• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 751 Views, 11 Comments

Celestial Tortures Book III: Changes - Rarity Belle

With Luna banished to the moon itself, it's queen Chrysalis that sees an opportunity to dethrone Celestia once and for all. There are however a few complications not even she had taken into account. The soils of Equestria, will be shocked and burned.

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Every creature tells its tale

Days without end seemed to have passed by as if it was nothing. Long and terrible days of living in nothing but darkness and solitude, waiting for that one perfect moment to arrive. Simply letting time wave by as it passed by the second. Thoughts that shouldn't be spoken through the mouth as many raised from deep inside of her blackened heart. A heart that had been lurking on vengeance for a very long time.

A heart that wanted nothing else but the utter destruction of a certain somepony. A pony who had been in the lights of the sun for ever so long. A pony who was more venomous than Nightmare Moon could have ever been in the literal sense. A pony that wielded the very power to create and destroy races. The being that made nothing else, but her.

For days on end was the silence kept from her side. Hidden in the darkest part of a place that was never quiet. The endless buzzing roaming through her ears with the screeches of a million children rushing through her brain. Children to whom she was all mentally connection to. She was the queen of a hive minded race. She was nopony else then queen Chrysalis.

A vile creature with a jagged horn, holes in the legs and hair that was poisonous green. Her coat didn't exist anymore as it had formed into an exoskeleton. She wasn't a pony anymore because she was the result of a terrible punishment. A hybrid and horrible combination of both pony and bug. She was a frightful creature that was known among the land simply was a mighty, changeling.

It were beings that could take the form of any living being and with the act done right, could fool every creature they came across. But there was one of her so called ‘children’ who brought her the best news in the days she had lived. The very one that spoke about the princess her broken mental state. It was almost exactly what she needed to make sure that she would get what she wanted.

The eyes opened themselves and the green rimmed eyes revealed themselves in the darkness of the room she stood in. Her lips curled up and opened to reveal the fangs she carried in her mouth. The aura around her horn appeared. “And so it shall be, maker, the creature turns itself against its creator for the ultimate revenge,” she spoke in a echoing, feminine voice. The light green aura became only brighter the longer she kept charging her powers.

In the darkened room did the torches on the walls caught fire. Finally there would be some light upon the room. A room that was located deep under the soils of the ground. In a place where no living pony had anything to search. For the light revealed the fleshy and even spongy walls together with the thick black vines that went across the room.

It was nothing else but a beehive located deep under the ground and stretching itself like an ant’s. A place where hope never had seen the light of day much as the room itself. And in that room, on the throne itself, she sat. The very queen of the changelings, queen Chrysalis. A name that send shivers down the spine of many ponies. But also one that didn't started out like that. History was rewritten for her and her kind. Her empire was lost through the ages because of one simple things that she desired: power.

Chrysalis stood up from the throne and walked down the pathway that stretched in front of her. Her legs carried her throne one of the many pulsing tunnels. Tunnels that were used by her children as manners of getting around. Things created out of organic material and literally functioning as the veins of the hive itself.

The almighty queen took a turn at an unexpected place. Moments later she literally disappeared inside of a wall. She hadn't truly gone though. Chrysalis found herself standing in a room that she had despised to her very soul. A room locked for every living being except herself. The room that held the very truth of that one thing that happened to her on that cursed day ever so long ago.

While only she knew what happened that day, she didn't wanted to let the rest of the land knew whatever happened to her. Because if it only as much as leaked what her true story of origin happened to be, the entire view upon her would be changed forever.

No more would the ruling queen be seen as a dark mare who ruled over the species with an iron hoof. No more would the mare be seen as the almighty force of the forest of Everfree. No more would be even be a queen. She would be nothing but a sad and misunderstood little filly.

And that was about the last thing she wanted to be witnessed as.

