> My Little Changeling, and I > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Arrival: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had just come with the train to Ponyville, alone, lonely. I'm shunned by my very own. I had none, nopony to go to, as it were. It's a bleak prospect, and for me as a changeling, it is devastating beyond words. I'm none, nothing. Who would even care for how it all ended? I slowly moved along, it is the village of hopes, such as stated from the ponies I've overheard. Thus I had ended up here. It's but a small village, at the edge of hopes. The forest looming foreboding. I guess that's good enough for me, in the state I'm in? All alone, why not go to a place like this? Then I just happened to pass the one place, the element of Laughter. The Sugar-Cube corner of all places? I guess I could have laughed myself silly, any other day? Only this time I stopped short. There is something, a sense of hope? I felt the badly needed love radiate, from the one mare, having a Muffin with her little foal. I knew nothing of either of them, as I passed, but I couldn't take a single step, as I was just a window from the two of them. In my current state, I couldn't help myself, I had found the warmth I so desperately needed. Now I need a way in, an excuse to stay close to the mare I had found. With this in mind, I opened the door to the café, and walked in, hearing the happy chime of the Sugar-Cube corner as I enter. The next thing I knew, the pink Pony approached me. I had no idea at the time, it is Pinkie Pie. She tended the counter, and is baking the pastries here. By the scents assailing my nostrils, she was doing an awesome job at it. I guess she is a Party Pony after all, even if I had yet to learn the consequences of it. I closed my eyes, for a moment, not knowing how to react. Only she stepped before me, and slipped the package to me, and I could but accept? “I've seen who you were looking at!” she stated. “Uh, it is that obvious?” I mumbled. “I know you'd enjoy sticking by her, if you're up to it. She isn't a bad choice, even though she already has a foal to care for. Or is this why she is so good?” Pinkie Pie chimed in my ear. “Since you know her, I guess I'll take your word for it. I'm new in town. But you already knew that, right?” I enquired. “If you hadn't been, you'd know, I know everyone in town, and more intimately than most Ponies ever would. Since I haven't seen your face before, you aught to be new?” she just teased, then pushed me towards, where she knew I was heeding. > The Meeting: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sit at the Sugar-Cube Corner, but the Muffins were finished, then I got wind of a discussion between Pinkie Pie, and an unknown pony. But did not hear enough to make anything out. I was about to pack up and leave, as the Pony entered the room, a large paper package in her hooves, and I noticed, she was heading my way. For some reason, I saw a tear in her eyes, but I guess it dried up, just before she approached my table. I had never agreed to meat up with any Pony, but I guess I could wait for her to say something, before I left? “Would you mind sharing a cake with me?” she asked. Then I finally did look up, and the tear did exist in her eyes. Though she has a curious silver mane. I never had seen before, either here, or anyplace else. “I guess that couldn't hurt?” I responded, in part since I had seen Pinkie handing it over, if yet vaguely. Then she set the white package down on the table. She opened it, looking down curiously at the content, apparently she had no idea as to what to expect from it? There is what could only be a large Muffin Cake, split four ways, and text in glazing, pink, naturally. “If Pinkie baked it, and handed it to you, I guess that would explain everything!” I toned in, looking curiously at the cake on the table. “It reads 'Dinkie Doo' on one of them!” Dinkie read, as if it was still a mystery. “Yes Dinkie, I could see it too. It also reads Silver Mane on another, but it reads Ditzy on the remaining two?” I said, somewhat confused, even if I knew Pinkie Pie knows my love for Muffins. Silver soon scooped a slice of the cake over to Dinkie, before she continued with the remaining to of mine. Then she found her spoon, and curiously looked down at, what seems to be meant for her. “Thanks. I guess Pinkie knew of your arrival before you knew of it?!” I pointed out, in clear gratitude. “Thanks, Silver!” Dinkie shimmed in, clearly happy for the extended stay with more Muffin to dig into. “You're welcome!” Silver sniffed. Having two slices of the cake, I guess I had a good meal, right then and there. Since Pinkie Pie was behind it, I knew I was to enjoy it. She always made the best treats. Just as she