• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 830 Views, 24 Comments

Ramblings of An Angry God - alexmagnet

A collection of unfinished, scrapped, or otherwise previously unpublished story ideas. They range across all genres, and span many themes, but the one thing they have in common is that I dropped all of them for one reason or another.

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Unnamed Crackfic

It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville when Twilight left her house to take a stroll through the park. In fact, it was so bright that Twilight couldn’t help but wonder what Celestia was playing at. This was entirely too bright. Twilight briefly considered what it would take to move the sun back enough so it wasn’t so blindingly bright, then realized that she was still wearing her head-mounted magnifying glasses.

“Whoops, don’t need these anymore,” she said, carefully removing the thick lenses and tossing them back into her study.

With a swift quick and a short trot, she shut the door and was on her way to Ponyville Municipal Park. The park, as of late, was occasionally overrun with roving gangs of children, and that had made it a rather distressing place. Though, with some quick thinking and equally quick spellwork, Twilight had discovered a way to shoo them off. It turns out children are just as susceptible to the “I’m late for work!” spell as adults are.

As she passed through the double-archway of the public park, Twilight noticed a pair of foals playing with small silver necklace. The short chubby one was about to put it around his neck when Twilight’s spell hit him. He dropped the necklace and looked up at his friend with wide eyes.

“Oh no, if I’m late again, Mr. Hayseed’s gonna kill me!”

The tall skinny one arched an eyebrow in confusion. “Uhh... what?” That was when the second spell struck him full in the face. Without even so much as a goodbye to his friend, the skinny one turned tail and began sprinting towards Ponyville shouting, “I’m coming Ms. Pennyapple!”

The chubby one quickly followed suit and within a few moments Twilight was once again alone. She breathed in deeply, relishing the sound of silence echoing around her. It felt good to be alone. Now then, with those two out of the way she was free to roam the park in blissful quietude. But first, she had to examine the necklace the chubby one dropped.

Scooping it up with her magic, Twilight twirled it around in the air and marveled at its beauty. Clearly whoever had crafted this was a master of the art. The metalwork was astonishing and the crescent moon that hung from the chain was inlaid with turquoise and ringed with diamonds. It was a gaudy thing, but oddly magnetic. Twilight found herself wondering what it would look like around her neck.

With some deftly applied magic, she unhooked the necklace and brought the two halves together behind her back and then clipped them back together. It felt warm against her breast, and surprisingly heavy, though not uncomfortably so. If only she had a mirror so she could see how it looked.

“Excellent work, you fat cow. You’ve put it on the wrong way.”

The voice seemed to come from nowhere, and yet felt eerily close. Twilight turned around quickly expecting to find herself face to face with another pony, but there was nobody there, just empty fields and a pleasant wind blowing across the grass.

“Hello?” she called out quietly. “Is anyone there? That was very rude you know.”

“Rude? I should hope so. That was my intent.”

There it was again. Arrogant, haughty, cavalier, it was difficult to describe exactly how it sounded.

“Are you going to stand around looking for me all day, or are you going to stop being an idiot and realize that I’m right here?”

No, that couldn’t be right. Necklaces didn’t talk... right?

Twilight glanced down at the jewelry strung about her neck. As if to confirm her suspicions, she heard the voice again.

“Yes, that’s right. You may be an idiot, but you’re not crazy. I’m the one who’s speaking to you. I, the great and powerful—err, I mean, the beautiful and enchanting... uhh, Xitrei! Tremble in fear, puny mortal, for I am the harbinger of your doom.”

Twilight couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” She held the necklace up. “You’re a necklace. Necklaces can’t talk.”

“Xitrei is not just any necklace, she is the most powerful necklace in Equestria!”

“But you’re still jewelry!”

“Twilight Sparkle, I knew you were stupid, but racist too? Xitrei is not amused by your casual racism.

Author's Note:

This is in the same vein as the paraplegic orphan fic. I was like, "Oh man, wouldn't it be funny if Trixie was a cursed necklace and tricked Twilight into wearing her?" Yeah... that idea was funny for about five seconds, then I tried to write it. It basically went nowhere. However, one good thing did come out of this fic. During the writing of it, I came up with the idea for Literary Love, Literally, which ended up being much better, so I'm very happy with that.