• Published 20th Jan 2014
  • 456 Views, 0 Comments

My Little Bronies: The Element of Cuteness - furryman

The story of how six guys got together to defeat The Moon Stallion

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My Little Bronies: The Element of Cuteness

Dusk Shine=Twilight Sparkle

Berry Pie=Pinky Pie


Spectrum Dash=Rainbow Dash



Dusk Shine stepped off the train and looked around. It seemed like a nice enough place but after living in Canterlot it felt like a real hick town.

“I know I put all the clues together, but what if I‘m wrong.” he muttered.

“Dad agreed you could be right. Besides I think it’s time you made some friends anyway.” The cute little girl standing next to him replied.

The girl was about 3 feet tall, had green hair and wore a lavender ribbon tied in a bow in her hair. The only way you could tell she was a “dragon” was her bright green reptilian eyes.

Dusk looked around nervously. Luckily no one was nearby.

“Remember Barb, if anybody asks dad’s name is Sunrunner and mom’s name was Moonbeam.”

“I don’t see why.” Barb said.

“ It’ll be hard enough making friend without people being nervous about being around “The Crown Prince of Equestria.”

“Alright, alright I won’t tell anyone.”

Dusk Shine looked at a long list he pulled out of his pocket.

“O. K., first thing on the list, check out the library.”

He looked around as if expecting a library to appear before him.

“Wonder where it is?”

“Let’s ask him.” Barb replied pointing at a guy with brilliant pink hair sitting at a table in front of a café nearby.

Before Dusk could object she headed over to him.

Dusk stared at his hair, he’d never seen such a wild looking mop before.

“It looks just like Weird Al Yankovich’s.” he said.

“What? How? Who?” Dusk stuttered flabbergasted.

The man just looked at Dusk Shine as if what he had just done was totally normal.

“Why are you sad, mister?” Barb asked him.

The pink haired man perked up when he saw the cute little girl standing in front of him.

“My aren’t you a cutie? Here, have a lollypop.” Much to their amazement he pulled one out of his hair and handed it to Barb.

He smiled. Somehow his smile seemed to brighten everything around him.

“Sorry about that mister.” Dusk said. “She likes to meddle in others people’s business.”

“That’s alright. They say a sorrow shared is a sorrow lessened.” he replied.

“My name is Berry Pie. I’m a party planner. I really enjoy parties but I’ve realized that I’ve never had a party for myself.”

“Tell you what, why don’t you throw a party tonight?” Barb commanded.

Berry looked kindly at her. “Just for the three of us? Not much of a party.”

“I guarantee that there’ll be a couple of other people there.”

“I don’t know why, but I believe if anyone can do it it’s you.”

“You won’t be sorry.” Barb stated.

“Hi, my name’s Dusk Shine and this brat is my sister, Barb. I was wondering where the library is.”

“It’s been closed for years.” he said.

“I know. I’m here to reopen it.”

“Its about three blocks in that direction.” he replied, pointing. “You can’t miss it. I’d show you myself but I’ve got a party to prepare for. Party‘s tonight, 8 p. m. at Sugarcube corners. Ask anybody, they’ll tell you where it is.”

Dusk considered objecting but seeing how happy Berry was he didn’t have the heart to.

They had walked about a block or so when they smelled the delicious smell of baked apples.

“Ooh look! Apple fritters. Can I have one?” Barb looked at him with the most adorable face she could muster.

Dusk had learned to resist her “cuteness powers” years ago, but he was hungry.

“The power of cuteness compels me.” he replied in a monotone voice as he lurched dramatically towards the vendor.

Barb sighed, rolled her eyes and followed her silly brother.

Dusk Shine studied the man behind the counter of the obviously homemade stand. He was the biggest man he’d ever seen. The vendor must have been at least seven feet tall and was extraordinarily well muscled. He had short blonde hair and wore a large cowboy style hat. His golden tan made it obvious that he worked outdoors.

“Why howdy there folks.” he said in a thick southern accent. “Y’all must be new around these parts. I don’t reckon I’ve seen you around here before.”

“We just moved here. We’re going to reopen the library.” Dusk replied.