With a deep huff had she walked up to the green cushioned sofa. Chrysalis dropped her insectoid body right into it. The back met with the fabric of the sofa and she glared up to the ceiling. On that very ceiling they could be seen with her green eyes. Those strange, organic pods that were filled with all kinds of unspeakable contents.

Some carried different fluids that she would either drink or feed to some of her children, whereas others contained a feeding of a different breed. Knowledge. And to be a lot more exact: her own memories from the day she became what she was. The day her world was ruined through her eyes and she left with her dignity broken.

Memories that were forced right outside of her own head through a set of powerful spells. And it was exactly that pod that she ordered herself to be lowered. It had been years since she last had a look into them. Something that resulted in her eventually forgetting the details that were exactly. Before she would open the hunt on the only remaining princess of the land, the queen needed to be fueled with an anger so pure for the fact that she would be going up against the one mare who was more powerful than she could ever have dreamed to be.

The pod came closer and closer towards her. The lids at the underside gently opened themselves under the sounds of some fleshy rips and tears. Chrysalis took a deep breath and exhaled it all just before the lowering pod latched itself against her face. With her mouth and nose fully covered by the organic pod , the lids clang against the cheek and chin of the queen.

Chrysalis took a deep breath in and the liquids inside of the pod started to bubble. Her eyes closed themselves and before the queen even knew it she was gone from the world. Her mind started to travel back several decades. Screams could be heard in her ears…


…while she woke up from yet another nightmare that had plagued her. Chrysalis was panting almost for her life. In an instant she sat up right in her bed. Her mind had gone haywire and it didn't matter where she looked but everywhere she saw them. The creatures of her mind, her own creations of fright that came to get here. Those horrible insectoid ponies.

The buzzing of their wings could still be heard right inside of her ears as she reached for them. A buzzing that was like those of normal houseflies but a hundred times more stronger. It was a sound that drove her insane. It had been plaguing her for weeks and before she could even give a cry to herself, guards entered her room and turned on the light.

Four sets of eyes looked over to the alicorn with the blond coat and slightly green mane. “Milady Chrysalis,” one of them spoke in true worry. “Did you had another nightmare?” All that the alicorn could do was to give a nod to the words. The power nor the will to reply to them simply didn't happen to be there as a deep sniffle was released from her.

“May, may I suggest that you take a walk through the garden? Your sister might be there as well. She, would still be attending the crystal trees. Maybe the two of you speaking might help to clear some things for your mind,” another guard suggested with a calm voice. They knew how the younger sister of the pair would be. Even though she wasn't assigned to be of royal status yet, Chrysalis possessed powers where none of them would ever be met with.

Suggestions were welcome in Chrysalis’ eyes and ears but they had to be to her liking. Otherwise they were given not a single hearing. But on that night she voted in and gave them a nod. She had agreed to the proposition made. It was something that the guards had actually hoped for and one of them even offered a hoof to help the alicorn out of her bed.

“I, I thank you kindly,” she replied to the four of them. With a simple charge of her magic was the nightie wrapped around her body. The days in the Frozen North were as the name implied: frozen. They could shield themselves from the snow and hail but it was the wind they couldn't do anything against. A wind that was cold enough to make cuts on the face. A thing that through the years the ponies had managed to live with.

And with the passage of some minutes could the young alicorn named Chrysalis be found wandering through the magnificent garden of the Crystal Castle. A place where only the most extraordinary flowers and trees managed to grow. Sometimes with the help of the alicorn and other times with the love given to her from her sister. A sister she both loved and hated at the same time literally all of the time. Sibling rivalry would always find its way, even in the most precious of homes.

There she sat while watering a tree that was bigger than anything in the whole garden. A tree that grew out of the seed of one that her aunts had originally found. “Harmonious, Accentratious, Felixia,” spoke Chrysalis in a normal tone. That way she made her presence known.

