Sparkle Patsy

by sevenofeleven

First published

A human wizard is drawn into an Equestrian civil war.

A human wizard is drawn into an Equestrian civil war. Can she clear her name and survive?

Chapter 1

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Sparkle Patsy
Chapter 1

Equestria,Outside Canterlot Castle, Current Times.

Rarity tossed and turned in her tent. Sleep was simply impossible! On the morning, wait, there is no such thing as morning or dusk. The sky is dark, no sun or moon. Luna and Celestia were missing. Well, when they break through the line of these summoned creatures, Empress Twilight Sparkle will have to be confronted. Somehow, they have to get the princesses back. What would she say? Twilight had been a dear friend, why was she doing this and other foul things?

Her friends were divided. Applejack was a victim of Twilight. Rainbow Dash would not help in the fight. Fluttershy was helping the wounded. Pinkie Pie turned against her former friend. Pinkie and Big Mac had been really useful in helping Rarity raise an army.

Empress Twilight Sparkle must fall and the princesses returned to power or Equestria will suffer famines and other worse things. Rarity got out of bed and resolved to protect Equestria. If I have to hurt or kill, my former friend Twilight Sparkle, I will do it! Maybe.

Chicago, Modern Times

Lisa looked out of her window and watched the mailman go about his business. Finally some slow time to recuperate. Chasing necromancers through subway tunnels was tiring work. No rest for the good or wicked. The people of Chicago have no idea what happens in the dark recesses of their city. I better enjoy this time off. Being a wizard in a modern city guaranteed not that much downtime.

While she slowly sipped her coffee, green eyed, red haired, Lisa Huffington thought about the strange dreams she was having. The grim determination in the green eyes of an orange pony, fear in a yellow filly's orange eyes and the confusion in the eyes of a purple green baby dragon. Of course looking into a mirror and seeing a purple eyed and coated unicorn staring back was also unsettling. Were these just dreams or omens?

Will have to do some divination spells to find out. Nope not today, have to spend some quality time with Robert Stills her boyfriend.

She could hear Robbie shuffling around. Time to start the day. The strange dreams can wait.

Later on, that evening

It was another great day and an even more fun night. Lisa was pleasantly tired and ready to sleep. Maybe no more dreams of ponies in trouble?

Canterlot Castle

Lisa woke up to something with sharp claws tugging at her.

"Twilight, you gotta do Something! They are at the door to the throne room," The young voice said with excitement and fear.

Lots of fear.

A quick look showed a small purple green dragon on her left side. Dragon? The poor thing looked so afraid. Lisa looked around. She was sitting on an ice cold throne in a dim empty throne room. The purple glowing brasiers did little to light up the huge room.

When she went to bed last night she remembered her boyfriend, Robert's arms wrapped around her. How did she get here? What is going on? The banging was not helping her think. The door burst open with a crash!

Several white unicorns in shining gold armor ran towards the throne firing multicolored bursts of magic at her.

"DO SOMETHING!" The panicked dragon screamed.

Lisa was not going to be zapped so she blocked the blasts and counterattacked with some stun spells. The attacking unicorns fell down and slid a bit on the floor. Being a wizard had its advantages. The unicorns would wake up with light headaches later. What ever was going on, Lisa did not want to be responsible for killing anything. Well not yet.

"You are not Twilight, are you?" The small dragon asked.

"No, I am not. Who is Twilight? What is going on?" Lisa asked.

She looked down at her armor clad pony body. I am a pony? Lisa wanted a mirror. This was no dream. What kind of weird reality did I get sent to?

More ponies came through the broken door. This time they moved slowly. A white unicorn with an ornate purple mane and blue eyes pranced up to the stunned unicorns. Prance is not quite the right word but it definitely was not a regular walk. It was the walk of somebody, um somepony with a high opinion of themselves.

"Oh no, its Rarity!" The dragon whispered.

Rarity turned her head and motioned for some ponies to walk up to her. They carried the stunned ponies away. She faced Lisa and slowly walked up to the throne. Lisa figured that Rarity was expecting some sort of attack.

The golden torc with the red diamond caught Lisa's eye. There is something special about that, she could just feel it.

"Well, Empress Twilight Sparkle, it is over! Soon your life will be done as well as that wyrm's!" Rarity said with a sneer aimed at the purple dragon.

"Wyrm?" The dragon asked.

Great, I get sent to another world and someone wants me dead, Lisa thought.

"Can you tell me what crimes I have done?" Lisa asked.