threw the very best parties. Around here, her name is the best seal of quality on both cakes and parties. Since it was a cake, rather than the small pastries of Muffins, I guess the spoon is in order. Digging in, with gusto. Even if I had had a muffin before, I just couldn't turn more of the same down. You'd know me. I can't turn a Muffin down. If you saw me turn one down, you'd know instantly, it's an impostor. “This is delicious. It just gotta be the best cake I ever had!” Dinkie slipped, between spoonfuls of more of the cake. “Yeah. Pinkie Pie knows us only too well. It's her lot, knowing Muffins? She knows us all. Sometimes better than we know ourselves?” I pondered. I tried my best, not to stuff myself too much, but actually enjoying the lovable treat. I saw Silver dig in, and she did seem to enjoy it as well. Even if it did look as if there was something else she enjoyed more? What ever it was. Maybe she'd let me in on it, later? After the cake was finished? > Treated: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”I guess I could get used to this. Is that bad?” I asked. “If it was, I guess I'm doomed!” Ditzy replied. “Pinkie Pie clearly out did herself, this time!” I responded. “She sure did!” Ditzy responded. “Is Pinkie Pie the pink Pony who just served us?”Silver pondered. “That would be her. She's the Hyper party Pony. You'll get to know and enjoy her. Unless she gets on your nerves that is. There are a few who feels like that, when she's all out and out of control!” Ditzy responded. “I wouldn't leave a good Muffins, just for a small incident on her part!” I stated. “You really can't live without the Muffins?” Silver enquired with a curious smile on her face. “No, not really!” I returned, giggling. “That wouldn't be a life!” Ditzy announced with determination. “We need Pinkie Pie to bake them!” I continued. “Since you're coming here frequently, maybe I could see the two of you here again. I've come to enjoy the Muffin, but I guess it is your company that compelled me to stay in the first place!” Silver pointed out, hoping for a positive response. “If you come with Muffins, and don't mind us, or Pinkie Pie, I guess that would be quite nice. I could make room for a friend or two more in my life!” Ditzy pondered. “Since I don't have all that many friends here now, it would be exciting to explore where it could lead!” Silver suggested. “I have a few friends at school, the fillies in my class, mainly. I don't see much of them outside school, so this sounds like fun!” I pondered. “Best friend you could pick up, is the Pink mare who just hoofed you the cake we're enjoying right now. I'm sure you'll get more than enough chances to thank her. Just stare off, with a bright smile her way, she's as crazy about them, as I am about the Muffins!” Ditzy pointed out with a radiant smile in the direction where the pink mare was currently standing. “Just smile, she will know. How, not even Celestia knows. But you can as well enjoy your part of the cake with us too?” I suggested. “This sure is the best cake I've had, and I couldn't ask for better ponies to share it with!” Silver pointed out with a grin spreading over her muzzle. “I don't know, but I'm certainly happy to share it with you. I never say no to a Muffin!” Ditzy responded. “This cake feels much larger, as I'm finally eating it. I hope I'll manage to enjoy it to the last bite, but it is very large, as tasty as it is!” Silver pondered. “I take it you never was crazy about Muffins in the first place? You're enjoying the company more than the treat?” I suggested. “That sounds awfully true, now as you mentioned it, Dinkie. I'd happily have another, just to see the two of you, Dinkie!” Silver responded. “You'll either hate them, as impossible as it seems to me, or you'll love them, which feels more right on my side of the table. If I get a Muffin cake, I would love to do this every day. Even if I guess I could enjoy just having a moment together like this too!” Ditzy conceded. “Strange how feelings grow on you, based on a few small details, during the time you are together, isn't it?” I proposed. “Yes, I guess you're right!” Ditzy and Silver responded in chorus, both surprised by how they so eagerly agreed on the statement. Ofcause I finished my cake first, my Mom had two slices, and Silver obviously enjoyed our company much more than the cake. She may enjoy the cake, but it is for us she was here in the first place. Even if she got two slices, Mom still was only mere minutes after me, finishing her portion. Poor Silver at least managed to eat all of her cake. “Do you have anywhere to go?” I asked Silver. “No, I have no idea where to go!” Silver responded. “Maybe you could ask the Pink mare, Pinkie Pie, she ought to know where you could