“Hmhmhm, so you do remember the name, don’t you ,little sister?” the other pony replied calmly. The blond alicorn nodded from behind while she approached the tree. In her eyes fell the pink coat and the three toned mane of her older sister. Yet that fact alone was more than enough to make her sigh deeply through her nose. A sigh that was caught by the ears of her sister. “Seems like something is weighing on your mind. Something that caused you to come out of your bed. You, aren't turning into a night owl here, are you?”

It was meant to be a little good joke but it never was received that way sadly enough. As Chrysalis herself almost never made a joke and if she did, it was horrible to say the least. So instead of making a reply, she walked up to her sister and sat down next to her. “Harmony tree, one of the Crystal Kingdom as well for Canterlot Castle. Twelve elements of harmony hidden inside of them.”

“Cut it out sister, you’re here for a reason. We both know that something has been troubling you again. So, I’ll be straightforward with you, where it those creatures of yours, yes or no?” the other mare asked with a stern and sharp voice. Chrysalis shocked up a little bit from the sudden outburst of words before she regained her strength and had to admit her fears.

“Y-Yes, they have been haunting me again…”

“You really don’t seem to be liking them inside of your head now do you? But what does it feel like to have bugs crawling under your skull?”

“That’s enough Cadanza!” Chrysalis almost shouted against her sister.

“Don’t be like that, I’m merely asking questions on how you’re feeling here!” Cadence replied in her defense. The watering of the tree stopped almost abruptly.

“Asking how I’m feeling is not done in that manner! You’re making nothing but a mockery of me. I may not be a princess like you are, but we are from the same bloody race!” Chrysalis spewed out in a hatred that was more than genuine. It was honest hatred, possibly the worst kind of hatred that anypony could give to another.

“Part of a race that barely survived the darconi-war! And even to this day, many are dying because of the fact that they can’t shed blood of others. So they do it with their own throat. Don’t forget this, sisterly dear.” Cadence stood up from her position and turned herself around in order to remove herself from the tree. In public she was an angel of the heavens but against her sister she was totally different. She could be the most nastiest wench that the world had ever seen.

There was a reason why Chrysalis had the hatred for Cadence. Combined with the one simple fact that the other alicorn just loved to exploit, the hatred only grew. “You’re adopted. If I had never taken you in, you would have probably done the same! Because I still see it right inside of those eyes of yours Chrysalis, that will to fight. That fire to burn down everything you see in your sight.”

“And has caused that!? I may have fought in the draconi-war myself, but it is nopony else then you who keeps that fire going in side of my heart. You hear me Cadence? You caused me to burn for eternal damnation!” Chrysalis shouted in a shrill yell of utter hatred. “You keep me this way while I want to change!”

But Cadence herself never gave word or hearing to them. She just started to walk away from the scene and left the blond coated alicorn in not only ruins but also in tears. Her broken mind allowed her to go even further back in time. To the moment where she met the princess in her shining armor.


The ground was filled with red from both draconequus and alicorn. The battle had been heavy and Chrysalis had lowered herself upon a rock. She had nothing left except her tears. Which streamed richly down her cheek below the helmet. Tears of sorrow for the lives she had taken, the families destroyed and the revenges called upon her. She never wanted to fight in the great war but all the other alicorns made her to do so.

It was within that moment that she felt something lying over her shoulder. A warm hoof of a pony that was meant to help her. The mare turned herself around and saw the face of nopony else but the mother of Cadence herself below the helmet. Words weren't spoken between the two of them. Though they immediately felt a click between them, something in their personalities matched.

The eyes irradiated a kindness that Chrysalis hadn't seen during her battles in the war, she strongly believed that that alicorn could be her possible salvation from her terrible past. Or at least a piece of her tainted past.

The young alicorn was brought to the lands most frozen solid place where shelter awaited her. Even the parents of Luna and Celestia were there the day she was first let into the castle and met her newest sibling. It was in the very second that the two looked over one another, that the deepest rivalry had been born between the two of them. Neither of them wanted to admit it but it was there already. A rivalry that would exist until the end of time itself.

