• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 711 Views, 2 Comments

Anniversary - Earl Grey

Pinkie Pie takes time on a very special day to visit someone she can't stop thinking about.

  • ...


“Hello... it's me.”

Awkwardness was not a familiar feeling for Pinkie Pie, never before had she been so scared of talking to someone. This was different though, this was someone that she honestly cared for, that she held a soft spot in her heart for. Their approval, or lack there of, could mean everything to her.

If there was one thing that Pinkie Pie understood, it was love; she loved parties, she loved pastries, she loved her friends and she loved her surrogate family at Sugar Cube Corner. This time it was different, this love hurt her as much as it thrilled her, this love has caused her to shed more tears in both sadness and joy over the past year than anything else in her life. Doing this was a strange step for Pinkie, but it was a necessary one.

“It's been a while since we last met, huh? One whole year actually.” Pinkie sat down and looked up into the eyes of the other, “You could call it our anniversary.”

“I've been avoiding you this past year because I thought I could move on from you.” Pinkie sighed, feeling the memories of days gone by wash over her.

Twilight would come by the shop and ask for a cupcake, she would laugh and say that she needed the quick energy for a new spell she was trying out. I smiled and told her that I hoped it would be super duper fun.

“Magic isn't supposed to be fun,” Twilight would say, launching into a rant about the proper use of magic and why it should be used responsibly. Silly Twilight, I would think, of course I know all about that, I just wanted to wish her well. I excuse myself and go to get her snack from the kitchen.

I return with a bundle of cotton candy and give it to her, she looks at me funny and tells me she asked for a cupcake, but that cotton candy would work just as well. I apologise. I'm usually so good with orders, why was it so different now?

“These past few months have been hard, I can't let my friends know about... us. They wouldn't understand, they'd tell me to put my head on straight and find someone else, but I don't want anyone else!” Pinkie leaned forwards, a determined look in her eyes before casting them down towards the ground and laying her head her on her front hooves, “Even if that just means I can come here and sit with you for a while, then that's what I want.”

Pinkie looked to her right, a bouquet of dahlias sat in some paper, she heaved another sigh, “Flowers are cliché, I know. I really like these flowers though, I hoped that you would like them to. Even if you don't, at least they'll serve to remind you of me... if you even remember me at all that is... It's been impossible to forget you.”

Berry Punch was walking by the store with her little sister, I remember because they were celebrating their win at the Sisterhooves Social. They were still wearing their matching shirts with the ribbons pinned on.

I was about to say hello when Berry Punch sneezed, I don't know why, but it made me laugh. I laughed harder in that instance than I ever have done at a party. It's like there was something inside of me that jumped at the scene and instilled me with a sense of happiness and wonder that I hadn't felt since I was a filly.

I thought it was strange at the time, after I'd calmed down enough to think about it. I'm aware of what the townsfolk think of me, about how Pinkie Pie is just Pinkie Pie and there are no other words to describe her. Despite what the other ponies might think about me, this outburst certainly wasn't normal for me, there was something behind it, something powerful.

“It's been getting harder and harder for me to stay normal around my friends. I'll catch myself thinking about you at the most random times and I seem to lose the will to smile, but I'm also seemingly fighting the urge to break out into song with how happy I am. It's an emotional roller-coaster that I'm scared to ride, but inexplicably drawn to.” The pink pony looks up, staring pleadingly in the eyes of the other, “Am I feeling what I think I'm feeling?”

“It's been tearing me up inside, I don't want to love you, I shouldn't love you... but I do. You're with me wherever I go, whether I want it or not. I just wanted you to know that.” Pinkie stood up, getting to her hooves and wiping away the few tears that had emerged around her eyes. The wind picked up and blew her curly mane back, revealing a face which showed determination.

“I know I'll probably never get to see you again, I know we'll never be together like I want to, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm here. I'll love you forever and that's a Pinkie Pie promise.” She turned tail and walked away, the grass beneath her hooves provided small comfort to the baker, but it's softness helped lift her spirits the slightest bit.


Princess Celestia loved walking around the castle garden on days like this one. It wasn't too hot, but it wasn't cool enough to be chilly, there was a slow breeze passing her by and the sky was just the loveliest shade of blue. It really didn't do to be inside on days like this one. It was during a turn around one of the more unique areas of the garden that she spotted something out of place.

“What do we have here then?” She came across a small bouquet of flowers, dahlias to be precise, sitting beneath a statue. The alicorn couldn't see any ponies nearby and this area of the garden wasn't scheduled to be tidied until the next day.

A bigger question would be why the flowers would be here of all places, beneath this particular statue.

“What are you up to, Discord?”

Author's Note:

I found this in my writing folder. It was under "completed fics" but I obviously never posted it. I can see why I'd feel somewhat reserved in doing so, because it's really short and kinda pointless, but it's just a little something that I got bored and did a long time ago.

You can probably tell that this was before a certain season 3 episode. If I wanted to date it, I'd have to look for some specific pictures by Mickeymonster, the guy who drew a load of pictures of Discord tickling everyone. He also did a lot of Discord/Pinkie Pie stuff that really made me get into the ship. I'm not so into it any more, but I still think it can be kinda cute xD

Anyway, it's something. It's interesting, seeing stuff you've not looked at in more than a year.

Comments ( 2 )

Awww, that's sentimentily sweet:pinkiesmile: and sad at the same time:pinkiesad2:

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