• Published 2nd Jan 2014
  • 2,451 Views, 53 Comments

New Beginnings - Lunafan1k

Jack Frost and Pitch black find themselves powerless in an unknown world where they must work together to find a way home.

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Chapter 5

Pitch and Jack were given specific instructions: get on the next train out of town immediately. Pitch, for the first time in his long life, felt compelled to do exactly that. He can’t explain what had happened between himself and Princess Luna, but he had an overwhelming desire to stay on her more generous side. Jack, on the other hand, was as carefree as always. He was sauntering through the city with his staff against his shoulder, smiling as he took in the new sights around him.

“Jack, we need to get going this instant!” Pitch called from where he had power walked ahead, “This is no time for sightseeing!”

“Relax, were going to be here for a while, why not make the best of it?” He passed by a group of foals throwing water balloons at each other. He grabbed his staff and hit one of the balloons, making it burst into a million snowflakes to the surprise and joy of the foals. “Heh, still got it.”

“Jack!” Pitch stomped up to him angrily, “Do I have to drag you there myself?!”

“Jeeze chill out, what’s your deal today?” Jack huffed as he hurried to keep up with Pitch.

“Were you not in that throne room with me?”

“Well, yeah. Things started off on the wrong foot but I think everything turned out in the end, so I don’t see the point of being overly worried about it.” Jack said as he slowed back to his casual saunter.

Pitch glared at him, but as he was about to scold Jack once more, he noticed a shadow flying towards them from the castle. Fear gripped him, forcing him to turn and flee. Jack saw this, and turned around to see what had spooked him. He came nose to muzzle with Princess Luna herself.

“Gah!” Jack cried out in surprise as he leaped into the air. Luna stood there and smiled at the reaction.

“Boo.” She said good naturedly.

“Oh, man.” Jack was hunched over with a hand to his chest, his other using his staff to keep his balance. “If I didn’t die centuries ago I think I would have just now.” He said with a chuckle.

“Your death was not Our intention, but the look on your face was… what is it, priceless?” she asked with a questioning glance. Jack merely raised an eyebrow.

“Nevertheless, We had further questions.” Jack nodded as they resumed to a casual walk down the streets.

“Okay, sure. But wont anyone wonder why their princess is talking to thin air?” Jack asked, although he was surprised, none of the ponies were giving the princess the time of day, like they were going out of their way to avoid her.

“Tis but a simple spell.” She explained, “Whomever it’s cast upon is subconsciously avoided and nopony is the wiser. I believe the creator of the spell called it a perception filter. They see us but they don’t see us, as long as we don’t draw attention directly to ourselves.”

“Well I see it has some uses.” Jack said as they rounded a corner, Pitch could be seen making a beeline for the trains as fast as possible. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“You said this, Sandman, was the Guardian of Dreams in your world?” Jack nodded, “We had thought ourselves as the only being capable of entering the dream realm. Tell us, what is he like, how does he enter dreams? Is it strictly the children or does he do it for everyone?”

“Well, he has this… sand.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, its golden sand, the guy is made of the stuff. I don’t think he can talk, or at least he simply hasn’t spoken as long as I’ve known him. He just forms shapes around himself instead. Anyway he visits an area, I don’t know how he decides which one, then he spreads his sand across the entire town or city and it forms sand figures over the heads of children, like playing sports or having fun in general.”

“Hmm, so he doesn’t actually enter their minds at all?” Luna asked.

“I don’t think so, no.”

“We see…” Luna said thoughtfully. “Do you sleep, Jack?”

“I don’t really need to, mainly because I’m busy all the time, but I can.” He said.

“I see, I’m going to try something tonight and you need to be asleep for it to work. If it does, I may be able to work out a way to return you home all the faster.”

“Hmph, there you go trying to cast me out again.” Jack laughed good naturedly.

Luna, however, did not enjoy the joke. “I know you meant nothing by that remark, but in the future, refrain from joking about exiles and being cast out. I take personal offence to such things.” She said sternly. Jack snapped his mouth shut as he realized he crossed some unknown line.

“Okay, okay, I won’t say another word.” He said. He turned his attention further ahead. He sighed as he casually froze a water fountain.

“Why did you do that?” Luna asked as about twelve ponies eyed the fountain cautiously.

Jack looked back at the fountain and blushed, “Sorry, I would do that for over three hundred years to get people to notice me, I guess not being noticed again got me back into the habbit.”

Luna nodded. “We know what feeling ignored can do. You have my sympathy, but don’t cause harm to my ponies or any lasting damage to our fair land. Other than that you may do as you will, within the rules enforced by Twilight Sparkle.”

Jack smiled at that, nearly free reign of what little remains of his powers would be nice. “I can’t fly here for some reason, though, and my power is reduced to about what it was before kids began to believe in me. I don’t mind so much but being unable to fly is going to suck.”

“What, pray tell, would allow you to fly? I see not a feather on your body.” Luna asked, eyeing him up and down.

“I usually call on the wind to take me places, but here its simply not answering me.” He stopped and turned around, “Hey wind! Take me to the train station!” he called, but nothing happened. “See?”

“We think so, and we may have an answer. In Equestria the wind, as well as all weather, is controlled and maintained by pegasi. You simply have no power over the weather here.”

“Aw what? So I can’t summon a freak snowstorm tonight?” Jack was really depressed, no snow meant no fun.

“We’re afraid so, but perhaps all is not lost. Perhaps somepony could teach you the ways of the weather in Ponyville?”

Jack brightened up at that, “Yeah that’ll be fun!”

They were now making their way toward the train, fully loaded and ready to disembark.

“Fair thee well, Jack frost. And Pitch,” Pitch’s head popped out a window, “We will always be watching, we can feel your every motion.”

Pitches face paled before being pulled back inside. “Wow, are you serious?” Jack asked in stunned amazement.

“Not really, but we can feel where he is. But we think it’s best he believes we can, so as to keep him out of trouble. I will also be assigning some of my finest guards to report to me your daily activities as well, but you will never see them. Just know that we will be watching closely. Consider that a warning until you build more trust of yourself.”

“Wait, how will they see us?” Jack asked as he stepped on the train, which was beginning to make its way down the track.

“You think so little of our power? Ha! My guards are the best there ever will be, that is all you need to know.”

With that, Luna faded into nothing and seemed to vanish. Jacked stepped into the train and saw Pitch looking worried. Jack made his way closer to him.

“We got a problem.” He said. Jack was about to ask what the problem was when a new voice called out.

“Wow, who are you?”

Author's Note:

New chapter, with a mysterious question! Who could it be?

Also check out my other story, The Madness of a Kind Mare, I'm doing a new chapter every other day with this fic and I think it's becoming something special, and I would really appreciate more feedback on it.