To make matters probably even worse, all three of the older alicorns felt it right away. But time came and went and all the ponies had to move on. Cadence herself was considered too young by her mother to have entered the war while Chrysalis was actually sent by hers. Two parents whom she never would see again. Two other lives that would lost in the terrible battle that waged. Long before the peace between the two races was being made.

It was a peace with which Chrysalis couldn't be happier about. Yet the embers for power and might, never died down.

Because on the day that Cadence was declared to be the new Princess of Love, Chrysalis didn't show up at the ceremony. Not even to praise her stepmother one last time before she would disappear for all eternity. Some called it a wasted opportunity but the reality of the situation was the fact that the two of them had made peace with one another the night before.

It was done in secret as their mother treated them equally. For her, they were both her daughters. Yet in their own eyes, they differed like day and night. Or as love and hate, as they liked to compare themselves. It was a hard thing for Chrysalis to say goodbye as it meant that she was being with Cadance all of the time. A fact that seemed to be somber but nothing compared to the trouble and pain that was lying ahead of her.

The blond coated alicorn had managed to rise herself in front of the crystalline harmony tree, she wasn't crying anymore. Instead she was wheezing deeply to herself. The plans inside of her mind were being made as she would use that what plagued her in her dreams a dreadful reality.

“I’ll get you little sister, just you wait for that to happen.” Chrysalis snarled to herself. She then turned into the other way and began to walk into the direction of the northern tower of the castle. Her eyes gave a stern, calculating look. She could make anything happen that time.

Her legs started to carry her up the stairs of the highest tower that the Crystal Castle had her to offer. Step after step was being galloped up by her legs as she panted for breath but never showed any sign of being tired whatsoever. It was the sheer determination of her mind that was the only thing who kept managing that she could make the massive climb all in just one go.

Some of the guards who were patrolling the place looked up strange as they saw the alicorn moving up but she was always gone like the wind long before they could even question what was her purpose up there. But none of them seemed to be surprised by the fact that she went up.

They had a good reason for it though, as at the top of the tower was the attic. A place where the alicorn had been going ever since the first week of her arrival in the castle. It was her place to work around and spend the time as she liked. Not even Cadence was allowed to come into the room. It was the only place in the whole of the castle that she truly had claimed to be hers, and hers alone.


At the end of the long steps up, the blond alicorn found herself standing right before a massive wooden door that was locked with a magical lock. But not just any lock that could be opened with a key or a spell. She had to sing a line of a song that only she knew in order for it to open. It was a failproof manner to make sure that nothing else would be able to get inside of the room outside of her. The very last thing that Chrysalis wanted, were ponies sniffing through her gear.

The mare cleared her throat a little bit before the tunes and tones would began to leave her. The words of magic were sung to the door in delight. The words themselves came from an ancient unicorn verse that originated back in the time that princess Platinum still lived. Translated it meant almost literally: the horns as sharp as the blade, the wings steady in the skies and the minds powerful as any spell, let them come for we shall be ready.

The words weren't from any old song but the one of the songs used by the ancient unicorns to make their soldier be filled with hope and lift their spirits up when one of the other two races would be attacking them. The art of war had always fascinated the titleless alicorn for some reason. Though it also had left the deepest cuts into her existence.

The door started to open itself after the words were sang and under a click and screech of the hinges it opened right before her. The blonde coated alicorn entered the room and closed the door behind her. Once against she found herself in the one spot in the whole of the castle that wasn't affected by her stepsister’s ‘love’.

Her eyes looked over the circular room that seemed to be bigger on the inside. For not only had she managed to get an entire alchemy laboratory right inside of it, but also a couple bookshelves filled with books on the profession. Quite the little mastermind had the mare become on the subject through the years. When she looked to her right, Chrysalis saw the shelf with the potions just standing there. Moments later there was a grin that came to her face.

