• Published 13th Jan 2014
  • 232 Views, 2 Comments

Dead Ponies Trotting - Ominous Fate

Join Bullet Shear and his team of ponies trying to live in a Equistra overrun by zomponies.

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Chapter 1: Food Shortage

I sat in the corner of our dismal supply room it doesn't really look like much, it's just a small cement basement that could fit about three ponies comfortably with a single door in the center of the wall opposite of me, a vast assortment of firearms, wingblades, tramplers, grenades, and other weapons was at my back, a small cardboard box of medical supplies in the corner to directly to the right of the door, a small pile of miscellaneous boxes on the right way, and another pile of boxes lined the left wall. I walk over to the boxes and levitate open one of the flaps with my magic, only to find two carrots inside. I close the box and walk through the door, up the stairs, through another door, and into the living room. The living room was very worn down with boarded up windows, torn up curtains and a dirty red chewed up rug. This came as no surprise of course, this house was built before The Calamity, it's a miracle it's still standing. I walk through another door into the kitchen, where Tech Edge and Colossus was eating a small bowls of oats for breakfast. Tech Edge is a pegasus with a slicked down green and white mane, white coat, and green eyes. His cutie mark is a mother chip, which signifies his skill with technology. Colossus is a dark grey, crimson eyed, earth pony with no mane. His cutie mark is a trampler, signifying his unmatched skill with hoof to hoof combat.

"So where's my breakfast?" I ask the two ponies.

"It's over on the counter, Bullet Shear." Tech Edge told me lazily. I walk over to the counter and levitate my bowl of oats over to the table and sit down.

"Is Stardust up yet?" I ask the other two ponies.

"Yeah, she's working on the generator right now." Tech Edge explained, "Hopefully it can survive EMPs if she can get it to run on magic instead of electricity." Stardust has a white mane that runs down to her knees with gold streaks in it, a white body, and a gold tail. She is a unicorn and her cutie mark is an arcane rune for electricity, as her special talent is magically creating and manipulating electricity. Our special talents line up perfectly, which is probably why we have survived this long. Tech Edge makes technology out of junk and Stardust helps power it. Also in combat Stardust uses guns while Tech Edge uses his technology to provide range while me and Colossus takes the front lines. Colossus With his tramplers and me with my double sword-gun, Escrima. Yeah that baby is my own invention, I got my cutie mark when I first made it. When the other three found me, all those years ago, what they saw was a white unicorn with a torn up black and silver mane down to his chest, fighting off almost eleven of those monsters at once. After they helped save me, and I stopped slashing at them in my hysteria, they asked my where my team was. After I explained to them what had happened, in between sobs, they took me in. Soon after Tech Edge worked some wonders on Escrima to make her even more efficient in combat. I carry her around always, even now she is sheathed on my back.

"I got it running." Stardust told us without even looking, she then walked over to the counter and levitated her breakfast over to the table and sat down without making eye contact. Despite her cold demeanor, she was originally an emotional mare, but after she electrocuted another pony when they got into an argument about food rations, she decided to absolve herself of all emotions completely.

"So..." I begin to speak, keeping an eye on the others. "I was just in the store room, and...." I started to inform them cautiously. Colossus looked up at me and gave me a look that said, Spit it out! Taking the hint I quickly told the others "We are almost completely out of food!" The silence was deafening, I could even hear the moans of the creatures in the streets, we where so silent.

"About how much food are we talking about here.... " Tech Edge inquired with a scowl on his face.

".........Two carrots." I say sheepishly after a pause. Tech Edge jumped across the table at me, knocking me to the ground and he started smashing his hoof into my face.

"I'll throw you back onto the streets!" He yelled at me. Colossus pulled Tech Edge off of me, and I rolled back onto my hooves and drew out Escrima with my telekinesis. When Tech Edge saw my weapon was out he stopped struggling and and walked into the living room giving me a sinister glare. Only after he left the room that I dared to sheathe Escrima again.

"Well it seems that food will have to be found to found today." Stardust remarked. She didn't even move an inch from her spot at the table during the whole encounter. "If you don't keep better track of the food supplies Bullet Shear, you will find yourself back where you came from, do you catch my drift?"

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I promise.

"Sorry doesn't make it better." She said coldly, not even looking up from her oats at me. "Now who to send foraging...." She said in mock thought.

"Send Bullet Shear, it's his fault this happened." Tech Edge injected from the other room.

"I was going to say you Bullet Shear, but now that I think about it, the job might require two... I know I'll send Tech Edge with you." She said in a sadistic voice. I heard a pony fall off of a couch in the other room.

"You bitch!" I heard Tech Edge yell from the other room.

"It will be a good bonding experience for the both of you." She said in a tone so cold I almost shivered.

"I'm not going with him!" I Tech Edge exclaimed as he walked back into the room.

"Your both either going out to find food, or going out because me and Colossus kicked your flanks out, either way I would start getting ready." Stardust explained calmly, she then put up her empty bowl and walked out of the kitchen.