• Published 19th Jan 2014
  • 1,594 Views, 60 Comments

Changeling gone good? - N3rdyGir1Squar3d

What happens when Queen Chrysalis decides she wants a daughter that has all the qualities of the elements of harmony? (The beginning take place before the whole Canterlot Wedding)

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Author's Note:

Takes place before Canterlot Wedding

This is my first FanFiction so leave tips in the comment section!
(First part before perspective change will be the only part in the story that is in 3rd person, as far as I've planed at least)

Youtube Reading Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQHAY27w9_4



Queen Chrysalis smiled down at her work she had just finished creating. "Hmm, what shall I call you?" she questioned towards her first magically created changeling.

The small filly like changeling started to wake up. Chrysalis realized that she had never named a changeling before,
besides herself of course. All changelings where hermaphrodite, that way they could change into both genders without that 'part' missing.Of course there were exceptions, like Chrysalis herself.But they always became royalty and named themselves later in life. Before then, they were called 'Royal' and then their number but sometimes they included gender too. Chrysalis was 'Royal 327' or 'Royal Female 106' but hated being called that. She came up with her name as soon as she was able to speak (Which is about 30 minutes after hatching, sense changelings hatch as adults).

Chrysalis then snapped out of her thoughts and looked down at the now awoken filly changeling. Chrysalis thought for a minute then said out loud, "Kryna, thats what I'll call you."

The second Kryna looked up at her mother, a look of pure anger washed over her face. "Hello mother" Kryna spat at the Queen that made her.

Startled Chrysalis stood up and stepped back thinking that she was just intimidated and was trying to make herself seem a lot more intimidating. Chrysalis immediately realized that she needed to show her dominance to her daughter. "You will NOT disrespect me daughter."

Kryna looked at her mother with a burning sense of hatred. "What did you make me to represent?" Kryna asked, surprisingly calm. "I made you to represent the elements of harmony" Chrysalis stated proudly. Kryna just looked at her mother with even more disgust than before.

"Why do you think i don't have holes in my hooves or hair? Holes show how corrupt the changeling is! Why do you think i don't have the same changeling skin that you have? I have pony like skin! Why do you think I don't have bug-like wings? I have normal wings! why do you thing I'm a filly? Changelings are born adults!"

Chrysalis stood there, not understanding what her daughter meant.

Kryna just continued,"The Elements of Harmony. Honesty which is why i'm going to tell you right now, ill NEVER think of you as a mother. Laughter, which is why i can tell what ponies feel, I do NOT feed on love, I can sense feelings like changelings though, so i know when someone needs a good laugh. Generosity which is why I can sense intentions, i can sense if somepony is just doing something nice only to get something back, or just to be nice. Magic, which is why my horn is not bent broken or have any other imperfections, why I can do more than just changeling magic, and why I know so much considering i was just created. Loyalty,---"

Chrysalis cut her off "YOU SHOULD BE LOYAL TO ME!" She practically screamed

Kryna just giggled, "Oh, well... Kindness and Loyalty kind of go together. Kindness, which is why I will NEVER be Loyal to you!" Kryna dashed towards the window and jumped out, flying towards ponyville, but not before shouting, "Seems that all we have in common is our eyes, colors, and the ability to do changeling magic!" Chrysalis could have sworn she also heard Kryna mumble,
"I'm more pony than changeling."

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Apple Bloom

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION INVESTIGATORS!" Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and I said in unison, after seeing an odd explosion near the forest.

"Umm, girls, ah don't think that was an ordinary explosion" "Yeah! It was green and creepy looking!" Sweetie Belle added "Not to mention ah think it was shaped like a skull and cross-bones." I said shaking at the thought of what could have created an explosion like that.

"Aw, stop being such wimps!" Scootaloo said "I'm sure you just imagined that! All I saw was us getting out Cutie marks by investigating that mysterious explosion!"

"All right if you say s---" Sweetie Belle was cut off by what we all saw standing in front of us.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


I was standing there, in front of 3 ponies, 3 young ponies, fillies! 'Crap' i thought to myself 'there goes my good first impression plan'
I noticed that hey were still standing there with their mouths open just staring at me.

"Umm... hi." I said quietly

"Hi! sorry for starin' but we've never seen ah filly alicorn before! We always thought you had ta earn it, not be born with it!" the red maned earth pony said, snapping out of her trance

"Huh?" I said, too quietly then they could hear.

"WOAH! YOUR ROYALTY?!" the purple maned pegasus asked with so much enthusiasm I stepped back

"Sorry she can be very, LOUD!" the white unicorn said having the last part directed at the pegasus.

"Ah am Apple Bloom, that's Scootaloo" she said pointing her hoof at the loud pegasus, "and that's Sweetie Bell" indicating the unicorn.

I stood there for a moment and said, after taking a deep breath, "Im Kryna"

"Well thats an unusual pony name, but your eyes are odd to---" Scootaloo started to say before Sweetie Belle kicked her in the leg

"OWWW" Scootaloo wined

"Sorry, seems she doesn't know manners, PRINCESS Kryna" Sweetie Belle said putting an emphasis on 'Princess'

"Oh, I'm not---" i started but then realized, I AM a princess, I AM royalty, I'll Just leave out that I'm a changeling princess. I realized I needed to have the rest of my sentence make sense.

"I'm not comfortable to be called Princess, just call me Kryna"

"Ok Kryna follow me! we gonna head to our Cutie Mark Crusader tree house and make you a cape!" at the mention of 'cutie mark' I looked at my bare flank and wondered, can I get a cutie mark?

"By the way, where are you princess from anyway?" Sweetie Bell asked.