• Published 26th Oct 2011
  • 3,960 Views, 84 Comments

Night's Magic - SteampunkBrony

What if the other statues in canterlots garden were sealed ponies? this is one idea.

  • ...

As evening falls

Chapter 1: A new world

"This is not good…" Celestia said as she paced near the crater where the statue had exploded. "You are sure a pony teleported away right after?"

"Yes your highness, all three of us saw it." Lancer, the leader of the royal guard squad that had witnessed the escape said. "If i may ask, who, or what was that?"

"He was a unicorn from long ago. He was imprisioned for practicing dark magic." Celestia said.

'seems a little much to me… but i trust the princess.' Lancer thought as the unicorns started to wake up.

"Sister, what's going on? What was tha…" Luna dropped off as she saw where the crater was. "It was him, wasn't it? Starlight Sparke?"

there was a murmur from the three guards at the mention of the name.

"I was hoping to keep his name out of the ears of the press but yes it was him. You six don't mention that to anyone please, i don't want his name to reach Twilight…" Celestia said with a sigh.

"How many of these statues are actual ponies sister?" Luna asked quietly. "I felt his spirit in there, and now he's broken free… did i release him?"

"It wasn't you your highness." one of the three Unicorns said as he got up slowly. "I think it was us. We saw you run and when i discovered that there was somepony the other two looked as well… then i felt a pull and blacked out. I think he stole our magic reserves to break free…"

"That would be something within his power…" Celestia mumbled. "There are five other statues that contain ponies… the rest are actual stone, well aside from discord there… agriculture, art, battle, enterprise and performance. Gather those statues without using magic I will re-cast the spell. I do not want any more old enemies escaping. Sister wi… what's wrong?" Celestia asked, concern in her voice as she turned to see luna crying slightly.

"You were behind his disappearance weren't you?" She asked.

"Luna I… Yes i was… but we'll discuss that later." Celestia replied. "As for you three, i need to make sure he didn't do anything besides take your magic reserves. I doubt he did but i have to be sure."


I dragged myself to my hooves and scanned the area with my magic. "Hmm… the everfree… not ideal but at least i'm out of canterlot…" I said hoarsely. In hindsight… it was probably not wise to yell like that after over 1000 years of not speaking… I mused, wincing at my sore vocal chords.

"Is anypony out there? to brave the Everfree at night is quite rare…" I heard and exotic voice from the bushes to my left.

"Hello?" I called in reply. Hopefully i'm near a town…

"I thought i heard a shout." Said a female zebra as she stepped from the bushes. "My name is Zecora, what is all this about?"

Time to think on the fly Starlight… "Finally i found somepony, My teleportation spell went awry a few days ago, and i have been barely surviving since. Is there a town near here you could be so kind as to direct me to?" I asked, praying to luna that the lie would not be noticed.

"You are lucky to have found me today, ponyville is not far away. However, it is still quite a distance from here. How about we go to my house, it is quite near." Zecora said smiling.

"Thank you for your hospitality. My name is Nightshade, and i will admit, i have not be into ponyville revently, though i live nearby. I recently moved in and I rarely go into town so I don't know anyone in the area." I said. it has been 1000 years… my canterlot accent will probably be noticed if anything is the same as it was back then.

"It is a small community, but the ponies are kind. They may seem a bit crazy though, keep that in mind." Zecora chuckled as we started off into the woods.


"But you knew he was one of my only friends!" Luna exclaimed as she paced around Celestia's study. "How could you lock him away like that?"

"Luna, do you not realize what he had done to you? He planted the seed that caused you to become Nightmare Moon!" Celestia replied.

"I am sure he did not mean that. He was nothing but curteous and kind while i was studying with him."

"He was practicing dark magic Luna. Dark magic! I had no choice!"

"Just like you had no choice but to destroy any evidence that existed of his research? He had created spells to help ponies with other types of magic yet you erased those! Even now i can't find some of his medical spells that could save thousands of ponies."

"I had to be sure no pony would follow the path to dark magic…"

"So you locked him away in stone? He's been in there as long as i was on the moon! I only could bear that because i could build things out of blocks of moonstone, can you imagine what being locked in stone would be like!" Luna nearly yelled as she turned to Celestia.

"Would you rather me have killed him? That was the other option" Celestia said, a hint of anger seeping into her voice.

"No!" Luna said, shocked. "How could you even think that? he was researching that magic to teach ponies how to defend against it, and now that he's free from your foolish move he has a bucking good reason to use dark magic against you! I only pray that he has the good sense not to provoke an attack." Luna growled as she started to leave.

"Well what should i do?" Celstia spat at Luna. "You know him better than i do."

"Don't send guards after him and pray he's not out for revenge." Luna said, her seething tone making her voice sound close to that of Nightmare Moon's as she stopped in the dooray. "For if he is, i fear for Canterlot."

Celestia just stared at the door as it slammed hard enough to knock a nearby vase off it's pedestal.


"This is very good soup Ms. Zecora. May i inquire what the recipe is?" I asked, taking another sip of the delectable vegetable soup in front of me.

"It is an old recepie from my homeland, simplistic, yet its flavour is grand. Alas, however my company until dawn, it's secret is not one for me to pass on. It was taught to me by my father's mother, and until i have a child of my own i will not speak of it to another." Zecora said with a smile.

"That is too bad, a soup of the likes of this could be enjoyed by canterlot's elite and they would pay a good amount for it."

"Perhaps when i become too old to dwell in this forest." Zecora said taking our empty bowls and placing them in a wash basin. "However, for now we shall rest."

"I do believe that is a good idea…" I said as i looked at the various books she had on her shelves. "Wait… is that a translation of Trotenkahmen's dark book i see?"

"You read old zebrecain? i never thought i'd meet another who can who is equestrian." Zecora said, a hint of surprise in her voice.

"Studying ancient scripts, scrolls, and tomes is a passion of mine. I have put a great deal of effort into acquiring texts such as that one there, in fact that is one of the few pieces of ancient zebrecain literature i have had trouble finding." I said as i walked over to the shelf. "Would you mind if i borrowed this for a day or so? It may help me unravel some of the mysteries i've been trying to solve from that period."

"As long as you return it I mind not, but i would like to see the collection you've got." Zecora said.

"If the teleportation spell didn't destroy my library i will gladly show it too you." Well, that is if my old house near ponyville still exists after 1000 years, no one knew of it seeing as i had that portal to canterlot, but time does take its toll. "I thank you for your trust with this tome, i have been searching for a copy for many years."

"It is a problem, although i hope your library is all right. Now, shall we retire for the night?" Zecora rhymed as she pulled out two large cushions.

"I agree, that spell took a lot out of me… oh great i'm rhyming now well."

Zecora just laughed at that as she snuffed out the few candles that lit the room.


Author's Note:

Well there is chapter one, sorry about the length of these things being kinda short but i am both easilly distracted and prone to having my train of thought jump its tracks. Drop a comment with suggestions for improvements, as well as your general opinion on it, i'd love to hear both.