Time to find out what Twilight Sparkle had done. The triumphant look on Rarity's face slowly faded. Now she just looked confused.

"Well, you are responsible for..." Rarity was not so sure who she was talking to.

The pony in front of her looked like the villainess, Twilight Sparkle but she did not talk like her. Even her magical aura was different, it was not dark and filled with demonic magic.

"Well! Take her down! What are you waiting for?" screamed an armored red coated earth pony with green eyes and blonde hair.

He had galloped up behind Rarity.

"I am not the Twilight Sparkle you are looking for. She probably switched places with me so I could take her punishment," Lisa tried to say calmly but her voice broke a few times.

The red pony had approached the throne and was in her face. His anger was pretty palpable. If he attacked it would be with lethal force and maybe she would have to kill him. That would not help her case.

"Big Mac please. Do you remember that we are a lawful land and Twilight Sparkle deserves a trial?" Rarity said.

Big Mac breathed in Lisa's face, in another situation maybe it would be more interesting but now it was like she was so close to a nasty fight. The angry red pony reined in his anger with some difficulty. He turned around and galloped out of the throne room.

"You and your wyrm are responsible for many crimes against Equestria. Your little coup has deposed the Princesses, Luna and Celestia and has brought the land to the brink of ecological disaster," Rarity said in a loud voice.

"Can you stop calling me wyrm please!" The annoyed purple green dragon said.

A malicious grin crossed Rarity's face.

"Don't worry Spike. Once you and Twilight are executed, you will not hear that term again. Well, unless they use it in Tartarus," The white unicorn said with a toss of her pretty mane.

Spike gulped.

"You will have to prove that I am Twilight Sparkle first," Lisa said.

Who ever is responsible for this is going to pay!

"Fine. Lets meet some folks that could tell the difference then," Rarity said.

Lisa got on all fours. What? Walking on four hooves was pretty easy. She walked down the throne steps slowly. Spike climbed on her back. It felt a little weird. Rarity touched Lisa with her left fore hoof.

"How about we move a bit faster? You, especially do not have all day," Rarity said in a cold voice.

Several of Rarity's guards came up and surrounded the group.

After a bit of walking they ended up in a garden in front of a statue of a strange creature. It was a mix of all sorts of creatures but most of it was dragon and pony.

"That's Discord, you turned him into stone when he would not help you take over," Spike said in a whisper.

"Spike! I am not Twilight Sparkle!" Lisa said with some anger.

"We will see," Rarity said.

Lisa scanned the stone statue, Discord was still alive just slowed down a great deal. The demon magic was pretty strong but she was able to break the spell. Break is not the right word, it was more like snipping the red wire or picking a lock. Anyway the cold gray stone slowly faded to skin, bone and fur.

Discord leaned down and looked Lisa in the eye. Then he stood up and turned away.

"Well, its that Twilight Sparkle?" Rarity asked.

"No. This one is different," Discord said.

"Spike, where are the princesses?" Rarity asked.

"They are in the dungeons," Spike answered.

He was hoping for leniency. Banishment is so much better than the guillotine.

A half hour later they were in the dungeons standing in front of a large cell. Inside, a gray coated alicorn with red eyes languished under a mass of red and black demonic chains.

"Lets see if you can look your former teacher, Princess Celestia, in the eye," Rarity said.

"I did not do this," Lisa protested.

Spike was going to say something but a cold glare from Rarity silenced him.

A guard opened the door. Lisa walked inside and bowed. Princess Celestia stood up and quietly faced Lisa. This spell was harder to break. Lots of power had gone into making it. She found herself panting and straining but the spell was turned off. The chains faded away. The gray coated alicorn changed. Her coat brightened up to white and her mane started to glow.

Rarity bowed. Undoing Celestia's binding spell took a lot out of Lisa but she managed to stay on her hooves. Hooves? Again she wished for a mirror. Celestia leaned down and focused her whole attention on Lisa.

Under a microscope, no, this was more intense. Luckily it did not last too long. Lisa did not like being scrutinized so closely.

"Rarity, make sure our guest is treated well. We shall talk later," Celestia said and left the dungeon.

Lisa was feeling pretty tired.

"Well, its not over yet. Princess Luna needs to be freed," Rarity said.

They walked over to Luna's cell. While Celestia was quiet, Luna was not. She shook her chains and cursed at Lisa. Shaking the demon chains took a lot of power. Lisa wondered what would happen if she freed the dark blue coated, blue mane and eyed alicorn princess.

"I can't undo the spell if she moves the chains like that!" Lisa complained.

