• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 570 Views, 16 Comments

Daring Do and The Griffon's Goblet - aceotaku

Daring Do must go to the Griffon Homelands on her latest adventure and find the fabled treasure of the country, the Griffon's Goblet.

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Chapter 2

Daring, Darrin and Storm Talon walked into the airship that Darrin had rented from Coco Pie. As they entered, Daring’s eyes widened in surprise at seeing somepony else travelling with them.

“Derring?” The adventurer asked softly.

Derring Do turned to her siblings with an unimpressed gaze. She had a darker coat than her siblings and her mane was lighter hues of gray, her cutie mark was the same as her younger sister’s. “Hello Daring, Darrin. I see I wasn’t the only one the embassy had asked to help find the Goblet.” She turned away, muttering under her breath.

Darrin smiled happily. “Well, I figured since we’re all going the same place, we might as well travel together.”

“I don’t need your help, little brother. “Derring stated coldly.

“I know you don’t, but I still felt I should. We are family after all, right?”

“I guess...” Derring sighed, looking out the window of her airship as the craft began to lift off.

Daring sat beside her elder sister, smiling at her. “I haven’t seen you since when we competed for the Platinum Crown.”

Derring nodded.

Daring’s smile faltered a little. “You know, I do worry about you sometimes sis, especially since you don’t really...talk to me or Darrin much.”

“There is good reason for that.” Derring said. “I don’t like talking to you.”

“Oh...” Both mares turned away, frowning for different reasons.

Darrin frowned and Storm Talon looked away, trying to think of something to say to help lighten the mood at least. However, nothing came to mind.

The airship eventually lurched gently, indicating that they had landed. The door slowly opened and the four travellers stepped outside. Storm Talon took the lead, leading them through Manehatten’s streets towards the Griffon Embassy.

It was a large place. A three storey building that took up a large amount of space, it had two large white columns framing the doorway, two large statues of regal looking griffon’s stood on top of said columns and a relief of a griffon and a pony shaking claw and hoof was placed above the ornate, bronze doorway.

“Here we are.” Storm Talon stated. “The Griffon Embassy of Equestria.”

They stepped forward, the door opening inwards as they approached, two griffons having opened the door for them. The door was closed as they entered, Darrin and Daring looking around.

The walls were green and decorated with various paints, statues and works of art copied or imported from the Griffon Homelands. The floor was lined with soft red carpet trimmed with gold lining. In the front lobby was a reception desk manned by a griffon and a pony, with the both the Equestrian and Griffon national flags displayed proudly above.

“This place looks amazing!” Darrin grinned.

“It was not easy, it took a long time and a lot of hard work to have this place represent both our homelands as well as our desire for goodwill between our two nations.”

The four visitors looked as a silvery feathered Griffon stepped towards them, wearing a dark blue jacket over his torso. A brown belt was at the bottom hem of the jacket. “I am Platinius, Ambassador Hawkwings’ deputy, if you have any questions, please direct them to me.”

Daring, Darrin and Derring bowed politely while Storm Talon gave a curt nod. Platinius turned and gestured for them to follow as he and his retinue walked to a large door to the side. As they did so, the door swung open and a fat griffon stepped out, wearing a red jacket with tasselled shoulders that barely fit his front half. Platinius bowed, gesturing a talon towards the griffon, surrounded by his own retinue of sycophants.

“May I present Ambassador Hawkwings.”

“Uh, hey there Mister Ambassador...” Daring began, smiling nervously, raising a hoof towards the griffon. “I-I’m Daring Do, Professor of Equinology at...”

The Ambassador raised his head, snorting haughtily as one of the griffons with him pushed her hoof away. “I know enough about you Miss Do to know I do not want you touching my personage with your filthy hooves. Who knows where they been?” he gazed at her with a half-lidded stare.

“You’re quite right Mister Ambassador.” Derring replied, stepping forward. “It is an honour to be hired by someone such as yourself.”
The Ambassador tilted his head. “And WHO are YOU, Miss...?”

Derring sputtered in surprise and puzzlement. “I-I’m Derring Do.”She pointed a hoof to her younger sister. “I am her elder sister. Surely you have heard of me?”

“Never heard of you in my life.” Hawkwings stated bluntly, looking uninterested, waving a talon disinterestedly. “I don’t have time to bother with some no-name pony.”

“N-no name!?”

Hawkwings turned to Darrin. “How many of you dirty, disgusting creatures come here?”

