• Published 16th Feb 2014
  • 471 Views, 6 Comments

The Unicorn Trap Exchange: - Ponyess

I have all I need, the boots and the enchanted ring. This is what can grant me the magic, the power of a Unicorn. A simple trick, if I can convince a Unicorn to put the ring on, that is.

  • ...

The Actual Test: 6

We had been told we were to be offered tea and salad after the test was concluded. It wasn't what convinced me into taking part, as nice as the gesture sounded at the time. A gesture, that is all I had seen as I accepted to take part. How could I have seen anything more?

This test will take considerably more time than the previous and original one. The first test had after all merely proven the concept. What I had learned from the test itself and the evaluation is that the equipment had worked perfectly, I had only missed a detail, as small as it may seem.

A Pony absorb magic constantly, even when unconscious. At least up to the level of what said Pony can handle. Even if this may be exceeded, under specific circumstances, even if it may be at some risk for the Pony. Otherwise, the other limiting factor is the amount of available magic, and how many Ponies are sharing the space at the time in question.

What had happened during the test is that I had lost all steam, it apparently is what happen during the process. I had not noticed it as I sprouted the horn and it hadn't bothered me as I dropped it either. The problem was great, only for the Unicorn, an Earth Pony wouldn't be directly affected immediately. Yet, the problem struck home hard on the Unicorn, since she is directly focused on her magic at all time on a more conscious level.

This test is designed in order to follow up on this effect of losing the steam. How best to get magic up to a comfortable and working level after the original test had been performed. Since I had been told that Tea and Salad could help, I had to verify this effect scientifically. For this, I am required to test the effect with several Unicorns and Earth Ponies.

I don't know exactly what in the tea respectively salad that supposedly was beneficial, so I had to test for this as well. I had chosen several different salads and pastries for comparison and confirmation. Then I had chosen several blends of tea, comparing them with juice from Apple, Orange, Carrot, Grapes and Cherry, and finally Cider.

Unless the effect had merely been in my head, or the fact that I had had a good meal, the effects should be distinctively different from the various alternatives.

Using academicians to oversee the tests may be convenient. With that, I had to contact the local University, no big deal, they would most likely love to see the tests through. The one small detail, I had to explain why and what I was hoping to achieve.

I chose a more personal and direct approach, calling the dean. I would have to go through the operator, but that should offer no real challenge to me. I know what I am looking for, just don't have the name or number of the individual. The operator would know these things and forward my call directly.

“Operator!” I pronounced quietly, just as I had dialled the number to the University, and the connecting cone changed to the received tone.

“Whom would you like me to connect you with?” the voice came back, a mere moment later.

“The Dean of the Magical Faculty, if it is possible?” I responded.

“Just a moment, I'll forward you to the Dean, Dr. Stark Eclipse. She is apparently in right now.

“Thank you. Please, transfer me!” I responded.

“Dean Stark Eclipse of the Magical faculty, to whom do I have the pleasure of talking to?” came the dean.

“I am Arcane Tinker!” I responded.

“Arcane? I heard of your project. How is it coming? Looks promising by what they told me!” she put forth.

“Ah, you did. The first stage went very well, at least this far. I just had a slight hitch, requiring further enquiries, which is exactly why I called you!” I responded.

“A hitch, how serious it is and what is the nature of the problem?” Dr. Stark enquired with some interest.

“This far, it is mainly bothersome, the subjects are experiencing fatigue and exhaustion, while all the intended effects did manifest exactly as intended. I would require more resources than a single private Pony could readily provide for validation and securing the value of the find!” I responded directly to the point.

“If your point is valid enough, my University is the place to go for what you need!” Dr. Stark responded.

“Part of what I would need assistance with is in following up on a lead, something the original test subject pointed out for me on the matter. She happens to be a personal friend. I noticed that tea and salad had a positive effect on her, after the effect!” I pointed out.

“If these questions could be answered, my findings could have a great value and be used in a productive manner in numerous instances. It is at least what it looks like on my end!” I pondered.

“I'll assign a lab for your project, with a small staff. Depending on how this is panning out, I would either cancel or expand on your project. Then your work would be accredited according to what your findings will produce in the line of your inquiries!” she put forth.

