• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 751 Views, 11 Comments

Celestial Tortures Book III: Changes - Rarity Belle

With Luna banished to the moon itself, it's queen Chrysalis that sees an opportunity to dethrone Celestia once and for all. There are however a few complications not even she had taken into account. The soils of Equestria, will be shocked and burned.

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The beast heard the words that were spoken by the changeling queen. It also noticed how all of the guards that stood on their position changed into the same creatures. A couple columns of flames shot up before the insectoid race was revealed. Perhaps it was a good thing that they kept the entrances locked like a stone for any other pony to enter because the sight of this new Celestia wasn't something all too pretty or to write home about.

Stronger even, it almost seemed like that the events as they had occurred at the time when Nightmare Moon had been formed, had been repeating itself. Each of the beings were well aware with the terms that history would repeat itself. Though that it was going to be that quick was unforeseen by anypony.

Yet Chrysalis would have only stared at the celestial beast with her green rimmed eyes. She was waiting for any kind of answer that she would get out of it. Though her patience had been running thin. As a matter of fact, she hadn't even planned the fact as it played out and her entire original plan was dumped out of the window and had to be replaced with a new one. One that did involve the mighty alicorn to be her workhorse, literally.

“It’s an offer you can’t refuse and you know that as well as I do. Join me and become the destructive beast that you always were, Celestia, unleash your fury over those pesky subjects and roast them like nothing. I know you want to, you know you want to. All you have to say against me, are those little words of I agree and everything will be taken care of from there on,” spoke Chrysalis in a taunting tone towards the beast that stood on the throne.

Her words were spoken in a persuasive tone for certain but it would be taking a lot more to actually contain the being in which Celestia had morphed herself. Not to mention the fact that even the changeling queen had seen the amulet and grew more knowledgeable with every passing second about it. Every second that it hung on the neck of Celestia could the power that it irradiated be felt clearly. Even to the point where it called to her.

But that wasn't going to be a thing that would happen. Because the more that the changeling stared at it, the more the plated armor of Celestia started to enclose the amulet as a whole on her crest piece. It actually even formed a layer of protection for the gem that laid underneath it. Though it was all done to make sure that the alicorn amulet wouldn't have been able to be removed from either her neck or the body unless she desired so.

Chrysalis watched the changes happen and released a deep sigh through her nostrils. The only way it seemed that she could actually manage to capture the thing of the princess was to end her life and that was just about the last thing she wanted to do.

Celestia on the other end never even set a step forward or backward as the queen spoke her venomous words against her. It almost seemed as if her beastly form even liked the offer that was given to it. Except if there wasn't one little catch right on it. It would work as the laborer horse for the changeling queen and that was something it didn't saw sitting whatsoever. It would probably fight for her but not as the offer currently stood for her.

Inside of the mind of the wise princess had the gears stopped and a new set was being installed. A set of gears that caused her to be wanting nothing else then to see the entire destruction of everything it came across. Fire was the only thing that it wanted to see. The entire world set ablaze like the sun. A place clenched of all the evil in the world so it could be reformed to her way.

A land where the sun always shone and the ponies were obedient to only her alone. More or less and in a way, the thoughts came that started to take over the mind of the once so graceful princess indeed the very thing which her sister had not only feared for but also predicted and spoken about. The way that the world would be build was almost exactly like the words said that it would.

What really had happened to the princess was that the power of the amulet had a terribly close connection with the nightmare forces. Because of the fact that their queen had been banished to the moon with them, the only inside of the amulet had been saved.

One way or the other had Nightmare Moon managed to get one of the shadow creatures right inside of the gem. It was that force that had a peak in the brain and thus saw the moment in which Luna had spoken those exact words and suggested it to the brain. Celestia herself already was nothing more but a slave to her own mind, except she didn't know it and probably never would.