That caused a volley of curses from the irate Princess Luna.

"Why don't you two go over there?" Rarity said and pointed to the dungeon stairs.

Lisa and Spike complied. After a few minutes Rarity brought them back. Luna was still but Lisa could still see anger in her eyes. Undoing this spell was easier but Lisa was very tired. Finally the spell was gone. Luna gave her a cold look and headed up the stairs.

"Now, you will enjoy the lovely accommodations that we have in our fine dungeons. If you can wait, you can enjoy a wonderful dining experience too!" Rarity said and pointed to an empty cell.

At least it was clean.

A guard led Lisa and Spike to the cell and locked the door when they stepped inside. Rarity's sarcasm hurt but Lisa was so tired. All she wanted was to take a quick nap. The purple alicorn curled up and went to sleep. Spike slept next to her.

Chapter 2

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Sparkle Patsy
Chapter 2

Equestria, a few days ago.

Twilight was looking forward to doing some more research as well as studying to be a Princess. The books, papers and quills were ready. Somepony knocked on her door.

She opened the door but there was nopony there. Could not get their scent but there was a strange smell of moldering books in the doorway. Twilight looked down and saw the dark green book with strange ponies on it.

Instead of hooves they had tentacles. The title of the book was "The Tentacles of Friendship". What type of book is this? She used her telekinesis to carry the book into the room.

"Who was out there?" Spike asked.

"I don't know. They left so fast," Twilight answered.

Spike looked at the strange green book, chills went down his spine. There was something not quite right about that book.

"I don't know Twilight. Maybe you should show it to Celestia before you read it?" Spike said.

He did not even feel like being in the same room with the book.

"I will check it out first to see if its worth Celestia's time," Twilight said.

"I have a bad feeling about that book. It might not be good for you," Spike said.

His misgivings grew.

"Nonsense. There is no such thing as a bad book," Twilight replied.

She placed the book on the table and started reading. It was like hearing the ravings of a mad pony but there seemed to be some sort of secret knowledge hidden in the strange words. Twilight felt she was getting close to understanding the book when things went dark.

It was totally black. Why? She was in a well lit room with warm golden sunshine. Twilight concentrated and cast a light spell. She looked around.

No, this was not her tree house library. The floor was covered in some sort of soft greyish carpet. Books were stacked in tottering piles around her. Twilight sneezed. Was the carpet dusty?

She scraped the floor with her left fore hoof. This was no carpet! It was a thick layer of dust. Ewwww! Twilight sneezed again. What is this place?

Twilight made the light rise a bit. She looked up for the roof or ceiling of this place. Could not see it. Twilight scraped away more dust to look at the floor. It seemed to be made of black shiny tiles with green irregular stripes that moved while she watched. Something about that made Twilight uncomfortable.

She turned her attention to the pile of books. Maybe reading these books will make things worse? Twilight decided not to read them. The titles were in an unknown language anyway.

The confused purple alicorn walked among the piles of books looking for clues to the way back home.

Canterlot Castle, next day

Lisa's morning started out crappy. Nopony came by with a chamberpot, so she had to do her business at the back of the cell. That was demeaning. At least she was not alone. Spike had done his business too.

"I tried to hold it in but I could not," Spike said with a look of shame on his face.

"Well, I could not do better either," Lisa lied. She knew a bunch of spells that would clean things up. No need to tip her hoof. What? For the umpteenth time she wanted a mirror.

"Spike, tell me how this happened!" Lisa asked, almost demanded.

"Well. Twilight found a strange book. She started reading it and slowly she started to change..." Spike started.

"How did she change? What do you know about the book?" Lisa pushed.

"Hey! Slow down! It was a dark green book with some weird looking ponies on it. Twilight started getting more bossy. She cared less about her friends and more about her new magics," Spike said.

"Good morning!" Rarity crowed.

She wrinkled her muzzle.

"I see you have availed yourself of your luxurious room. The Princesses wish to have breakfast with you. I suggest that you do not do any sudden moves or spells. Try to be very civil," Rarity suggested.

The guards opened the door and led Spike and Lisa upstairs. After a few trots up some long stairs and through some even longer hallways they ended up in front of a chocolate brown pony stallion with a big mustache.

"My name is FineFur, I am the Princesses's chamberlain. You will not dine with royalty reeking of the dungeons. My staff will see to it that you are cleaned and outfitted properly," Finefur said rather stuffily.

