• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 436 Views, 2 Comments

Zerus: The Untold Story - ShaD-23

The heart-wrenching tale of Zerus' rise and disappearance at the Crystal Empire. OC Alert. Tie-in to Forever and For Always

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Celestia stood at the apex of the Crystal Empire, a gigantic storm raging around her and Sombra as the two stared into the others eyes. Sombra had changed. He was now dressed in shiny armor with a matching spiny crown, Celestia theorizing they were both made of adamantite, and he wore a luxurious looking red fur cape.

“It's been too long, Celestia.” he said in a deep voice, the alicorn doing her best to remain brave. “I trust you know why I asked you here?” Celestia assumed a defensive position. “Don't tell me you don't want to at least say hello to an old friend-” was all he said before Celestia roared, lunging for him with her glowing horn. Parrying, Sombra lunged for her but she was quick, crossing horns with him.

“I won't let you get away with everything you've done, Sombra!” she growled, the two of them pressing harder and harder for the other.

“Really, Celestia?” Sombra smirked. “What did I do that was so terrible?” Celestia flapped her wings, shooting into the sky. Sombra powered his horn, a gigantic slab of crystal growing out of the side of the tower as he rode on it. Celestia swooped for him, her horn firing as he brought up a slab of crystal to shield him. Like his return to Canterlot years before, however, it proved useless as Celestia tore through it, sending him from his perch.

“You're a murderer!” she called, shooting for him as he landed back on the summit, smirking up at her. “You hurt countless around the world and shattered lives forever!” Firing for him, he sent dark bursts of his own. Their attacks met in midair, creating large bursts in the sky. Landing, Celestia lowered her head and fired a blast for her foe, Sombra opening his mouth and sending a powerful blast of dark magic for her. As the attacks met, they began to fight to keep their streams of magic going strong, trying to power through the others. Mustering all her energy, Celestia's attack grew so much more powerful, knocking Sombra away.

“You're evil incarnate, Sombra!” she called, flying for him as slowly climbed to his feet, kicking him hard in the face, sending him twirling into the sky. “You betrayed Canterlot! You betrayed Master Starswirl! You betrayed me and Luna!” she roared, firing rapidly for him, jerking his body about as he flew higher and higher. Spreading her wings, Celestia flew up and seized him, flinging him down into the tower once more, the echoing crash filling the air as bits of black crystal flew this way and that. Slowing her descent, Celestia landed just before him as a longsword of black crystal materialized in front of him. Narrowing her eyes, Celestia drew the blade Luna gave her, clenching it in her teeth as Sombra took up his blade, the two of them locking swords.

“Am I really that bad, old friend?” Sombra asked with a smile, his blade still clenched in his teeth.

“You haven't been a friend to anypony since you betrayed us all!” Celestia growled, pressing her blade with all her might. Shoving him back, Celestia twirled with her blade for Sombra as he narrowly countered her furious swings. Landing, Celestia sliced hard for him, her blade making contact with his armed flank as he buckled down to his knees. Celestia narrowed her eyes. This was it. She would finally put and end to everything, she thought, as she raised her sword high to deliver the final blow.

“Why don't you just put down that sword, Celestia?” Sombra asked suddenly, straining to look up to her. Celestia glared at him. “Why are you even fighting me? Why don't you just stand beside me and welcome Cataclysm?” The alicorn could feel her face burn with rage as she clenched the blade.

“Why would I do that?” she asked. Sombra only laughed at this.

“Celestia,” he began “you have so much more in common with me than the Elements of Harmony-” "You and I are nothing alike!” she spat, dropping the sword. “Leave it to you to lie just to crawl inside my head! You're evil, self serving, malicious, wicked and sadistic!” she called as she lunged for him with her horn, only for black crystal to encase around her. Sombra quickly rose, his eyes glowing green as purple flames danced from his eyes, licking his teeth.

“Is that so, old friend?” he sneered.

“You're no friend of mine!” she spat, struggling to break free. “I'll finish you once and for all, Sombra-”

“Like I said!” the dark unicorn interjected with glee. “You're just like me... malicious... sadistic... wicked-”

“ENOUGH!” Celestia screamed at the top of her lungs, breaking free of the black crystal, shooting for Sombra, headbutting him and sending him tumbling away. Breathing heavily, Celestia watched as he rose to his feet, chuckling darkly as he turned to her, a deep cut left of his face.