“Boy howdy, ain’t that great news! Folks 'round here have been complainin’ for years about it. Name’s Macintosh Apple and I guarantee you ain’t never had apples as fine as ours.”

“We’ll take two apple fritters please.” Dusk said. He smiled at the warm welcome the man gave them.

“Here you go. It’s on the house for our new resident Librarian.”

“You don’t need to do that.” Dusk objected.

“I insist.”

Dusk noticed several blue ribbons pinned on the side of the stand.

“What are those awards for?”

“This one here’s for best apples in Equestia. I won that at the National Championship. Other ones for Applebuckin’, National Champion three years runnin’.”

“That’s real neat!” Barb exclaimed

“I’m mighty proud of ’em”

“Berry Pie’s having a party tonight would you like to come?” Barb asked him.

“Woo wee, Berry’s parties are legendary. I’d love to come.” he replied.

Dusk introduced themselves and told him when and where the party was.

“Mighty nice meetin’ ya’ll, can’t wait till tonight.”

“Nice meeting you too.” Dusk replied.

“See ya later.” Barb chipped in.

Next they passed by a park. Encircling the park was a running track. A man running on the track caught Barb’s attention and she headed over to watch him. The first thing Dusk noticed was his hair. It was rainbow colored! There were six stripes each a different color running though his long hair. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. “How was that even possible? That couldn’t really be his natural color, could it?” Dusk thought to himself.

The man ran faster and faster until he was little more than a rainbow colored blur. They could actually feel the wind his passage was creating! Barb clapped and whistled in awe. Dusk Shine had to admit he was impressed.

After a few minutes the man stopped running. Hearing Barb’s enthusiastic cheering, he walked over to them.

“Are you one of my fans, little girl?”

‘Sure am! Dusk, this is Spectrum Dash the first person in recorded history to ever create a sonic rainboom!”

Even Dusk, who never followed sports, had heard about him.

“I can breath fire!” Barb boasted.

“Wow! That makes you at least 20% cooler than me.” Spectrum replied.

“No way!”


The two of them bumped fists and laughed.

“You a fan of Daring Do?” Barb asked.

Dusk noticed a familiar looking book sticking out of a backpack which was sitting on the ground nearby.

“Sure am. How about you?”

“My brother’s a real big fan.”

“Really?” he asked turning to Dusk Shine. “What did you think about…”

The two of them spent the next ten minutes animatedly discussing the various Daring Do books.

Dusk noticed Barb was starting to get antsy.

“I’d love to talk more, but I think we’re boring my sister.”

Spectrum laughed. “Well I guess everybody can’t be as big as fans as we are.”

“True.” Dusk nodded.

“Berry Pie’s having a party tonight would you like to come?” Barb asked.

“Would I? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Dusk introduced themselves and told him where and when the party was.

“See you later.” he said waving as they walked off.

“See ya.” The two of them replied.

Instead of walking back to the road, Barb headed further into the park. Dusk followed her with a huff of frustration.

Near the center of the park a man was teaching a dog the most amazing tricks Dusk had ever seen. Watching him was the most beautiful woman in the world. The man had short straight pink hair. He was short and fragile looking. The woman had long flowing golden locks. She was golden tan and very fit looking.

“Wow! That’s incredible.” Barb said.

Noticing the two of them watching the man seemed to vanish behind the woman.

“Hi.” The woman said in a thick southern accent. “I’m Applejack and my invisible friend here is Shyler.”

“I don’t like being called that.” he mumbled.

“Then you should introduce yourself.” she said.

“My name’s Skyler, if you don’t mind.” he replied so softly Dusk could barely hear him.

“Nice to meet you Skyler. I didn‘t know you could teach a dog to do things like that.” Dusk said moving forward and shaking his hand.

Skyler blushed deeply but didn’t attempt to hide behind Applejack again.

“You may not believe it to look at him but he can train almost any animal.” Applejack said.

Skyler turned bright red.

“I don’t train them. I become friends with them.” he objected.

“So what’s your name, sugarcube?” she asked.

It was Dusk’s turn to stutter and mumble. He’d never had such a beautiful woman take an interest in him.