“Then I will have to move all my current findings and equipment to the office you are setting aside for me and see the assistants you assign to the project. I am looking forwards to see solid work put into it!” I pondered.

“That would be correct, a most prudent line of action. I am most certainly looking forwards to seeing you there and the results I am expecting from you!” she responded.

“How soon can I start to move the equipment and files over? I am packing and preparing for the move first thing in order to set up shop at the instant the lab is available. No time to waste here!” I pointed out.

“Since I am merely promising a small lab, it could be open within a week, I just need to go over the details in order to clear your lab and assign your staff. If I have not said anything else before that, the lab is ready first thing next week. I'll see you there by then!” she pointed out.

“Thanks, I'm looking forwards to stepping this up in order to be able to finish the project with positive and applicable result in reasonable time!” I responded.

“I'll see you first thing in the lab. If I can get it any earlier I will let you know!” she emphasised as she hung up.

Then I hung up as well, thrilled with the happy news I had just managed to acquire. Aside from the fact that my small project had even caught the attention and interest from the dean of the corresponding faculty herself. That in and of itself was no small feat.

Comments ( 4 )

This story is very... muddy. Tenses don't match, non sequiturs abound, and I'm sorry, no prestigious university would give up a lab and staff after one phone call to someone they don't know and isn't affiliated with the university.

*sigh* Will continue to read, but you might want to pick up an editor sometime. The idea is good, but the execution is not.

5004167 sorry, I did not quite pick up on the first line, aside from the mud, was it?

I am not expert on University practices, but I guess I could ask a few friends who are considerably closer to the field.
There is a small hint, if elaborated in the right way, I could make a connection, but this would be in a later chapter.

I wouldn't mind it, if there is an Editor that is both interested and have time enough to help me out, even if it is only a weekly PM.
You by chance know of an Editor, or could consider helping, even if it is on a temporary basis?

Aside from the Tenses and the University practices, is there anything specific you could point at?

5005703 When I said the story was muddy, I meant that trying to figure out what was going on was like looking into a muddy stream- you know there are fish in there, it's just hard to see through all the silt. Likewise, I know there's a story here, it's just hard to see it as it's confusingly portrayed.

I'm afraid I must decline, flattered as I am that you would want me. (I am a nitpicking grammar Nazi, after all. :pinkiehappy:) There are a few groups on fimfiction for connecting editors and writers, though, like Editors-R-Us.

All of my fanfics are edited by my roommate, so I don't use an editor from the web, but this is a good group to go to if you'd prefer not to have it edited by someone you know in real life.

Oh, and, um, Open Office? I remember having a class in a school computer lab that ran that, and everyone hated it. It didn't work with any of the other school computers, or any of the programs we worked with on our own devices, and it continually insisted my last name was a spelling error! Thankfully my school provides us with MS, but if I can't use it for something I usually use Google docs.

The nice thing about google docs is, when you do get an editor, you can share it so that both of you have access to it online. Fimfiction even has a direct download option, so you don't even have to copy/paste, fimfiction can take the google document directly and input it for you.

5005773 I think I get what you said about the muddy.

If you are anywhere nearly as acomplished as you are picky, you probably could have been a good help to me, though I can accept you declining the the offer. I need someone who are genuinely interested in the story.

I have seen quite a few of them and attempted to enlist Editors on some of them. Sadly I did not get any positive reactions, even if I may have gotten a response, even if some were 'Interested', but none has contributed to any of the stories yet.

I had one or two who were kind enough to help me with a story or two, but have seen nothing from anyone for a good while now.

The groups were easier, while the notifications were active, which isn't the case right now?

I chose it, because it is free and available. Even if the Spell-Check is just that and nothing more.
My experience with M$ and similiar Word is out of date, to put it mildly. I am currently learning to use Google, both Doc and Translate, with some improvement I think.
I mainly use Grammarly's free version for the grammatical checkup at the moment.

These are valid reasons. If and when I finally do get an Editor again, I will publish the stories for them to have direct access to the story of choice.
I still need the copy/paste in order for a second oppinion on grammar and spelling at the moment.

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