With her wings still spread out as if she happened to be the queen of Equestria and her posture irradiating both her regal and beastly size, huffs and puffs were made with every exhale as she kept on thinking about the order. Her blue and pinkish hellfire mane kept on waving and giving off the heat as they had done since their origin.

Yet it were the eyes that looked every time to one of the changelings as she thought that it would make a move. The last thing she wanted was for any other creature to close the distance and if a changeling as much as tried it, a dark and beastly growl was released. A growl that was in fact so strong in fright that the insectoid creature just rushed back to its original place.

If Celestia dared to actually charge the queen, it could be too late for her very own children to give her any form of protection. Because they all implied that her elemental magic had turned itself into nothing but fire given the type of armor as well as the flaming hair for her mane and tail. All of them found themselves standing on thin eyes as it was thawing below their hooves. None of them knew exactly when they would be sinking through it.

“Well, what happens to be your answer?” Chrysalis spoke to the beast in a tone that wasn't even changed. Her eyes lied the goodness that laid inside of them but the cat like pupils had seen through them almost instantly. It would be hard to lie against the creature but it was unknown to the queen that she had already been seen through. That alone made the situation a whole lot more dangerous for each and every single one of the beings inside of the room.

“The time for me to consider the offer is still here. Have your patience,” replied the changed Celestia in the same tone as before. Which had been the deeply changed voice of her normal self, but also with an echo inside of it that time. It was almost terrifying to hear.

The answer that was given to her wasn't something where the queen had actually hoped for it at least it was some answer that wasn't a growl or a roar. Her wings were allowed a couple of flaps and that caused the highly annoying buzzes to travel through the throne room. Also right into ears of the beastly Celestia. If there was one pony in the room who wouldn’t like that, it was her.

Her head turned itself almost instantly to the queen as a cloud of black steam was huffed out of the nostrils. Chrysalis saw the cloud and gulped lightly to herself as she knew that it was angry at her. But she didn't know just how angry it was and rather didn't wanted to find it out either. She more or less loved her life as it was and would do fairly much anything in order to preserve that.


Back inside of the gardens was Starswirl still oblivious to the terror that was going on in the throne room. He would have just continued on with his stroll without much on his mind. He couldn't resist himself from going all over the place. From the beautiful sun garden to the statues, to the lunar yard.

Though it was in the statue garden that he really took his time and didn't just look at all of the statues that he could find but also read the information that was available with them. Ponies throughout history that had a great influence in the land were all mentioned. Heroes of their own times forever to be remembered in the never fading stone.

It really felt like a dream to him in one way or the other. Mostly because each of the statues told a story that went just so much deeper than just the words on the small brass plates which stated a name and a small inscription of the deeds that were done.

It was his mind that allowed him actually to mentally travel back in time itself to the moments in the lives of the ponies whose statues he was looking at. The ability to travel back in time was actually one of the very first spells that he had learned himself but also happened to be one of the most difficult to master.

Because so far only his mind could travel back and not his body. Although Celestia sometimes praised that simply because of the fact that it meant he couldn't hurt anything in the timeline. What Starswirl could though, was to look through a window in the time that had gone by. The thing that he wanted pretty much more than anything else was to have an actual door that could lead him right inside of the times long gone.

Yet time travel always had been a risky operation. There were even stories going about of ponies who had attempted it and succeeded but never returned to their own time because of a collapse of unknown origin. It was rough and difficult to achieve it but when done right it was worth it in everypony’s eyes. That was with a few exception.

“Mister The Bearded? What are you doing still out here?” an all too familiar voice spoke to the old wizard. But only after he returned from one of his many time travels. The bearded stallion turned himself around and noticed that nopony else than Warding Scale had walked up to him.

“Warding my boy, anything I can help you with on this lovely evening?” Starswirl spoke up with a chuckle in his tone. The captain of the Lunar Guard gently returned the chuckle as she signaled the wizard to walk a bit with him.

It took the other stallion only a few seconds before he realized just what the plan was and nodded in return. And together they started to travel down the path of the garden. A path that walked all around the castle.