stay. She'd hate for you to be sad!” Ditzy pointed out. “Yes, I guess I could ask her!” Silver pondered. “Good, since I would hate to see you sad too. Even without the cake, I enjoyed your company too much to see you just slide out!” Mom said. > An Over-Nighter: 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sure had enjoyed every bite of the cake, even if my belly pained me, before I had managed to finish my slice. What had been special is the two ponies I had shared the cake with though. What was it about the two Ponies that made them such comfortable and enjoyable company? I could have told any pony they are loving Ponies, but that was only half the truth. As loving as they are, that part may be enjoyable on my part, but they could still have been sad, yet I know they were quite happy. They still are, as I see them trot towards their home. It is time, I have to find a place to stay. As warm as it may be, but I just couldn't simply lie alone on the ground all night? At least I had a lead on how to find myself a place with a warm bed for the night. “Pinkie Pie, could you tell me where I could sleep tonight?” I simply asked, since I had been told she would know. “In your place, since you have no pony to rely on and most likely not very many bits in your pocket, 'the Lone Pony Inn' should be your best chance tonight. They have simple beds in small rooms, and meals optional. It may not be the most comfortable place to stay, but they will take you in!” she merely responded with a sardonic smile on her face. “Thanks. Could you point a hoof at where it is?” I enquired. “Here, take a map, the place is clearly marked. You can' miss it!” she responded as she hoofed over a folded paper map, treated to stand bad weathers, then hugged me tightly before letting go. I responded in kind with the closest hug I could muster, with the warmest smile I was capable off. I hadn't even looked at the map, but from what little I knew of her, she meant what she said. The way she had given me the cake to share with the grey Pegasi, it just spoke volumes to me. Once I had managed to let go of her, I walked out of the café and out on the street. I could as well find the place she had recommended right away, I had little else to do right now, anyway. The encounter had left me in awe. Had I known this one pink mare as well as any of the Ponies, just like Ditzy and Dinkie Doo apparently did, I would have been scared. She apparently knew who I was. Yet, she had not only given me the cake and sent me of to the pair of Pegasi, she had even given me the map, helping me to find a place for the night. To top it all off, she had hugged me, she had actually been the one to do it. Slowly walking the street, giving my map a glance from time to time, helping me to find my way, yet looking at the street before me in order not to bump into any Pony, or what ever may lie before me. The streets were fairly crowded at this time of day, even for a village as small as Ponyville. I had no interest in stepping on any hooves, let along the wrong once at this point, most likely never. I had found myself in a very open, warm and friendly community. They apparently enjoyed greeting friends and other Ponies, even strangers like myself. With that, I am bound to greet them back, even if it was merely a weak 'hi'. To my surprise and relief, they afforded me the glance over and a warm 'Hiya', before going back to their daily duties and chores, leaving me to go on my business at my own leisure. Thankfully the map given to me was dead on, never deviating from what my eyes told me, thus guiding me to the safe side of town, with just a few more houses to the city limit. What I found wasn't a very large building, but it promised me something I had not had for a good while. The first home of my very own. Colts, Fillies, Elderly, Poor and Travellers all in a single spot. It is a safe haven for me, right along with the few inhabitants. The street is quiet, a few Colts, barely the age to move out on their own walking on their way to what ever they were doing. At this hour, they were leaving the building, possibly in order to see friends and family elsewhere. Exchanging a greeting with whom ever they met, just like me by now. Once I approach the building, I could see a sign on the door, squarely in the field of vision of any Pony coming by. “Welcome!” the text stated in firm intent. “This is a home, open for any and all who may need one.” the second line went on. “For as long, or short a stay as you may need!” came the third and final line. This is where the map had led me, so I simply pushed the door open, before entering the building. There is a humble lobby with a wooden desk before me, a single elderly mare behind it, looking up with a warm smile as she