• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 487 Views, 0 Comments

Nightmares - A-Pie-Flying

After being banished on the moon for a thousand years, Princess Luna decided to prank every pony in Ponyville for absolute fun.

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1. Sweetie Belle

Victim 1 :
Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle had always been the gaming type of pony out of her family and friends, and she had played many games, but tonight, it was Nightmare Night, and Princess Luna wanted to play a prank on every pony in Ponyville in their dreams. Instead of peaceful, happy, dreams, for today only, she will bring them nightmares.

“Tia, could we play a prank on your royal citizens for tonight?” Princess Luna asked her sister, who is busy with her royal duties. “It has been a thousand years ever since we had fun with what you called ‘pranks,’ that requires a pony in order to play.”

“Just for tonight, Luna. But for tomorrow, it's back to normal dreams.” Princess Celestia sighed.

Princess Luna nodded, and she walked out to the balcony, and there laid a Crystal ball, where she could see every pony who is asleep, and one of the pony have caught her eyes. “This one, she seem like a nice victim.” She whispered.


Sweetie Belle was going to bed, she was getting ready, and she lit up her little vanilla scented candles. She switched off the lights,

and off she went to her bed. “Goodnight Rarity.” She said softly, but she knew her sister could not hear her, because she is upstairs sleeping.

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes, and she begin to sleep. In her dream, she found herself in a dark endless void. “Where am I?” Her voice echoed throughout the void. Nopony to be seen, nothing to be heard. “Hello?” She spoke out, but her voice seem to fade.

“Is anypony there?!” She screamed, but all that came out, was nothing. The void fade away, and there came a background, it was her room. “My room, am I dreaming?” She spoke to herself, but apparently, nothing came out of her mouth.

She walked around and touched everything in her room, it was touchable, yet cold. “Why is all my furniture freezing cold?” She thought to herself as she felt her bed. She opened the door, and there was a hallway. A dark, scary hallway.

She walked down the hallways, and she whimpered a bit. “I don't remember having these hallways...” She whispered. She kept walking down the hallways, and she saw a light at the end. She ran towards the light, but she can't seem to get to it. Each time she tried to run, the further the light goes.

She stopped, and she heard some whispering noises. “Sweetie Belle....” It said.

Her ears twitched as the voices sounded like it was just beside her. “Oh, Sweetie Belle.”

“We're going to be best of friends!” Another voice whispered. Sweetie Belle turned around, and saw a white ghastly figure floating around and going in and out of walls. “Don't be afraid... We're not going to HURT you.” The ghostly figure changed into a pony, a white skinned, long maned pony, with blood and scares all over her body.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Sweetie Belle shrieked as she tried to run.

“Nopony can hear you, Sweetie Belle. It's just you and me. We'll be together...”

The last word echoed the hallways, and the figure faded away, and evil giggles were heard. “Who are you, and what do you want from me?!” Sweetie Belle asked in terror and fear.

The ghostly figure flew in and out of Sweetie Belle's body, giving a slight shiver. “We want your soul.” The ghostly figure said evilly.

Sweetie Belle backed away from the figure, and begin running, but she hit the wall instead. It seems like the walls are closing in, and it is. Sweetie Belle shrieked, but nothing came out from her mouth. It's like she's a mute. “There is nothing you can do, and nopony is here to save you.” The ghostly figure giggled.

“No, please, I don't want to die!” She begged in her thoughts.

The walls closed in, until Sweetie Belle felt squeezed, and then she thought “this is it? Is this how my life is going to end? In a tight box? I guess it's better than being old...” She closed her eyes, waiting for the pressure to squeeze her blood out.

But, instead she found herself in Ponyville. With her friends and all other ponies. “Huh?”

“Hey, Sweetie Belle. Where have ya been?” Applebloom asked, walking towards Sweetie Belle.

“Wanna play catch with us?” Scootaloo passed a ball to Sweetie Belle, and Sweetie Belle's horn popped the ball by accident. Scootaloo's eyes widened, and Applebloom looked at Sweetie Belle with her eyes red.

“I-I'm sorry... It was an accident!” Sweetie Belle said in terror, backing out from her friends. Applebloom's eyes turned red, and her ribbon came alive with sharp teeth, and Scootaloo's wings became razor sharp, with her teeth sharpen like vampire teeth.

Applebloom came forward to Sweetie Belle, “What do you think is better, Scoots? Fried Belle, or Cooked Sweetie?”

“How about Fried Cooked Sweetie Belle instead?” Scootaloo suggested, licking her lips.

“Good enough for me.” Applebloom grinned, and took out a knife.

“P-p-please, don't hurt me!” Sweetie Belle closed her eyes, and she awaits for the knife to stab her, but instead, she woke up.

She found herself in her bedroom, with her candles lit up, and she quickly jumped out of bed slapped herself to make sure she was awake, and switched on the lights. “T-that was a horrible dream!” Sweetie Belle said with fear, and her eyes extremely wide.

“I don't think I will ever sleep again after that experience. And play any video games at all!”

Sweetie Belle walked downstairs and made a cup of coffee, “Dad said that this thing will keep you awake for a couple of hours, might as well drink it and not sleep!” Sweetie Belle drank the coffee, and she spitted it out. “Ewwwww!!!! Yuck!”

She dropped the cup on the ground and rubbed her hooves on her tongue, taking the taste off her tongue. “What is so special with the coffee thing anyways?!”


Princess Luna smiled at the sight of her first victim's scare. “Huzzah! The first victim hath been scared!” She cheered with joy. “Now, let us see if we could find another better victim...” She looked into the crystal ball, and was surprised with who she found.

“This one is not easily scared, but we think we can fix it.”