Spike was led away by some guards to one room and Lisa was led away by a prissy white unicorn mare called Snipwell. The way she shook her plot when they walked down the hallway was good proof of her prissiness. Lisa would have to work hard to win this creature's good will.

When they reached one of the bathing rooms, Snipwell daintily pointed at Lisa's armor with her left fore hoof.

"You will have to take that off," Snipwell said.

There was a bit too much disdain in her voice.

Lisa used her magic sense on the armor to find out remove it. A few clicks later the purple and gold armor was floating over to a couch carried by Lisa's telekinesis.

It was not bad, Lisa did not feel constrained and the armor did not chafe her even when she slept in it. One of the attendants showed Lisa the bathing pool and the cleanup began.

Finally Lisa got to see what she looked like when Snipwell brought out a mirror. Purple coat, purple eyes, dark blue mane, dark blue hair and tail with a red and purple stripe. Great. I guess its official, I am a small purple alicorn.

Two hours later, a much more presentable Lisa was walking towards the dining room. A pink coated pony with curly red hair and mane walked into the hall from the other side. Her bright blue eyes were cold as she stood on her hind legs.

Lisa's guards moved to the side. What was this pony doing?

"What! No snappy dialog for your ex friend Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie Pie said angrily.

Pinkie got into a battle stance then she did some somersaults at Lisa. Lisa dodged the kicks and punches. They were so close she could feel the breezes from them.

"Pinkie!" Rarity screamed.

"You simply can't beat up on our guest before she eats with the Princesses," Rarity said in an annoyed voice.

"How about complicatedly?" Pinkie asked.

"No!" Rarity answered.

Lisa had a feeling that Rarity would not be too annoyed if Pinkie Pie beat her up.

"We will continue this later," Pinkie said in a threatening voice.

She turned around and walked out of the hall.

"I did not do whatever you think I did," Lisa said to Pinkie's receding plot.

"Well. Let us not keep the Princesses waiting," Rarity said.

Lisa followed Rarity into the dining room.

What a room! Golden sunlight shone through stained glass windows showing scenes from Equestria's history. The long white table was bare. If the situation was not that bad, Lisa could have spent some time just looking around. No time to gawk now. She just took a seat.

To her left was Celestia at the head of the table. Luna sat on her right. In front of Lisa was a princess with a pink coat, purple yellow hair and purple eyes. She sensed that Lisa was looking at her.

"You can call me Cadence," Cadence said and extended her left fore hoof.

Lisa stuck out her right fore hoof to Cadence. She gave Lisa a funny look. Spike laughed. Spike sat next to her on her right.

"What is your full name?" Celestia asked in a firm voice.

Lisa hoped to have something to eat. Nope, its interrogation time. She faced Celestia.

"My name is Lisa Huffington," Lisa answered.

"How did you get here?" Celestia asked.

Lisa started to answer but she sensed some sort of magic over the table. She looked towards the disturbance.

Celestia started looking in the same direction.

An image appeared over the table. Lisa could see a tired looking purple alicorn looking at her.

"Celestia, Luna and Cadence! I am so glad to see you! Spike!" A smile brightened the purple alicorn's face.

Celestia asked,"Is that you Twilight Sparkle?"

"Yes. Who is that?" Twilight pointed her right fore hoof right at Lisa.

"This is Lisa, she is mixed up with some very strange events here," Celestia replied.

Before Twilight could ask more questions, another voice intervened.

"I am sorry but we have very little time to do this. Here is a scroll that will change Lisa into her rightful form. Lisa, you must find the book that Twilight read and come here to this room," The unknown voice said.

The image faded from view. A scroll appeared on the table.

"Princess Celestia, may I make a suggestion?" Rarity asked politely.

"Go ahead Rarity," Celstia replied.

"I suggest that Lisa should deal with one more problem that the imposter caused. Applejack and Applebloom are under some sort of terrible sleeping spell. Big Mac has a lot of support and if we can get him to stop pushing for Twilight's execution, the other ponies will be easier to handle," Rarity suggested.

Lisa did not want to deal with the enraged Big Mac.

"Sounds like a sound plan, 'Tia," Luna said.

Celestia nodded, "Yes, it sounds good. Rarity, you will escort Lisa to Ponyville so she can undo the damage the imposter did."

"Lisa, before you leave, I must apologize for my behavior earlier in the dungeon. The pain of the betrayal and mistreatment was just too much to overcome in a few moments. I wish to offer my hoof to you in friendship," Celestia said with regret in her voice.

She walked up to Lisa and extended her right hoof.