“I’m Daring’s...entourage.” The Pegasus smiled. “I’m helping carry some things she might need.”

The Ambassador shrugged. “Well, I don’t really care, just don’t tread dirt everywhere.” He looked at the two mares. “That goes for the rest of you too, ESPECIALLY Miss Do.” As they began to fume at him he looked over at Storm Talon, smirking. “Ah, the famous Storm Talon, at least SOMEONE worth my time came, even if it is a retired, practically crippled old griffon.”

Storm Talon merely glared balefully. “Nice to see you too, Hawkwings.”

Hawkwings started walking down as several griffons followed him “Good show, Mister Ambassador.” “You really put them in their place.” “You’re looking magnificent as always, Mister Ambassador.”

The Griffon chuckled as his team of sycophants blindly complimented and agreed with him. Daring and co stared at them, Storm Talon and Derring fuming.

“Well then,” Platinius began, seemingly unflappable, “since the Ambassador seems to have some matters of his own to deal with, follow me and perhaps we can discuss what exactly we want you and your group to do for us Miss Do, I even had a small banquet prepared for your arrival.” He walked behind the lobby desk, swinging the large door open as he and his retinue walked through. Daring and Darrin shrugged and followed, Storm Talon and Derring following just behind them.

They were led into a large room with a table covered in an assortment of fruits, vegetables and what looked to be smoked ham, presumably for the griffons. Several chairs were lined up around the table as the griffons led their visitors to their seats, Platinius taking a seat in front of the group. “Now then, I suppose the time has come to properly explain myself.”

Daring leaned forward, sprinkling some salt into her cup of water before starting. “Yeah I’m kind of curious...why isn’t the Ambassador joining us?”

Storm Talon smirked. “Let me guess...the Ambassador wasn’t the one who hired us, was he?”

The Deputy shook his head. “The Ambassador has only a vague idea that you were all invited here as our enterouge for the summit. No, I invited you all here. And as you’ve been informed, it involves the Griffon’s Goblet.”

“Just what is so special about this Goblet anyway?” Darrin asked.

“I know about as much as you do.” Daring admitted, rubbing her head sheepishly. “I only know that it s a fabled Griffon treasure that was presumed lost centuries ago.”

“Yeah, you could say that.” Storm Talon replied, taking a bite out of some ham, causing the ponies near him to gag slightly. “The Goblet was a symbol of the old aristocracy, and according to legend, whoever held the goblet was the true king of the homelands. Naturally, while there was a short era of peace, war eventually broke out over possession of the Goblet, power struggles to gain control of the homelands. The monarchy and aristocracy collapsed when the Goblet was lost during the war, and in its place was formed the Sieyrie Lione government....eventually.”

Platinius grinned, leaning forward. “Indeed, however, we have discovered something...a...clue you could say...leading us to believe that the Goblet wasn’t lost...it was hidden.”

“Hidden by whom?” Derring asked, brow rose in intrigue despite herself.

“The Goblet was protected by a nameless order of knights.” Platinius continued. “We have found an ancient document that our scholars have led us to believe is a command from the leader of the knights, charging the order with hiding the Goblet and making sure it is protected, to ensure no more wars ever broke out ever again.”

“And...Why invite us...again?” Daring Do raised her brows quizzically.

“It’s simple, I want you to find the Goblet and place it in a museum where it belongs.” Platinius leaned back. “If the Goblet is found by griffon hands, it will only lead to the return of those old wars, and I for one would rather not see my country enveloped in civil war, not when peace has reigned in or lands for such a short time.”

“How do you even know wars will start again?” Darrin pointed out. “I mean it’s been centuries since this old thing was relevant.”
“Perhaps...” Storm Talon said, eyes closed sagely. “But, the Goblet is different, at least in griffon eyes. There are a lot of @#$!* unsatisfied with the current government, and many more who are simply opportunistic, ambitious %$#@% who would backstab anyone just for a chance at a higher position. They’d be crazy not to pass up the chance.”

“Indeed.” Platinius agreed. “Hence why you are here. Daring and Derring, you’re the finest archaeologists of your generation, and since you are not griffons, I know I can trust you to be impartial.” He turned to Storm Talon. “And Storm Talon, you are a strong fighter, you were one of the reasons we won the war against the Diamond Dogs. I know you can take care of any unforeseen problems. Plus, I would like an ally in this to help us out who understands our culture, our people and why I feel I must do this, someone who can sympathise.”

“No worries there.” Storm Talon smirked. “I’ve seen how bucked up war can be, no way am I staying out this.”

