• Published 26th Jan 2014
  • 245 Views, 0 Comments

Our World Wasn't As Perfect As It Seemed - bass-and-the-siren8976

Are there things that Celestia and Luna have been hiding from the citizens of Equestria? Could there be dark secrets hidden within those pristine castle walls?

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Come Now Charcoal, Play Time is Over

Author's Note:

Okay, this one is considerably shorter. Like, SUPER CONSIDERABLY. Anyways, the dark part is coming soon! Please leave feedback and suggestions! So far we've got 3 ups and 3 downs (thumb wise), so far so good. If you consider tied as "good"... Anyways, here's chapter 2!

Evergreen slowly carried a bowl of water to the manticore in Fluttershy’s backyard “Now, you’re sure this won’t hurt me?” she turned to look as she tried to get Angel to eat his carrots “Oh yes, Manny would never hurt anyone.” He set the bowl down and Manny slowly bent over to drink. “We also need some confetti…” Fluttershy tried to catch the now running Angel Bunny. “Confetti?” Ever pounced on Angel only to grab at air. “Yes, I’m watching Gummy for Pinkie Pie, she said he needs a daily dose of party or he’ll become, um… what was it she said… oh right, a grumpy-grump-grumpy-pants…” Evergreen glanced at Gummy who was trying to swallow a balloon “Right… confetti… by the duck food right?” Fluttershy nodded and Ever went inside to get the confetti. She had almost caught Angel when she heard a small whimper from a nearby bush. Taking advantage of her distraction Angel ran away. Fluttershy sighed and set down the carrot. “Hello?” she parted the bushes “Is anyone in here-”

The door to the cottage burst open, startling Evergreen. He peeked out of the kitchen door “Fluttershy? Is that- Oh Celestia!” he ran towards the doorway. Fluttershy had a bruised Autumn rested on one of her wings “What happened!” Evergreen stretched out one of his wings to help. “Sorry…” Autumn whispered “I wasn’t paying attention and-” Ever helped his older sister onto the couch to lie down “Don’t you give me excuses Fall!” Autumn winced at her nickname, it didn’t just have to do with her name… “Your such a clumsy flier! How many times do we have to tell you to be careful! You are not a child and should be held responsible for your actions! So- no more good food! Until you learn to behave, you will only eat porridge-” before she could protest he continued “PLAIN porridge.” She whimpered and he sat down and sighed. “Oh dear,” Fluttershy bandaged up Autumn “Her left wing is broken, she has some slightly deep cuts on her hind legs… I think you should stay in bed for at least 5 days, then I want you grounded for another week.” Autumn groaned and put her hoof over her face. “Are you sure we don’t need to take her to the hospital?” Ever pulled a blanket over his sister. Fluttershy looked away embarrassed “I’m a pretty bad flier too… so… well I’ve been injured enough to understand what to do…”

Autumn pouted “M-Mackie’s a big ol’ jerk…” Ever left to get Gummy’s confetti while Fluttershy brought over a cup of tea. Autumn glanced at the pattern on the cup, two ponies looking at each other with a heart above them. “What about Big Mac?” Fluttershy set the cup down. “He… he…” Autumn sniffed. Ever entered the room just as an explosion of confetti was heard outside “Talk to me Fall.” Autumn sniffled and tried to explain “First met… Big Mac… bed rest… taken care of…APPLEJACK!” she sobbed into Fluttershy’s cushions. “Oh, so that’s what this’s all about.” Ever turned to look at Fluttershy “When Big Mac first met us, he was playing around with Autumn and took her bow. She tackled him into oblivion and he had to stay in bed for a long time. She took care of him then, but he thinks it’s his sister Applejack.” Fluttershy nodded as she tried to understand the volley of words thrown at her “Oh dear…” she turned the cup to hide the pattern “Um… Autumn?” Autumn looked up at Fluttershy, who waved for Ever to wait in the backyard “Um… I have somepony who I like…” Autumn sat up “R-really?” Fluttershy sat down next to her “Yes… and… if E-” she shook her head “That pony… if he forgot something like that… I’d be sad too…” Autumn sniffed “EXACTLY.” Fluttershy stood up “B-but… I think I would talk to him about it… anyways, you should drink your tea.” Autumn sighed and stared at the tea in front of her.

Meanwhile, at the CMC clubhouse, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were thinking up plans for their next attempt at getting their Cutie Marks. “Hey, I know!” Apple Bloom grinned “How about Cutie Mark Crusaders Apple Buckers!” Scootaloo jumped up and glared at Apple Bloom “You just want us to do your chores again! I say we try Cutie Mark Crusaders Pro-Skaters!” Sweetie Belle sighed “You just want to show off your scooter tricks! How about… Cutie Mark Crusader Sky Divers!” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo sighed “already tried last week…” Charcoal looked around and gulped “How about… Cutie Mark Crusader Pro-Runners?” The three fillies beamed and pulled him outside where they lined up. “All right,” Scootaloo dug her hoof into the dirt “Last one to Sweet Apple Acres has to-” Apple Bloom grinned slyly and interrupted “-Mess up one of Rarity’s dresses!” the other two fillies gulped and readied themselves. Sweetie Belle shouted for them to start and the four foals dashed off towards Sweet Apple Acres. Apple Bloom burst into the front. Scootaloo ran right behind. Sweetie Belle and Charcoal were just a few inches back. Sweetie Belle grinned and her horn started to glow. She picked up the other three foals and placed them behind herself. But Charcoal burst through her magic and ran in front of her. Sweetie Belle gasped and pushed herself forward. Scootaloo ran up and blocked Sweetie Belles vision with her wing, causing her to almost trip on a rock. Apple Bloom dashed forwards and she shared a sigh with Sweetie Belle, they were so close to the farm and both were last. Charcoal slowed down until he was in front of Sweetie Belle. He glanced back and grinned “Need a boost?” Sweetie Belle smirked and jumped over him. When she was in the air in front of him, Charcoal pushed her forward. Sweetie Belle landed running right next to Scootaloo who gasped. As they finally reached the farm, Sweetie Belle cheered. Scootaloo sighed realizing she was 2nd. Charcoal skidded to a stop behind Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom groaned when she finally reached them.

Sweetie Belle chuckled “I feel kind of bad for you Apple Bloom; Rarity can be a real pain when it comes to her dresses.” Apple Bloom sighed and continued walking until she bumped into someone, looking up; she realized it was someone familiar “Mr. Black Board!” Black Board helped the filly get up “You’re from Ms. Cheerilee’s class, aren't you?” Apple Bloom looked up at him “Yeah, I’m Apple Bloom!” Summer Oak flew out of the house towards them “Mr. Board. Are you here for Charcoal?” Black Board nodded and Charcoal’s eyes widened. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to train him in such things-” she was cut off by Black Board “I understand you don’t want him to have the same fate as your husband, but he’s much stronger than his father. Now then, come along Charcoal.” Charcoal hugged his mother and ran after Black Board. Apple Bloom stared curiously at the retreating figure of Black Board. Where was he taking Charcoal? And what about her Uncle Core?