"If I was in your place, I probably would feel the same," Lisa said.

She shook Celestia's hoof. Luna offered her hoof too. Lisa shook Luna's hoof too.

"I also apologize for what I said to you in the dungeon. Will you forgive me?" Rarity asked.

"Sure," Lisa replied.

"What about me?" Spike asked.

Some of the stuff Rarity said did hurt.

"I also owe you an apology too," Rarity said.

Lisa's stomach grumbled. When were they going to eat?

"Don't worry Lisa, we will eat in the Royal Air Carriage," Rarity said with a small smile.

Lisa hoped this was not her last meal.

Chapter 3

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Sparkle Patsy
Chapter 3

Twilight was worried. This strange library had no food or water. It was too quiet. She shuffled among the stacks of alien books when she saw a book she recognized.

It was a book of nursery rhymes that Cadence her foal sitter used to read to her. That gave Twilight a bit of hope. She wondered if there were other books from Equestria here.

She found more books, some of them were books on magic. Dry boring tomes with language so convoluted they took chapters to say things that normally would just fit in a sentence. Other books talked about such esoteric subjects that it was hard to understand what the writer really meant.

Then there was the forty fifth Daring Do book. What? Twilight remembered the last one she read was only the thirty ninth in the series. It just came out. How is this possible?

While Twilight was looking at the book, a voice whispered "Over here."

Twilight turned around and saw a flicker of light.

"Good, you can see me," The light said with some relief.

"Who are you? Do you live here?" Twilight asked.

She was also getting lonely and homesick.

"You can call me Glymour. I do not live here. We do not have a lot of time so listen carefully. You are in the realm of Atar Nomin, an evil being that always thirsts for knowledge," Glymour explained.

"There is nothing wrong with looking for knowledge," Twilight glibly said.

Right after she said that she thought about how she got here. Her tail and ears drooped.

"Exactly. Would you hurt your friends to gain knowledge?" Glymour asked.

"No, I would not," Twilight said with absolute certainty.

"Atar does not have such scruples. His minions and children do not have any either. I will cast a spell so you can contact your friends so they can help you," Glymour explained.

An image of a royal dining room appeared in front of Twilight. She could see Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Spike and an alicorn that looked like her. What the hay?

"Celestia, Luna and Cadence! I am so glad to see you! Spike!" Twilight said with a smile.

Celestia asked,"Is that you, Twilight Sparkle?"

"Yes. Who is that?" Twilight pointed right at the purple alicorn.

"This is Lisa, she is mixed up with some very strange events here," Celestia replied.

Before Twilight could ask more questions, Glymour spoke.

"I am sorry but we have very little time to do this. Here is a scroll that will change Lisa into her rightful form. Lisa, you must find the book that Twilight read and come to this room," Glymour said rather quickly.

The image faded.

"If your friends are able to do the spell, you will have help. I wish I could conjure food for you but I lack the ability," Glymour said with regret.

"I am OK. Who is responsible for making the book that sent me here?" Twilight asked.

Glymour replied,"I will have to answer that later. I have to leave now. Be careful."

Glymour faded away leaving Twilight alone in the dark library.

Over Ponyville

Lunch was just a few rolls from the Royal kitchen and some water. Then they had to get to the carriage and be off. Lisa had enjoyed the view from the flying Royal Carriage. Soon they would be on the ground near Ponyville. A place where ponies hated her.


Rarity saw the look on Lisa's face and tried to console her.

"We will land outside of town and get to the Apple farm. Big Mac can be reasoned with. I will make sure that nopony will hurt you," Rarity said with confidence.

When they landed, nopony accosted them. That was good. As they trotted to the Apple Farm, Lisa could smell burning and burnt things. The smell of smoke lay heavily over the area. Lisa started to dread what was coming up.

Big Mac met them in front of a ruined and smoking barn. It was just a shell. Rarity stepped in front of Lisa.

"Let me do the talking," Rarity said.

"What do you want Rarity?" Big Mac asked coldly.

"Lisa wishes to undo the damage caused by the imposter," Rarity said in a somewhat cheery voice.

"Imposter? Is that what they call it now? All of the spikeheads stick together. My sisters sleep and scream in their beds. I cannot wake them," Big Mac said with barely restrained anger.

"I can imagine..." Rarity started but she stopped when she saw Big Mac's eyes start to narrow.

"Lisa is here to undo the damage. You should let her try," Rarity wheedled.

"Lisa, you better do more than TRY or I will crush your purple spiked head," Big Mac threatened.