hears me enter. “Greeting. Welcome to the Lone Pony Inn. I take it you are in search of a room for the night!” she greeted me warmly, with a friendly smile. “Hi, and thanks. “Yes, that is true. I was told that you may have rooms for Ponies like myself!” I responded in an attempt to emulate her response, as weak and insecure as it came out, in light of my current situation. “I have several rooms, spread across second, third and fourth floor. There is a bed, a wardrobe and room for some personal belongings, both under the bed and the second wardrobe. Shower and Mares' room both are at the end of the corridor at the back. I know it is minimal comfort, but it is a room for free!” she pointed out in a merry tone of voice, still smiling back at me. “A room on the top floor and away from the street if possible?” I enquired. “Room 4-2-5 should be to your liking. It is the fifth room to the left on the fourth floor. Breakfast is served from seven, Lunch from twelve, Dinner from seventeen. Simple but filling meals, should keep you going for as long as you choose to stay!” she continued. “Thanks!” I responded, as I accepted her suggestion. “If it is anything else, I will be here mote of the day, just come by and ask. I'll see what I can help you with!” she finished. “Thanks again. I'll keep that in mind!” I concluded, as I walked towards the stairs to her right, slowly walking all the way up to my room. After negotiating the stairs to the fourth floor, I soon found the room she had mentioned. Just as she told me, it is vacant and empty. Though I could see a bed to the right of the door. I noticed two twin doors to the promised wardrobes opposing the bed, just as she said. There is just enough room behind the bed for a minimal desk, if I could find one. First I opened the doors to the wardrobes, they are both empty, just as I had expected, the previous occupant had not left anything, or it had been removed after the Pony had left. What surprised me is the neatly made bed in standard Pony fashion. I sure could enjoy that, my body is close enough to theirs to sleep comfortably on this bed. Once I had placed the saddlebag on the bed, I emptied it quickly, slipping the few belongings into the second wardrobe, just like she had suggested. It isn't as if I was to own more clothes than the first wardrobe could hold, Ponies wasn't wearing much if anything in Ponyville, I had noticed. I could move among them nude, just the way I had hoped for, it is after all more comfortable to me. For a moment I considered if I needed to ask for new sheets for the bed, then it hit me, they were most likely changed on a daily basis, considering the lack of dust in the room. I had found a set of signs for the door in the nightstand, apparently intended for the comfort and convenience for both me as inhabitant and for whom ever was working. I could enquire on the lines of work here, even if I expected it to be little more than a meaningful way of passing the time. For now, it was little to no difference. Just a small allowance for me to acquire personal effects and possibly my first saving would still be great in my eyes. For as long as I could sleep and eat for free here, what need did I have to save anything? Wooden panels covered both floor and walls, the bed and doors to the wardrobes are also made out of wood. Only the bed covers are cloth, which feels fairly comfortable to me. Just clear wood and green bed sheets, nothing more, nothing less. Once I had gone over the room in great detail and stashed away everything I have, I slipped out of the room, only stopping to choose a sign that said “Out” on the door. Ponies had the same view on doors, if it isn't yours, you knock. If you are invited it is okay to enter, or you leave. I was starting to enjoy this place. As I had finished with the sign, I moved to see the facilities, the shower and Mares' room, as she called them. Naturally there is a Stallions' room too, but I would never use it, it had never been intended for me, since I am a Mare. I could have chosen the looks of a Stallion, but I had been a Mare all my adult life, before that I had been a fillie, just like most of us in our hive, nothing I questioned. Why would I parade as a Stallion, just because I could as a Changeling. The chance to change into any form I chose, as a means of disguising myself any time I chose to or needed to. I would always be more comfortable as a Mare, now it could just as easily blow my cover here. I did not need any further complications, so I simply ignored the notion and examined the facilities intended for me as a Mare. Behind the door to the Mares' room I found the light control, switched it in order to see what was inside. The sink on the left, allowing me to wash my hands after I was