> Mechanis Maximus > by K_and_REDACTED > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Like leaves in autumn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CLaUD presents: A Eutrepa labs creation, Mechanis Maximus By K. and [Redacted] The souls of mortals are petty. Damn them. Damn them all to the forsaken realm, that’s what I say. They think things will last. Damn their ideas. Damn the solar empire. They think they can have a hand in fate. Damn their naiveté… And damn lunar republic too. Their petty, and that’s the long and short of it. They are petty damnable creatures. Of course the solar empire was the first to fall. With our machines and the help of the rebellion, our victory was inevitable. Of course, the ‘new lunar republic’ left themselves far to open, and were an easy target to take down. They were just petty sisters with petty dreams, no more. An argument easily stopped with the back of a father’s hand. And, as one laughs at the others misfortune, it comes upon her too. Petty, naïve, and damnable. And stupid, mustn’t forget stupid… Their looks of horror as their princess, nay, their god even, was brought to her knees, bloody, sobbing, and begging forgiveness. Slaughtered... the last thing her people would see of her, would be the inside of her skull, as a rifle round tore through it. Their screams of horror, as they were showered with their “immortal goddess’” grey mater, almost euphoric in a way... Ah, but this all sounds much too grim, and I, must sound a sadist. No, no… no sadism… no grim reality checks… no pompous metaphor about life, or destiny, or some other equally stupid concept… no… no ignorant claims of progress, or the future of life as we know it… no… no… but a mortal would not, no… could not, understand the true reasoning for what we have done…they… you…are mortal… stupid… and petty… and naïve… and damnable… and most of all… perfect. > Beginings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damnation; DatusAproximus: 9985 10:42 Am. EQT Winter Z-54.6 Z-54.6 Z-54.6, NOW! “Gah-!” Color returning to her face, she blinked rapidly, pupils dilating. Her brain began to take in her surroundings, which was too great of a task for it to accomplish. It made a point of this by pounding against her skull “Z-54.6, you will not be asked again.” The mare looked around as she felt blood flow slowly return to her body. “Z-54.6, active… sir.” She responded, the last word bluntly un-approving of its own existence, as she tried vainly to locate the source of the voice in the harsh light. “Z-54.6, why did you not respond.” The voice was calm; it was a statement, not a question. “Startup lag… sir.” “YOUR STATEMENT IS FALSE,” the voice replied sharply, one with a keen ear, could hear a very faint metallic edge to his voice. She could now see that ‘he’ was an advanced general policing unit; trouble. “Extended stabilized stasis apparatus’ have a maximum startup lag of exactly 5.8 seconds; you remained unresponsive for 21.687 seconds exactly. Why did you not respond.” “I… I’m sorry… sir” “INVALID RESPONSE. Why did you not respond.” “I was… browsing extended memory data…” “And you willingly ignored a superior.” Again, a statement. “How should I know if you are my superior?” Throwing his head back, the officer let out a piercing electronic noise; that may once have been a laugh, which caused the mare to wince, and draw a hoof to her ear. The lesser officers accompanying him joined, maybe out of fear, or perhaps it really was that funny. Regaining himself, but without losing a cruel smirk, the officer looked her in the eyes. “Are you honestly suggesting that there is anyone who is inferior to an Unmodulated, and one convicted of high treason no less?” “I… I… Just-” “Silence, we have no time for your senseless reasoning’s, I have been ordered to transport you.” “T-transport me?” “Are you deaf? Or just stupid? Yes, transport you.” “Where?’ “INFORMATION CLASSIFIED.” “Oh.” With a gesture from their superior, the two basic policing units escorted her from the platform she’d been suspended on, and out of the small chamber. As they left, she turned to read the sign beside the chambers door. She knew what it said. But she read it anyway… she had to. It said what it always had; “Secure prisoner containment stasis cell 19 Prisoner ID: Z-54.6 Twilight Sparkle” > The First Cog... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sector 23 [formerly Ponyvile] outskirts; DatusAproximus: 9985 02:34 Pm. EQT Spring Should… The harvest should be good… When… When bucking season starts If… If the GPD don’t come by again… Good… The… Applejack? So… Applejack… Then… “APPLEJACK!” “H-huh?” “Y’aint listen’ t’ me!” “A-Ah’m sorry sugar cube, what is it?” “Ya went in t’ tomorrow’s work.” “O-oh sorry…” She’d zoned out. It wasn’t the first time. Applejack didn’t like the way they taught the children these days; it just reminded her that soon, very soon now, Applebloom would be required to receive modulations, just like the rest of them. “S’all right. Can I go out n’ play now?” “Heh, sure y’all can-” “AJ.” It was Macintosh “-Huh? What is it Mac?” “We got sum ‘company’ comin’ our way.” Applejack’s expression hardened “Applebloom, go t’ your room.” Her friends could wait, she knew they’d understand. “Alright sis…” “Mac, make sure she STAYS there. Ah’ll take care of our guests” He nodded solemnly before following their sister up the stairs. AJ stood a moment and said a silent prayer. Then she walked out the door. It had rained for nearly a week at least, hadn’t stopped for a moment. It was beginning to let up, but the sky wasn’t any brighter. It’d be back; probably worse too. The trees were overwatered, their apples rotting on the branches, and the mud was no help either. Applejack could see the approaching pony. She knew how to deal with GPD officers. She looked down at the ground as the officer approached her. “Citizen.” She was surprised to hear the officers’ voice was that of a mare. Not many mares joined the GPD. Then again… not many survived the training. “E-evening m-am.” Applejack said to the mud at her hooves. “Citizen, you and your family were ordered to make a shipment of 500 units into Sector 23. Confirm statement;” “Y-yes ma-am” “A shipment was sent from your plantation containing 498 units. Confirm statement;” “Y… Yes… ma-am” “You knowingly retained two units from your shipment?” “W-well Ah… uh…” “Invalid response. Citizen; did you or did you not KNOWINGLY retain two units from your intended shipment of 500?” “…Yes… B-but five hundred was all we could manage, what with all the rain, a-and we were all out of-” “You are three.” “H-huh?” “You are three, Sector 23 is one thousand three hundred and twenty six; the needs of the many miss, the needs of the many.” “Ah… Ah…-” “-Look at me citizen.” “W-what?” “I want you to look at me, face to face, eye to eye, mare to mare, and if you can look me in the eye and say it was honestly, TRULY impossible to produce even a single unit more, I will tell my superiors you were misinformed.” “B-but why would ya-?” “Honestly I’d rather not add another weight onto my conscience, but really, if you do it or you don’t, I don’t really care, you must simply be extremely lucky I feel like rule bending today.” Applejack looked up at the Policemare before her. She blinked…Then again…And again… Her jaw fell so low it may have splashed up the mud. “Well…?” She didn’t speak for, what was perhaps, the longest twelve seconds in all recorded history. When finally she spoke, all she could muster was a weak, almost silent; “Y… you…” > Infertility > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sector 23 High-end district Datus Aproximus: 9985 04:02 Pm. EQT Spring Mommy still isn’t back yet… she should have been back an hour ago… she’s never this late without calling first… maybe I should call her… what if she got in trouble at work again… what if she got in so much trouble they locked her away… what she got in so much-so much trouble that their gonna lock me away too… what if- The front door opened hastily, the rain outside was deafening for a moment, and then the door was forced shut nearly, if not faster, than it was opened, and the sound softened to a whisper. Two voices sounded from the entry way. A small filly buried in blankets on her bed up the hall, let out a small sigh of relief. She knew one of the voices better than any other; it was her mothers. But the second voice was unfamiliar to her. She knew something was going on, what with the lateness of her mother, so the little filly did what she knew best: she observed. The voice was female, it had a pronounced accent to it, and, its owner very clearly knew her mother, if its tone was to be trusted. She slowly poked her head out from beneath the blankets to hear more clearly the conversation they were having. “…s a very nice place, Ah’d hate to ruin the carpet.” “Heh, well I-I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t want you ruining the carpet either. The bathroom’s down the hall, second door to the left.” She