Rarity wanted to remind Big Mac that Lisa was under Celestia's protection but she doubted that Big Mac would care.

"They are there," Big Mac pointed to the house with his left hoof.

Lisa entered the house. It was clean and had a cozy feel to it. She could sense the demon magic upstairs.

Applejack and her sister Applebloom were in separate rooms. Lisa decided to help Applebloom first. The poor filly was in the grip of some sort of nightmare. Her rear hooves kicked out at nothing. The magic on her was subtle.

Make a mistake and Applebloom would be in trouble. Big Mac stood in the doorway with Rarity. Lisa knew he would be on her in a flash if things went badly. Spike must have seen her look at the doorway.

"Lisa, you can do it," Spike offered his support.

Time to get to work. Lisa focused on the magic. It was so complicated. Parts of it were all over the poor filly's body. No need to do that stuff if they wanted to do a simple sleep spell. What is going on?

Then it hit Lisa, this was a test. Something was keeping track of her progress. That made it easier. She reached in and started to negate some of the spell. Applebloom started to moan in pain.

Rarity stood in front of Big Mac.

"No!" She said in a determined voice.

The spell changed into a more dangerous version. Instead of silky strings tied into almost every organ, it became steel chains with barbs tearing into Applebloom's body. Now Lisa had to balance taking out the spell and keeping the filly alive. She slipped a bit. Damn. Some blood started to leak out of Applebloom's muzzle.

Big Mac could smell his baby sister's blood. He started to push against Rarity.

Almost got it. The spell pulsed. The barbs dug in deeper. Lisa pushed harder and the spell was gone. She took a bit of time to heal the damage from the spell. Applebloom started to smile in her sleep. That was hard.

Before Big Mac could see her weariness, Lisa went into Applejack's room and started working on Applejack's spell. This spell was a grown up version. Any mistake would be fatal here. Lisa took a breath. She went to work. No strings here, this spell started off with cold black demon metal. Barbed chains tied around every organ. Somehow Lisa managed to remove the spell.

Big Mac and Rarity met Lisa in the hallway.

"Is it done?" Rarity asked with concern.

Lisa nodded yes. She wanted to sleep. Big Mac walked past her and studied his sisters. Both of them were sleeping normally.

Big Mac walked up to Rarity and Lisa.

"Thank you. Maybe that imposter stuff really is the truth," Big Mac said and bowed.

"You and Rarity can sleep in the guest room," Big Mac said with some degree of politeness.

A smile almost broke out on his face. He had his sisters back. Maybe. Will know for sure in the morning.

Lisa followed Rarity to the guest room and flopped down on the bed. She was so tired.

Morning came so quickly Lisa wondered if she had any sleep. Some ponies were talking downstairs.

"Pinkie, you really have to give her some time to rest," Rarity said with annoyance.

"I know but I feel so sorry for treating Lisa so badly," Pinkie Pie said with remorse.

While Lisa was climbing out of bed, Spike ran up with an apple.

"Soon as you wash up, we have to get going. Have to get to Canterlot and get that book so we can save Twilight," Spike said excitedly.

Spike left the apple on the table. Lisa went into the bathroom.
When she was done, she ate the apple. Who knows when the next meal will be?

Downstairs, Lisa met a contrite Pinkie Pie.

"I am sooo sorry that I misjudged you. You do look like and smell like the bad gal though," Pinkie said with remorse.

"No problem, I can understand your..." Lisa started but was interrupted by Rarity.

"I am sorry to break in like this but we really need to get back. Who knows what trouble the real Twilight could be in," Rarity said in a hurry.

"Spike, what happened here? Why are Applebloom and Applejack under a spell? Who did all this damage to the Apple Farm?" Lisa queried.

She would have asked Applejack but she and her sister were still recovering upstairs.

"When you, um, the fake Twilight showed up at the farm, Applejack somehow knew something was not right. They started to argue and fight. Fake Twilight cast a spell on Applejack first. Applebloom ran up to help her sister and she got zapped too. Then the imposter summoned some creatures to ravage the farm," Spike replied.

Rarity was feeling a sense of urgency. Lisa, Rarity and Pinkie Pie galloped back to the Royal Carriage. The pegasus guards carried it up into the light blue morning sky smoothly.

Lisa watched the ravaged Apple farm recede into the distance. Now to find out who has done this and make them pay! She resolved to do at least that.

Chapter 4

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Sparkle Patsy
Chapter 4

Nomin's Library

Twilight dodged another pale green energy burst. Maybe she was better off wandering around by herself?