Applejack studied the man standing before her. He wore his hair in a kind of page boy style. She wondered if the blue and purple streaks in his hair were natural. Was he a goth? Despite his dark blue pants and purple shirt, he didn’t really seem the type. He was rather thin and pale. Obviously a man who didn’t spent a lot of time outdoors. Although he seemed rather nondescript, Applejack sensed a strong mysterious power emanating from him. It was then she noticed the light purple starburst shaped mark on the center of his forehead. She knew that meant that he was a “unicorn”. Not all unicorns were powerful magic users, but somehow she knew this man standing before her was.

“I never thought I’d meet somebody as shy as Skyler.” she said smiling warmly at him.

Dusk thought he was going to melt.

“There’s going to be a party tonight at Berry’s place, want to come?” Barb asked.

“You going to be there honey?” Applejack asked Dusk.

“I…I will.” he croaked.

“Then I’ll be sure to come.”

“I…I’d like to come too, if you don’t mind.” Skyler whispered.

“Hope to see you there.” Dusk said heartily, glad for the distraction.

Applejack winked and threw a kiss at Dusk Shine as they left the park. Dusk was so embarrassed he nearly stumbled and fell.

“Smooth move, Ponio.” Barb said sarcastically.

Dusk just turned another shade redder as he slouched towards the street.

As he continued down the street he saw something that snapped him out if the fugue he was in. It was a dress shop.

“That reminds me, you need some new clothes.” he said.

“You know just how to treat a girl. I’m sure Applejack will appreciate that.” she replied, smiling slyly.

He just shook his head and said. “Come on, brat.”

The two of them entered the shop. Sitting behind the counter was an extraordinarily handsome man. His skin was unusually pale. If it wasn’t for his elaborately coiffured purple hair and brilliant blue eyes he would have thought the man was an albino. Dusk noticed a light purple diamond shaped mark on the center of his forehead. “Must be another unicorn.” Dusk thought to himself.

“Will you marry me?” Barb asked him, blushing deeply.

“You’ll have to excuse my sister, sir, for some reason she thinks she’s eighteen instead of ten.”

“That’s alright.” he replied in a upper class accent.

He kneeled before Barb and smiled warmly at her.

“Tell you what. When you really turn eighteen and you’re still interested, we’ll go on a date.”

“That’s forever.” she pouted.

The shopkeeper laughed and said. “How about as a conciliation prize I sell you the most beautiful dress in the shop.”

Hearing about new clothes made her forget about her sudden crush.

“We’ll need some appropriate for school too.” Dusk said.

“School!” Barb groaned.

“You’ll have to go to school of you want to learn how to be a true lady.” the shopkeeper commented.

“Well, I guess if that‘s the kind of girl you’re interested in it‘ll be alright.”

“Hello, I’m Rare.” he stated, introducing himself.

“You sure are. But what’s your name?” Barb asked giggling.

Dusk groaned and looked embarrassed.

“Sorry, you must get that joke a lot.”

“That’s alright, I’m used to it.”

‘I’m Dusk Shine and this enchantress is my sister Barb.”

“Pleased to meet you.” he said shaking Dusk’s hand and kissing Barb’s.

Barb giggled and turned bright red.

Rare picked out a beautiful shimmering lavender dress, a darker purple pinafore, a pair of purple pants and a light green blouse as well as some other clothes. He sold them several different color ribbons as well. The price was very reasonable, much to Dusk’s relief. He didn’t want to show off just how rich he was on his first day here.

“Can you do any magic?” Dusk asked him.

Rare rubbed self conscientiously at the mark on his forehead.

“Just some basic levitation and manipulation spells, I’m afraid.” he replied.

“Don’t worry, not every unicorn can be Starswirl the Bearded.”

“Oh it’s alright. I enjoy designing dresses much more.”

“You designed all these yourself?” Dusk was impressed.

“Yes, it’s true. I’m hoping to be a world famous designer some day.”

“If anybody can do it, you can!” Barb gushed.

“Thank you for your vote of confidence.”

“There’s going to be a party tonight at Berry Pie’s would you like to come?” Barb asked.

