• Published 27th Dec 2013
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Harmony Undone: The Rise of Order - Zodiacspear

The World of Equestria is a world of balance and harmony, when the balance is tipped in one direction the opposing element swells.

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Chapter Eight

Twilight watched, from her vantage point, as a pair of crystal ponies scurried out of the way of an oncoming patrol. The dark ponies paid the two little mind, in fact, as far as Twilight saw, the creatures only acted when a pony was too slow to move or they caught sight of any wrongdoing. Lowering her binoculars, Twilight flicked her mane out of her face as the cold wind continued to tug at it. She clamped her teeth shut as they threatened to chatter as she and her friends watched the crystalline city below from beyond the protective field.

Pulling her jacket about her tighter, Twilight lifted the binoculars again to peer at the crystal tower. A frown pulled at her face as she saw no hoof traffic around it and that the Crystal Heart was missing from its pedestal. She turned to peer through the windows but felt that increasingly familiar knot of dread in her gut form.

‘Shining, Cadence, I know you’re in there somewhere. Please be safe. Please don’t let anything have happened to you.’ She bit at her lip as images of her brother and sister-in-law floating listlessly in the Realm of Shadow almost made her want to throw caution to the wind and fly straight for the tower.

She nearly jumped as a comforting hoof rested on her shoulder. “I know you’re worried, Twi, but don’t let yourself get caught up in worryin’,” Applejack said. “I believe Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are in there a-okay.”

“But we don’t know that, Applejack.” Twilight said as she let the binoculars fall to her barrel. “You’ve seen what Tyranny can do, what he did to Trixie and the others. Who knows what he would do to Cadence or Shining?”

“I know, sugarcube,” Applejack said as she rested her hoof back to the snow. “But ya gotta believe they’re ok, you can’t focus if yer held up by yer worry. We’ll get them out. Don’t ya fret.”

“Besides, dear,” Rarity said while tightening her own scarf around her neck. “That lout Tyranny wouldn’t do anything rash. Remember what Princess Celestia said? He’s a careful planner and a schemer. It wouldn’t do to have them sent to that dreadful place. He’ll likely want to keep them close by.”

“Actually, it was Discord who—”

“Rarity’s right, Twilight.” Pinkie said, interrupting Fluttershy. “It’s kind of like candy. When you want to get a snack, you keep your favorite, most-delicious candy nearby so that you could have the best for when you get snacky.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I don’t think comparing Princess Cadence and Twilight’s brother to candy would be the best comparison.”

Pinkie’s smile spread across her whole face. “If they were candy, what do you think they’d be? Oh, I bet it’s gumdrops!”

“Pinkie!” chided more than one of her friends.

Twilight, however, smiled at Pinkie’s levity. It was just like her friend to bring a smile even during the grimmest of times.

Brushing aside a grateful tear, she smiled warmly to her friends. “Thanks, girls,” she said and the six shared a group hug, something Twilight admitted she dearly needed.

“It is best you go in under the cover of night, Princess Twilight,” Luna said, breaking up the moment. “Also, keep the Elements of Harmony with you at all times, in case you confront Tyranny.” Her gaze shifted to the city and a frown marred her features. “First and foremost, you must rescue Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor. The Crystal Tower belongs to Tyranny now, and a confrontation with him will leave you at a disadvantage. Once you have set them free, we can meet with my sister and plan a confrontation on our own terms.”

“He’ll likely have them secured in the holding chambers below the tower,” Twilight said before furrowing her brow. “You’re not coming with us, Princess Luna?”

She shook her head. “Tyranny can likely to sense my presence from afar. If I were to accompany you, it would likely lead to a confrontation we are not ready for.”

“It should be a good night for movin’ around quiet like. Looks like the crystal pegasi are puttin’ together a storm.” Applejack motioned to a part of the sky where a team of pegasi were putting the finishing touches on a rainstorm.

“A storm?!” Rarity shrieked, reaching to cover her mane. “That would be a dreadful time to be outside in any occasion.”

Rainbow Dash huffed. “It isn’t going to be any big storm, Rarity. That’s just going to be a squall. Besides, a little rain never hurt anyone.”

Rarity turned up her nose and sniffed. “I beg to differ.”

“Let’s not get into a fight over how wet we might get. We’re going in to get Princess Cadence and my brother out of there.” Twilight’s gaze hardened as she looked back towards the crystal tower.