done. Then there is the one detail, the facility commonly known as toilet. This is the Mare version, for standing up, simple and effective, not to mention hygienic. The tiles on the floor is a light green, while darker green on the walls. Once I checked it out, I noticed that the shower is identical, short of the shower from the top of my head, and the water controls to the right. There is a clear wall, preventing water from accidentally flow out into the corridor as well. I turned the light off as I left on my way back to the stare case, just walking by my room. The sign was where I had left it, my room undisturbed. No preying eyes had probed the contents during the short while I had been in the facilities on the other end. “You are just in time for Lunch!” the Pony who was still at the desk informed me as I passed her, merely pointing in the direction towards the dining room. “Thanks!” I responded as I walked in the indicated direction to the dining room. To my surprise, I found a light salad was already waiting for me. There were three bowls containing a portion standing on the small table by the door. Several additional small tables could be seen further inside of the room, chairs on all sides. I chose a table in the right corner and sat down, slowly chewing the salad. I soon noticed a few other Ponies spread across the room, all eagerly enjoying the meal, looking happy by my standards. For a moment it felt strange, seeing happy Ponies merely eating a light salad, basically ignoring me altogether. For a moment I had considered greeting them, but chose to wait for tomorrow before I engaged them. I will stay here for a good while and so would they. For now, friends could wait. I need more time to get used to and get accustomed to be around Ponies left and right. I can't even hide on my room, as small as it is. Once I had finished my meal, I walked back with the bowl, before I got up to my room, only to extract my map, before I went down the stairs and out onto the street. From there I managed to find the library. Knocking lightly on the door. “Come in!” a small and very unfamiliar voice declared. As I opened the door and walked in, I soon found the owner of the strange voice. It belonged to a baby Dragon. “Hiya!” Spike greeted me as I slipped inside. “Hi!” I replied meekly, looking at the dragon standing before me. “I'm Spike, the Dragon. I am also the assistant of Twilight Sparkle the Pony who runs this Library!” he then presented himself. “I am Sliver Mane, the Pony!” I responded. “Since you are new here, I hope you have seen Pinkie Pie at the Sugar-Cube Corner. She is the Party Pony of Ponyville. I know she will love to throw you a Party any time soon!” he then explained. “Incidentally, she is the first Pony I met. I guess I will just have to endure her treatment, then!” I put forth with something of a smile of my own. “Then she will be busy planning your party now. It seems to be her place, she just can't see a Pony gloomy, not without trying her damnedest to cheer her up. She helps any Pony she can!” he then continued with a more pronounced smile on his face. “That would explain why Ponies are so happy and friendly, greeting everypony they see?” I put forth. “Probably. She certainly is doing a good job, keeping us all happy here in Ponyville. Though I doubt you came to the library to talk to the local Dragon abjavascript:void(%200%20);out Pinkie Pie. A library is for books, you know!” Spike put forth. “She certainly does, for all I can see. Yeah, I was hoping to find an interesting book or two!” I confessed with a slight smile spreading on my face. “Thanks to Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia, we do have a fairly good selection to choose from. What topic and book is it you were hoping to find?” he continued. “Something adventurous, could be a good start. Maybe a book about the local community and Ponies, since I am new here!” I suggested. “Adventures, as in Daring Doo, I guess. I guess I should tempt you with a biography, then!” Spike suggested. “Sounds fine by me!” I told him. “I'll find them for you. Twilight!” he said. “Yes, Spike!” came Twilight Sparkles voice from somewhere inside the library. “While I was looking around, following where Spike went off to, I soon noticed a Unicorn coming out from behind some books. “Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, the Pony and librarian!” she presented herself as she smiled at me. “Hi, Twilight. I'm Silver Mane!” I responded. “Since you are new here, you need to fill out a form, before I can let you leave with any books!” she explained, pointing at the form. I soon had managed to fill in all the required details, like name and where I stay at the moment. “Good. Now you are free to take the books with