• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 436 Views, 2 Comments

Zerus: The Untold Story - ShaD-23

The heart-wrenching tale of Zerus' rise and disappearance at the Crystal Empire. OC Alert. Tie-in to Forever and For Always

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The Protege'

Zerus ran through the streets of Canterlot, his cloak whipping in the breeze. The world seemed so different now that he was Luna's pupil. For days at a time, the two would be locked away as she coaxed him on and on throughout his studies. He didn't have much time to play with other fillies and colts or stroll down the street. Princess Luna was so strict.

He had spent the last four days visiting his parents against Luna's strict orders. She had told him expressly not to leave Starswirl's manor, but he felt so overwhelmed as of late. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be her pupil anymore. He had spoken with his parents both about living in the manor and how tough a teacher Luna was on him, but they told him to continue under her tutelage. Disgruntled but heading their advice, Zerus made for Starswirl's spire, ignore the other townsponies tending to their daily lives or playing in the warm summer day.

“She is a powerful magician, Zerus.” His father said. “She wants you to be the best that you can be.”

Zerus scowled as he continued through the cobblestone streets, the high walls of Starswirl's manor coming into view.

“If she didn't believe in you, do you think she would push you so hard?” his mother asked. “She must want you to succeed, son.” his mother added.

Zerus sighed as he ascended the steps to the spire at the edge of Starswirl's spire . No doubt, she was going to be very angry at him for running away. As he opened the doors, he was taken aback by what he saw. Luna was standing there, but she didn't look the least bit angry. She was instead smiling at him.

“Zerus,” she began in a kindly voice “after a whole year under my teachings, you've only just learned the most important lesson?” Zerus had no idea what she was talking about. Beaming, Luna stepped over to him and nuzzled him.

“You must strive to be yourself, Zerus, should you have any hope of excelling in any endeavor you might have.” The young colt couldn't believe his ears. “You disobeyed me completely and went to do what you felt was right, Zerus. I think you are now ready to move on to the next stage of your studies.” Zerus stood there with an open mouth. He was finally going to move on to something more?

“Is that to your liking, young Zerus?” She asked, the smiling young colt nodding. “I didn't hear you.” Luna added, returning his smile.

“Yes, Master Luna! I am ready!” Zerus cheered, Celestia and Starswirl (both hiding out of view) smiling at this.

“He's quite the little fellow, isn't he?” Starswirl chuckled.

“If I ever have a pupil, I hope he's just like Zerus.” whispered Celestia, the old mage chortling.

“I'm sure he will be, Celestia.” the elderly mage said with a twinkle in his eye. “You and Luna have come so far, and that boy is proof of that.”


Zerus huffed as he tilled the ground in Starswirl's garden. His new studies were not of the practice of magic, but rather a unicorn's ability to preform and live without magic. Sweating, wiping his brow, Zerus looked up as a flock of birds flew by. The alicorns were so lucky, he thought. Sometimes he wished he were born a pegasus.

“The garden looks fine, Zerus.” Luna said as she walked up behind him, her voice making him jump. “Come, rest a while.” she added as he smiled and turned, hurrying to join her. Now that his studies were going in a whole new direction, his life at the manor had changed completely, Luna being far more lenient and nurturing. Pouring him a sweet, icy glass of nectar, Zerus hurried over, his hooves and face covered in black mud, drinking the glass down quickly.

“You see, Zerus, magic is a useful ability all unicorns are born with, but you must not take it for granted.” Zerus finished his glass and exhaled loudly. “Do not forget, the night we met, I almost lost my horn... and should a unicorn lose their horn, they will be unable to use magic ever again.” Zerus turned to look at the blue alicorn. This was a scary piece of information.

“It is because of this,” Luna went on “that I think its important for you to learn to do things without magic.”

“Is it true that you can never do magic again, Master Luna?” Zerus asked, not blinking. Luna narrowed her eyes slightly, her smile fading slightly as well.

“I would never lie to you, Zerus.” she said. Zerus nodded. She said this often to him, and she never did lie. Zerus drank down another glass and quickly returned to work. As he finished tilling the soil, a shadow came over him. Turning, he saw Luna, having hauled a great bag of seed behind him.

“Shall we?” she asked. Zerus smiled and nodded. Soon, she was just as covered in muddy earth as he was. The two planted a number of different vegetables and set to watering their crop.

“Why did we only plant vegetables, princess?” Zerus asked. “You love all plants, right?”

“Indeed, I do, young Zerus.” she responded. “But herbs and flowers take much more care and attention. In time, we'll plant some together.” Zerus nodded as the stepped back and surveyed their work. The garden wasn't neat or fancy by any means, but it was theirs.

