• Published 8th Jan 2014
  • 389 Views, 0 Comments

Sparkle Patsy - sevenofeleven

A human wizard is drawn into an Equestrian civil war.

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Chapter 2

Sparkle Patsy
Chapter 2

Equestria, a few days ago.

Twilight was looking forward to doing some more research as well as studying to be a Princess. The books, papers and quills were ready. Somepony knocked on her door.

She opened the door but there was nopony there. Could not get their scent but there was a strange smell of moldering books in the doorway. Twilight looked down and saw the dark green book with strange ponies on it.

Instead of hooves they had tentacles. The title of the book was "The Tentacles of Friendship". What type of book is this? She used her telekinesis to carry the book into the room.

"Who was out there?" Spike asked.

"I don't know. They left so fast," Twilight answered.

Spike looked at the strange green book, chills went down his spine. There was something not quite right about that book.

"I don't know Twilight. Maybe you should show it to Celestia before you read it?" Spike said.

He did not even feel like being in the same room with the book.

"I will check it out first to see if its worth Celestia's time," Twilight said.

"I have a bad feeling about that book. It might not be good for you," Spike said.

His misgivings grew.

"Nonsense. There is no such thing as a bad book," Twilight replied.

She placed the book on the table and started reading. It was like hearing the ravings of a mad pony but there seemed to be some sort of secret knowledge hidden in the strange words. Twilight felt she was getting close to understanding the book when things went dark.

It was totally black. Why? She was in a well lit room with warm golden sunshine. Twilight concentrated and cast a light spell. She looked around.

No, this was not her tree house library. The floor was covered in some sort of soft greyish carpet. Books were stacked in tottering piles around her. Twilight sneezed. Was the carpet dusty?

She scraped the floor with her left fore hoof. This was no carpet! It was a thick layer of dust. Ewwww! Twilight sneezed again. What is this place?

Twilight made the light rise a bit. She looked up for the roof or ceiling of this place. Could not see it. Twilight scraped away more dust to look at the floor. It seemed to be made of black shiny tiles with green irregular stripes that moved while she watched. Something about that made Twilight uncomfortable.

She turned her attention to the pile of books. Maybe reading these books will make things worse? Twilight decided not to read them. The titles were in an unknown language anyway.

The confused purple alicorn walked among the piles of books looking for clues to the way back home.

Canterlot Castle, next day

Lisa's morning started out crappy. Nopony came by with a chamberpot, so she had to do her business at the back of the cell. That was demeaning. At least she was not alone. Spike had done his business too.

"I tried to hold it in but I could not," Spike said with a look of shame on his face.

"Well, I could not do better either," Lisa lied. She knew a bunch of spells that would clean things up. No need to tip her hoof. What? For the umpteenth time she wanted a mirror.

"Spike, tell me how this happened!" Lisa asked, almost demanded.

"Well. Twilight found a strange book. She started reading it and slowly she started to change..." Spike started.

"How did she change? What do you know about the book?" Lisa pushed.

"Hey! Slow down! It was a dark green book with some weird looking ponies on it. Twilight started getting more bossy. She cared less about her friends and more about her new magics," Spike said.

"Good morning!" Rarity crowed.

She wrinkled her muzzle.

"I see you have availed yourself of your luxurious room. The Princesses wish to have breakfast with you. I suggest that you do not do any sudden moves or spells. Try to be very civil," Rarity suggested.

The guards opened the door and led Spike and Lisa upstairs. After a few trots up some long stairs and through some even longer hallways they ended up in front of a chocolate brown pony stallion with a big mustache.

"My name is FineFur, I am the Princesses's chamberlain. You will not dine with royalty reeking of the dungeons. My staff will see to it that you are cleaned and outfitted properly," Finefur said rather stuffily.

Spike was led away by some guards to one room and Lisa was led away by a prissy white unicorn mare called Snipwell. The way she shook her plot when they walked down the hallway was good proof of her prissiness. Lisa would have to work hard to win this creature's good will.

When they reached one of the bathing rooms, Snipwell daintily pointed at Lisa's armor with her left fore hoof.

"You will have to take that off," Snipwell said.

There was a bit too much disdain in her voice.

Lisa used her magic sense on the armor to find out remove it. A few clicks later the purple and gold armor was floating over to a couch carried by Lisa's telekinesis.

It was not bad, Lisa did not feel constrained and the armor did not chafe her even when she slept in it. One of the attendants showed Lisa the bathing pool and the cleanup began.

