• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 330 Views, 2 Comments

Fate is Cruel - TerroroftheEverfree

Who knew that two best friends could be ripped apart by one unexpected event? Endless Storm learned that the hard way...

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Chapter 2: Saying Goodbye

As the family stepped off the train to Manehattan, the first thing Storm noticed was that it was raining. He felt like it was some sort of cruel, sick joke that the weather ponies came up with. It wasn't a joke however, it was more of a tribute to the three ponies who were lost. Only one good thing came out of the rain for Storm, and that was the fact that it hid his tears.

As the three ponies were walking through town, Storm realized they had nowhere to stay for the time being. "Um... Where are we going to go for the next couple days? We can't just stand out here in the rain." He pointed out, looking back at his parents and waiting for a response from one of them.

His mom was the first to answer, telling him that they would be staying in a hotel for awhile. Storm let her take the lead, seeing as she would probably know the best where they were going. She led them to the hotel, and held open the door to let them go inside first. She checked them in and headed for their hotel room.

Storm and his sister had always loved hotels when they were younger, seeing as they had a new place to explore together. Now it only caused sadness, and hatred for reality. He wanted to get out of that place as soon as he could, and hopefully get away from all the memories it brought up. Sure he wanted his sister back more than anything, but if that wasn't going to happen he didn't want to think about her anymore. Once everything was set up, Storm said "I'll be back," and left the hotel room.

He walked through the pouring rain, on a mission to get one thing. He kept walking til he found a flower shop, and entered silently. He searched the shop for awhile, before finding a blue rose, the same color as Magma's coat. "She always loved these... I think it's for the best that she gets one more..." He said to himself.

A mare working at the shop overheard him saying something, and walked over to ask him about it. She noticed the flower, and instantly knew what it was for. She decided that she would just give it to Storm for free, it was the only thing she could really do to help. "Who did you lose?" She asked, showing a bit of sadness in her voice.

Storm took a minute to answer, seeing as he was still fighting back tears. "Magma Storm, she was my sister... The only mare I ever truly cared about... My best friend of all time." He answered.

The mare gave him an apologetic look, and told him that he didn't need to pay for the rose. He had insisted on paying for it, but the mare wanted him to keep it. Eventually, Storm just gave in, thanked the pony, and walked back to the hotel. When he got back, he set the rose on the table, and decided it would be best to get some sleep.
Three days later the time of the funeral finally came. It would've been sooner, but the other two ponies came first. After a few hours of crying, Storm was ready to go. He wiped the tears from his eyes, put on the black suit his mom had bought for him, grabbed the rose then left the hotel room.

Every step towards the exit got harder and harder for Storm. He knew that every step he took was bringing him one step closer to seeing the lifeless body of the one pony he truly loved. it got even harder when he exited the hotel because it was bringing him even closer.

His parents led the way, seeing as Storm had no idea where to go. He almost couldn't look as they reached the building they were supposed to go to. He almost didn't want to go in, he couldn't stand the sight of his sister anymore. He kept pushing forward though, knowing this was his last chance to say goodbye.

They walked into the building, and Storm burst into tears again. He walked over to see his sister's lifeless body lying in a coffin. Even through his crying, he managed to at least say a few things. "Magma... I'm sorry I couldn't be there... I never got to say goodbye..." He said, struggling to speak. "I'm sure you knew it already, but I still couldn't have ever told you enough how much I loved you... You meant the world to me, and now you're gone..." He continued. "Goodbye Magma, I'll never forget you." After those last words, he broke down again, staining parts of Magma's coat with tears.

His parents decided it would be for the best if they took him back to the hotel until the burial. Storm didn't want to let them take him away, but part of him was saying it was for the best. He couldn't help but keep thinking one thing. Magma... Please... You can't be gone. You just can't be...

