• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 830 Views, 24 Comments

Ramblings of An Angry God - alexmagnet

A collection of unfinished, scrapped, or otherwise previously unpublished story ideas. They range across all genres, and span many themes, but the one thing they have in common is that I dropped all of them for one reason or another.

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An Unbelievably Good Day to Dash Hard

The rumble of the lightning blue Charger’s engine reverberated in Spike’s chest as he stared across the rooftop parking lot and into the adjacent building’s tenth floor. He thumbed his chin, lost in thought. After a moment, he turned his head to the left. Rainbow Dash, amber sunglasses obscuring her eyes, looked back at him, an impossibly smug look on her face. Spike let his mouth fall open with the intent that words would soon follow… but they didn’t

“I know, right?” said Rainbow Dash excitedly, bobbing her head up and down. “Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Trust me though, totally, like, one-billion percent foolproof. There’s no possible way this could fail.”

Spike closed his mouth and attempted to gather his thoughts. It didn’t take long for him to realize that there was no way to reconcile this in his head. He simply had to ask her himself.

“So,” he said, closing his eyes and pinching his two forefingers between them, “just so that I know I’m understanding this correctly, you’re telling me that you want to, and correct me if I’m wrong here, drive this car off the roof… and into the Trans-Equestrian Bank?”

“Yep, that’s about the basic gist of it.” Rainbow removed her glasses and leaned over to Spike. “Look, I know this plan sounds like all kinds of nuts, but this is literally the only way inside that building.”

“...well not literally—”

“—Plus, those dudes’ll never see this comin’! I mean, who drives a car off a roof and into a building?” Rainbow Dash nudged Spike for an answer.

“Uhh… no one?”

Exactly! That’s why it’s the perfect plan! No one in their right mind would ever do something this crazy so who in their right mind would ever expect it?”

Spike mouthed wordlessly, like he was chewing on some giant piece of gum. "You're gonna have to give me a second here because I'm trying to wrap my mind around the logic behind that." Spike massaged his temple, then sighed. "You know what? Screw it. I don't care. Lets just do this already." He reached over his shoulder and pulled the seatbelt across his chest. He was about to buckle it, then thought twice and realized that it wouldn't make any difference when they exploded on impact.

Rainbow Dash smirked, pulled her sunglasses down, and said, "That's all I need to hear." Her hoof shot down to the gear shift and threw the car into high gear. With the pedal pressed all the way to the ground, the car screamed into motion, smoke billowing from the tires.

They ripped across the parking garage roof, hurtling straight towards certain doom. Somehow though, Rainbow Dash looked like she couldn't have been more excited. Her face was practically split in half from the grin on her face. If Spike could've seen her eyes, he would've noticed how they looked like they were on fire. But right now, he was far more preoccupied with the rapidly approaching wall.

In her earnest, Rainbow had clearly overlooked a vital step in her otherwise flawless plan. The wall was all that separated Spike and Rainbow Dash from the bank, but without anyway over it, they would simply crash right into it. Sure, they’d probably go through it, but only after becoming a metal pancake. Spike had just clasped his hands together and started praying to whatever gods he thought might listen when Rainbow Dash shouted something.

“Better grab something quick. This ride’s about to get vertical!”

Before Spike could even process what she meant by that, Rainbow’s hoof moved from the stick to the center console where she jabbed a smallish button. Spike barely had time to grab the handrail above him before the car leapt into the air and went soaring over the barrier and towards the bank. He was now regretting not buckling his seatbelt.

As gracefully as a five-thousand pound hunk of metal and leather can soar through the air, the Charger did. From the outside it would’ve looked like the electric blue car was flying across the sky, but Rainbow Dash preferred to think of it as falling… with style. Obviously though, since they were falling and not flying, their flight was ended seconds after it began with a deafening crash and the sound of glass shattering as they exploded through the window and into the tenth floor offices much to the surprise of the hapless drones.

Author's Note:

God, I still love the hell out of this idea. I think I might end up writing it still, but it's been a few months since I started it, so I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. I just really want to see a well-done buddy-cop comedy. They're honestly a lot harder than I thought they would be to write.