“Thank you so much, Master Luna.” Zerus said as he turned back to her, a smile on his face. Smile back, Luna turned and motioned him to follow her.

“All things need time, young Zerus.” Luna said as the two of them walked together. Celestia stared at the sight of them covered in mud and leaving dirty hoofprints, while Starswirl chuckled quietly. “Like your studies, the crops will grow more and more with care and attention. Diligence will grow them more supple and tasteful, but forgo them, and they will spoil and befoul.” Zerus hung on to every word as they entered her study. “Your teachings are no different. When your crop has finished, then we will move on to the next area of your studies.” she finished, stepping into her quarters. Zerus waited and waited as he looked over the many books and instruments in her study. There was so much to take in.

“Now, go tend to yourself, young Zerus.”

The young colt jumped as he turned to see Luna step from her quarters, now clean of all the mud and soil. Zerus nodded and hurried into her quarters, spotting a bath and spout in the corner. Removing his brooch and dirty cloak (taking care to fold it neatly), he immediately, he began to rinse and scrub himself in the cold water, the bath turning black as he cleaned himself. After a while more of scrubbing, he was all clean, shaking the water from his mane. Stepping out, he saw another black cloak Luna had laid out for him before he entered. Fastening it around his neck and pinning his brooch to it, he stepped out to find Luna reading a book.

“Are you ready to continue your studies, young Zerus?” she asked, not even turning to look at him.

“But... but I thought we just planted-” “That is only a small portion, my pupil.” Luna said, rising. “There's is more you must learn than just planting a garden and tending it.” Powering her horn, Zerus watched as a small, quite dull sword levitated from atop the mantle of her fireplace.

“Take it, and stand at ready.” she said, giving it to Zerus. “Your studies will include much more without your horn.” Shaking, Zerus took the sword. He was nervous, but still ready. “Fear not, you will not be fighting anytime soon, but I will change that for you, young Zerus.” Still shaking, Zerus looked up at his smiling teacher.


About a year had passed since Zerus planted his first garden. Looking over the plump vegetables and fair herbs, Zerus smiled. Princess Luna was going to be very happy with this harvest... at least with the vegetables. Now that he had grown a proper garden without magic, he was to be taught by more than just Luna. Walking the steps to the manor, Zerus started off in the direction of Starswirl's study. Starswirl taught him to temper his magic while Celestia taught him the histories of Equestria. Luna, however, taught him new magics she and he developed together, as well as how to sword fight. He had grown quite adept with a rapier.

Stepping into the dimly lit study, Zerus stood at ready as Starswirl sat in deep meditation. This was not an uncommon occurrence, and Zerus had learned long ago not to disturb Starswirl when he was in meditation. Taking a seat, the purple colt watched as the clouds slowly glided through the sky. The Canterlot pegasi were working tirelessly as of late, he thought. No wonder the crops were growing so fine.

“Young master,” Zerus heard suddenly. Turning, Zerus stood up and bowed to the old mage. This was also commonplace in Zerus' studies. Starswirl would often awaken at a moment's notice. “I trust you are ready?” the elder went on. Zerus stood as tall as he could, looking right into Starswirl's eyes.

“Yes, Master Starswirl.” Zerus said. This was part of Starswirl's way of teaching. While studying together, he wanted Zerus to feel as though he and his teacher were the same. They respected each other and (on occasion) learned just the same for each other. Luna and Celestia's teaching sessions were not like Starswirl's.

As the day went on, Starswirl watched as Zerus preformed grand feats of magic that he learned under Luna's tutelage. As always, Zerus preformed commendably, but something was different. His mind was wandering.

“Master Zerus.” Starswirl said suddenly, Zerus turning to his teacher, a coiling ribbon of yellow light stretching from his horn and spinning throughout the room. “What distracts you?” he asked suddenly, Zerus dumbfounded by his words. “You preform great magics,” Starswirl went on “but you are not as focused as usual... what weights on your mind, you master?” Starswirl asked as he stepped toward the colt. His face falling slightly, the golden ribbon disappearing from his horn, Zerus looked up at the wizened master.

“Yesterday during my studies with Master Celestia,” he began “we went over Captain Sombra's revolt.” Starswirl's eye twitched at this. “I get why he chose to leave and become a pirate king... but why did he return?” At this, Starswirl looked down at the youth. Neither were sure if he could find his voice.