Back inside of the throne room grew the changeling queen tired of the waiting game and silently demanded an answer in any shape or form. But what she would eventually get was something a little bit more than she originally had bargained for. Because of the offer to work as a labor horse of destruction, wasn't something to be agreed on any day of the week.

The incarnated Celestia released another deep breath through her nostrils before the words echoed through the room. “I deny your offer. I reject it because I shall never work for a second rank queen of an army of bugs!” she spoke in response to the mighty queen. The horn charged itself up for an attack. Judging her fiery mane, it would most likely be a spell revolving around the fires.

“Fine, you are going to be like that, come at me sister!” Chrysalis returned in a snarl just before the green aura started to cover up her own horn. The two of them were preparing themselves for an attack that would define their course of battle and scar them for the rest of their lives.

The horn of Chrysalis charged itself up with the regular green magical aura surrounding it. All while the humming became more and more audible for the changelings in the room. The horn of Celestia on the other end happened to be a little bit more of a show. The more she charged her powers up in the form of aura, the more the golden ray around the horn got company of little fireballs that started to spiral up and down the entire length of the horn.

Even the queen of the changelings didn't know what she saw. Yet that moment of awe quickly turned into a matter of life and death. When she looked at the horn of Celestia, that same horn released a massive blast of magic that was surrounded by the same spiraling flames.

The changeling queen was unable to return the blast with the charge she had been building up and did the only thing that she possibly could do and that making sure she got out of the line of fire. Time slowed itself down in her mind while her eyes stared right at the column of magic and fire.

Though it where the hooves that managed to set themselves aside and she literally missed the blast by a hair. Not even that as a small flock of her mane had managed to be caught by the fire though. Time returned to the normal speed and the green rimmed eyes looked straight into the magenta coloring of Celestia, who stood panting almost for her life on the throne.

Just the sheer rage and anger that she had built up over the hundreds of years, was something that finally had seen the light of the night. But the she wasn't done. She wasn't done by a long shot. Because the thing that the creature desired was the death of the queen and her servants.

Celestia readied herself for a new blast. Though it was Chrysalis who then managed to shot hers first. A powerful and massive beam of green magic hurled itself towards the beast of a princess.

The beastly and almost nightmarish looking princess of the day fired her second, half charged beam back at the incoming one. Moments later had the two beams met one another almost at the midpoint. At first glance it seemed like that Chrysalis was gaining the upperhoof on the matter. Something that boosted her self-confidence to unseen levels.

Hoof by hoof did the green beam of magic travel into the direction of the horn of Celestia. Despite being the most powerful being in the land she still needed to take her time when it came down to her magical spells. A recharge time of a couple of seconds was required even for her at any given time. It was on that little fact were the queen played in on almost directly. It was her who fired the blast directly.

More and more did the beam scrawl up towards her and Celestia could only do one thing and that was to give up on that charge right there and then. The tug of war had to be won by one pony alone and she allowed it to be nopony else then Chrysalis. There simply wasn't any other option left that she could have done or even would have done for that matter.

The charge of Celestia was released and it simply faded right out existence. With the counterforce gone, the beam of the queen went straight up the path and made contact with the horn of the recently changed alicorn. A secondary roar of pain was released while the sparks of green magic didn't just travel on the horn, but also on her skull, almost frying and corrupting the brain.

The beastly Celestia lowered herself just a little bit through the knees and elbows before the eyes were closed. In the darkness of that came, time itself almost to a standstill for her. There was a scene that played itself out before her eyes. A scene that she rather had forgotten then remembered. Something that would give her new existence some form of purpose.


Because she saw the six elements of harmony in their stone orbs in the old castle. Three of them were already cracked it were the very three that Luna once represented. But as she looked closer upon the mythical artifacts, the horror became true. The three elements that she once represented in her fight against Discord, had begun to crack. She had just lost her only connection with the elements and that caused her to get a power surge through her heart.