“You can count me in too!” Darrin interjected. “I mean, I may not be as smart as my big sisters, but I can help carry anything you need. Besides, it’d be kind of neat to see what the Griffon Homelands are like.”

The silvery griffon smirked and looked to the other two siblings. “Do we have an accord?”

Derring frowned. “I’m...not too sure about working with...my siblings, however, I am willing to at least accept these terms for the time being...”

“Yeah!” Daring agreed. “The Goblet is something that no one in Equestria is familiar with, except possibly the Princess, considering how long-lived she is; just think about what we could glean from it...of ancient Griffon culture, how it worked...it would make a wonderful museum piece.”

Platinius chuckled. “Very well then, we shall prepare to leave for the Summit shortly. Make sure you take everything you need, because we won’t be back for a while.”

Daring nodded. “Alright, we’ll see you when we’re ready.”

As they got up from their seats and left to begin their preparations, the group did not notice, high in the ceiling, a figure clad in black hid in the shadows, watching the meeting with intense interest. The figure flapped its wings and quickly sped out of the room, careful as to remain unseen by neither pony nor griffon.


As Daring, Derring, Darrin and Storm Talon walked towards the reception desk, Darrin carrying everyone’s luggage at his own insistence, Platinius stood, arguing with the receptionist.

“Silvia Clawson.” Platinius groaned in annoyance. “This is the twentieth time. Granted this is not too serious, however, it is very irritating when I am trying to take inventory and I can’t find a pen anywhere.”

The griffon preened her feathers nonchalantly. “If you have such a problem with it, go tell the Ambassador or whatever.”
Platinius gritted his teeth in frustration and walked off, brightening as he saw Daring and her entourage.

“Ah, Miss Do, I assume you and your group are ready?”

The Pegasus nodded. “As ready as we’ll ever be, I’m guessing.” She looked past his shoulder at the female griffon at the reception desk. “Is that griffon causing you trouble?”

“Not really.” Platinius said with a shrug. “Silvia is in charge of all the small things no one is interested in, but need someone in charge of doing. She seems to enjoy annoying me however, mostly by stealing my pens, which I do need often.” He glared at the griffon in question, who blew a raspberry at him.

“You could always fire her if she is too much of a nuisance.” Derring said, earning a raised brow from Storm Talon and a wide eyed stare from Daring.

“It’s not that problematic, and besides, I can’t.” Platinus replied. “She has some...connection to the Ambassador I am not entirely sure on the nature of, but the Ambassador would not be happy if anything happened to her, to say the least. Better to give her a job where she won’t cause too much trouble and deal with the...minor headaches.”

As he was talking, Darrin walked over to Silvia with a winsome grin. “Well, I have to say miss, your feathers are looking very beautiful and pristine today. How would you like to hang out for a while, have some dinner with a handsome stallion like yours truly?” he waggled his eyebrows seductively.

Silvia turned away from him, pushing him away with her wing. “I’d rather barf.”

“Darrin!” Daring called out. “We’re heading out to the airship Platinius hired! Come on!”

“Coming!” he large stallion ran over, looking back to the female griffon. “We should talk more sometime!”

Silvia rolled her eyes and started to read a magazine, not noticing another figure leave the Embassy, clad all in black.


Elsewhere, in a small room, a large figure sat as two griffons, bodies clad entirely in black clothing and face obscuring hoods, bowed before him.

“Report.” He ordered, his deep voice soft but commanding.

“Ambassador Hawkwing’s Deputy seems to have hired Daring Do, her sister and Storm Talon to try and retrieve the Goblet.”
“They are currently heading towards the airship now.” The second griffon nodded.

“Of course he did. We knew sooner or later Miss Do would stick her muzzle into these matters; however Storm Talon is a genuine surprise. Monitor them, and take them out when the chance arises.” The large griffon stood and began to leave the room. “I shall also be keeping watch on the situation myself. We do not want to disappoint our employer.”

He got up and left, naturally not wearing the same clothing as his comrades; after all, if he dressed like that, you would know he was a ninja.

Comments ( 4 )

4805810 hehe thanks XD :rainbowlaugh:

I will continue this story sooner or later

Are you aware that there is another story with the same name as this one?

5326837 nope, there probably is a few, I just didn't find any that reflected what I was looking for so I decided to make my own.

5592663 Herpy is not derpy. he's a minor character here who in later daring do books becomes Daring's sidekick.

so no, I did not make a mistake

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