“Sombra is mad with power, young Zerus.” Starswirl said suddenly, breaking the silence. “Ponies do not act rationally when they are so crazed. He merely returned seeking more to claim as his own.” he finished, Zerus nodding. That seemed about right to him.

“Now then, young master,” Starswirl said smiling “you may take your leave.” he said, summoning a quill and roll of parchment. “I have a letter to send to my daughter, Clover.”

“Master Clover the Clever?” Zerus asked. She was rumored to be quite a talented historian. She was even a main character in a winter fable Starswirl had once written.

“Yes, young master. She and her fiance', Artemis are still traveling the lands outside of Equestria. I'd like to see them soon.” he lied as Zerus bowed and left. Feeling his heart ache as he lied, Starswirl wrote to a far away ally.


It had been more than three years since Zerus had begun his studies with the three powerful magi. He was now in the thick of the fourth phase of his lessons and had not progressed in two years, much to his and Luna's disdain. As Zerus stomped out of the manor after failing Luna's trial for the third time, she watched with a heavy heart from Starswirl's spire. As much as she was strict about Zerus' studies, it still pained her to see Zerus so distraught.

As Zerus came to the gates of the estate, he stopped and bowed as he saw Starswirl, the elderly pony standing wrapped in his billowing cloak.

“Where are you headed, young master?” asked Starswirl as Zerus rose once more.

“I'm going back home... I think I'm done my studies.” he said, trying his best to hide a quiver in his voice.

“What a thing to say.” tutted Starswirl. “Why do you feel so angered?” he went on as Zerus stopped just before the gates to wipe his eyes.

“I've been trying to pass my newest trial.” Zerus sobbed quietly. “I was able to succeed in the others just fine... but not anymore...” Starswirl nodded as he listened. He immediately harkened to a conversation he had with Luna just a few days earlier.

“Zerus is finding it difficult, Master... and so am I... I don't want him to feel he has to leave-” “If he wishes to leave, Luna, it is his wish... the question is will he be willing to return... and more importantly, will you allow him to.” Luna bit her lip as he said this.

“Of course I would let him return. It's just-” “Then there is no conversation to have, Luna.” Starswirl said as he started off.

“With all due respect, master, I'm not a student anymore.” Luna said sharply. Starswirl turned to her. He didn't look angered, but rather, he gave her a very small smile.

“Luna, I haven't thought of you a student of mine in a good many years... in fact, I would consider you to be my successor when I leave this world.” Luna couldn't believe what she just heard. “Don't look so surprised... alicorns live much longer than ordinary unicorns.”

“But master... Celstia... my elder sister-” “She is not ready for such a duty.” Starswirl said sharply, Celestia's eye twitching as she overheard this. “You have proven yourself her better a number of times, Luna... Celestia is just not ready.”

“... that may be... but Celestia isn't weak.” Luna said sharply, trying her best to defend her sister.

“Luna, I've never thought of her weak... she is powerful... likely more powerful than you and I.” Starswirl explained, Celestia watching in disbelief. “It is her maturity... and her integrity that I am concerned about.” Celestia and Luna both bowed their heads as their eyes welled slightly.

“That having been said,” Starswirl went on “I think she's lucky to have a sister like you who loves her so much.” With that, he left the two of them alone in the hall, both at a loss for words and their eyes continued to tear.

“I... I can't do this right... maybe I should just give up...” Zerus said sorrowfully, sinking slightly as tears dripped from his cheeks He felt so ashamed that he could not remain dignified before a pony such as Starswirl.. At this, however, Starswirl chuckled, Zerus looking up at him, his eyes red with tears.

“Curious," mused Starswirl "that's what Celestia said so long ago... and like her, I still think we can expect great things from you, young Zerus... you have the potential to do so much.” he said, his eyes twinkling at the look of disbelief on Zerus' face. "What, you didn't think Celestia and Luna magically appeared out of nowhere and knew all the magic in the world, did you?"

"Master Starswirl," Zerus began "where exactly did Celestia and Luna come from?"

"Well, young master, that's a story for somepony else to tell you." Starswirl said with another chuckle. “Nevertheless, if you feel you should leave, young Zerus, then by all means, leave.” Starswirl said as he walked past the colt. “But never forget, my door... as well as Luna's, is always open.” Zerus stared as Starswirl closed the door to his manor.

“He's right, you know?” came a sweet voice from behind him. Zerus turned to see Celestia standing over him. Immediately, he bowed to her as well. “I hope you will return, Zerus.” she said with a smile. “Everypony here wants you to succeed.” she said as she passed Zerus' newly planted garden, leaving him alone in the courtyard with his thoughts. Shaking his head, Zerus turned and left the estate. He was going back to his family... he didn't think he would be coming back to the manor.