“I’d be honored to, young lady.”

Barb giggled and blushed again.

Dusk told him the time and place.

“Can’t wait to see you again honey.” Barb chirped as they left the store.

“Do you think they’re the ones?” Dusk asked.

Barb nodded “I’m sure of it!”

It seemed strange to rely on the sixth sense of a ten year old girl, but she’d never been wrong before.

Finally they spotted the huge tree that housed the library ahead of them.

Dusk Shine stopped to admire it. It was one of the most wonderful things he’d ever seen.

He’d always guessed his mother was an incredible woman but the fact that she’d created this with her magic was fantastic.

Taking an old key form his pocket he opened the door. The inside was thick with twenty years accumulation of dust. But he ignored that because his eyes were drawn to a portrait of a beautiful woman hanging on the wall. It was a picture of his mother, Stardust.

“I hope you’ll forgive me for lying about you and dad, but I promise I’ll tell them the truth soon.” he murmured.

“Okay, next thing on the list: cleaning up.” he said louder.

Barb said a pretend curse word but went looking for cleaning supplies.

The Party: Random conversations

“…and that’s the origin of the land of Equestria.” Berry Pie said.

Dusk Shine was laughing so hard tears were streaming from his eyes.

“So you design clothes huh? Never cared much for fancy duds myself.” Macintosh told Rare.

“But nice clothes make you feel good about yourself and they make a good impression on others.” replied Rare

“Well I don’t got no time to get out any.”

“Oh but you simply must make time. You’ll see, it will make you feel so much better.”

“You got a point.”

“Even though I’m a “Pegasus” I wasn’t ever any good at sports.” Skyler whispered.

“I’ll be glad to train you if you want.” Spectrum Dash replied.

“I..I’d like that.”

“So you datin’ my sister?’ Macintosh asked.

“N..no, no need to worry about that.” Skyler whispered, blushing.

“Too shy to ask her out? You seem like a nice enough guy. I could put in a good word for you.”

“T..that’s alright. I’m not really into that kind of thing.”

“Not into dating or not into…girls.”

Skyler turned beet red, but something in Macintosh’s eyes made him confess.

“I prefer men.” he whispered so softly Mac could barely hear him.

“Well I’m mighty glad to hear that! Because you are without a doubt cuter than a June bug. I wouldn’t want to be stealin’ Applejack’s boyfriend.”

Skyler’s gaze swept over the impressive form of Macintosh.

“So big! So many muscles! Oh my!” he thought to himself.

“So…umm.. seen any good movies lately.” Dusk asked Applejack nervously

“Just last week I saw Star Ponies. I really enjoyed it.” she replied.

“That’s one of my favorite movies!” Dusk exclaimed, relaxing.

“Did you know one of your ancestors married one of my ancestors?” Berry asked.

“Really?” Mac replied

“Sure! How do you think apple pies were invented.“

Macintosh guffawed loudly.

The party was a great success. It was amazing how well everyone got along. Dusk Shine even got over his nervousness and managed to have a normal conversation with Applejack. He especially noticed how well Macintosh and Skyler were getting along. By the end of the party the two of them were actually blushing and holding hands!

“Everyone! I have an announcement to make.’ Dusk Shine declared as the party was winding down.

Suddenly everyone’s attention was on him.

“As great as Berry’s party is, I didn’t just ask you all here today just to celebrate Ponyville getting a new Librarian. What I have to say next is going to be hard to believe but please hear me out. There is an ancient legend. A legend about six magical gems known as the Elements of Harmony. I believe that these gems are real and contain a great magical power. This power will soon be needed to defend Equestria from a terrible evil. I need your help to retrieve these gems.”

“But why us?” Macintosh asked.

“Barb?” Dusk queried.

Barb descended the stairs. She had been playing in her room, knowing her presence at the party would make everyone to uptight.

“Each of you represents the very essence of one of the Elements of Harmony.”

“Kindness.” she declared, pointing at Skyler.

“Honesty.” pointing at Spectrum.

“Loyalty.” pointing at Macintosh.

“Laughter.” pointing at Berry

“Generosity.” pointing at Rare.