Everything that she once stood for was just ripped out of her. All because of one thing, that cursed amulet that hung around her neck. But it wouldn't just stop there though, it would only be getting much worse for Celestia from that point onward. Behind the alter they appeared with a slow pace in their hooves. Both her beloved mother and father walked to the front of the stone thing with their heads down and eyes closed. Celestia felt the disappointment rising from deep inside of her heart. Everything she once was was her right on that spot. Seemingly unaffected by the beast or force that had morphed her.

“So this is who you too decided to become, daughter of mine?” her mother spoke in a tone that was filled with nothing but the purest of sadness. She couldn't believe that both of her daughters had chosen for the paths as they did and probably would never understand it. Or didn't wanted to.

“Why do you want to disappoint us like this, Celestia?” her father said in his usual stern voice. Though not even that couldn't hide the sadness it bared.

The white alicorn stood powerless against her very own parents. She didn't had any normal words as all she brought out was gibberish that didn't make any sense to all three of them. It was only after she had taken the deepest breath ever since the casting of the stoning spell against Discord that she was able to speak again in a proper manner.

“Mother, Father, you have to believe me that I didn't chose to become like this! The amulet that my sister forged had a too powerful influence! Not to mention, that creature that looked like a guard! It, it is not my fault that I turned into this! I never wanted to wear it, I wanted to study it and perhaps find the way of why Luna had forged it in the fires! You have to believe me!” The more she spoke her words against her parents, the more she couldn't help herself but to burst out in nothing but tears. Tears of utter sadness streamed down her face as the wings hung flat against her body and she had lowered herself on her hunches.

Never in her life had she cried that hard before the both of her parents for one of her mistakes. She wasn't just begging them for any kind of forgiveness, she was begging them silently to make the pain she felt stop. To make the pain in her head just come to a standstill so that she could take her mind back and removed the cursed object.

Yet where she hoped on one thing, the mare got the other and it wasn't something she was happy about. Because her father simply turned himself around and shook his head as he looked at the altar. He wished with all of his heart that there was something he could do in order to help his only remaining daughter so much, but the reality wouldn't allow it. “I’m sorry Celestia, there is nothing I can do to help you,” he spoke in a tone filled with just his own sadness before he faded from reality.

“No! Don’t do this to me, father, don’t do this to me!” Celestia yelled in a scream that went through marrow and bone. The mare had no idea on any manner of how she could actually help herself to stop it. Her attention turned over to her mother. Her eyes spoke the begging alone.

The mother looked back into the watered eyes of her daughter and she couldn't bare seeing her in the state she was. A filly trapped inside of the body of a mare, perhaps the worst thing that could have ever happened to anypony.

“P-Please mother, s-save me from this, I, I’m begging you, now more than ever,” Celestia spoke with all of the courage that she still had in her body and mind. She remembered the promise that was being made on that day, long ago. “You, you promised the day, that you faded away!”

Even though the words were true and that she had promised it, even the mighty Mother was unable to help her daughter in the current situation. She wanted to help Celestia as much as she could, but there wasn't anything she could do. “I’m so sorry," she spoke in a voice that was filled with emotions. Emotions like sadness and sympathy for the white alicorn, for her daughter.

The curtain had dropped as there wouldn't be any other help left for her except to just delve into the pits of her own utter insanity. “No! You promised me! You had promised me that you would help me mother!” yelled Celestia with streaming tears.

And then she was just gone. Gone like the wind that first carried her there. The lights slowly faded away from the altar and Celestia was left with nothing else but the darkness that had taken place in her heart. With the six elements shattered, there was nothing else she could do then cry her eyes out in silence. Sniffles were done every so often as she couldn't keep the emotional pain to herself. “Y-You promised, mommy,” the white alicorn mumbled to herself with streams of tears.