Storm had to wait at the hotel room for a few hours, most of which he spent crying. Eventually, his parents came in, informing him it was finally time for the burial. I just have to last a little bit longer... Then it'll all be over... He thought. As he walked towards the cemetery, he did everything he could to fight back tears.

He reached the spot where Magma would be buried, and instantly started crying again. This time, he was only able to say one thing. "Goodbye Magma... I love you." He whispered, then backed away a bit.

After that, he could only watch as they lowered the casket into the ground. He was finally able to fight back tears, just for awhile. Once they had completely lowered the casket into the ground, and slowly covered it up with dirt. It was official, Magma was gone, and she was never coming back. Storm placed his rose on the patch of dirt in front of the tombstone, said one more goodbye, and then ran off.

Later that night, Storm came back for one more time. "Hey Magma... I'm back. I know you're not on this earth anymore... But I know you're still here for me, somewhere." He said, mostly talking to himself. "Remember some of the good times we spent together? Like when we always spent time just staring up at the stars?" He said, thinking back to some of the nights when they lived in Cloudsdale together.

It was a cloudless night, save for the clouds that made up the city. Storm and Magma were lying outside, staring up at the sky. "They're beautiful aren't they?" Magma asked. Storm simply nodded in response.

The two of them just laid there in silence for awhile, just pointing out all the constellations they knew. At some point Storm noticed Magma shivering a bit, and hugged her to warm her up. "Stormy, you're the best brother I could ever ask for." Magma said, returning her brother's embrace. As strange as it would seem to anypony around them, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

As if waking up from a dream, Storm stopped thinking about that day. He tried to remember another good time he had with his sister. "Oh, and that one day when we went to see the Wonderbolts together." He remembered.

Magma walked to the Cloudsdale Colosseum, her brother following close behind. "Come on Stormy, we're gonna be late if we don't hurry up." She said jokingly, causing Storm to smile like an idiot.

"You're walking just as fast as I am." Storm reminded her in the same joking tone she had used when she talked to him.

The two of them shared a good laugh as they continued walking towards the colosseum. Before they knew it, they had arrived. Magma handed the gate keeper their tickets, and he let them inside. She had bought the tickets as an early birthday present for Storm.

The two of them walked in and found their seats and and sat down. Magma snuggled up close to Storm. Well, as close as she could with the edge of the seats in the way. A few of the ponies around them thought the two were dating, but nopony decided to comment on it.

The performance started a few minutes later, although Storm and Magma weren't fully focused on it. Sure they watched it for the most part, but there were also times when they just stopped watching to talk to each other about random things.

When the performance ended, the two of them left the stadium. Without even realizing it, Storm made ponies assume the two were dating even more by wrapping his wing around Magma gently. "I can never tell you enough how much I love you Magma." Storm said.

"Aw... You're so sweet Stormy." Magma replied, then kissed Storm lightly on the cheek, causing both of them to blush. It wasn't something most sisters would do, but Magma wasn't quite like other sisters. The walk home that night ended with the two of them just silently smiling.

Another memory came to an end, and Storm smiled with tears in his eyes. He felt like all these conversations were all it took to make him feel better. "Magma, I don't know if you can hear me now... But I'm glad I got to spend so many good times with you... Thank you for being the best sister any little brother could ask for. Some day we'll be reunited again, I promise you that." He said with a smile. "Until that day comes, you'll be in my memories, and in my heart." He added.

He got up and walked away, finally having the closure he needed. He was ready to move on without Magma, although he would still never forget her. After all, she was the only reason he was so happy with his life before, and even just the memory of her would keep him from giving up on his life now.

Author's Note:

Sorry guys, I know I promised this would be a better chapter, but I've had... Some things going on that are apparently having a huge impact on my writing skills, and my wonderful editor decided not to be of too much help with this one...
The story is still marked as incomplete because I'm not sure if there's gonna be an epilogue or not.

Comments ( 1 )

Yep, I'm not dead.... At least, I don't think I'm dead.

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