Everything happened to be right there for her. From a deadly neurotoxin to something that would shut the heart down the moment it was swallowed. But also potions to cure the deepest and nastiest cut in a manner of days instead of weeks. Liquids to cure broken bones and to feel happiness. One by one they were deadly in their own manner, but somehow the alicorn had always managed to keep her cool.

With all the power in the potions she had been brewing, the ability to kill her stepsister in an instant was there and it would be something she loved to do. Yet if any traces were to be found, the hooves were easily pointed. She happened to be the only alchemist in the entire castle and their hate-filled relationship was something known to the guards.

“I shall give you a new trick, sisterly dear. A trick never seen before as it comes straight out of my mind. Suffer, what I suffer from!” she spoke to herself in a whisper. She walked up to the ingenious looking set-up that stood in front of her. With a single and simple charge of her horn were the fires lit to let the liquids bubble in their vial’s. Whatever she was planning, it was happening one way or the other.


The night turned into the day who on its turn once again turned into the night and it was Cadence who walked through the castle with a semi worried expression. She had been looking for somepony that she hadn't found all day. And that pony was Chrysalis. “Have you seen my sister by any chance?” she asked to one of the guards.

The crystalline guard pointed his hoof towards the northern tower and the eyes of the princess followed them right up towards it. “So, she has retreated herself into that once again? Suppose she can’t hurt anypony like that. Carry on. I’m heading off to bed.” The guard gave her a salute which was returned by the princess with a simple nod.

Cadence turned herself around in order to return to her sleeping chambers and started to hum some sweet sounding songs to herself while behind the guard himself, a set of blue insectoid eyes as well as a hiss could be heard.

The guard turned itself around in order to see just what it was and only saw something that struck fright right into his body. Because he saw himself, looking at himself, without the aid of a mirror. “I-Impossible!” he stumbled out to his literal even image before he shook his head a little bit. But it wasn't enough to keep him standing right unto his legs.

The day had been terribly tiresome for him though. To add insult to injury, he could fall asleep any second. Which was what eventually happened to him. With a thud he fell on the ground and his even image hissed gently to itself before it carried the guard into a dark corner of the hallway and looked over and into the general direction the princess went.

The eyes were narrowed as their yellow rims disappeared in a green flame. Once the flame was gone again it revealed a set of blue, insectoid eyes as the skin around the eyes was nothing but black. The hunt of the princess had been opened by a mysterious creature without any actual meaning to it.

Meanwhile in the tower, Chrysalis had fallen in a coma-like state. Yet the door stood open at a tiny notch. Something had come out of the chamber, that much was certain. But what was uncertain was just what and even how. The blonde coated alicorn had much to answer for as her arts of alchemy had gone clearly too far.

The mare herself didn't even appear to be breathing yet her heart was pulsing like mad. The eyes were closed as the wings had sprung open. It was uncertain of what happened to her, all that was known was the fact that she did something.

Cadence on the other end was still oblivious to the facts as they were. She would have made herself nice and comfy right inside of her bed. With the blanket covering most her body and the forelegs placed on top of it were her eyes closed and she almost seemed to be like a sleeping beauty. The soft snoring of the princess of love was released through her nostrils and the dreams of fun and games were entered.

Yet it was only then that the door opened itself and something black entered into the chambers. Silence dominated the room and the creature simply returned the silence. For every move that it made was done without a single sound and it looked over the massive bed where she laid in.

The blue insectoid eyes once again were looking over most of the room before it made the decision to walk up right to the hoofend of the bed. Without much hesitation that came forth from it, it dared to make jump right on the bed. The mattress shifted due to the weight that it placed on it.

The creature looked at the princess while the prayers were spoken in a buzzing, unable to be worded. Yet the princess never seemed to be moving a muscle. Inch by inch it started to crawl up to her while hissing louder and louder with almost every single step that it did until their noses almost could touch one another.

In that moment there was a much louder hiss was released from the creature's throat and the wind traveled up against the nose of the princess. A wind that was as cold as the ones outside. It was certainly enough to make her eyes spring open.