It was only after what seemed to have been minutes after one another that the hoofsteps of another creature did their turn in the darkness. For the first time since she started to cry, Celestia turned her head up and looked straight ahead. She wanted to know the thing that was coming right for her.

In the distance it could be seen already, that blazing hellfire of a mane and tail that only came closer. The regal alicorn didn't even made an effort on the fact of standing up and simply kept on sitting on her hunches. The steps kept on coming closer and closer as they sounded like real heavy duty metal that was set on a stone surface. The eyes of the alicorn were closed so there was not even the slightest degree of sight.

All that she knew about the creature's presence was the heart of the mane and the fact that the sounds had stopped and were replaced with another one. One that was the sound of a deep, almost animalistic breathing. All she did was turn her head away in the faint hope to hide the tracks that the tears had made over both of her cheeks.

Though nothing would have ever remained hidden inside of the light created by the fire mane. The creature that stood before her was nothing else then her nightmare version. Where Luna had Nightmare Moon, Celestia had her own version. A version of which she wouldn't be remembered about yet the creature of darkness had called once. “Leave me alone…”

“Not without you giving up that body of yours. I want the fullest of control over it right here and right now. You either give it to me or I take it by force,” her alter ego replied in a calm but also sinister manner. The plan had almost become a success. Celestia was almost broken whole.

“Take it. Just, take it,” answered Celestia with a broken tone. She had been defeated.

Though it was an answer where even the monster didn't had any idea on how to reply against. She had expected that the princess would be fighting to the death before she gave up the total control of the body. The horn of the beast charged itself up. It seemed to scan the almighty alicorn to see just what happened to be the very reason of why she was that willing to give it all up.

It was a reason that became quickly known to her though. As the results of the scan appeared as arcane symbols in her eyes, a grin formed itself below the muzzle and the lips curled themselves up into a smirk. “Mentally not just broken, but devastated I see. Come come deary, this isn't something that’s going to hurt,” her counterpart spoke in a tone filled with compassion. The good believing Celestia turned her head back towards the monster.

It seemed like a dream coming true. That she was being released from all the pain that had been plaguing her for all those decades worth of time. She would feel the peace itself for the first time in ages long lost and all it required, was for the horn of the monster to touch her chest.

“D-Do it, set me, free,” said Celestia while another tear traveled down her cheek.

Her alter ego just gave a nod and aimed the horn for the chest. The almighty princess of the sun spread her forelegs and closed her eyes in simply wait for the things that were about to come. Slower and slower was the distance between the uncharged yet surging horn and the chest away from one another.

Celestia shuddered a little bit before she felt the small electric currents to travel from the horn and unto her chest as well as vice versa. But then the moment was there. The moment where the princess gave up all her power to the beast. A beast that would use the power to her own liking. With a moan of pain, the horn just touched the chest and the white coated alicorn felt all of the life floating right out of her. The last thing she could remember, was that she fell down to the dark ground and her bounced off of the floor once before the eyes closed themselves forever.

Or until she was woken up again.

Inside the throne room was the beast allowed to be fully awoken. It seemed to have recovered from the shot that was fired by Chrysalis as well. The entire scene that played out in the head of the alicorn only had lasted for about a second in the real world. Something that the creature was truly happy about though. It meant that the fight was still going, that she could win it.

Not to mention that it wanted to have a taste of the action. Both of the mares were recharging their powers as it was Chrysalis who noticed the change in posture. The alicorn had charged from regal, into a true animal-like pose in just the matter of second. As she was panting deeply to recollect her energy, she dared to ask the fatal question. “Who, or what, are you?”

The beastly alicorn looked over to the changeling queen with a smirk of her own before she would reply to the question in the fullest and perhaps sickest of glories. “I am, Solarflare!”

“…Pretty original name you got there,” answered Chrysalis quickly, only a mere second after she had heard the truth of the being. What else could happen next?

“Silence foal!” bellowed Solarflare towards the queen, shutting her in an instant.