A few hours earlier she was walking around in the quiet library. Something smelled different. Twilight followed her nose. It led her to a strange creature. The being had a blackish green cone like body, the bottom of the cone faced the floor. Shiny black tentacles covered the cone. Somehow it floated over the dusty floor.

"Hello, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle," Twilight introduced herself.

The creature waved its tentacles at her. Then an almost transparent blast of magic hit Twilight. It felt like a slap. Twilight decided to back up. The creature threw a bright ball of pale green light at her. She sensed it was destructive magic and blocked the attack.

The next few hours were spent dodging attacks from the creatures and firing back. Twilight lost track of how many she had killed. It did not really matter because more would show up and continue the fight.

She was hungry and tired but she kept fighting. Someone will come and help. Maybe?

Canterlot Castle.

Lisa faced Celestia. Celestia was going through the spell to change Lisa back to normal. The strange green book that transported Twilight to the alien realm lay on the table.

"Are you ready Lisa?" Celestia asked.

"Yes," Lisa replied with some misgivings.

Spike took a few steps back.

Celestia cast the spell. A white ball of light surrounded Lisa. She felt her vision go white.

Damn, this bed is cold, Lisa thought.

"Well, this is a welcome change," Rarity said with interest.

Lisa realized that she was not in her bed but on a cold marble floor. No, she was not back home. A quick look at her leg showed a white coat.

Celestia used her telekinesis to move a mirror next to Lisa. No more purple coat and purple eyes. She had green eyes, red mane and tail and a white coat. Now just a unicorn pony. Well, lets get this party started.

Lisa walked over to the table. She looked at the book. The smiles on the strange ponies bordered on the insane. The text was not that much better. She focused on the book trying to make sense of it. Lisa could barely hear Spike.

Spike said fearfully, "Gggood luck."

Lisa could not answer, she was gone already.

It was dark and smelly. Lisa was not a fan of moldy books. What sort of place is this? She cast a light spell. Piles of books came into view as well as an attacking creature.

A blackish green upside down funnel creature was throwing hostile spells at her. Great, someone is pissed at me already. Lisa could not block the attacks but she managed to dodge and send some fireballs back. The creature got hit by both. It burst into flames. Seconds later it melted into a puddle of muck.

Lisa could hear explosions a few feet away. She carefully headed towards the commotion. Yuck, she stepped in a puddle of melted creature. Have to watch her step now.

Twilight was in a fight with eight creatures, she had been fighting ten but a blast of fire took out two. This was going to be hard. She was tired and hungry. Constant fighting was using up her reserves of magical power.

Hay, She won many awards for using magic from the Destruction school so the outcome would not be in doubt. Eventually more will come and Twilight will not be able to handle them. She tried to not think of that.

While Twilight was planning her counterattack, blue lightnings danced among the creatures attacking her. They blew up spraying blackish green muck all over the place.

"Are you OK Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Lisa asked with concern when she walked up to Twilight.

"I am OK. I guess they did not give you food and water," Twilight complained.

"No problem," Lisa conjured up a chef's salad and a bowl of water for Twilight.

After the food was made, Lisa stuck out her hoof and introduced herself.

"My name is Lisa Huffington," Lisa said.

Twilight shook Lisa's hoof and started eating.

"My pretty fighty ponies," A new voice said.

Who or whatever it was sounded young. Lisa looked to the left and saw a blackish green mass of tentacles and bright blue eyes. Twilight stopped eating to face this new creature.

"Hello?" Lisa said.

"Ooooh, you are so polite and precious!" The blue eyed creature gushed.

It floated up to Lisa and ran a slimy tentacle through her mane. Lisa could feel the slime dripping down her face and neck. Ewww!

"Sooo soft," The creature said with pleasure.

"Do you have a name?" Twilight asked crossly.

Did she go to an alien library to find another Pinkie Pie?

"Ormagurd! I am soooo rude. My name is Ivni!" The creature said with excitement.

"Are you responsible for the events in Equestria?" Twilight asked with a bit of anger.

"Like Duuuh! I learned so many cool things. Would have learned more but things kept falling apart," Ivni said sadly.

She floated closer to Lisa. Lisa stepped away from her. After that little slime covered pat, Lisa was not going to get her hair messed up again.

"So you made the book so Twilight could get trapped?" Lisa asked.

"It was way cool. A quick Polymorph and I was a pushy purple pony princess. When I could not learn anymore, I summoned another to take my place. It would be cool to see what happened. Now I am getting bored. Time to learn something new!" Ivni enthused.

