• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 1,623 Views, 2 Comments

Sunset: Part 1 The start of a love - Flutterdashguy

Love is a beautiful thing a mare and a stallion...... or a mare and a mare. Fluttershy And Rainbow.

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Filly Foolers

*note: re-edited by my great fan dexiom.

A speedster Pegasus sat down. Staring towards the sunset going over the ocean. Under her leaned against her was another pony. Sharing their body warmth the yellow Pegasus. Lifted her head out of the pony’s chest to look towards her lovers beautiful violet eyes. And said the 3 words “I love you” This caused the cyan Pegasus to smile. They both knew the previous statement was true. Silently she said “I know.”

They brought their muzzles closer to each other feeling their breath. Soon the gap between their lips was closed. Enjoying every second of this moment. They knew that it will be remembered for a long time. After the kiss had ended they turned their heads towards the sun to look at it once more.

The timid Pegasus began to check their surroundings to see if any pony else were there. But was interrupted by a kiss from her marefriend. She realised that it didn’t matter if any pony was there watching them. She no longer cared she just wanted to be with her.


Rainbow dash placed a kiss on her cheek. Fluttershy grabbed Rainbow dash bringing her muzzle to collide with hers. And kissed her passionately. Rainbow dash giggled as she blushed “ah..Well..” Fluttershy placed her hoof over Rainbow dash’s mouth. “Ssshhhhh” Fluttershy remembered what she had been thinking about yesterday. She had wondered for a while about this subject she wanted to keep it to herself. But if she wanted to have a relationship she would have to tell the truth. “Dashie” Said Fluttershy

“what is it shy?” She sat there silently. “Well.. I was wondering… what would our friends think about this.” The cyan pony brought her muzzle towards Fluttershy’s ear and whispered. “Let’s find out.” Rainbow dash got up first. Offering to help pull her companion up. “Thank you” The two descended flying beside each other. With the light of Celestia’s sun guiding them. They arrived at the library which seemed to be a tree. It had belonged to their friend Twilight.

There they all were Applejack, Pinkie pie , Rarity and Twilight sparkle. Fluttershy stayed outside with a nervous look on her face. Rainbow went back outside convincing her marefriend to come. “Look there is no easy way to say this..but” Rainbow dash was interrupted by a kiss not on the cheek. Not for a short time. They stood there with their lips locked.

After the kiss they turned to their friends to see some of them drop their jaws. “ so your gay!” Said Pinkie pie all but two yelled out “Pinkie!” but the two pegasai just said “Eeyup” mimicking their orange pony friend. Shockingly the two were fine with this. So fine that the two cuddled right then and there. In front of their friends “So um.. we are in love” Said Fluttershy Shock was overwhelming the 4 pony’s. Except the over excited pink mare. “So y’all are and you are and uh.. but doesn’t…” said by all of the shocked mares.

“We know this is all sudden but we couldn’t wait so thanks for com…” Rainbow dash was interrupted by her friends saying something unexpected. “I.. we are ok with this.” The couple sighed with relief “That’s good to hear.” The couple said as they nuzzled each other’s noses. They kissed and playfully called each other Fillyfoolers. Then it went downhill from there. Spike had walked into another room. Within the library instantly seeing Fluttershy and Rainbow dash make out.” You’re Fillyfoolers!?” Yelled spike every pony followed the source of the yelling. And saw them kissing they both blushed so much. That their faces were red as a tomato. Rainbow dash broke off the kiss and walked towards the door.

Before she could say anything some pony had said one word “Lesbians.” Every pony erupted in laughter.
“So what’s wrong its love.” not said by Rainbow dash, Fluttershy or their friends. But a pony in the crowd. That had killed the laughter and the crowd died. Every pony left the pony was a blue stallion. With a star as his cutie mark his mane was black and red. And made him look stern and caring due to the previous statement. “Blue star happy to make your acquaintance”

The new found friend as he was willing to speak up. Fluttershy held her hoof out motioning for the stallion to shake. He however did not he bent down and kissed her hoof. Causing the timid Pegasus to blush. Rainbow dash had done this before and other things that made Fluttershy blush more. Fluttershy backed away slowly so no pony would notice. Rainbow dash just glared.

Noticing what he had done he too backed away. “I am sorry but it’s the proper way to treat a mare.” Rainbow dash cracked. She finally smiled “well I’m glad you would treat my mare that way” Blue star looked towards

Rainbow dash “Ah so it is true well I’m happy for you two. True love can happen once but no matter what happens it always prevails.” Rainbow dash invited the stallion for tea. They all had laughs and had a good time. “Well I simply must go. It has been grand to be here. I live in here in Ponyville if you need anything.”

He handed Rainbow dash a piece of paper containing his address in a neighbourhood near Fluttershy’s cottage. Which Rainbow dash now lived in With her. They weren’t married but they loved each other. And agreed they would snuggle at the most as they aren’t married. “It’s great to have some pony understand what we are.” Said Rainbow dash they held each other close. And kissed with no pony watching this time. They agreed to go home before Luna’s moon shined down upon them.


Rainbow dash sat on the couch against a soft pillow for Fluttershy and herself. She had drunken milk and had a peanut butter and jam sandwich so she would fall asleep quicker. Fluttershy came back from having brushing her teeth and sat in Rainbow dash’s lap. She rested her head on the other pony’s shoulder and fell asleep.
Rainbow dash moved one of her hooves over Fluttershy and smiled. “Fluttershy…i..i.i-looo..” The last sound of the night was a soft “Shhh”

They both drifted to sleep
entering the dream world. They both soared through the clouds. Suddenly Fluttershy had her wings clench to her sides forcing Rainbow dash to zip to her. She held Fluttershy close and their coats touched. Rainbow dash’s wings grew up in size and height. She realized what her thoughts about her did. She blushed when Fluttershy kissed her.

They slowly descended down hitting the water. They floated away and had almost drowned but had awoken to see that they were in Fluttershy’s cottage. The timid pony then kissed Rainbow dash and snuggled even closer to her. Then went back to sleep dreaming of Rainbow dash and herself. Up on a hill watching the sunset and snuggling. As rarity would say, It was the best possible thing ever. And she would be right.

"BOOM!" "Ahhhh!" Rainbow remembered a storm scheduled for today. It was some thing she should have told fluttershy. "Shhh its ok. She said comforting "Well i guess were stuck inside. Wanna play a board game?"

Comments ( 2 )

Why are there so many dislikes, i thought it was great :yay:

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