• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 606 Views, 59 Comments

Is this...Equestria? - Silver Shine

I can't believe it! I just woke up in freaking Equestria! Holy Celestia, this is cool! The hook and challenge? Making new friends. And making a new life.

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Day 1: Is this...Equestria?

So, the day was over. 9:00 pm. Time to sleep. I had recorded and uploaded twenty-something Youtube videos, school was off for the weekend, and I had nothing more to do. I jumped into bed(literally) and went to sleep. But what happened next is just plain weird.

I woke up in my bed, but it felt strange…Like it was softer. I looked around my room, and it looked-Wait, this isn’t my room. I wasn’t on my bed. I was on grass, outside. “How did I get here? And how the HELL did I not FREEZE to death?” I asked myself…Or anyone around. I looked around a bit more to pay some more attention, noticing trees, some houses, a baby dragon running an errand, a market run by and with customers that were ponies, and the grass I was on. Nothing special. “Wait, wait, wait. Dragons, ponies, ponies, houses, grass, and trees…Could this be…Equestria? No, no way. I don’t think that’s possible. But is it? I mean, maybe someone, well I guess somepony, teleported me here. I mean, you never know who knows of who.” So, after a few minutes, I decided maybe I should go to the market and see if I recognize anypony. And then I decided not to. Man, I wish I wasn’t shy sometimes. Plus, another issue arose in my head quickly. Names. It’s not like my name would work in Equestria, so what could I do? “What about-No. Well maybe there’s-Nope. I could try-No, that’s taken.” I said to myself, before getting an idea. “So I should find out what I am first! It could make it easier! I just need a mirror.” I looked around, for any open mirrors. Why would I even expect one? So I thought…Thought, thought, thought. Then I saw the pond, and quickly ran towards it. Looking down, I saw a green pony with a horn and wings in the reflection. My hair, well, mane was a light green and light blue, and split at the horn. My tail was the same colors, as I would’ve figured, except it looked different. “Alright, so I’m some kind of Alicorn pony with no Equestrian name. So, what about…I’ll try that.” I quickly ran towards town to ask for an explanation from Twilight, since she might know. Then I stopped. “Then again, I could try to learn how to use the wings and horn alone and teleport home on my own…It might be easier. Plus, nopony would notice me.” I said to myself. ‘No. I need to go. But what if I just run away and confuse her? Then I go back and try again. Wouldn’t I just fail again?’ Questions ran through my head, with answers causing more questions, and distracted me from the fact I had begun walking again, and before I knew it, I was at the library. Avoiding everypony, of course, since I just walked the most hidden path I could. Or something. I hope. I knocked on the door, slowly and softly. “G…Guess nopony’s home.” Just then, as I was turning around, Twilight opened the door. “Oh, hello. You must be new. Get inside before Pinkie sees you, the party can’t happen today.”

“S-Sure…” I replied, walking inside. She looked at me as she closed the door with her horn’s magic. “So, what’s your name?” I looked at the bookshelves, trying to look distracted. She repeated the question, “So, are you gonna tell me your name? You’ve gotta have one.” I continued looking at the bookshelves, hoping she’d buy it. “Seriously? You think I believe that? I’m the only pony in Equestria who gets lost in books like that, especially when not started on one.” I stopped looking at them, and my eyes closed. I felt something inside me, like I needed to tell her. It was important, after all. But could I ever get home? Would she know? If I can’t go home, where will I stay, what will I do? “My name…Is Rapid Approach.” She smiled at my response. “Well, I’m-“

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, and newest of the four Princesses. I know.”

“How did you know that?”

“Well, see I’m sorta…From another world. In my world, there’s a TV show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and you and you friends are the mane characters. Get the pun?” I chuckled, and got a confused look for a response. I continued, “You need to write it down to get it. Anyway, I know about a few of the things you’ve done. About 60 of the things you’ve done, a little more. Meeting your friends, Discord, the Gala, King Sombra, that one song from when your cutie marks switched, and even you going to the human world. Still not mine, but I know it happened.”

“So, you’re not from here? And I’m guessing you came thinking I did it or would know who did, right?”

“Yeah. That’s exactly what I came to you for.”

“Alright, well I can tell you that I have no idea how you got here. But I know you can live with me for a while. Do you have anything from your world with you?”

“Nope. I don’t have a saddlebag to keep them in either, so I would’ve just hidden them somewhere even if I did. I just woke up in a field of grass.”

“Well, I guess until we can find a way to your world you’ll need to adjust to having hooves, a horn, and wings.” She grabbed a book, and lifted it with her magic, as her horn and the book lit up with a purple glow. She put it in front of me, and continued, “Try reading that. Your horn would be easier to adjust to without experience.” I looked at the book. Magic: A Guide for Young Ponies, and a note in the top-right corner of the cover reading Created for ages 7 and under. “What? B-but it says it’s for 7-year-olds! I’m 13!” Twilight quickly responded, “Well, then ignore the wings and horn and just be an Earth Pony with wings and a horn. That won’t be odd at all.” I just looked back down to the book, opening it. “Fine.” After having read the book, I tried a few levitations. The first was the book, just to lift it. Second, was two others with it. Third, I put all three back. “This isn’t that hard.”

“That’s just the easy stuff. You won’t need actual spells though. Besides, it’s best to sleep. You took all day to read that thing and get those three book levitations right. You can sleep in my bed with me, since there’s nowhere else, really.” I just followed her up the stairs, and climbed into bed next to her, folding my wings in. How did I know how to do that? I decided to figure it out in the morning.

Author's Note:

So, I started working on this the day before it went up, and decided to split it by day. The first day is just kind of a setup, so it's not all this story will have to offer.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have the time! OH, and a like too.

And for a picture of me/Rapid: