• Published 2nd Feb 2014
  • 453 Views, 0 Comments

Illogical - Horhar

Twilight has come face to face with an fact with no sense behind it. Can she find the logic behind it and put her mind at ease?

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It’s the only thing that keeps things in order. It makes sure that we all stay sane no matter what. It helps us control the chaos of our day to day lives as we struggle from awakening in the morning to sleeping at night.

For some of us it’s only thing that keeps us from completely eliminating what little peace there is.

For some of us it keeps us from completely panicking when one insignificant thing goes wrong.

And for some of us, it so deeply ingrained into us that the smallest amount of illogic can ruin us.

Twilight Sparkle fits perfectly into this category.

She had been racking her mind for weeks about a not so small piece of illogic that had been plaguing her for a while. It had do to with a huge part of her life so obviously she had been quite preoccupied with thinking it over, shutting herself in her room for the last three days mulling it, demanding that it made sense.

None of her friends were very worried about the situation. Pinkie Pie was already planning a “Twilight Finally Left the Library after Doing Some Hardcore Studying” party. After all, it wasn’t the first time that she shut herself up in her room, brushing some subject or another.

However, this was not some mere curiosity that had snowballed into few days of obsession like usual. Twilight had come to a realization about an aspect of herself of herself that had no logic behind. The very thought of herself becoming illogical boggled the mind. It was as if Discord had done something to her, but seeing as he had no real opportunity to plant the little nonsensical idea in her head, she had come to terms with the fact that it was her own fault.

She sat in her room in deep concentration, damning herself for her mind's lack of reason. Why? How could she have come to this conclusion? It didn’t make sense.

How could she be infatuated with Rainbow Dash?

How did an “egghead” like Twilight fall in love with an athlete like her?

The two of them were complete polar opposites. They had little if anything in common. It made sense for her to fall in with Dash. It didn’t follow logic at all!

Twilight racked her brain for any reason why she would have feelings for Rainbow Dash but find none. She just loved her. That was it.

Could it be an opposites attract situation? No, ponies aren’t magnets.

Maybe in Dash she saw some sort of desire to be more athletic? No, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Maybe it was… admiration? That had some reasoning behind it.

After all, Twilight never did have did have any kind of friends before Ponyville. She had never really felt the need for them, thinking that they would… well… get in the way.

But Rainbow Dash was different. She was somepony who would never think of friends as useless. She had always tried do her best to help Twilight and the others when they needed it.

Twilight thought back to the incident at the Wonderbolt Academy. Rainbow Dash might as well have given up her dream for the others.

Maybe that’s why Twilight had begun to develop feeling for her, because of how dependable Dash was, no matter what. Maybe that was all that mattered: that if they were together, they would be there for each other no matter what happend.

Twilight began to feel ashamed at herself when she remembered that a lot of ponies say that Love is just that: Love. It doesn’t have any real rhyme or reason to it, it doesn’t need logic to exist. It form from the smallest of things, whether be common interests or admiration.

She stood up, knowing her answer to her question.

Why was she in love with Rainbow Dash?

Because she just is, and that’s all that mattered.

She didn’t need a reason for it. She just knew it was true.

Twilight took in a deep breath to steady her nerves as she began her descent down the stairs. Anxiety filled her as she walked through the main room of the library. She was terrified, but she had decided that she need to use use her current small bout of courage from her realization now before backed downed.

It defied all logic, but maybe that wasn’t so important afterall.

Twilight walked out the library’s front door and began her short journey.

She needed to go tell Rainbow Dash something.

She passed by Sugarcube Corner, where she had no doubt Pinkie was planning a party for when she finally left the library, but that would have to wait.

She passed by Carousel Boutique. She thought about going to Rarity for advice. Surely she knew a way Twilight could confess her feelings to Dash. However, she dismissed these thoughts. This was her responsibility, and she wanted to do it on her own.

Twilight walked into the area where Rainbow Dash’s cloud mansion floated overhead. She looked up at it, wondering if she should back out now. She shook her. No, she need to tell Dash how she felt.

She spread out her wings and took flight. She easily made the distance to yard like space in front of the door, having finally gotten the hang of her new wings. She landed on the cloud, still not exactly used to how it felt beneath her hooves, having spent her whole life on the ground.

As Twilight neared the door, she began to panic in her mind. What she says no? What she laughs in her face? What if their friendship is ruined forever? What they won’t be able to be the elements of harmony anymore. They’ll never find those keys and Celestia will be angry and banshherformessingeverythingandimprisonhe-

NO! She hit herself on the head for thinking such stupid thoughts. Perhaps she did still need logic after all.

She took a deep breath as she stood at the door.

She raised her hoof.

She knocked.




She waited there, in silence.

She probably isn’t even home, Twilight thought. I can’t even tell if anypony is coming to the door because of these bucking clouds cushioning each step. In fact how can I even knock if-

Her descent into state of deep thought was interrupted as the door opened. In the doorway stood Rainbow Dash.

Twilight stared at her for a brief moment. This was the mare who had her in a panicked state for the last few days, and she was about to tell her the reason for it.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she saw who it was, “Hey Twi! Whats up?”

Twilight breathed deeply. Here goes nothing.

“Rainbow Dash, I need to tell you something.”

Only fate knew how this would turn out.

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