you, once Spike finds them for you!” she pointed out. “Here you go!” Spike announced as he returned a moment later. “Thanks!” I responded, as Twilight filled in the details about the books, before I walked out. “Nice talking to you and welcome back!” Twilight said as I walked out. “Thanks and see you in a few days!” I responded, just as the door closed behind me. Walking back home with the two books in the saddle bag was a breeze. I was starting to learn to find my way around in Ponyville. I walked up the stairs to my room, leaving the books and the saddle bag, before I went back down, only to turn to the dining room, it was time for dinner. Another light salad, by the looks. I found my old table and sat down with the meal before me, slowly chewing. Then I walked back up to my room, looking closer at the two books, deciding on the Adventure. I felt the need for something more exciting right now. A few hours later I put the book aside and soon fell asleep. After a very uneventful night I woke up. Hungry. I slipped out of the room, walking downstairs and found breakfast served. > The Welcome Party: 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had gone down to the dining room as I woke up. The breakfast was great, then I had gone back up to my room. Just enjoying the book for a few hours. Apparently they were great at salads. I was always eager to go down to see what they had fixed for the meal. Only as I was about to leave for another few hours with the book, I noticed somepony walking in, looking around. I guess I should have realised, it was Pinkie Pie, the Pink Party Pony. She soon found me, just as I rose to my hooves about to walk out. To a point, her demeanour shocked me, she was looking a bit on the sober side for what I know what was about to hit me. “Hi, Silver!” she exclaimed, just as she was merely a few feet from me, before she threw herself on me in a warm and welcoming hug. “Hi, Pinkie Pie!” I responded in a more subdued and increasingly suffocated, as she muffled any further protest, before she quiet, yet determined pulled me out, just as I had been about to leave. I barely noticed how a few of the Ponies stared at me and then after us as she hastened out, bouncing on her way back into town. There is no escape, but at least at this point I had managed to get a bit more air in, as I followed her to where she had intended for me to go, where ever that may be. It isn't as if I had had the time to ask, just as I did not quite have the air to expend on asking at this point. Thankfully I was about to be the wiser, where she was pulling me. What I had failed to notice and realise, is just how large the room her party was to be held in really was. There lay scattered balloons along the floor, some lining the walls, while the majority covered the ceiling. Streamers and confetti had been scattered across the room. Several smaller tables lining the two inner walls with chairs for what looked as if it was to hold half of Ponyville at the very least. On another table in the table in the corner, there is a large cake. Before the tables, I could see numerous Ponies of which I had barely seen, let alone known the name of. Then I managed to spot the two grey Pegasi; Ditzy and Dinkie Doo, apparently smiling, mainly towards me, even if I guess the cake could be blamed as well. I could never see a single frown, everypony smiling, it is after all a Pinkie Pie Party. Who could be anything but happy and smile on such an occasion? She always had something fun and exciting for any and all on her parties. Even if I had yet to learn the depth of the expression. Since I am a fully grown mare, there could be no Piñata, it is after all my party. I had no idea as to just how complex party planning was in her world. Just as they said, there is no Party, like a Pinkie Pie Party, something I would learn soon enough. The mood was loud, noisy and merry in a way I just couldn't imagine, even when I was standing in the middle of it all. “Welcome to Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie then pronounced, just as we crossed the boundary from the village, into the Party she had worked so hard to make coming into the reality of every Pony of Ponyville. Before I had time to say anything, or even breath, I hear the noise of Ponies cheering. I found myself stunned and shocked. There was nothing I could do. Barely stammering, while trying to suck in air, as well as the mood I had been thrust into with such violent haste. “Thanks!” I finally managed to say in a muffled and small, stuttering voice. The short moment had already made me feel dizzy, all the love contained by the walls and balloons inside the room. As I almost collapsed where I stood, Pinkie Pie soon pulled me out of the thicket and led me