• Published 26th Jan 2014
  • 808 Views, 18 Comments

My Little Changeling, and I - Ponyess

This is how it all begun. How and where we met, for the very first time. (Ditzy Doo and Silver Mane)

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An Over-Nighter: 4

I sure had enjoyed every bite of the cake, even if my belly pained me, before I had managed to finish my slice. What had been special is the two ponies I had shared the cake with though.

What was it about the two Ponies that made them such comfortable and enjoyable company? I could have told any pony they are loving Ponies, but that was only half the truth. As loving as they are, that part may be enjoyable on my part, but they could still have been sad, yet I know they were quite happy. They still are, as I see them trot towards their home.

It is time, I have to find a place to stay. As warm as it may be, but I just couldn't simply lie alone on the ground all night? At least I had a lead on how to find myself a place with a warm bed for the night.

“Pinkie Pie, could you tell me where I could sleep tonight?” I simply asked, since I had been told she would know.

“In your place, since you have no pony to rely on and most likely not very many bits in your pocket, 'the Lone Pony Inn' should be your best chance tonight. They have simple beds in small rooms, and meals optional. It may not be the most comfortable place to stay, but they will take you in!” she merely responded with a sardonic smile on her face.

“Thanks. Could you point a hoof at where it is?” I enquired.

“Here, take a map, the place is clearly marked. You can' miss it!” she responded as she hoofed over a folded paper map, treated to stand bad weathers, then hugged me tightly before letting go.

I responded in kind with the closest hug I could muster, with the warmest smile I was capable off. I hadn't even looked at the map, but from what little I knew of her, she meant what she said. The way she had given me the cake to share with the grey Pegasi, it just spoke volumes to me.

Once I had managed to let go of her, I walked out of the café and out on the street. I could as well find the place she had recommended right away, I had little else to do right now, anyway.

The encounter had left me in awe. Had I known this one pink mare as well as any of the Ponies, just like Ditzy and Dinkie Doo apparently did, I would have been scared. She apparently knew who I was. Yet, she had not only given me the cake and sent me of to the pair of Pegasi, she had even given me the map, helping me to find a place for the night. To top it all off, she had hugged me, she had actually been the one to do it.

Slowly walking the street, giving my map a glance from time to time, helping me to find my way, yet looking at the street before me in order not to bump into any Pony, or what ever may lie before me. The streets were fairly crowded at this time of day, even for a village as small as Ponyville. I had no interest in stepping on any hooves, let along the wrong once at this point, most likely never.

I had found myself in a very open, warm and friendly community. They apparently enjoyed greeting friends and other Ponies, even strangers like myself. With that, I am bound to greet them back, even if it was merely a weak 'hi'.

To my surprise and relief, they afforded me the glance over and a warm 'Hiya', before going back to their daily duties and chores, leaving me to go on my business at my own leisure.

Thankfully the map given to me was dead on, never deviating from what my eyes told me, thus guiding me to the safe side of town, with just a few more houses to the city limit. What I found wasn't a very large building, but it promised me something I had not had for a good while. The first home of my very own. Colts, Fillies, Elderly, Poor and Travellers all in a single spot. It is a safe haven for me, right along with the few inhabitants.

The street is quiet, a few Colts, barely the age to move out on their own walking on their way to what ever they were doing. At this hour, they were leaving the building, possibly in order to see friends and family elsewhere. Exchanging a greeting with whom ever they met, just like me by now.

Once I approach the building, I could see a sign on the door, squarely in the field of vision of any Pony coming by.

“Welcome!” the text stated in firm intent.

“This is a home, open for any and all who may need one.” the second line went on.

“For as long, or short a stay as you may need!” came the third and final line.

This is where the map had led me, so I simply pushed the door open, before entering the building. There is a humble lobby with a wooden desk before me, a single elderly mare behind it, looking up with a warm smile as she hears me enter.

“Greeting. Welcome to the Lone Pony Inn. I take it you are in search of a room for the night!” she greeted me warmly, with a friendly smile.

“Hi, and thanks. “Yes, that is true. I was told that you may have rooms for Ponies like myself!” I responded in an attempt to emulate her response, as weak and insecure as it came out, in light of my current situation.

“I have several rooms, spread across second, third and fourth floor. There is a bed, a wardrobe and room for some personal belongings, both under the bed and the second wardrobe. Shower and Mares' room both are at the end of the corridor at the back. I know it is minimal comfort, but it is a room for free!” she pointed out in a merry tone of voice, still smiling back at me.

