• Published 15th Mar 2018
  • 802 Views, 1 Comments

Change of Faith - Sargeant Antelec

Story Written by Chronicler

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Chapter 5: Sapphire Snack

Spike and Apple Bloom were then walking through Ponyville until Spike heard a strange sound coming from Apple Bloom. It didn't take him long to realize it was her stomach and knew right away that she was hungry.

"Wanna get something to eat? My treat!" Spike asked.

"Sure! Ah could go for a bite!" Apple Bloom said.

"Great, I know a place near by that's great!"

They then headed for Sugarcube Corners where they find a certain pink haired pony helping Mr. and Mrs. Cake around the shop.

"Hey there Spike! What brings you over to Sugarcube Corners?" Pinkie Pie asked, she then notices the dragon girl with him and gasp. "Who's your friend? Are you new in town? Hi I'm Pinkie Pie, what's your name? What brings you to Ponyville? Do you like parties? Cause I like parties!"

"Um yeah, my name's Alice." Apple Bloom said.

"Pinkie dear, could you take these to the back for me?" Mrs. Cake asked, handing her some items.

"Okie dokie lokie Ms. Cake!" Pinkie Pie said as she takes the items to the back.

"I'm sorry about her dear." Ms. Cake said.

"Aw that's alright, she's just being Pi-ah mean... Herself!" Apple Bloom said, almost blowing her cover.

"Now then, what can I do for you two?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Well we just came over to get something to eat. So what do you recommend?" Spike asked.

"Well I just so happen to have these two freshly made Sapphire Cupcakes that the two of you can enjoy!"

"Wow really, those would be great! How much?" Spike asked eager to get his hands on the jeweled covered cakes.

"Oh it's on the house Spike, so you two enjoy them." Mrs. Cake said as she smiled.

"Really thanks... Wait, did you know we were coming?" he asked.

"Oh let's just say a little bird told me you might come over with a friend."

"That's silly Mrs. Cake, Twilight's a pony not a bird!" Pinkie Pie said laughing a little as she pops out of nowhere making everypony and dragon jump.

"Twilight?" Spike said curious.

"Yeah, she came here a little while ago and told us that you were showing a new friend around town! She figure you might come here for a snack and asked if we can make some Sapphire Cupcakes for you! So we did!"

"Oh really, I'll have to thank her." Spike said as they give him the cupcakes. "Here Alice, try one they're really good." He hands Apple Bloom one of the cupcakes.

"Thanks Spike." Apple Bloom said, not sure that she'll like it. (Well here we go.) She thought to herself before she took a bite. "Mmmm!!! This is really good!" She said as she takes another bite.

Spike then laugh a little. "Told ya!" He said as he started eating his.

They soon left Sugarcube Corners once they finished their cupcakes.

"Later Mr. and Mrs. Cake!" Spike said as he waved goodbye.

"And thanks for the cupcakes!" Apple Bloom said also waving goodbye.

"Your very welcome dears and take care!" Mrs. Cake said as she saw them leave. "That Alice is such a sweet girl. I'm glad Spike found someone he can relate to, kind of reminds you of the time we first met huh?"

"It certainly does." Mr. Cake agreed as they cuddled a little.

"I'm glad too for them, but there's still one thing I don't get." Pinkie Pie said.

"And what's that Pinkie?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Why is everypony calling her Alice?" Pinkie Pie asked leaving Mr. and Mrs. Cake a little confuse about what she meant.

End of Chapter 5