Starswirl the Bearded and Warding Scale had done their turn through the garden. They could be found in one of the guard towers around the castle. While officially being used for duty, the two stallions had settled the differences they had with one another. The captain even apologized for his actions to him. Though the true reason why they were there was because of the stunning view.

Even though it was unusual for a stallion like Starswirl himself, he could be found with a bottle of mead in his magical aura and wanted to cling the bottle with Warding. The captain almost immediately know what he wanted and a mere second later, the sound of two bottles clanging together could be heard. “To a good health, Starswirl,” said Warding with a smile on his face clearly visible. That smile remained just before he took a swig of the mead itself.

“Aye, to a good health indeed,” the wizard replied before he too took a deep swig.

Despite the fact of not being used to the stuff whatsoever, he still took it like the stallion he was. Even the captain had to give him a compliment on the fact that he could actually hold his liquor. “Isn't this, where life is all about?” he spoke in a tone of beauty while he looked over the never ending valley. “Don’t you agree that on calm nights like this, you just picture the land before you clenched from all that is evil and ponies just, being themselves without a worry on their head?”

Starswirl released a well meant chuckle to his new found comrade and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Warding, keep that thought in your mind and perhaps one day sooner or later, that beautiful thought might became a reality.”

“Yeah right, when I’m either dead and buried or nearing the end of my life. No Starswirl, I may not be around to see that day. I’ll be joining Blitzy up there. Watching over those who need it until that day truly comes,” replied Warding in a serious tone. It had been hard on him that the stallion had been turned into nothing but stone. A fate he wished to nopony. Blitz was a good pony.

It was a feeling that the wizard could completely understand. One that even he seemed to have some difficulty with accepting.. Nonetheless was the wish something of beauty. That much had to be admitted by him.


Chrysalis and Solarflare stood still in front of one another albeit one standing elevated on the throne itself. Their battle had only just began but one of them would be the one that would be coming out of it alive. The both of them counted on themselves for that.

With their magic being restored, it was Chrysalis who charged up and she was ready to release the blast once again over the mare before her. The adrenaline was pumping through both of their bodies as the downfall of the other was the thing that fueled the both of them.

“Fall on your marrow-bones and pray!” Chrysalis yelled to the alicorn milliseconds before the charge was released. Solarflare saw the beam coming right at her. Though the time to release a counter beam just wasn't there. So the only thing that she could do was to raise a shield to protect her even a little bit of the charge.

The magic of Chrysalis may not have been as powerful as that of Solarflare, but the recharge rate on it was something where even the mighty alicorn could look up against. With the shield blocking the move –if not spreading it out into different angles and thus spreading it all over the place– actually proved to be a lot more difficult. She needed a new plan and she needed it faster than anything in the world at that moment. She needed time and that just wasn't there.

While the charge of magic became fainter and fainter, it eventually faded away into nothing but just some sprouts that came off of her jagged horn. Once there was no power felt against the shield, it started to crack and shatter on the spot. The many trillions of pieces fell down near the hooves of the mighty Solarflare whose eyes looked over to Chrysalis with a huff. “You’re nothing but a bug. And I’m here to exterminate it once and for all! Exterminate you from the fabric of reality!” the being shouted to the queen as the ultimate insult towards her.

Knowing that the insult didn't help a lot but her magic even less, Chrysalis had to keep her cool in order to play the games right in her books. She had to find –how crazy it even sounded– a way to talk to the creature. And somehow gain the trust that it still possessed. But seeing how her first attempt with the offer failed right where she stood, there was another way she could perhaps work.

It would be risky but it just might be able to save her flanks from being exterminated. Her eyes never left the horn of Solarflare as she started to take steps backwards. Mostly to make it look like she was terrified for her life. All a trick but it might just work well enough.