heard hoof steps approach then turn off, then she heard a door close. Seeing this as an opportunity, she flung the blankets off herself, and silently as she could, trotted past the bathroom door, to the origin of her mother’s voice. As soon as her mother saw her she broke into a big grin. Reaching out a hoof she ruffled her daughters’ hair. She chuckled when her daughter tried vainly to straighten her already wild mane. The filly, after apparently being satisfied with the slight chance she had managed to exact upon her mane, looked at her mother questioningly. “Mommy, where’ve you been? You should have been home at three, it’s nearly four ten!” “I’m sorry sweetie, but I was out, and I lost track of time, and this weather, makes traveling so difficult.” “Oh… well I-I guess that’s okay, but you-” “Boy Rainbow, they sure do take care a’ you GPD’ don’t they. Why, Ah… A-Am Ah interruptin’ y’all?” “Oh no, no, not at all, in fact you’re right on time. Light, this is my friend; Applejack. Applejack, this is my daughter; Light Speed.” Applejack examined the filly for a moment and furrowed her brow. “You’re Rainbow Dash’s… daughter…?” “Yup, that’s me!” the filly replied brightly, fluttering her wings and scratching at the ground, “Light Speed, most awesome pegasus in all of Sector 23, maybe even the whole world!” “…Yup, You’re Rainbow Dash’s daughter alright… but… it’s… it’s just… how…?” Light cocked her head incomprehensively, “I-it’s just… Ah seem to recall her saying she… uh… couldn’t…” Light simply gave her a look possessing not a shred of understanding. Rainbow stepped in for her daughter, “It’s actually a bit of a long story, and we’ve got plenty of time. I mean, I’m not letting on of my friends go out alone in… well..,” she gestured to a window, and thunder struck outside as if on a cue “…that… C’mon, I’ll make us some drinks.” By the time she finished they’d had two drinks each. It really was a very long story… > Blue lips, Black hearts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damnation, Capitol building, Level 5 Datus Aproximus: 9985 12:34 Am. EQT Winter When finally they arrived at the capitol building, Twilight couldn't stop shaking. Damnation had the harshest weather in the country, and the police had escorted her here on foot. Needless to say, she had to spend several minutes in the med-bay, before continuing up to the fifth floor. It was here, when the lift doors opened, that her escort left her. The room outside the lift was small, with no more than four walls and a door. A camera mounted above the lift doors turned to face her. There was a click, and the door slid slightly ajar. Slowly, twilight pushed the door opened and walked inside. The next room was very dark… no… actually, it was lit fairly well, but the entire room was covered in sleek black a tiling, which fooled the eye and gave the illusion of darkness. The space between the tiles glowed with a blue light. Twilight advanced into the room. Finally, a voice sounded from where she’d come. “Good evening, Miss Sparkle.” Twilight turned, to find, not a doorway leading back to the elevator room, but instead, a tall, lanky stallion, sat behind a large wooden desk, in the center of a modern (modern being a relative term) office. Glancing over her shoulder she saw that the room behind her was now, also a well-furnished office space. “Good… evening…” she replied hesitantly. “Miss Sparkle, do you know who I am?” “I have a fairly general idea…” she took a step toward him “I doubt you’d forget me, after what you tried to do… and, where it’s gotten you…” “Pallien…” she spat the name like a bad taste from her mouth “Ah, you do remember me… how sweet.” “What do you want? Why am I here?” “Oh, come now, you have no need for such tones with me, after all, I have no problems letting you rot in your stasis chamber for the rest of your life…” he let the statement sink in Twilight tried to hide the fear and the rage in her voice “Why did you bring me here?” She saw the stallion smirk, and, though she could not see his eyes from beneath a wide brimmed hat he wore low on his brow, she felt him gaze into her soul. The office fell apart around her, revealing once again the black tiled room, she was unsure what was going on, but she felt a sure air of seriousness. The lights, had gained a bit of red to them, making them appear faintly purple. The stallion strode calmly toward her, and, when he was just a foot away, he whispered to her in a soft yet spine chilling voice. “The future my dear… the future…”