• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 900 Views, 27 Comments

The Last Laugh - Gandalf158

Pinkie Pie is gone. Now her friends are going to tell the story of her last days....

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The Last Laugh
By: Gandalf158
Chapter 2: Fluttershy

"And a one! And a two! And a one! Two! Three!" Pinkie exclaimed, and the little chickens did the routine we had been teaching them.

"Oh, they're doing so well! Thank you for all your help Pinkie." I said.

"No problem 'Shy!"

We watched them run through their routine and when they finished, Pinkie and I gave them a round of applause. Pinkie had the idea that we could use the chickens as entertainment for the party, and I thought how nice it would be for Elizabeak and her friends to get some exercise. That and it was kind of funny seeing a bunch of chickens dance. As the chickens went back into the coup, I looked over at Pinkie.

"Would you like to come in for some tea? That is...if you want to."

"I'd love some tea! OOH! I even brought some cupcakes, we can have a tea party!" she said, hopping up and down in excitement.

She pulled out a cotton candy pick platter with 12 of the most delicious looking cupcakes I had ever seen! They were decorated with roses and came in all colors of the rainbow. As we went into the cottage, Angel came in from the living room and went over to his food bowl, tapping his paw impatiently.

"Make yourself at home Pinkie, I need to feed Angel." I said.

"Okie-doki-loki!" Pinkie said, sitting down at my dining room table. I put some water on to boil for tea and sat down across from Pinkie. She looked sad, and I could swear her mane looked a little flatter and duller than normal, and all things considered, she should be sad, but up until this point, she's been just as bubbly and happy-go-lucky as ever. The moment passed, and she quickly put back on the smile that she is known for. She looked up to me after a second.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about Gummy. Hey, I've got a favor to ask of you 'Shy. When I'm gone, would you mind taking care of him?" she asked, starting to get that downtrodden look on her face again.

"Of course! I'd love to. Don't worry Pinkie, he'll be in good hooves."

"I know he will, and thank you, it means a lot to me knowing he‘ll be cared for." At this point, the kettle started to whistle, so I got up and brewed the tea. When it had steeped long enough, I set it on a tray along with sugar, cream, and honey. I put the tray on the table and sat back down. Pinkie's mood seemed to improve when she took her first sip; her mane perked up, and her coat seemed just a little bit brighter. "This tea is terrific! What kind is it?" she asked me. "Oh... well, it's an herbal tea I make myself from the plants at the edge of the Forest." She ate a cupcake and drank the rest of her tea. All things considered, she was doing very well. She'd been out and about, I heard she even helped Twilight discover a new kind of flower, apparently they named them after her, too. Anypony else would have given up hope, they would've just curled up into a ball and waited for the end. She was taking it all in stride.

"You know, I've got another idea! You should have your birds sing at the funeral!" she said.

As soon as the last word left her mouth, her mane popped and fell limp. Her usually vibrant, cotton candy-colored coat turned dull and dark, much like when she thought that we didn't want to be her friend anymore. There were tears welling up in her electric blue eyes, and the sight of her, always so happy, now looking like this, it was more than a little unnerving. I went over to her and wrapped her in a hug. She lost control and started crying, crying harder than I've seen anypony cry before. For about thirty minutes we just sat there, her crying into my shoulder, me telling her, quite untruthfully, that it was all going to be alright and to just let it all out. Soon her sobs turned to whimpers, then to the occasional sniffle. Pinkie, when she was all cried out, got up to leave. "I'm sorry Fluttershy. See you around." she said, voice cracking.

"Pinkie, you don't have to go. You really shouldn't be alone right now." I said.

She turned around. Her eyes were red and puffy, and they seemed dim and distant. For a second, she just stood there, as if she were thinking on the words. Then she came over to me.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden."

"It's no burden, I'll make the spare bed up for you." She hugged me and thanked me.

"Sorry I lost it back there. It's all just starting to be too much."

"Pinkie, you have nothing to apologize for. It's good to get these emotions out. Keeping them bottled up isn't good."

She was starting to perk back up; her mane seemed to being returning to normal, and her coat was once again its bright, pastel color. She was also smiling again, a good sign.

"Thank you Fluttershy. Again. Do you need help cleaning up?" she said, motioning to the plates and cups on the table.

"No, I've got it. Just go and make yourself comfortable."

After I finished cleaning, I went into the living room where Pinkie had sat down. She'd fully recovered by this time and was her usual, fun-loving self; humming contentedly to herself while she watched the Beaver family's youngest explore the relatively new land of my living room. Pinkie Pie is the only mare I know who can bounce back from something that devastating as this so quickly.

"So, about what I said earlier. Will you have them sing?" She asked.

"Yes of course! That is... if you don't mind?" I said.

"It's fine, I've... made my peace with it. What are you going to have them sing?"

"I thought that you would pick, seeing as you’re the one they'll be singing for." I replied, trying my best not to make her cry again.

"Hmm.... how about 'Amazing Grace'? Ooh! And 'Live and Let Die'!"

"Alright, I'll start them practicing tomorrow. And I just want to say, it means a lot to me that you'd trust me with Gummy."

"Well, I just thought you were the best with animals, that and he loves it so much when you petsit for me."

We must have been talking for hours, because when next I looked up, it was dark out. I glanced at the clock; it read 9:00 PM. It was time for bed for all my little animals, and I needed to get them to bed, or they’d be up all night and sleep all day, when they should be out enjoying the sun. Except for the animals that are meant to be up all night.

"Pinkie, I hate to be rude, but I need to go and put my animals to bed."

"Okie-doki-loki!" she said.

After I tucked in all of my animal friends, I went back and sat back down in the living room. Pinkie was looking a bit tired, so after a few more minutes, she decided it was time for her to turn in. She helped me make the guest bed I usually reserve for larger animals, and then she went to sleep. I went upstairs, and fell asleep as well.

When I woke up the next morning, Pinkie Pie was gone, there was a steaming cup of coffee, a cupcake, and an invitation on the table to a party she was throwing at Sugarcube Corner Friday two weeks from now….