Cadence was treated with a view of the being that had launched the attack on her. But with one massive charge of her horn it was flung right against the opposing wall. With a thud came the creature to a landing and it tried to stand up again. Though the princess wouldn't allow it as she held the thing right in a tight magical grip. The alicorn of love removed herself from her bed and walked up to the thing that had attacked her. She was curious to see who had the guts to do such a thing.

It was a being unlike anything she knew from her own history and it didn't even appear to be made by nature. As their eyes met with one another, the eyes of somepony rather well known to her could be seen within them. “Chrysalis," was the name that she mare mumbled to herself and growled in hatred. “You, stupid, ignorant, filly.” Both of the forelegs were placed around the head of the creature. With one motion and without remorse was the neck snapped.

The body was dropped to the ground. Then the signal was given by Cadence to do whatever it would take to get themselves right inside of that tower chamber. She had enough of the games as they went on for decades.


Inside of that very chamber moaned and groaned Chrysalis as she came back to her consciousness and noticed all of the guards surrounding her. “W-What in the…ugh, some, somepony tell me what the meaning of this is?” she brought out to them in a civilized manner while her mind still laid in shatters. The neck was being cracked as if she made certain that it wasn't broken or anything the like.

Those motions alone were enough to trigger some of the guards their minds. They knew more than enough. “Chrysalis, you are being placed under arrest for attempted assassination of the princess.” That were the words spoken by one of the guards, a captain no less. Chrysalis had done it.

Those words caused a shock to travel through the alicorn as she had not even a single clue of what they were talking about. But opposing them wasn't going to be much of a useful idea. Not against the crystalline guard. So the alicorn did the only she could do and that was to come with them, awaiting her trial and judgment for her charged crime.

All the way down in the throne room did the two stepsisters stood. Cadence and Chrysalis didn't spoke a word to one another. They both looked into the direction of a golden orb above the throne. Yet what shocked the blonde coated alicorn the most was the fact that the creature was laid before the steps of it.

“So,” a deep voice from inside the orb started to speak. A voice from which it was uncertain to tell whether it was male or not. “Chrysalis, isn't this your creation of alchemy? This, husk, of a being that you controlled with your mind?”

There wasn't anything else she could do, other than to nod. Which on its turn caused Cadence and herself to be involved in an argument beyond their years. “Silence!” the voice of the orb yelled at the both of them. “Attempting the assassination, shall be paid with the highest judgment I can give for it. Chrysalis, you shall live the rest of your days stripped of your own immortality and like the creature you created.”

“W-What!? No! You can’t do that to me! You can’t turn me into my own creation! You can’t!” Chrysalis shouted against the orb but it was hopeless. The changes had already set themselves in, changes that would make her look hideous for the remaining years of her life. “No! I, I shall end each and every one of you! You can’t make this happen, not to me!” Tears were flowing from the eyes of the mare as her beautiful blonde coat, started to dissolve itself into a black exoskeleton. The changes had started, but not just on the outside.


The lids of the pod gently removed themselves from the cheeks and chin of the changeling queen, after which it started to rise up again. Chrysalis released a couple of deep coughs before she rolled off of the sofa and unto her hooves. The moment they touched the ground started her bug like wings to flap around in order to hoist her from the squishy floor.

Her memories were relived again and the feeling pulsed through her body like nothing else. Hatred was the only feeling that she felt through her and with every pulse that her blackened heart made, she only became more and more angry. The rage was visible deep within her eyes as the fangs had given themselves bare. Venom was even running out of two of her larger canines before a deafening roar was released.

A roar that was so powerful, that it actually managed to crawl its way right into the mental connection of her children to be shared with. For a small moment in time stood all the changelings in the land still. They brought their hooves over to their head to make it stop and not blow the disguises they were wearing.

Yet the ones in the hive had it the most difficult as each of them didn't just hear the roar but also felt the pain she carried. It was something that made them screech all at once. For a second that screech alone could be heard all the way in Canterlot itself as something that could be classified as trouble.

