• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 1,308 Views, 18 Comments

The Same Mistake - A-Pie-Flying

Scootaloo accidentally caused Applebloom to fall off a cliff, and now she only have a slight chance to be alive.

  • ...

Nearly Doing The Same

“Applebloom, I have told you so many times, the answer is no!” Twilight said, levitating the book away from Applebloom.

“But, Twilight! Ah have to do it! Ah just wanna make Scootaloo happy again! She look so depressed lately, and almost all of her smiles are being forced!” Applebloom exclaimed as she jumped up and down to grab the book.

“She said she was fine.” Twilight levitated the book even higher than before. “If you go back in time, and prevent all this from happening, what's the use of her trying to save you? She sacrificed herself for you!”

Applebloom went up the stairs and jumped to the book, grabbing it and pushing down to the ground by weight. “Well... Ah don't want her to be sad, she's mah friend. Ya sound like ya don't even care about her.”

“I do care about Scootaloo. It's just that it isn't right to interfere with the past!” Twilight levitated the book, shaking Applebloom back and forth until she lets go.

Applebloom fell onto the ground, smacking her face on the ground. “Urghhhhhhh!!!! Ya don't understand!”

“I do understand. You want to make her happy, and instead of her sacrificing herself for you, you want to sacrifice yourself for her, just to make her happy.” Twilight said.

“Well, yeah! Now, could ya give me the bo—”

“The answer is still no.” Twilight said as she levitated the book into her saddlebag. “Even though you sacrifice yourself for Scootaloo, she'll be miserable too.”

“How would ya know?” Applebloom asked, crossing her hooves.

Twilight sighed. “Did you see how miserable you are when you found out Scootaloo's wings were broken?”

Applebloom thought about how miserable she was when she found out Scootaloo's wings were broken. “Ah... Ah was absolutely miserable... Like now...” Applebloom looked down at the ground.

Twilight smiled at Applebloom, "That is how Scootaloo will feel if you sacrifice yourself. Besides, she wouldn't even remember anything that happened now if you go back to the past. But let's not think about that." Applebloom looked up at Twilight.

"Do ya think she'll be able to fly one day..?"

Twilight was shocked that she nearly chocked. "Ehem... Maybe.. Just maybe. Now, you go run along and play with your friends now, i have a lot of things to do." Applebloom nodded and run out the library and saw Sweetie Belle sitting outside, waiting for her.

"What took you so long?" Sweetie Belle asked, a little angry, yet still patient.

"Well, ah have this plan which can make Scootaloo happy. Ya in?" Applebloom said, grinning.

"I don't like that grin on your face..." Sweetie Belle backed out a few steps.

Applebloom goes up the her and put her hoof around her neck, "Come on now, Sweetie Belle! To make Scootaloo happy?"

"Urgh... Fine. Just for Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle replied, sighing. Applebloom bounced with joy and happiness.

"We'll be coming back to the library a few minutes later. Twilight need to run some errands at the Everfree Forest with Zecora later. So, all we need to do is wait, or play!" Applebloom said happily as she dragged Sweetie Belle by her tail to the park.

"WHY DOES EVERYPONY DRAG ME BY MY TAAAAIIILLLL??!!!!" she screamed as she try to stop the dragging by putting her hooves in the dirt, making hoof tracks all the way to the park.

Few Minutes Passed...

"Okay... Twilight is gone. Come on! Hurry up, slow poke!" Applebloom said as quietly as possible, and sneak into the library with Sweetie Belle on her tail. She found the book on the table and flip through the pages as Sweetie Belle looked around the library. "Aha! Here it is!" she said as she pointed to the spell. "Hope is not too hard fer ya."

Sweetie Belle went to see the page Applebloom was pointing to. "Oh, no, no, no, no. This is too risky!" Sweetie Belle said, crossing her hooves and facing the other direction where Applebloom was facing.

Applebloom walked to where Sweetie Belle was facing, and does the puppy-dog face, as Sweetie Belle slowly opened her eyes. "Aww, no! The puppy dog eyes won't work on me this time! Nuh-uh! No way!" Sweetie Belle shake her head. Applebloom's pupils got bigger and bigger each time Sweetie Belle denies, until she gave up. "Uh... Fine.." Applebloom gasped and bounced everywhere in the room. "How big can your pupils go anyways?"