“You're obsessed with killing me, aren't you, Celestia?” he said with glee, the alicorn's heart sinking. “You're nothing like the other Elements of Harmony... you're just like me... 'evil', as you call it, but I think we're just misunderstood... oppressed by those who see themselves superior.” Celestia could feel her insides turning to ice. Everything he said was true. “My father never accepted me... would Luna accept you-”

“Shut up!” Celestia roared as she sent a burst of magic for Sombra, only for him to knock it away easily. Her eyes welling with tears, she sent a volley of bolts form him, the assault having no effect on him. This was not the Sombra she was fighting moment prior.

“Celestia, please... stand by my side-”

“NEVER!” she screeched, seizing Luna's sword and lunging for him, only for Sombra to counter with his horn as it grew long, curved, sharp and red. Celestia forced herself closer, but Sombra shoved her back with ease.

“You failed, Celestia.” he said. “You can't possibly hope to defeat me... please take your place by my side... help me welcome a new dawn with Cataclysm.” Celestia slowly backed away, her eyes welling. Turning away, she shot for the the ground, leaving Sombra cackling with delight. He was victorious.


Starswirl and the other Elements of Harmony stood watch at the edge of the army of black crystal golems, wondering what was going on at the summit of the palace. Then he saw it. Celestia returning for them, looking battered with her pink mane tangled. She had failed.

“Master!” she called, her voice shuddering as she came to a stop before them and bowed. “Forgive me! I failed you!” she sobbed. “I failed everyone! I've no right to lead the Elements! I'm not the Element of Mag-”

“Celestia, please!” Starswirl said sharply. “Do not give into despair. You still live.” Sniffling, her face covered in tears, Celestia looked at the five. “You have more to learn, just like the rest of us, Celestia.” Starswirl said. “You're just not ready.”

“But what about Cataclysm?” Nidhogg asked as he watched the pulsing orb in the sky. Lock-Nah inhaled deeply.

“We cannot seal it from here... there's only one thing we can do from this distance.” he said. “It's a long shot, but we may be able to banish it.”

“Banish it to where?” Luna asked. Starswirl shook his head.

“The only place where Cataclysm cannot grow stronger. The same place we sealed away it before. Into the shadows.” the elderly pony explained. The others didn't seem to convinced by this. “We will have to banish Sombra as well... maybe one day we will be able to properly dispose of them both... but that day is not today.”

“I hope you know what you're doing.” Discord said as he stared up at Cataclysm. “What if the ponies of the future can't stop this?”

“Then may the shame of defeat follow me to my grave.” Starswirl said darkly, glaring up at Cataclysm. There was no other option, it appeared. Gathering at the edge of the motionless golems, the six generated their powers in perfect harmony, a current of wind drifting around them. Finally, they all sent a powerful burst of glowing light for the swirling Cataclysm. Orange from Starswirl, yellow from Luna, blue from Lock-Nah, pink form Discord, white from Nidhogg and purple from Celestia. As their waning streams of magic finally penetrated Cataclysm, it began to fade away, the crystal golems fading as Sombra clearly faded with it. Yet, something was not right. The land around them began to shake. Sombra was casting magic as well.

“He's trying to curse the land!” Starswirl called, turning to run. “Leave or we will be sealed with the Crystal Empire as well!” he called, Nidhogg scooping him up as the other Elements flew off with them. Turning, they watched with heavy hearts as the Crystal Empire shrank and faded away. It would seem Sombra would claim whatever small revenge he possibly could. Just then, however, something else caught their eye.


“ZERUS!” Luna called as the purple pony ran through the fading streets, calling for her. Spreading her wings, not even wondering how he had managed to find his way there, Luna shot for him as the rest of them called for her. Flying as fast as she could, she watched as he, too, faded completely, the parched ground where the empire once stood now a white snowbank. Crying as she crashed into it, the blizzard raged fiercely around her as her fellow Elements of Harmony stared in awe at the disappeared empire. Luna, however, continued to tear at the snowy ground, calling Zerus' name over and over, crying bitterly as she lost her beloved pupil forever.

“ZERUUUUUUS!!!” she screamed out loudly in the black wintery night, heartbroken and sobbing.