All the guards that were on duty would have glanced into the direction of Everfree. All of them began to fear for the worst. But not even they could possibly predict the trouble and problems that would be coming their way. They would all be in trouble sooner or later. If it would be measured on a scale of one to ten, it would be an eleven without a doubt.

While the sounds gently died down in the room where the queen was hovering in, her eyes never lost their passion as she knew that her plan would be set into motion. A plan to use the state of Celestia’s mourning to her very own advantage. Through lies and a powerful deception did she wanted to get control over the most powerful being in the land and use it for her own goods.

Yet next to her own plan of ultimate destruction of her creator there laid a much more simpler reason. She had to feed her children. Each of her changelings required emotions to survive on and what better way than to extract it out of the fear of the princess being used against them. Canterlot would become the new central hive of the species while the princess of the sun would be reduced to nothing but a guard dog.

That happened to be the plan inside of the head of the queen herself but if it would work was going to be another question. A question to which she may or may not wanted to have the actual answer on.

Either way, the queen began to hover towards the entrance of the chamber and moved herself through the enchanted wall. Her body slowly appeared once again into the organic tube. Though instead of going back into the depths, she turned around. Her way would lead her topside and eventually to the very surface of the hive. To a place she would rarely visit.

The very place where the sun shone brightly on a cool spring day. A day that caused many ponies to have nothing to not much on their head as they were enjoying the time off as much as they could. Not a cloud in the skies and it was that, that bugged the queen as her green rims looked over it with all of their sickening and insectoid glory.

With the wind that was blowing it caused her nostrils to twitch as she also sniffed out the many scents it carried with them. Scents of many emotions that were to be harvested right in the capital of the land the species claimed as theirs. “You just wait, Celestia, once I’m done with you and you alone, your little precious land shall be nothing more than a ravaged battlefield where nothing will grow.” Chrysalis narrowed her eyes, as if she wanted to spy on the castle itself.

In her mind she had the plan worked out into every single detail. Yet if one of those little details would happen to be failing her, Chrysalis would be standing powerless and had to come up with something. And it needed to be right on that very spot. It was that feeling that filled her with the emotion of concern.

A concern she hadn't felt in a long time and possibly didn't even wanted to feel it anymore. Either way, the eyes of the queen lowered themselves from the skies as they turned over to the woods of Everfree. They were narrowed to look through the thick treeline in an attempt to see what possibly could be lying beyond.

It was only after a few seconds of staring that she saw what was lurking right back at her. A timberwolf the size of herself had hidden itself among the vegetation. The set of yellow dots appeared inside of a bush and the queen’s locked right unto it. Though she wasn't foolish as many would have thought or even considered her to be.

Because in the corners of her eyes she caught the two other sets of eyes. She had lived long enough in the woods to know how a timberwolf’s mind would actually work and where there would be one, two more would be revealed sooner or later.

“Not today boys,” mumbled Chrysalis to the three of them in a seductive voice. The creature rose up a shield to protect herself. A shield that had a dark green coloring yet was translucent enough to look straight through it. Her eyes kept themselves locked upon the wolf in front of her as she started to make the retreat back into the hive.

Even with the sun shining down upon them, the woods of Everfree were still cloaked in the shadows of itself. Little light would actually fall through the trees as the leaves blocked lots of it. Something that created an advantage to the wolves. Yet Chrysalis managed to get away unharmed as her shield would be able to hold at least two to three head on charges.

Once she had disappeared into the safety of her hive, the queen made the return to her little sanctum all the way in the bottom of it. The buzzing of her children as well as the screams of ponies that were captured by her might could be heard echoing flawlessly through the organic tubes and sounded like music to her ears.

Though there was one song that she would love to hear. One cry that would shiver her bones for good and give her almost the ultimate satisfaction. And it would be the cries of those same ponies that still lived and roamed on the surface of the land, once her diabolical plan had been a success.