Lisa was getting angry but the enthusiasm in Ivni's voice made her feel scared. Twilight was getting more angry too.

An image appeared of a sunny day in another world. Colorful ponies splashed at the edge of a quiet lake. Lisa looked closer at the ponies. They had eyes at the side of their heads. This was not going to end well.

"What is that place?" Twilight asked.

Her rage was being overcome by curiosity.

"Its your new home! I want to see what happens when fighty killy ponies meet nice pretty ponies. I know the both of you are good at killing. Remember the mirror pool Pinkies? Lisa was a killer long before she was a pony. The two of you together will cause so much fun carnage!" Ivni said, her eyes and tentacles were dancing with glee.

"Those were not real ponies, they were clones," Twilight said dryly.

"Really, clones have feelings too. Are you sure you got the real Pinkie Pie? Maybe you killed her and a clone is your friend now," Ivni said in a knowing tone of voice.

Twilight had to stop and think a bit. Lisa kept her mouth shut. She walked next to Twilight. They will have to fight Ivni soon. Real soon.

The image of the pony world became more real, they could hear the ponies giggling and splashing.

"I FORBID THIS," Glymour said with power.

Twilight noticed that Glymour was much larger and brighter.
The image of the ponies faded and was gone.

"YOU WILL UNDO THE DAMAGE YOU CAUSED AND SEND THESE PONIES HOME!" Glymour demanded in a voice that shook the building.

For some reason Twilight and Lisa were not deafened.

A bright light surrounded Ivni.

"Dadeeeeee!" Ivni bawled for her father.

"HOW DARE YOU USE YOUR POWER IN MY REALM," A deep voice said with anger.

The strength of that voice had Twilight and Lisa on their knees. Even Glymour lost some brightness and height.

A mass of blackish green tentacles and black eyes appeared. This creature was so big it reached up to the greenish black ceiling.

Lisa figured that the ceiling was pretty high but not that high. It looked like it was at least ten stories.

"Your daughter has overstepped her bounds. We demand that you stop this meddling!" Glymour said.

"Leave us now child," Atar Nomin said.

Ivni vanished.

"You talk of my meddling but what are you doing now?" Atar asked.

"We have refrained from meddling in your affairs here but recent events have forced our hands," Glymour said.

It grew bigger but not as big as Atar Nomin.

"Who is this we? I only see a brief flame," Atar said with some contempt.

Around Glymour there was a group of glowing beings. One of them was a sky blue alicorn.

Lisa could not recognize these beings but Twilight recognized the alicorn. Way back in the past, ponies in Equestria worshiped a being called Oonte. This was even before the princesses and maybe their parents.

Glymour continued, "If you or your servants and relatives continue to meddle in our affairs we will have no choice but to isolate you from Creation."

"Isolate me? You do not have the knowledge and power," Atar said.

He was not impressed.

"Would you like to test that?" Glymour asked.

It was quiet for a few minutes.

"Fine, all of the damage done by my daughter in Equestria has been undone. We will have to discuss the rest of your demands," Atar said without too much regret.

Lisa wanted to know why she was involved.

"Thanks but why was I chosen instead of someone else?" Lisa asked Glymour.

"I was able to interfere with Ivni's choice of fall guy/gal so you would be summoned. I know that you would act from goodness and try to fix things," Glymour replied.

"What will happen now?" Twilight asked.

She wanted to go home.

"I will send you and Lisa back home. Then we will talk with Atar Nomin," Glymour said.

Canterlot Castle

Rarity thought that Lisa was gone for a few minutes when Twilight appeared on the table.

"Are you going to dance now?" Celestia asked with a smile.

Twilight looked around.

"No," She replied and climbed off of the table.

Rarity asked,"Have you had anything to eat?"

"I had a little bit of food," Twilight replied.

She was still hungry.

"I will order some tasty things from the Royal Kitchens for you," Celestia said with a smile.

"What happened Twilight? Where did you go?" Spike asked.

"I have to admit Spike, there are bad books. I do have to be careful. You should have seen this place..." Twilight explained her trip.

Chicago, Modern Times

Lisa found herself standing in her living room. She could hear Robbie moving around in the bedroom. Cool. It looks like she does not have to explain where she went. What did she look like? A look in her bathroom mirror did not show a pony.

She was human again. Wait! What was that strange colored stripe in her hair? It was a color she had never seen before. Damn you Ivni!

Lisa thought she heard a familiar giggle in the distance.