Finally Lisa got to see what she looked like when Snipwell brought out a mirror. Purple coat, purple eyes, dark blue mane, dark blue hair and tail with a red and purple stripe. Great. I guess its official, I am a small purple alicorn.

Two hours later, a much more presentable Lisa was walking towards the dining room. A pink coated pony with curly red hair and mane walked into the hall from the other side. Her bright blue eyes were cold as she stood on her hind legs.

Lisa's guards moved to the side. What was this pony doing?

"What! No snappy dialog for your ex friend Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie Pie said angrily.

Pinkie got into a battle stance then she did some somersaults at Lisa. Lisa dodged the kicks and punches. They were so close she could feel the breezes from them.

"Pinkie!" Rarity screamed.

"You simply can't beat up on our guest before she eats with the Princesses," Rarity said in an annoyed voice.

"How about complicatedly?" Pinkie asked.

"No!" Rarity answered.

Lisa had a feeling that Rarity would not be too annoyed if Pinkie Pie beat her up.

"We will continue this later," Pinkie said in a threatening voice.

She turned around and walked out of the hall.

"I did not do whatever you think I did," Lisa said to Pinkie's receding plot.

"Well. Let us not keep the Princesses waiting," Rarity said.

Lisa followed Rarity into the dining room.

What a room! Golden sunlight shone through stained glass windows showing scenes from Equestria's history. The long white table was bare. If the situation was not that bad, Lisa could have spent some time just looking around. No time to gawk now. She just took a seat.

To her left was Celestia at the head of the table. Luna sat on her right. In front of Lisa was a princess with a pink coat, purple yellow hair and purple eyes. She sensed that Lisa was looking at her.

"You can call me Cadence," Cadence said and extended her left fore hoof.

Lisa stuck out her right fore hoof to Cadence. She gave Lisa a funny look. Spike laughed. Spike sat next to her on her right.

"What is your full name?" Celestia asked in a firm voice.

Lisa hoped to have something to eat. Nope, its interrogation time. She faced Celestia.

"My name is Lisa Huffington," Lisa answered.

"How did you get here?" Celestia asked.

Lisa started to answer but she sensed some sort of magic over the table. She looked towards the disturbance.

Celestia started looking in the same direction.

An image appeared over the table. Lisa could see a tired looking purple alicorn looking at her.

"Celestia, Luna and Cadence! I am so glad to see you! Spike!" A smile brightened the purple alicorn's face.

Celestia asked,"Is that you Twilight Sparkle?"

"Yes. Who is that?" Twilight pointed her right fore hoof right at Lisa.

"This is Lisa, she is mixed up with some very strange events here," Celestia replied.

Before Twilight could ask more questions, another voice intervened.

"I am sorry but we have very little time to do this. Here is a scroll that will change Lisa into her rightful form. Lisa, you must find the book that Twilight read and come here to this room," The unknown voice said.

The image faded from view. A scroll appeared on the table.

"Princess Celestia, may I make a suggestion?" Rarity asked politely.

"Go ahead Rarity," Celstia replied.

"I suggest that Lisa should deal with one more problem that the imposter caused. Applejack and Applebloom are under some sort of terrible sleeping spell. Big Mac has a lot of support and if we can get him to stop pushing for Twilight's execution, the other ponies will be easier to handle," Rarity suggested.

Lisa did not want to deal with the enraged Big Mac.

"Sounds like a sound plan, 'Tia," Luna said.

Celestia nodded, "Yes, it sounds good. Rarity, you will escort Lisa to Ponyville so she can undo the damage the imposter did."

"Lisa, before you leave, I must apologize for my behavior earlier in the dungeon. The pain of the betrayal and mistreatment was just too much to overcome in a few moments. I wish to offer my hoof to you in friendship," Celestia said with regret in her voice.

She walked up to Lisa and extended her right hoof.

"If I was in your place, I probably would feel the same," Lisa said.

She shook Celestia's hoof. Luna offered her hoof too. Lisa shook Luna's hoof too.

"I also apologize for what I said to you in the dungeon. Will you forgive me?" Rarity asked.

"Sure," Lisa replied.

"What about me?" Spike asked.

Some of the stuff Rarity said did hurt.

"I also owe you an apology too," Rarity said.

Lisa's stomach grumbled. When were they going to eat?

"Don't worry Lisa, we will eat in the Royal Air Carriage," Rarity said with a small smile.

Lisa hoped this was not her last meal.