The golden armored alicorn on the other end made the final decision to remove herself from the throne. Every step that she took was heavy, clunking with the metal in her shoes and imposing a power no mortal pony had ever seen. The heat of the mane and tail were enough to melt some of the gold that was worked in the throne itself but it never seemed to be setting anything ablaze. A fact that was calculated in but would change the moment it came in contact with the exoskeleton of Chrysalis.

“You will be, exterminated, you filthy bug!” Solarflare growled to the queen. The power began to surge once again through her horn. In the eyes of Chrysalis was it there or never. While the power kept itself building up inside of the horn it regained the golden aura regained the fireballs spiraling around it and the mighty alicorn looked down upon the changeling as if she was an everyday cockroach.

But then, in a moment of defeat, Chrysalis dropped herself down upon her hooves and she made a deep bow before the alter ego of Celestia. Solarflare was taken by a moment of surprise in response to the bow. Yet she simply rose her eyebrow in reaction at first. Then the words followed from her mouth in the never changed tone. Except that there was a tiny hint of confusion hidden inside of it. “What is the meaning of this bug? Too scared to meet your end?”

“No, mighty Solarflare, I have seen the power you possess. It was wrong of me to think of you for my own plans. Instead, I want to make a new offer to you,” said Chrysalis in a humble sounding voice. But there was nothing humble about her or the words she spoke. Because right out of her mouth, drops of her neuron venom dripped right out of the fangs and dripped on the floor as a green liquid goo. “A-Allow the changelings, to work for you, instead of the other way around.”

It was an offer that certain sounded tempting in the ears of Solarflare. One she perhaps would have agreed on if it weren't for one simple fact. She wouldn't go in with any reason given by any other pony else then her own mind. The words could be sounding as wonderful as they did, the alicorn wouldn't agree on them. “So, bug, you dared to break into my home,” the alicorn started before she just walked through the room with her horn charged and kept on charging it, “you have the guts to fight against me and now you have dropped herself on your knees? You’re not a queen, just a husk that’s too big for you!” A deep and audible annoyed huff left the mare as she once again stood before Chrysalis and smirked.

The queen dared to look up and noticed the near devilish smirk and her eyes grew bigger. She knew what was coming next but didn't know the way or form it would be done in. Though there wasn't anything in the world that could have prepared for the sheer power she was about to meet.

“Duck!” Chrysalis shouted just before she dropped herself through her hooves. But it was too late. The order was given too late, Solarflare had released a horizontal column of fire into the air and started to turn around on her spot. The blazing inferno went over every corner of the throne room and those unfortunate enough to be hit suffered severe burn injuries.

While the changeling queen laid on the ground, she could only pray to herself that she would survive. Though luck wasn't on her side as the sounds of the fires became fainter and fainter. Before she even knew it entered the scents of things burning her nose and she blacked out right on the spot. The last thing that she actually heard before losing her conscious was the sound of glass breaking.

She didn't felt the fires raging over her head every so often and felt a cool breeze of air making its way in between her ears. And that was that, Chrysalis simply fainted in the throne room there and then. She had no idea of just what happened or how everything looked. The queen could only assume the worst of the worst and that possibly would be been the best.

Solarflare on the other end, the creature had busted out one of the throne room’s many windows and she had started to cloak her entire body in the flames she possessed. That was all just before the wings allowed her to take off into the air. It only took a breeze of air for her before she was shot right into the skies that could be found high across Equestria. She simply soared through the skies like a comet that came down to the earthly realm.

While she soared through the skies surrounded by the flames that pulsed from her horn, the trail of the fiery and living comet was a blue fire that the ponies hadn't seen in a very long time. The sheer sight of Solarflare traveling across the skies made it seem like a comet that fell from the skies and some fillies and colts even made a wish for themselves in the hope for better times.

But deep inside of the slits that she had for pupils, six orbs could be seen. Three in each of the opened pupils. The elements of harmony were the things she had set her eyes on. Her left eyes possessing the three she once represented. While the right eye carried the three that Luna once could call as hers.