Starswirl, Celestia and Luna stood in the grand foyer of the elderly mystic's manor. They were to meet with their allies for a reason Starswirl had yet to reveal. Unblinking, Starswirl watched the shining sun through the giant stained glass window above the door leading outside. Hearing a clattering sound, Celestia and Luna turned to the foyer see where it could have been coming from while Starswirl didn't move a muscle.

“You call this a party?” came a voice the two sisters detested. Starswirl turned with a smile as his old friend Discord appeared, climbing from the fireplace, covered in patches of soot.

“It's good to see you, old friend.” Starswirl nodding. “Two others come.”

“As per usual.” Discord sighed as he reclined over both of the princesses, both glaring at him. Stretching, a long, spindly pipe appeared in his eagle hand and he lit it up, puffing on it.

“We don't allow smoking in the manor, Discord... you know this.” Luna said, narrowing her eyes.

“What are you gonna do about it- GAK!” Discord coughed as Celestia stepped from under him, letting him fall on the floor. Starswirl didn't acknowledge their antics as he stood waiting.

“I think our other guests are here.” Starswirl said. Sure enough, the door opened as a tall, cloaked form stood before them. As the figure entered, they saw he was not cloaked, but instead had his large wings wrapped tightly around him.

“Nidhogg... it is good to see you.” Starswirl said as he nodded to the dragon king, the latter also nodding as he entered. He was bulky, his scales large and spiked and great antlers stretched out from his head, his wings still wrapped around him like a traveling cloak.

“It would seem Ragnarok is upon us, old friend.” Nidhogg said glumly in a think Nordic accent.

“Not if we have anything to say about it.” Luna said as Starswirl stepped outside. Looking up, they saw a large black shape swoop down into the courtyard. Immediately, the others assumed a defensive position as they saw Lock-Nah, the great mystic of the nomadic centaur-like baphotaur people of the far off Badlands, stand before them, the noonday sun glistening as it shown on his wild yet balding white hair, a number of tails and braids tied in his mane and beard. His horns were gigantic and coiled away from his head, one of them with a large crack in it.

“It has been too long, Lock-Nah-” “Not long enough for my taste, Starswirl.” the mystic said irritably, his bat-like wings still outstretched. He was dressed in only a worn looking brown garb that was quite plain, hanging loosely over his muscular body, his parched skin red as blood.

“Fret not, Lock-Nah.” Starswirl said. “The truce still stands.” Nodding, the mystic followed the five into the manor.

“You have yet to tell me why I am here, Starswirl.” the last member of the group growled.

“We are the Elements of Harmony-” “We know that.” Discord said, smirking as Starswirl raised an eyebrow. “This isn't the first time you've called us to defend Equestria.” Starswirl only nodded as they walked into his study.

“True... but this time is different... it is my son-” “Say no more.” snapped Lock-Nah. “We leave at once.”

“I think we deserve a little more explanation than that.” called Nidhogg. “Why do we leave for battle? Where are we going?” Starswirl and Lock-Nah both looked back at the four other Elements of Harmony. They both knew they couldn't hide everything...

“Sombra, my son...” Starswirl began in a woeful voice “has crowned himself king of hatred and fear... he has slain the entire royal family of the Crystal Empire.” At this, their audience gasped. “One royal survived and wrote of his evils to me... I don't know if they are still alive... but we cannot allow Sombra to continue his reign of wickedness. He must be stopped-”

“What does he want?” The question came from Discord, who looked quite suspicious. “I don't think he'd attack the Crystal Empire if Equestria was his prize... what does he want, Starswirl?”

Starswirl narrowed his eyes as Lock-Nah gave Discord a fiery glare.

“He wants Cataclysm.” Lock-Nah said in a low voice.

“What is Cataclysm, master?” Luna asked. Starswirl only shook his head.

“I made the mistake of telling Sombra... I will never tell another soul... and that's all you need to know. He cannot be allowed to have Cataclysm and he cannot be allowed to spread his evil across the globe. We go now!” Starswirl said. The four stared at him and the baphotaur mystic. Finally, after a moment of deep thought, Celestia stepped forward.

“Lead us, master. If only the Elements of Harmony can stop Sombra, we truly must make haste.” Nodding, Luna joined her sister, Nidhogg and Discord doing the same.

“Very well... let us leave now.” Starswirl said as Zerus spied through the keyhole.

Author's Note:

Note the bit of fourth wall breaking I had Starswirl do.