“A room on the top floor and away from the street if possible?” I enquired.

“Room 4-2-5 should be to your liking. It is the fifth room to the left on the fourth floor. Breakfast is served from seven, Lunch from twelve, Dinner from seventeen. Simple but filling meals, should keep you going for as long as you choose to stay!” she continued.

“Thanks!” I responded, as I accepted her suggestion.

“If it is anything else, I will be here mote of the day, just come by and ask. I'll see what I can help you with!” she finished.

“Thanks again. I'll keep that in mind!” I concluded, as I walked towards the stairs to her right, slowly walking all the way up to my room.

After negotiating the stairs to the fourth floor, I soon found the room she had mentioned. Just as she told me, it is vacant and empty. Though I could see a bed to the right of the door.

I noticed two twin doors to the promised wardrobes opposing the bed, just as she said. There is just enough room behind the bed for a minimal desk, if I could find one.

First I opened the doors to the wardrobes, they are both empty, just as I had expected, the previous occupant had not left anything, or it had been removed after the Pony had left.

What surprised me is the neatly made bed in standard Pony fashion. I sure could enjoy that, my body is close enough to theirs to sleep comfortably on this bed.

Once I had placed the saddlebag on the bed, I emptied it quickly, slipping the few belongings into the second wardrobe, just like she had suggested. It isn't as if I was to own more clothes than the first wardrobe could hold, Ponies wasn't wearing much if anything in Ponyville, I had noticed. I could move among them nude, just the way I had hoped for, it is after all more comfortable to me.

For a moment I considered if I needed to ask for new sheets for the bed, then it hit me, they were most likely changed on a daily basis, considering the lack of dust in the room.

I had found a set of signs for the door in the nightstand, apparently intended for the comfort and convenience for both me as inhabitant and for whom ever was working. I could enquire on the lines of work here, even if I expected it to be little more than a meaningful way of passing the time. For now, it was little to no difference. Just a small allowance for me to acquire personal effects and possibly my first saving would still be great in my eyes. For as long as I could sleep and eat for free here, what need did I have to save anything?

Wooden panels covered both floor and walls, the bed and doors to the wardrobes are also made out of wood. Only the bed covers are cloth, which feels fairly comfortable to me. Just clear wood and green bed sheets, nothing more, nothing less.

Once I had gone over the room in great detail and stashed away everything I have, I slipped out of the room, only stopping to choose a sign that said “Out” on the door.

Ponies had the same view on doors, if it isn't yours, you knock. If you are invited it is okay to enter, or you leave. I was starting to enjoy this place.

As I had finished with the sign, I moved to see the facilities, the shower and Mares' room, as she called them. Naturally there is a Stallions' room too, but I would never use it, it had never been intended for me, since I am a Mare. I could have chosen the looks of a Stallion, but I had been a Mare all my adult life, before that I had been a fillie, just like most of us in our hive, nothing I questioned.

Why would I parade as a Stallion, just because I could as a Changeling. The chance to change into any form I chose, as a means of disguising myself any time I chose to or needed to. I would always be more comfortable as a Mare, now it could just as easily blow my cover here. I did not need any further complications, so I simply ignored the notion and examined the facilities intended for me as a Mare.

Behind the door to the Mares' room I found the light control, switched it in order to see what was inside. The sink on the left, allowing me to wash my hands after I was done. Then there is the one detail, the facility commonly known as toilet. This is the Mare version, for standing up, simple and effective, not to mention hygienic. The tiles on the floor is a light green, while darker green on the walls.

Once I checked it out, I noticed that the shower is identical, short of the shower from the top of my head, and the water controls to the right. There is a clear wall, preventing water from accidentally flow out into the corridor as well.

I turned the light off as I left on my way back to the stare case, just walking by my room. The sign was where I had left it, my room undisturbed. No preying eyes had probed the contents during the short while I had been in the facilities on the other end.

“You are just in time for Lunch!” the Pony who was still at the desk informed me as I passed her, merely pointing in the direction towards the dining room.

“Thanks!” I responded as I walked in the indicated direction to the dining room.

To my surprise, I found a light salad was already waiting for me. There were three bowls containing a portion standing on the small table by the door. Several additional small tables could be seen further inside of the room, chairs on all sides.

