course Your Highness." Colgate said as she stepped out and closed the bookcase behind her.


"Man this place is huge..." Shade said as the duo turned down another hall. "You need a freaking map just to get around here..."

"I know, but at least we know it's Starlight's place..." Time said as he pushed open the door to the library. "Woah... jackpot..."

"By the moon..." Shade muttered. Rows upon rows of bookshelves spanned the hoofball field sized room with stone pillars rising from among the shelves to support the roof. a large circular area in the center of the library had cushions around a circular fire pit, which was enchanted to keep sparks from drifting off. at the far side of the library they could see the pedestals that held the copying book as well as the entrance to the storage room.

"This is amazing... let's see what kind of books are here..." Time said galloping down the stairs, heading for the reading area where an ancient tome sat upon a desk that would be at eye height when lying on the nearby cushion.

"Time will you please slow down?" Shade said trying to keep up with his friend.

"Time waits for nopony." The brown stallion quipped as he stopped by the tome. "Lesse here... old draconic, that's rare. Septiola si no ma tarathra ma kæ nothra... it can't be." Time trailed off as he placed a bookmark at the page and closed the tome, gasping at the title. "By the moon! This is a Naturon Demonto..."

"What? are you sure?" Shade said as he stepped up beside Time.

"Positive... I think we just found a treasure trove. Imagine what else could be here!"

Suddenly the door to the library slammed shut as Starlight materialized ten feet from the two startled stallions. "I assure you there are many more tomes like that here, as well as other forbidden information. Shame you'll never be able to tell anypony about it unless you can come up with a viable excuse for this intrusion." He said as the torches around the library went out, leaving only the fire pit for a light source as the two stallions froze in fear.


A/N: Well that's another chapter for you. Lemme know if you spot any errors, I've read through it a few times but I could have missed something.

here's starlight's cuite mark, i got bored in class the other day. Starlight's CM

I have the order's symbol sketched out, however my camera died on me so i can't transfer and ink it like i want to, so that'll have to wait untill I can figure out what broke. Also, i may be trying to build some of these scenes in Minecraft soon, so if anyone is interested in helping clear some room on a server, just PM or e-mail me.