towards the seat, as some other unseen Pony served me a slice of the cake. There was a fairly laud cheer and the pink mare squealed in joy from the latest party she had brought to fruition. Apparently, there was no stopping her. She had passed out funny colourful party hats to them before she pulled me in, just as I had noticed one just like it had found its way to my head. For a moment I just stood there, stunned and then managed to look around, searching for faces. For a moment I feared she had gathered every Pony of Ponyville, and then some who had the ill fortune to just be here in the neighbourhood over the day. Thankfully that wasn't the case. “Right this way!” Pinkie suggested as the cheering slowly died down enough to hear what Ponies actually said. “Sure. Any Muffins or Cake?” I then responded with a weak smile, as I followed her to where she was leading me. “There is cake!” a sorrel earth Pony I soon was to learn was Apple Jack. “A mountain or Muffins!” promised Dinkie, she was a few steps behind me. “Then there are apple treats!” Apple Bloom, Apple Jacks fillie sister filled in. “Aside from all the other pastries!” teased Rainbow Dash, the cyan Pegasus. “I hope you like the hats, I made them!” Rarity, the white Unicorn and owner of the Carousel Boutique enquired. “You did? Thanks. They look just as great as it feels to wear!” I responded with a smile. Then I noticed a white little fillie just a few steps behind her, her name is Sweetie Belle. I soon noticed curious family resemblances between the two, just like there are with Apple Jack and Apple Bloom. I had also managed to notice that they shared the same vocabulary and speech patterns. “Certainly. It is my job to make them, just as it is my element to share them with others, like my friends!” she put forth. “Oh!” was all I could say in response. “If you need a pet, or anything related, Flutter Shy is the Pony to ask!” Rarity continued, pointing out the shy yellow Pony in a corner of the room. “At least you knew where to find books, already!” Twilight Sparkle interjected with a grin. “Yes, I met you already. And your Dragon assistant. He sure is helpful!” I pointed out in response. This is when I felt a tap on my shoulder, as Pinkie Pie had gotten me to my seat. “Here you go, I'll serve you the cake as soon as you sit down!” she pointed out with a teasing grin on her face. “Thanks!” I responded as I sat down, where she indicated. This is when I felt a tap on my shoulder, as Pinkie Pie had gotten me to my seat. “Here you go, I'll serve you the cake as soon as you sit down!” she pointed out with a teasing grin on her face. “Thanks!” I responded as I sat down, where she indicated. “Is she ever not smiling?” I asked Ditzy, the grey Pegasus mare on my right. “I don't know. I have only seen her smiling. I like her, and her Muffins, ofhorse!” she responded, smiling. “There was a jolly giggles from Dinkie on her other side. “Here's the cake!” Pinkie Pie pointed out, just after slipping the slice down on my plate, before moving to the next pony on my right side. “Thanks again!” I told her, before she had the time to move out of earshot. “Looks delicious!” came Dinkie, as she saw my cake. “There is enough for you too!” said Ditzy. “I know!” giggled Dinkie in response. “Then there are the Muffins!” I filled in, in a teasing voice. “Yes, they are there too, thankfully. I'll live on this for the rest of the week, just as I know you will, Dinkie. Pinkie Pie puts in tons of work into this party for her!” I expressed, giggling in joy and glee over the fortune to meet her just in time to be on her party. “I think this is my first party!” Silver suggested. “This will only get better!” Dinkie explained, giggling in her own joy over being at this party. “Maybe I should have stumbled in on you earlier then?” she suggested. “I sure wouldn't mind, considering this party!” I told her. “She throws them at any Pony stumbling into town, aside from every Birthday or Anniversary, or what ever other excuse she dreams up!” Dinkie declared with some teasing giggles on her voice. > Breakfast at Pinkie's: 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been riding high on the welcoming party for Silver Mane for several days now. Just as I had chosen to go to the Sugar-Cube Corner for my breakfast today. My daughter Dinkie followed me, how could I leave her alone? I had to share my breakfast with her after all. Once I get to the door, I could clearly see Pinkie Pie by the counter, giggling. I open the door and hear the chimes announcing our arrival, though something told me she already knew I was here. “Your table is waiting for you. I'll have your breakfast over in but a few minutes!” she merely giggled. “Okies, Pinkie!” I responded, leading Dinkie in to where