• Published 2nd Jan 2014
  • 2,450 Views, 53 Comments

New Beginnings - Lunafan1k

Jack Frost and Pitch black find themselves powerless in an unknown world where they must work together to find a way home.

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Chapter 3

“Halt!” Pitch and Jack jerked as the carriage came to a sudden stop.

“Excuse me Sir,” Golden Wheat started, “but we’ve got an appointment to see the princess this evening before sunset, it’s urgent.”

Jack shared a look with Pitch before they both made their way to the front of the carriage to have a better look. The found themselves before a massive golden gate, beyond which lay a cobblestone path lined with hedges cut into the likeness of ponies in various poses. The path led up to a set of massive wooden doors set into the most brilliant marble walls they had ever laid eyes upon. Following the wall up, they spotted numerous towers reaching far up into the clouds, supporting banners and ribbons of every color.

“Woah…” Jack said in awe. Pitch said nothing, taking in the regal castle with a hint of worry, something about it make his senses feel numb.

“Standard procedure,” The guard replied, “we need to check the carriage for any unauthorized ponies, griffons, excreta. I’m sure you understand?” Two more guards, clad in heavy looking golden armor approached the carriage from either side and peeked in.

“No, of course not.” Golden Wheat said. “I have my paper work here as well.” He reached back into the carriage with his fore-hoof and pulled out a sheet of paper rolled up and bound with a golden thread.

“These ponies are pretty flexible aren’t they?” Jack commented.

“I’m more concerned with how they grab things with solid hooves,” Pitch commented as he held his head tightly, “This place is giving me a migraine Jack, and it’s not just the bright colors or the impossibility of these creatures. There is something here, Jack. I can feel it, like it’s trying to crush me.”

Jack looked around thoughtfully, “I don’t feel any different.”

“That’s probably because you’re not tuned into the energies of the world quite like I am.” Pitch said as he climbed back into the carriage.

“Everything looks to be in order; you may proceed beyond the gate. There is a place to park the carriage along the eastern wall before you enter the castle proper.” The guard suddenly spoke up. Jack quickly hopped back into the carriage as Golden Wheat nodded to the guard and started on his way.

“So, what did you mean, ‘tuned into the energy?’” Jack asked.

“Exactly what it sounds like, Jack, how else would I know who was having a nightmare and who wasn’t? Now please refrain from speaking, this migraine is splitting my head…”

Jack said nothing, a hint of worry crossing his features as he watched Pitch cradle his head. He instead focused his attentions on the quickly approaching castle. As the guard said, they were heading toward a side courtyard about half filled with various carriages of all sorts, sizes, and colors. Golden Wheat maneuvered the chariot into an open spot with practiced ease before unhitching himself, using his mouth with amazing dexterity.

Together Golden and Maybelle gathered their still sleeping foal and doubled back toward the front of the castle. Jack made to follow along, but hesitated. He looked back toward Pitch.

“You coming or what?” He asked.

“Just let me…” Pitch trailed off. After a moment he let out a long sigh, “Ah, much better.” He said, shaking his head vigorously as though to clear his mind.

“So what was all that about? I thought you were in too much pain from being an over sensitive softie.” Jack teased.

“Say that again and I will tear you to pieces.” Pitch glared, causing Jack to snap his mouth shut. “And for your information, I was closing myself off. I won’t be able to sense anything like this but that’s for the best right now.”

“Well whatever, let’s go before we miss our escort.” Jack said before hurrying to catch up to the three ponies rounding the far corner. He glanced behind him to see Pitch easily matching his pace. He smirked, and then poured on some speed, edging Pitch to chase after him. His ruse worked for a moment, and Pitch sped up to match the new pace, but they were forced to skid to a halt before the massive doors.

“What’s going on? Why aren’t they open?” Jack asked in confusion.

“While you were more concerned about your little race, our charge took a smaller door not far back.” Pitch chastised as he spun around and strode off to where he saw the ponies go.

Jack quickly followed to the door, going through it led simply to the other side of the huge doors. “So what’s the point of the big doors if nobody uses them?”

“Do use your head Jack; it’s obviously for big ceremonies.” Pitch responded offhandedly.

They continued deeper into the castle and marveled at its wonder. Great tapestries portraying the sun and the moon covered the walls, ponies in very fancy dress hurried from one place to the next while others in the same golden armor stood at attention in strategic points in the great hall, unmoving yet observing all.

They found the three ponies they’d been following heading up the red carpet toward another set of doors; these however, were wide open and welcoming. Jack tried to squint and see deeper into the chamber beyond, but wasn’t able to make out much. He decided to simply wait and follow behind the same ponies

They followed the family into the throne room, which was just as glamorous if not more so, mainly due to the larger pony sitting comfortably atop a throne of gold. Next to it was another throne made of dark obsidian, currently vacant. Behind each hung a massive banner representing the sun and the moon respectively, and between the banners was an enormous stained glass window showing two winged unicorns looking out over playful ponies, representing the peace they have brought unto the land.

Jack and Pitch stared in awe of the majesty of the white pony on the throne, how she had wings, a horn, and a mane that seemed to flow on energy only she could feel. She looked back at them, almost as if they were standing there plain as day, yet her face remained a calm neutral and betrayed nothing if she saw them at all.

The two spirits and the Princess shifted their attention to the small family that had just risen from a bow. “Your Majesty,” Golden Wheat began after a guard announced them to the Princess, “We have come from the far south seeking aid, our foal has grown ill with an unknown sickness and we fear it isn’t long before it takes him away from us. Please, can you do something to help him, or even just ease his pain until…” he trailed off, daring not to think so negatively in the Princess’s presence.

The Princess rose from her throne with a sense of calm yet determined urgency. She placed a hoof up to the foal’s forehead as he shivered. Her eyes flickered over to where Jack and Pitch stood watching, a frown creasing her features as she did so.

“I can help ease his chills, but for the sickness I’m afraid I have never seen anything like it.” She held up a hoof to silence any comments, her horn glowing with a warm golden light that reached out to envelope the foal. Apple Seed ceased his shivering and a small smile formed on his muzzle. “However, this doesn’t mean I don’t know somepony who may be able to help. That is to say, some zebra.” She finished with a smile.

“She lives in Ponyville, a small town on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Inside that forest lives a zebra shaman well versed in alchemy. She will undoubtedly be able to cure little Apple Seed here. I will send you there on the first train, it departs in twenty minutes. Once you arrive, look for a purple alicorn with a starburst cutie-mark. Her name is Twilight Sparkle, my personal student. She and her friends will see you through the forest safely.”

“Oh… Oh my, Princess, I-I can’t thank you enough!” Maybelle managed to speak as she bowed deeply.

“Think nothing of it, my little ponies. Now you best be off, the train is leaving soon.” The Princess said. As the family left, the Princess turned to one of the guards, “Go, wake my sister and leave us, seal the room behind you.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” He sounded out, motioning to the other guards to seal the room as one ran out the door to awaken the lunar princess. Within moments the commotion died down, leaving the Princess alone with the two spirits. She stared straight ahead, as though pointedly not looking at them.

“I swear she sees us…” Jack mumbled in Pitch’s direction, who nodded hesitantly in agreement.

They waited like that for several long minutes until they were disturbed by a flash of light and a crack in the air. Now standing before the Princess was a younger, darker version of her.

“This had better be important, dear sister. The realm of dreams has been… strange as of late, keeping me busier than usual.” The smaller blue one said irritably.

“I’m sure we’ll figure out why that is,” The white princess turned to face both Jack and Pitch, and glared with the fury of a thousand suns, “Just as we’ll find out why our realm is being invaded by more pesky spirits!”