• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 29th, 2022

Your Friendly Neighbor

I no longer write with any seriousness. Readers beware.

Comments ( 19 )

:rainbowderp: I don't get it. But this looks interesting...


It's based on the SCP series.

It's pretty obscure, you'd probably not know anything about it.


As a long time fan of the SCP series, I was excited when I saw this.

But, I am mildly disappointed, you paced this extremely fast, it did not generate the scariness the actual SCPs provide.

Not bad, really felt like one of the written expeditions that came from the site. It was a little fast paced, though. Also, I believe that in the first chapter you meant to say descend instead of ascend. Other than that, not bad. Keep it up.

You missed the mark on the tone of the 087 expedition logs. Your dialogue between the researcher and the D-class is too conversational, and the D-class ponies aren't scared enough, and they remain far too coherent when shit starts going sideways.

I like where you tried to go with this, but it didn't work.

It's still incomplete, so stay tuned for the next chapter. I will try to generate more fear and less conversation.

Perhaps once you finish this you could do other scp's?

Yeah, i would like to see SCP-173

365378 I would love to see that.

325531 DO IT NOW!!!

I should not read this. It's dark, raining and lightning outside.

*Left shoulder check*

Right shoulder check*

"Still alone... I think I should-" *Blink* *SNAP*

*omg raeg* it get mad n kill u anywae if u doo dat :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:
but you have to atleast seen comments like that before to know that it doesnt work :rainbowhuh:

853777 Eh, I'm just commenting from a gamer's viewpoint. If you don't understand what I'm talking about check this out.



Oh, wrong video. Still funny as hell though. XD

THIS video.


I have yet to get past the one trapped in the room. (AKA the third one you find)

the SCP site is so unique to read sometimes. I like how this puts a pony spin, like it's the equestria branch of SPC. I'd like to see more articles like this, but i don't think enough MLP fans are into the scifi stuff in SCP..

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