“Heck yeah we are, and we’ll kick some flank while we’re at it.” Rainbow rubbed her front hooves together, an eager gleam in her eyes.

“We’re not going to pick a fight, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said as she floated her crown to rest on her head. “We’re going to try not to be seen.”

“Oh! Like a ninja. All stealthy and unseen and swift as the wind,” Pinkie Pie bounced in excitement, already dressed in dark ninja attire.

After staring at Pinkie for a long moment, Rainbow turned an incredulous look Twilight’s way. “You really think we aren’t going to be seen?”

“No, we won’t.” Twilight started down the cliff towards the city, Applejack and the other girls following after her. Twilight’s ears flicked at Rainbow’s snort, but she didn’t let it bother her. No matter what, she swore she wasn’t leaving without her family or her friends.


As night and rain fell over the Crystal Empire, the girls made their way through the city. They moved from cover to cover as they snuck towards the Crystal Tower. The rain fell at a steady, soaking pace, the occasional flash of lightning illuminating the streets.

In fear of being spotted by the frequent patrols, Twilight didn’t dare use her magic to light the way. Her friends followed her lead closely through the city. The deeper they got into the city, the more Twilight caught herself looking over her shoulder.

‘I don’t like this. Those shadow ponies could be hiding anywhere and we’d never see them.’ She paused and ducked behind a building corner as she spotted a patrol make its way across the street. A sigh of relief escaped her as the dark ponies didn’t even bother looking down her road. Motioning to her friends, the six of them dashed ahead and soon left the patrol behind them.

As they made it to the last home before the open plaza of the Crystal Tower, Twilight and the others ducked into the cover of the garden that ringed the home. She pushed aside the leaves enough to get a good look at the front door. When she did, she wanted to groan as the entrance was guarded by a quartet of shadow ponies. They made no indication of moving, standing silent as statues, yet watchful.

“Well this certainly poses a problem,” Rarity whispered, rain sliding off the rain hat she insisted on wearing. “How are we going to get past those ruffians, Twilight?”

Twilight let the leaves fall back in place to regard her friends. “I don’t know, and it doesn’t look like they’re going to move anytime soon either,” she said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. “They likely won’t move unless they have good reason to.”

“S-Should we go back and get P-Princess Luna?” Fluttershy said, her shivering having nothing to do with the cold.

“No, Fluttershy, we need to do this on our own,” Twilight said as she looked back at the tower.

“Patrol coming.” Applejack warned.

The six of them hid behind the house and its foliage as a patrol of shadow creatures made their way towards the tower. Between them, they dragged a struggling crystal pony. The mare squirmed and whimpered, her eyes wide with fear as they unceremoniously tossed her in front of the other four.

“State your business,” The sentry’s voice was like ice, void of any emotion or warmth.

“This one was out past curfew. She is to be jailed immediately,” replied the patrol’s leader, its voice no different.

“Very well, take her away.”

The captive sobbed and tried to scramble away only for two of the door guards to catch her and drag her inside. “I only wanted to find my cat,” Her crying was cut off as the door slammed shut. In a puff of smoke, two more creatures appeared to take the place of the two who had removed the prisoner.

Without ceremony, the patrol turned back down the street from which it came.

Twilight let the leaves fall back in place, a sickening feeling in her gut. “That poor pony.”

“And her cat,” Fluttershy whispered, tears rimming her eyes.

Rainbow Dash growled, jabbing at the air a few times. “I can’t wait to get my hooves on Tyranny. Jailing innocent ponies because they were out looking for their lost pet? That really makes me mad.”

“You and me both,” Applejack said past gritted teeth.

Rarity wiped at her eyes. “Such is the rule of a despot.”

“A despa-what-now?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“A despot is somepony who rules in a tyrannical and cruel way.” Her attention on the guards, Twilight’s answer was like an automated reply.

Pinkie giggled. “It still sounds silly.”

“Quiet now. We don’t want ta get caught either,” Applejack said as she kept watch down the road.

“So how are we getting in? Thrash the guards and bust down the door?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight said as she studied the almost lifeless creatures guarding the door. “No, if we take out the guards, Tyranny will know we’re here.” She sighed. “We’re going to need a distraction,”

“On it!” Rainbow leaped ahead.

“No, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said quickly, using her magic to grab the pegasus by the tail, she yanked her back to cover. Daring a peek past the foliage, she sighed in relief as the dark ponies remained unmoving.