“and finally Magic.” she said, pointing at her brother

“But don‘t we all need magic to use these gems?” Skyler asked. “You and Rare can use magic but none of the rest of can.”

“I believe you all have a natural magical ability.” Barb replied. “The things you do simply aren’t normal. But that’s only part of the reason. I believe that it will take the power of your friendship to truly utilize the gems.”

“The power of friendship?” Spectrum scoffed. “That sounds like something parents tell there children to make them feel better. There‘s simply no way it‘s gonna defeat some monster. What we need is an army. And speaking of armies why ain’t Prince Solaris doing something about this?”

“I’ve spoken to his majesty and he agrees with me.” Dusk said. “He’s the one who authorized me to go on this mission.”

“It sounds crazy to me but it seems like a real adventure. I’m in!” Spectrum declared.

The others agreed readily, even Skyler.

“It doesn’t seem fair that only you guys get to go on this great adventure!” Applejack objected.

“It’ll be dangerous, sis.” Mac objected.

“If you don’t think I can’t handle myself in a fight you don’t know me at all!”

“We may not be able to go along, but we will be essential to the success of the plan. After all without us I doubt they’d even be able to get started.” Barb said.

“Applejack.” Dusk added, taking her hands. “I hope I’ll have your support. I’ll need it.”

Applejack blushed and nodded.

“What is this terrible evil?” Rare asked.

“One thousand years ago a horrific monster came into being and was banished by Prince Solaris’ ancestor. That creature was The Moon Stallion.”

They all gasped. Everyone had heard of The Moon Stallion. He was the thing that brought your darkest nightmares (night stallions?) when you slept. He was the horror that mothers threatened their children with when they were bad.

“The Moon Stallion is just a myth!” Spectrum objected.

“Believe me. I’ve spent the past year going though the royal archives. Prince Lunar, the man now known as The Moon Stallion actually existed. The records prove it!”

“One thousand years ago Prince Solaris, the current Prince’s ancestor ruled along side his brother, Prince Lunar. Prince Solaris ruled during the day and Prince Lunar ruled at night.

But Prince Lunar grew jealous. Nearly everyone but him slept at night and very few truly appreciated “his” stars and “his” moon. Everyone just took them for granted. Or so he thought.

Prince Lunar discovered an ancient spell. A spell which fed off his jealousy and anger then transformed him into a powerful monster. It was only thanks to the Elements of Harmony that Prince Solaris banished his brother to the moon. But as powerful as the Elements were, the spell could only last a thousand years. The time is nearly upon us! Ponius the 21st will be the one thousandth anniversary of Prince Lunar’s banishment!”

“That’s only one month from now!” Mac exclaimed.

“That’ll be plenty of time if everything goes as planned.”

“And if it doesn’t?” Skyler asked.

Dusk just shook his head “Let’s hope we succeed.“ He didn’t want to scare his new friends.

“Why can’t the prince just use the Elements again to defeat Lunar.” Berry asked.

“When the first Prince Solaris used the Elements for such a powerful spell it changed their nature. Now it takes six people to wield them rather than one.” Dusk answered.

“Where are the Elements hidden?” Applejack asked.

“Deep in the Everfree Forest lie the remains of the first Prince Solaris’ ancient castle. The Prince himself left a letter explaining where he had hidden them.”

“We’ll leave the day after tomorrow.” Dusk told them as the others prepared to leave. “Prepare yourselves for a fairly long trek.”

The five of them nodded and walked slowly home thinking of the quest ahead.

“Be careful sugarcube.” Applejack whispered as she embraced him tightly.

“I…I will” Dusk stuttered.

Dusk Shine watched as she walked off into the night. He sighed and closed the door.

“Let’s go to bed, tomorrow’s a long day.” he told Barb.

She nodded and they headed off to their rooms.


Comments ( 1 )

"So, are you going to write a sequel?" Barb asked.
Yes I've written the most incredible adventure story ever told.
"You haven't written a single word have you?"
No. I thought about simply rewriting the Mane 6's encounter with Nightmare Moon with guys but somehow that doesn't appeal to me. I'm trying to think of something different, but I'm not hopeful.

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