• Published 23rd Feb 2014
  • 1,031 Views, 7 Comments

The Birth of Ink Rose - TheDukeMan5221

Ink Rose is the daughter of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, and as she grows up, she finds her talent in drawing and spreading love around the Crystal Empire. Soon she starts a career making sketches that make ponies love each other.

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Chapter 3

Sweetiebelle and Rarity turned around, it seemed as though we startled them.
“Oh! You’re just in time! Pinkie Pie had notified us that you’d be here soon, so we made a party outfit you could try on for the party.” Rarity said.
Rarity and Mom quickly launched into a very heated discussion about what was in season in Canterlot at the time. Since it didn’t seem like we were going to leave anytime soon, I decided to see if I could try to amuse myself by passing time.


“Hi! My name is Sweetiebelle,” the other filly started.
My concentration jumped from Rarity to SweetieBelle, “Hello! My name is Ink Rose.”
I rose a hoof, hoping to get a hoof shake from her, and she looked at me with joy. She tilted her head down, and eventually rose her hoof too, followed by a clop sound that was made from us shaking hooves.
“Nice to meet you,” we both said.
“So, what are you doing down here in Ponyville?” She asked.
“My mother is visiting her sister in law, and she wanted me to come with her while my dad worked on the Crystal Fair.”
“Oh, well, I was going to go join my friends at our clubhouse, wanna come?”
“Sure, but I need to check in with my mom first.”
I turned over and waited for Cadence and Rarity to stop in mid-conversation. Meanwhile, Sweetiebelle started trotting away while waiting for me to ask. Eventually, my mother turned around and said, “Yes Sweetie?”
“Is it okay if I go with Sweetiebelle to her clubhouse?”
“Sure!” my mother replied.
I then turned around and headed off to follow Sweetiebelle.
“So where’s the Clubhouse?” I questioned.
“It’s back at the Apple Orchard.”
“Apple Orchard?” I thought.
“That must be where Ponyville’s main food supply is…”
“Huh?” Sweetiebelle squeaked.
“Nothing, lead the way!” I shouted.


It seemed at this point we’d been walking for quite a while, but the scenery hadn’t quite changed since we left.
“How much longer?” I sighed.
I had never walked this far in my life. The royal life had done little good at toughing up my hooves.
“Not much further, my friends are waiting for us.” Sweetiebelle replied.
I sighed once again. My hooves ached and the first thing that came to my mind was that once I’d get back to the Crystal Empire, I’m gonna exercise in the gym a lot more often.

We soon found ourselves at the entrance of the Apple Farm, where I stared at an old wrinkly pony taking a nap on a rocking chair.
Sweetiebelle noticed and said, “That’s Granny Smith, she’s my friend’s grandmother.”
I nodded, and continued to follow Sweetiebelle.


I again found myself slinking through the forest again, eventually noticing a small house slowly coming into view, followed by some random “toys” scattered around. It looked like they were practicing for something.
“Here we are!” Sweetiebelle squawked.
“Do you like it?”
“Looks pretty cool.” I said.
We walked up on a wooden plank that led to a balcony in front of the clubhouse. I could immediately hear little mumbles behind the door.
“Allow me,” Sweetiebelle said.
She opened the door and held it open for me. I walked in, and two ponies jumped out in front of me with huge grins.
“Hi! I’m Scootaloo!”
“And I’m Applebloom!” they both said.
I hesitated for a little bit, looked at Sweetiebelle, and she made a face saying “introduce yourself” at me. I sighed, and looked back and Applebloom and Scootaloo.
“I’m Ink Rose, nice to meet you.” I greeted.


They all squealed with excitement, stomping their hooves on the floor.
"So, Ink, wanna play a game?" Scootaloo asked.
I shrugged, what could we possibly play all the way out here?
"Sure, what do you have?" I responded.
"How about... Hide'n'Seek?" Apple bloom suggested.
Every pony instantly agreed, and chose me to be the seeker.

Author's Note:

Man, it's been awhile since I've made a chapter hasn't it? Whelp, good news, I have recently got a good computer, and I now have more time to work on the fimfic! Although sadly from here, I will no longer be joined with Nick. I also will start rewriting the last couple chapters as I feel that they lack in a quite a lot of areas of detail. ;)

Comments ( 2 )

Duke do you even grammar brah :rainbowlaugh:

Uh, I thought Ink Rose was with Twilight not Cadence. Might want to fix that.

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