• Published 22nd Feb 2014
  • 2,370 Views, 68 Comments

A New Stallion - Ephraim Blue

The Doctor is confused. He was just having a lovely time in his TARDIS, when all of the sudden, he regenerates when the old box transports itself to a mysterious land called Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - The Mysteryous Package

Chapter 4 - The Mysterious Package

Edge of Ponyville August 10th 1001

Twilight realized that she and her friends wouldn't be able to avoid this energy coming from The Doctor.

Without thinking, she put up a quick magical barrier to protect the 7 ponies around her from this explosion. The others freaked out. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie tried hiding under the bush; Applejack, Fluttershy, and Blue stuck close to Twilight, while Rarity and Derpy Hooves stayed behind the hill, hoping that the blast wouldn't reach them.

When they all realized that Twilight was casting a protection spell, they all calmed down and watched The Doctor as he continued emitting the golden light.

The Dalek wasn't as fortunate as the ponies. It had a small protection field, protecting it from small attacks such as lasers and bullets, but taking a full blast of regeneration energy was entirely different. The Dalek screamed as the golden light had reached it, pushing its back onto the ground.

After about ten seconds of this light coming from The Doctor, he stopped emanating the light and stood back on his four hooves.

"Well, I haven't done that in a while," he said with a grin. "Although, I am feeling a... bit... weak."

The Doctor collapsed onto the ground. The 8 ponies saw this and ran over to him.

"Doctor! Are you all right?" Derpy asked with a worried expression on her face.

The Doctor breathed slowly. "I'm fine," he replied. At this point, he burped and let out a bit of golden light from his mouth. "I haven't fully regenerated yet. I- I n-need t-to r-r-rest," he said before collapsing onto the ground.


Ponyville Library August 11th 1001

After The Doctor had collapsed the night before, Twilight and her friends proceeded to toke him to the library, where he could rest in the guest room. Occasionally, he gave off a mysterious golden light from his mouth. Twilight tried to get a sample of this light, but every time she got it in a test tube, it disappeared into thin air, making it impossible to examine.

"Oh, well," she finally said after the tenth time of failing. "I'll have to ask him when he wakes up."

"When who wakes up?" a voice from behind Twilight asked. She turned to see her number one assistant rubbing his eyes as he stepped down the stairs.

"The stallion on the couch over there," she pointed a hoof over at The Doctor. "Honestly Spike, do you always sleep through loud explosions and noises?"

"There was an explosion?!" Spike asked, slightly afraid.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. He exploded with a golden light last night. Occasionally, some of the light escapes through his mouth and disappears into the air, making it impossible to examine."

"Oh, is that why you have all of this science stuff out?"

"Yes," she said as another bit of golden light filled the room and then disappeared. "I've never seen anything like it, but I'm sure he knows, since he spoke some weird stuff last night."

"That stuff is freaky if you ask me," Spike said as he backed away from the stallion. "What kind of stuff did he say?"

"Well, he talked a bit about a blue box dumping him here, something called regeneration, and the weirdest thing about him was what he called himself."

"Why? What's his name?"

"Its more of a title, actually. He calls himself The Doctor."

At this point, The Doctor shot up out of the bed as he burped out another bit of golden light. He looked around at the library, noticing that his surroundings were different.

"Well, I knew I was going to be moved, but I didn't expect to be in a library," he said. He then looked at Twilight and asked, "Yes? You called my name, so what is it?"

Blue's Apartment August 11th 1001

Blue was trying to recollect the things that had happened last night. First, he finds a Dalek. Second, he finds a strange stallion called The Doctor. Third, he saw him give out a burst of energy from his body, and then from his mouth multiple times.

Blue sat strait up in remembrance. He had heard of this 'Doctor' character before.

Should I tell them? he thought to himself. No, they wouldn't believe me. They would believe The Doctor's story of coming to Equestria, but mine they would just laugh at. It is better for them if they don't know where I came from.

Ponyville Post Office August 11th 1001

Derpy Hooves returned home late last night. She went strait to bed and decided to forget about the entire thing.

Now, the next day, she returns to the post office to get her daily routine done.

All of the letters that were there were being dropped off at the time, so she decided to sit down and wait for more letters to come in. When she sat down, she noticed she still had something in her bag from yesterday. When she looked at it, she smashed her hoof against her face and went out to deliver the package.

Ponyville Library August 11th 1001

"Y-you were unconscious," Twilight began. "I was just telling my assistant, Spike about you."

"Really?" he asked. "I'd love to meet this 'Spike'. Where is he?"

"I'm right here," Spike called from the stairs.

The Doctor turned in the direction of the voice. "Dragon!" he shouted as he hid under the covers. "Oy, Lavender! Get down! He'll see you!"

"Spike wouldn't hurt us," Twilight said. "He's only a baby dragon, and my name isn't Lavender. Its Twilight Sparkle."

"Wait, so your assistant is a dragon? That's amazing! Although, a library isn't the best place for a dragon. He could burn down all the books," he stated.

"I don't usually breathe fire," Spike told him. "When I do, it usually means that the princess is sending Twilight a letter. Even if I did breath fire, Twilight casts a magic spell that prevents me from burning down the books."

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say 'princess' and 'magic'?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I didn't think that ponies could use magic," he said. "I also didn't think that there would be someone ruling over the land."

"Somepony," Twilight corrected him.

He stared blankly at her. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You said 'someone' when you should have said 'somepony'."

The two of them stared at each other for another few minutes. After a bit of time, The Doctor burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Y-y-you said 'somepony'! Ha-ha! I- I suppose that you say everypony and anypony too huh?"

Twilight stared at him blankly. "Yes, but I don't see what's so funny about it."

"Oh, its nothing," he said as he stopped laughing. "Okay, so where am I?"

"You're in my house."

"Really?" he asked, intrigued. "You live here?"

"Yes. Ever since I moved to Ponyville, I've lived in this very library," Twilight said.

"Well, that's nice," he told her. "I lost my home a long time ago, in a big war."

A war?!? Wait, Twilight thought. There hasn't been a war in Equestria in centuries. Why would he lie about his home?

"But that doesn't matter anymore," he continued. "What matters now, is that I'm through helping everyone- I mean everypony, with their problems on their world."

"But what about last night when you defeated... that... thing?"

"That 'thing' was one of the most dangerous 'things' in the universe. It was called a Dalek, and I only helped because it would have killed everything in its sight. I also have a personal history with the Daleks going back as far as the war I was talking about."

The Doctor would have probably continued talking further, but a knock at the door stopped him. Twilight went to the door to see who it was.

"Oh, hello Derpy, what brings you here?" Twilight asked the mailmare after opening the door.

"I forgot to deliver this to The Doctor yesterday," she answered her. "I knew he was staying here while he recovered, so could you give it to him when he wakes up?"

"I'm awake now," The Doctor called out as he walked towards the door.

"Oh, well here's the package," she said as she handed him the package.

As he examined the package, he noticed something. "That's odd," he said. "There's an exact place and time for this to be delivered. That couldn't happen unless..."

He wasted no time getting through the package. When he finally opened it, he found three things. A letter, a metal rod, and a photo.

"No way," he said. "This can't be! Its my sonic screwdriver! I never thought I'd see you again!"

He proceeded to the letter next. He didn't recognize the handwriting, but he still read it.

When he was finished, Twilight asked him, "Well, what does it say? Who's it from?"

The Doctor stared at the letter in nonbelief. "Its from you, Twilight Sparkle."