Rainbow frowned as she dangled upside down from her tail. “You said you needed a distraction.”

“Not caused by us. We’ll need everypony to save Cadence and Shining.”

“Who then?” Rainbow asked as Twilight dropped her to the ground.

Twilight’s brow furrowed as she ran scenario after scenario in her mind, but every one of them ended with them being discovered or captured. Groaning, she mussed up her mane as nothing that came to mind would work!

“We could always let ourselves be captured. They’d take us right to where Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are,” Pinkie Pie chimed in with her usual smile.

Slowly, the other five turned steady looks her way.

“Just an idea,” she said. If Pinkie was fazed at all by their glares, she didn’t show it.

Despite it, Twilight blinked as Pinkie’s suggestion tickled at an idea. ‘Let ourselves be captured…’ her eyes widened and she grinned. “I’ve got an idea. I’ll make an illusion of another crystal pony. The guards will chase it away and give us time to get inside before they come back.”

“That might actually work, but will they not get suspicious if the pony suddenly vanishes?” Rarity asked.

“I’ll make sure to release the spell out of their sight. That way they think it just gave them the slip.”

Applejack chewed at her lip before she nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

“Ok,” Twilight said as she peeked past the bushes once more. “Once they are out of sight we will have to hurry, in case more of them come back.”

The girls nodded and readied themselves to rush the door.

Twilight took in a deep breath. “Here goes,” she said, and her horn glowed. A short distance away a crystal pony appeared and walked towards the tower. The observant eye would’ve noticed that the rain fell through the conjured pony; luckily the shadow creatures didn’t have such a distinguishing ability. As one, they turned towards the visage.

“Citizen, halt, and prepare for questioning,” they said in unison.

The pony fled down the road, and the four guards took off in pursuit.

“You did it, Twilight.” Fluttershy smiled to her friend.

Twilight gritted teeth as sweat rolled down her face.“ This is really hard to hold, get to the door, girls.”

As the girls burst from cover, Twilight willed her illusion jump behind a building before letting her magic fade—the illusion vanishing with it. She ran for the door, only to find it was still closed.

“What’s wrong with the door?” she asked.

“It won’t budge!” Rainbow’s words were strained from the effort. She, Applejack, and Pinkie were shoving against the door, but it wouldn’t move.

Rarity turned a worried look her way. “The pony?”

“I already dispelled it.” Twilight’s eyes widened in panic.

Fluttershy’s voice took a frantic edge as she peeked around the corner the guards had run off from. “They’re coming back!”

“Everypony push!” Twilight said as they shoved against the door together. The door gave only slightly to their efforts.

“Come on, come on… ” Rainbow said, pushing against the door with all she had.

Crashing against the wall, the door flew open and they tumbled inside.

“The door, the door, the door!” Twilight said.

Applejack whirled and shut the door. Just in time for the guards to turn the corner and take up their posts again, none the wiser.


Twilight freed herself from the tangle of ponies and glanced around. A relieved sigh escaped her as the foyer was empty. She turned and offered Rarity a helping hoof up.

“Thank you, darling. Now I suppose we’ll have to find where they’re being held.” She adjusted her mane to its perfect setting, floating her rain hat to a nearby hat rack.

“They would be in the lower levels; the holding cells are there, and the center stairwell is the only way to get there. I can’t see Tyranny putting them anywhere else. If he didn’t… ” With a shake of her head, Twilight looked back to her friends. “Let’s stay together; that way we can—” frowning, she looked around the room. “Where is Pinkie Pie?”

“She was just here a moment ago,” Fluttershy said. She squeaked in fright as her body vanished in a puff of black smoke.

“Fluttershy!” the remaining four shouted.

Twilight heard Rarity gasp before the unicorn disappeared in the same manner.

“What—?” Rainbow Dash disappeared.

“Twilight?” Applejack asked worriedly before she also vanished.

Twilight’s hooves clopped loudly as she darted around the room. “Applejack? Rainbow? Rarity? Oh Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie? Where are you? What is going on?”

Looking at her hooves, she expected the same to happen to her, yet, nothing happened.

“What is going on? How? Where?”

She looked up with a gasp as a dark, mocking chuckle echoed through the halls.

Twilight’s eyes widened. ‘He knows! He knows we’re here!’ She hurried down the hallway, hoping to find her friends before Tyranny did.