• Published 22nd Feb 2014
  • 2,370 Views, 68 Comments

A New Stallion - Ephraim Blue

The Doctor is confused. He was just having a lovely time in his TARDIS, when all of the sudden, he regenerates when the old box transports itself to a mysterious land called Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - Inside the TARDIS

Chapter 5 - Inside the TARDIS

Ponyville Library August 11th 1001

"How can the letter be from me?" Twilight asked. "I never knew you before today!"

"Its simple," The Doctor said, obviously with the solution. "Your future self sent this package to me in order to keep the future continuously going."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You remember how I told you that I don't save the universe anymore?" he said, getting slightly off topic.

"Yeah, but I don't see how that is relevant to this note," she answered.

"Well, your future self sent this to me to help me get my spirit back into traveling again."

"I don't believe you."

He sighed. "Read the letter for yourself then," he said, gesturing at the note with his hoof.

Twilight picked up the letter with her magic. "How did you do that?" The Doctor asked her.

"Magic," she replied.

"Really? That's fascinating! Can I do magic?"

"No. Earth ponies can't do magic; Only unicorns can use magic."

"Oh. Well, that's disappointing."

When no further comments came, Twilight read the letter.

Dear Doctor and Twilight,

If I have remembered correctly, Derpy forgot to bring the package to The Doctor on the 10th, and instead brought it to you both on the 11th. But that is not the point. Doctor, you need to stop being a coward and hiding in the big blue box of yours. She was planning on getting your spirits back up to traveling when you did nothing but sit around and read books. Stop being a grouch and get into the TARDIS and fly away.

Twilight, go with him. Take your friends and go with him. Without you, he will be alone and you wont be able to send him this letter telling him to continue his journey across the universe. I have attached a picture and the sonic screwdriver to help you in your time of need. Both of you make the right choices. Sincerely, Future Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight couldn't believe what she saw. The letter was in her handwriting! She never wrote something like this, but it was her note in her handwriting!

"How is this possible?" she asked.

"I told you," The Doctor said. "Time Travel."

Twilight looked at him with curiosity. "So, your saying that I write this in the future, and than have it set back so that we would go on adventures together?"

"That's basically it," he replied.

"But what is that metal rod? She- I, sent the letter to us, but she sent a rod, not a screwdriver."

"This rod is the screwdriver," The Doctor told her. He reached down to pick it up, but found that his hooves wouldn't do what he wanted it to do. "How do you pick things up with these hooves?"

Twilight stared at him with a confused face. "You just pick it up, see?" she said as she picked up the screwdriver with her own hoof.

"How did you do that? Its physically impossible with these hooves!"

"Never mind the screwdriver, what about the picture I sent us?"

"Oh, its right there," he said as he pointed at a fallen picture.

Twilight picked it up with her magic. She and The Doctor looked at the picture curiously, wondering what could be on it.

The photo was of The Doctor, Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Derpy, and Blue posing in an area that neither her, nor The Doctor had seen before in their lives.

"I- I can't believe this," Twilight stuttered. "I never posed this picture. In fact, I never saw Blue around at all before yesterday!"

The Doctor smiled before saying: "I told you. Time Travel."

"So this picture will be taken in the future?"

"Oh, yes."

Twilight stood there for a moment. She and her friends were going to travel around the universe with a crazy pony she only met yesterday.

"Well, since we cannot stop what is going to happen, lets get on with this," she said, following The Doctor out the door.

The Big Blue Box August 11th 1001

Twilight immediately called her friends to meet her at the crash site of the box The Doctor came from. She told them that would explain why later.

When they all arrived, They all had the same question.

"So, why did you bring us here Twilight?"

Twilight waited for everyone to quiet down before answering. "We all are going on an adventure with The Doctor," she said.

"Oh, well that's nice," Rainbow Dash said. She then realized what she said, and gave a confused look. "Wait, what did you say?"

"I said that we are going on an adventure with The Doctor."

"What makes you think that we all will be going?" Rarity asked.

"Take a look at this picture," Twilight replied, showing them the picture. When they all got a look at it, nopony there could believe their eyes.

"Ah never posed for that picture," Applejack said accusingly.

"No, but you will," Twilight replied. "The future me sent this picture to me to get us all to go on an adventure that we wouldn't go on if it wasn't for her."

"So your saying that we all are going to go with The Doctor?" Blue asked, smiling a bit.

"Yes," Twilight answered. His smile grew slightly. Twilight then noticed that he was the only pony who brought saddlebags. She found this strange...

"But," Fluttershy started, "how are we going to travel with The Doctor? We don't have any transportation."

"Oh, yes we do," said a voice from nowhere.

The 8 ponies looked around in shock, trying to find the source of the voice. They all turned to the blue box, only to see the doors swing open to The Doctor as he walked through.

"This, is a TARDIS," he said. "That stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. It is my spaceship that I use to travel the universe."

"Um, Doctor? How are we all supposed to fit into that thing?" Derpy asked.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" he replied, gesturing to the doors that led inside the big blue box.

Nervously, the 8 ponies followed The Doctor into the TARDIS. Only to find that is was really big on the inside.


"Go on," The Doctor said, smiling.


"Spit it out already."

"Its bigger on the inside!"

"Oh, I missed people saying that too," said The Doctor. "But yes, it is bigger on the inside."

The interior of the ship looked like a giant steering wheel, or something you pushed a lot of buttons on and it did something.

"Okay, now I believe that this is a spaceship," Rainbow Dash said.

"So," The Doctor started, "anywhere in time and space, past, present, or future, another planet, same planet, ANYWHERE! So where do you want to go?"

"Well..." Derpy started. "I always wanted to see what the future had in store for me."

"Gotcha," The Doctor said. "Onwards, and upwards!"

And with that, The 9 ponies went on a journey through the universe.