we were to have our breakfast. Since she had told me to go right in, I did as she told me. She doesn't have to tell me twice. If Pinkie Pie sais something, she is right and this time was no exception, I just did not have a clue as to what she was hitting on right now. “Uh, Mom. What was that all about?” Dinkie enquired. “Apparently, she has already prepared our breakfast, today. How or why, only Pinkie Pie knows, I guess. Since it is something neither Twilight Sparkle nor Princess Celestia could possibly know!” I responded. “Oh!” she responded. “Three chairs!” I pointed out as I saw the table. I found a curious smile spreading over my face, knowing something odd, unusual and most likely enjoyable was up. It is Pinkie Pie, after all. “Who is the third chair for? We usually only need two. Pinkie isn't going to be with us, right?” Dinkie pondered. “I have a suspicion we are to be wiser, as to who is to sit with us, in a few minutes. I just can't figure out what she had in mind just yet, though!” I responded, trying to hide my smile for just a while longer. “A Pony is coming. Who is she? No, that couldn't be!” Dinkie responded as she hears the steps of another Pony. “It is!” Mom responded. “Hi, Ditzy and Dinkie. I guess breakfast is about to be served. Or it is what the pink mare told me!” Silver Mane greeted us. “Hi, Silver!” we both greeted her. “I told you, we were to see who, soon, didn't I?” I teased Dinkie. “Yeah, I guess you did!” she responded. “I guess that makes the cake. Or is it; that calls for a cake?” Pinkie Pie teased as she stormed in with a large Muffin cake, she gingerly sneaked down onto the middle of the table, before she rushed of after the juice. “Both would be fine by me!” Silver responded with a giggle to her voice and a smile on her face. “So long as the cake is Muffin, I am all for it!” Dinkie responded. “If Pinkie Pie baked it, it is bound to be delicious!” Silver Mane put forth. “It is and I did!” Pinkie Pie explained from behind. “I should have known!” I merely groaned. “We love your Muffins!” Dinkie filled in with a joyous grin on her face. “I know. On the other hoof, so does the entire of Ponyville. Not so much because I told anyone, it is merely obvious to any and all!” Pinkie teased. “They do?” Silver Mane enquired curiously. “If you did not already know, it is something we all learn in Ponyville. It is as obvious as when Celestia raises the sun in the morning, if you don't mind me mentioning it?” Pinkie Pie teased. “That obvious, Pinkie? I never managed to miss the sun being on the shy yet!” Dinkie enquired. “The two of you only have them most every day. If your Muffins are not available, every Pony gallops to hide. Maybe they recall the one time it happened. Good thing I have a memory to recall your Muffins and to make sure I have a fresh stash put aside for you each morning!” Pinkie explained. Upon mentioning, I noticed Silver making her best to hide a smile as she giggled. “Every Pony gotta love something?” I suggested. “Or some Pony!” Pinkie suggested. “Ah yeah, you love every Pony, by the looks of it. Including Donkeys, Mules and even the one Griffon, from what we saw!” Dinkie teased. “I fear you may need more than just a Castle, if you were to invite all your friends, Pinkie?” Silver suggested. “Castles are such small and restrictive buildings. I have been to such a party once. I have seen a few Castles, Celestia's royal castle included!” Pinkie Pie retorted. “I don't need a castle, just Muffins!” Dinkie expressed, giggling as she dug into her slice of the Muffin cake. “I think I know why Ponies keep coming your way for breakfast. Aside from the delicious Muffins and cakes, that is!” Sliver slipped. “By the looks, my company makes you delirious. I guess you are the only Pony reacting quite that strongly on my presence, not that I mind!” Pinkie Pie blurted in a teasing tone, giggling. “Who wouldn't want to be around Pinkie Pie? Foals love her parties for one, as if we adults didn't enjoy them? If for nothing else, it is a chance to see others happy!” I pondered with a grin on my face. “Making Ponies smile is my job. When I am not baking Muffins that is, but Muffins makes you smile. That takes me back to where we stared, making Ponies smile. It is a very rewarding job, I think!” Pinkie Pie suggested. “That makes sense, I guess!” Silver responded. “Good thing you got a second slice of the cake, Mom. I know how you hate when there is no Muffin, when you need it. Gotta hoof it to you, Pinkie Pie, this cake truly is divine!” Dinkie pondered. “Just don't remind me. It isn't something I like to think of. I hope you never will need to face it!” I responded. “Time I head back, so I can serve all the other hungry Ponies, before they get restless!” Pinkie Pie teased.