"Ah don't know!" Applebloom answered with a smile on her face.

"Sometimes, i don't get you." Sweetie Belle said.

"Ah don't get you either! Now, go ahead with the spell!"

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, and reads the book and was about to do the spell until... SLAMM!!!!

"My 'friends are going to do dumb stuff that they will regret later' sense are tingling..." Scootaloo said as she slams the door. "What the hay are you guys doing?!" Scootaloo ran to her two friends and saw the book. "The Book of Time... REALLY?! You're going to do the same thing i did last time?"

Applebloom stood up straight, tilted her head, opened her mouth, and... "What do ya mean by 'same thing i did last time?'" Applebloom thought for a second, and now understood. Well, least of it. "Ya mean you done it last time? Why didn't ya tell us?!"

Scootaloo stared at Applebloom for a few seconds, and facehoof herself. "Okay, okay. First of all, could at least one of you tell me what are you guys doing with this book?" Scootaloo showed the book to her friends, and Sweetie Belle just pointed her hoof at Applebloom, who is trying to sneak out.

"Well, ah... Eh... How can i explain this? Well, ah kinda feel bad fer yer wings, that ah wanted to go back in time and save yer from that barrel." Applebloom said sadly.

Scootaloo wasn't amused at all. Not at all. Nope.
"That is why you're doing the same thing i have done to you?"

Applebloom is still confused with the 'same thing' part. "What do yer mean?"

"The truth is, i am the one who got hit by the barrel in the first place, and then you saved me. You fell off the cliff and you were bleeding a lot, that me and Twilight quickly brought you to the hospital. It seems that there is a slight chance you could be alive. I would say that you're chance of being alive is 10%." Scootaloo told her half of the story.

"SO AH'M DEAD?! Wait... At least, not now." Applebloom said, being more confused each time.

"So, i asked Sweetie Belle to send me back in time using this Book of Time," Scootaloo showed the book again, and putted it down on the table. "And that is why today, you saw me saving you, which was suppose to be you saving me."

Applebloom tilted her head. "Ah still don't get it."

Sweetie Belle waved her hoof in the air, "Ohh! Ohh! I know!"

"What do you know...?" Scootaloo said in confusion.

"First of all, you were the one who were suppose to get hit by the barrel, but then Applebloom saved you. You feel bad for Applebloom, so you went back in time, by my help of course. And this time, it isn't you being hit by the barrel, instead, it is Applebloom. So, you went ahead and quickly safe her from the barrel, and took her place." Sweetie Belle squeed as she finished her sentence very fast-paced.

"I sometimes don't get you..." Scootaloo said.

"Well, i sometimes don't get myself!" Sweetie Belle giggled to herself.

"Pstt... Have she gone loco in the coco?" Scootaloo whispered to Applebloom. All Applebloom did was shrug.

Suddenly, Scootaloo snapped out of the namby pamby saddy sadness thingy and just realized she wasn't able to fly for the whole rest of the year, NO! THE WHOLE REST OF HER LIFE!!! She quickly ran around the library screaming, panicking, running around, jumping, walking, and doing whatever ponies can do. "I AM NOT ABLE TO FLY OR FLITTER OR FLUTTER OR WHATEVER I DO WITH MY WINGS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle just sat in the library, staring at Scootaloo, screaming, running, jumping, walking, talking and doing whatever ponies can do. They looked at each other, then at the moving Scootaloo, and then each other.

"Isn't libraries are suppose to be quiet?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Well, duh! Boorinngg!!!" Applebloom tried her best to imitate Pinkie Pie when she first met Twilight and made a party in the library.
Sweetie Belle and Applebloom both laughed together and fell onto the floor.

Author's Note:

Well, this is the end. Don't worry, there will be a sequel to it.

If you're wondering why the whole story was able to be finished in one day, it's because i was bored, and i played Minecraft enough today, i also got a lot of time on my hands.
Also, silly ending. Haha!