I chose a table in the right corner and sat down, slowly chewing the salad. I soon noticed a few other Ponies spread across the room, all eagerly enjoying the meal, looking happy by my standards. For a moment it felt strange, seeing happy Ponies merely eating a light salad, basically ignoring me altogether.

For a moment I had considered greeting them, but chose to wait for tomorrow before I engaged them. I will stay here for a good while and so would they. For now, friends could wait. I need more time to get used to and get accustomed to be around Ponies left and right. I can't even hide on my room, as small as it is.

Once I had finished my meal, I walked back with the bowl, before I got up to my room, only to extract my map, before I went down the stairs and out onto the street. From there I managed to find the library. Knocking lightly on the door.

“Come in!” a small and very unfamiliar voice declared.

As I opened the door and walked in, I soon found the owner of the strange voice. It belonged to a baby Dragon.

“Hiya!” Spike greeted me as I slipped inside.

“Hi!” I replied meekly, looking at the dragon standing before me.

“I'm Spike, the Dragon. I am also the assistant of Twilight Sparkle the Pony who runs this Library!” he then presented himself.

“I am Sliver Mane, the Pony!” I responded.

“Since you are new here, I hope you have seen Pinkie Pie at the Sugar-Cube Corner. She is the Party Pony of Ponyville. I know she will love to throw you a Party any time soon!” he then explained.

“Incidentally, she is the first Pony I met. I guess I will just have to endure her treatment, then!” I put forth with something of a smile of my own.

“Then she will be busy planning your party now. It seems to be her place, she just can't see a Pony gloomy, not without trying her damnedest to cheer her up. She helps any Pony she can!” he then continued with a more pronounced smile on his face.

“That would explain why Ponies are so happy and friendly, greeting everypony they see?” I put forth.

“Probably. She certainly is doing a good job, keeping us all happy here in Ponyville. Though I doubt you came to the library to talk to the local Dragon abjavascript:void(%200%20);out Pinkie Pie. A library is for books, you know!” Spike put forth.

“She certainly does, for all I can see. Yeah, I was hoping to find an interesting book or two!” I confessed with a slight smile spreading on my face.

“Thanks to Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia, we do have a fairly good selection to choose from. What topic and book is it you were hoping to find?” he continued.

“Something adventurous, could be a good start. Maybe a book about the local community and Ponies, since I am new here!” I suggested.

“Adventures, as in Daring Doo, I guess. I guess I should tempt you with a biography, then!” Spike suggested.

“Sounds fine by me!” I told him.

“I'll find them for you. Twilight!” he said.

“Yes, Spike!” came Twilight Sparkles voice from somewhere inside the library.

“While I was looking around, following where Spike went off to, I soon noticed a Unicorn coming out from behind some books.

“Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, the Pony and librarian!” she presented herself as she smiled at me.

“Hi, Twilight. I'm Silver Mane!” I responded.

“Since you are new here, you need to fill out a form, before I can let you leave with any books!” she explained, pointing at the form.

I soon had managed to fill in all the required details, like name and where I stay at the moment.

“Good. Now you are free to take the books with you, once Spike finds them for you!” she pointed out.

“Here you go!” Spike announced as he returned a moment later.

“Thanks!” I responded, as Twilight filled in the details about the books, before I walked out.

“Nice talking to you and welcome back!” Twilight said as I walked out.

“Thanks and see you in a few days!” I responded, just as the door closed behind me.

Walking back home with the two books in the saddle bag was a breeze. I was starting to learn to find my way around in Ponyville. I walked up the stairs to my room, leaving the books and the saddle bag, before I went back down, only to turn to the dining room, it was time for dinner.

Another light salad, by the looks. I found my old table and sat down with the meal before me, slowly chewing. Then I walked back up to my room, looking closer at the two books, deciding on the Adventure. I felt the need for something more exciting right now.

A few hours later I put the book aside and soon fell asleep. After a very uneventful night I woke up. Hungry. I slipped out of the room, walking downstairs and found breakfast served.

Author's Note:

This is still in VIP format, which is why the side split shows in this manner. I will have that changed as I publiush this chapter, hopefully soon.

Furthermore, I hope I can complete this story or sequel fairly soon, then I can start the next part of the series.

If you enjoy it, please let me know, it may help me along with inspiration. If you don't enjoy it, I would love to know what got in the way so that I can have a fair chance to fix what ever is in the way.