• Published 19th Jan 2014
  • 268 Views, 0 Comments

Mechanis Maximus - K_and_REDACTED

Follow the (arguably) improved main six, in a grim future where equestria has been conquered by an army of technology led by a mysterious creature unseen before in this realm. Maybe they'll save the world, maybe they won't... lets find out,

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Sector 23 High-end district
Datus Aproximus: 9985
04:02 Pm. EQT

Mommy still isn’t back yet… she should have been back an hour ago… she’s never this late without calling first… maybe I should call her… what if she got in trouble at work again… what if she got in so much trouble they locked her away… what she got in so much-so much trouble that their gonna lock me away too… what if-
The front door opened hastily, the rain outside was deafening for a moment, and then the door was forced shut nearly, if not faster, than it was opened, and the sound softened to a whisper. Two voices sounded from the entry way. A small filly buried in blankets on her bed up the hall, let out a small sigh of relief. She knew one of the voices better than any other; it was her mothers. But the second voice was unfamiliar to her. She knew something was going on, what with the lateness of her mother, so the little filly did what she knew best: she observed. The voice was female, it had a pronounced accent to it, and, its owner very clearly knew her mother, if its tone was to be trusted. She slowly poked her head out from beneath the blankets to hear more clearly the conversation they were having.
“…s a very nice place, Ah’d hate to ruin the carpet.”
“Heh, well I-I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t want you ruining the carpet either. The bathroom’s down the hall, second door to the left.”
She heard hoof steps approach then turn off, then she heard a door close. Seeing this as an opportunity, she flung the blankets off herself, and silently as she could, trotted past the bathroom door, to the origin of her mother’s voice.
As soon as her mother saw her she broke into a big grin. Reaching out a hoof she ruffled her daughters’ hair. She chuckled when her daughter tried vainly to straighten her already wild mane. The filly, after apparently being satisfied with the slight chance she had managed to exact upon her mane, looked at her mother questioningly.
“Mommy, where’ve you been? You should have been home at three, it’s nearly four ten!”
“I’m sorry sweetie, but I was out, and I lost track of time, and this weather, makes traveling so difficult.”
“Oh… well I-I guess that’s okay, but you-”
“Boy Rainbow, they sure do take care a’ you GPD’ don’t they. Why, Ah… A-Am Ah interruptin’ y’all?”
“Oh no, no, not at all, in fact you’re right on time. Light, this is my friend; Applejack. Applejack, this is my daughter; Light Speed.”
Applejack examined the filly for a moment and furrowed her brow.
“You’re Rainbow Dash’s… daughter…?”
“Yup, that’s me!” the filly replied brightly, fluttering her wings and scratching at the ground, “Light Speed, most awesome pegasus in all of Sector 23, maybe even the whole world!”
“…Yup, You’re Rainbow Dash’s daughter alright… but… it’s… it’s just… how…?”
Light cocked her head incomprehensively,
“I-it’s just… Ah seem to recall her saying she… uh… couldn’t…”
Light simply gave her a look possessing not a shred of understanding. Rainbow stepped in for her daughter,
“It’s actually a bit of a long story, and we’ve got plenty of time. I mean, I’m not letting on of my friends go out alone in… well..,” she gestured to a window, and thunder struck outside as if on a cue “…that… C’mon, I’ll make us some drinks.”
By the time she finished they’d had two drinks each. It really was a very long story…