• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 1,690 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Dragon: Friendship is Magic - JusSonic

It's the Mane Six and Spike as you never see them before...as Dragons! But can they stop the return of the Moon Dragon?

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Chapter 3: Moon Dragon Returns!

Chapter 3: Moon Dragon Returns!

Rarity's decorating of Town Hall was so beautiful, much to the notice of every dragon, even Twilight. Everyone is there, waiting for Princess Sun Dragon to raise the sun up for every dragon to see.

As Twilight with Spike on her back waits, Pinkie flies up to them exclaiming, "Wow, isn't this exciting? Are you excited, because so am I! I have never been so excited, except for that time when I saw you flying into town and I went gasp but honestly, who can top that?"

Twilight roll her eyes a bit then looks up front. Fluttershy conducts some birds that she was teaching earlier in their singing as a spotlight goes on another dragon at a podium. It is a female Worker one with moderate phthalo blue eyes, a light cornflower bluish gray with a lighter streak mane, a pale, light grayish amber coat, yellow spectacles and a white collar with a green thing in front. She is the Mayor of Dragonville.

"Ladies and gentle dragons; As the Mayor of Dragonville, it is my honor to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" The Mayor announces making the crowd cheers. They have waited all this time for this moment and now, it's finally here! "In just a few moments, our town of Dragonville will witness the magic of the sunrise to celebrate the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce you all to our ruler of our land, the same dragon who gives us the sun and moon each and every day of the year. The good, the wise as well as the harmony of all of Draconia..."

Twilight glances at the moon for a moment then gulps as she could've sworn that the Mind Dragon herself has seen the shadow on the moon disappear from sight. That doesn't look good at all.

"Ready?" Fluttershy ask her bird friends with a smile on her face.

"And now, Princess Sun Dragon," The Mayor booms out. A fanfare begins to play as Rarity pulls the curtain with the spotlight going down. For a moment, the dragons expect their princess to be there to begin raising the sun...

Except for one problem: Princess Sun Dragon is nowhere in sight! This confuses Rarity. Wasn't the ruler supposed to be here?

The crowd gasps as Twilight gulps, "Not good, this cannot be good at all!" The purple dragon knew what's going on...and it isn't good at all!

"Dragons, try to stay calm! There must be a reasonable explanation!" The Mayor exclaims to the dragon whose looks worried and alarmed. Princess Sun Dragon must've has a good reason for being delayed, right?

"Oooh, I love guessing games! Is she hiding, huh huh?" Pinkie asks excitedly. "Is she hiding??" Twilight on other claw suspects that her teacher isn't hiding or playing a game at all.

Rarity went into the back to see what's taking the princess so long. The white Mind Dragon flew in, landing on the balcony while exclaiming, "The princess is gone!" The dragons gasp in shock and horror. Their princess is gone?

"Wow, she is good."

At least, Pinkie Pie thought that's the case. But then she screams upon seeing something on the balcony itself: a cloud of purple smoke that appears to be laughing.

"Oh no," Twilight said, her eyes widen as something appears out of the smoke: a black dragon wearing armor. "It's Moon Dragon!" The Mind Dragon was right all along! The evil Dragon in the Moon has returned; the sight of the Royal Dragon gone corrupted causes Spike to faint and fall off his friend's back.

The dragons look horrified and stunned. They have no idea whom this fiend is that has taken the princess's face. Moon Dragon gave an evil smile while saying, "Ah, my beloved subjects. Oh, it has been so long since I've seen your sun-loving faces...well, some of them anyway."

"You jerk! What did you do to our princess?!" Rainbow demands furiously. She and Applejack fly up and try to attack Princess Moon Dragon directly (Rainbow using her lightning breath, Applejack using her fire breath and BOTH using their strength, claws and teeth) without success.

The villainess uses a magic wave to knock the two dragons to floor, taunting, "Foolish mortals. Did you REALLY think I could be defeated by brute force by the likes of you?"

Rainbow admits, "Given Applejack and I are two of the best athletes and fighters in Dragonville? Yeah. Kinda. I mean, a combo like what we just did could flatten any dragon short of a Royal."

Princess Moon Dragon taunt, "Your precious Sun Dragon already tried and failed to 'reason with me' and I imprisoned her someplace she can only escape in the extreme unlikelihood of my defeat."

Pinkie says, "At least she actually tried."

"Anyway, why do you want her? Am I not Royal enough for you? Do you know who I am?"

"Ooh, ooh! More guessing games," Pinkie exclaims excitedly, thinking that the Moon Dragon is playing a guessing game. "Let's see...err, Hokey Smokes? Wait, how about Queen Meanie? No, no! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!" Applejack has to stuff a claw in her friend's mouth to keep her quiet to avoid provoking the evil Royal Dragon from attacking.

"What; do I no longer count?" Moon Dragon scowls as she flew over to Fluttershy, scaring her and her animals, "Especially after my imprisonment for a thousand years?" The Royal Dragon flew over to the frightened Rarity and held her chin. "Tell me that you recall the legend. Did you not see the signs?"

"I did and I know who you are!" Twilight exclaims, getting Moon Dragon's attention. "You are the Dragon in the Moon...Moon Dragon!" The other dragons gasp in horror and fright. They've heard of that story, along with the holiday that was said to be named after Moon Dragon herself.

"So some dragon does remember me...then you know why I'm here."

"Well, you're here...err, to..."

"Remember this day, little dragons, for it will be your last! Because fro, now on! This night will last forever!" Moon Dragon laughs sinisterly as storm clouds appear overhead, frightening the dragons there, even Twilight who gulps in worry as Spike got back on her back, looking worried.

With Sun Dragon imprisoned, there appears to be no more hope in stopping Moon Dragon!

The Moon Dragon laughs sinisterly. Fluttershy comment, "Without sunlight, most plants can't survive. And, admittedly, while we ARE omnivores in the truest sense, plant eaters ARE still an important link in the food chain. Plus, we are cold-blooded and, with permanent night, it will eventually get intolerably cold."

Princess Moon Dragon comment, "I can provide special plants that thrive on moonlight and magical heat to those who loyally serve me."

The Mayor isn't about to let her fellow dragons be manipulated into joining someone who is willing to make eternal night. She calls out to the Dragon Royal Guards while pointing a claw at the evil one, "Seize her! She knows where the princess is!"

"Stand back, you fools," Moon Dragon shouted as the Dragon Guards charge towards her.

The guards yelps as the evil dragon send lighting at them, then turns into a mist of smoke, swirling out of the hall. The good dragons look worried. Without their princess, the night will move on forever...and all their plants and good lifetime will be gone.

"Come back here!" Rainbow exclaims, trying to chase after the evil dragon but the mist got away. "Nighttime...forever..."

Applejack bitterly comments, "'Dis is a real gem of a mess!"

Pinkie, cheerfully missing the point, comment, "I LOVE gems; we can use gems as money, accessories OR food, depending on our needs."

Rainbow sighs in sadness...then notices Twilight flying away with Spike hanging on her back. The Storm Dragon asks suspiciously, "Hey, where is she going?"


Spike groans as he slept while protesting, "We gotta stop...Moon Dragon..."

"We will but you got to get to bed. You've been up all night, Spike." Twilight said as she fly up to the bedroom.

"You gotta let me come and fight...I can help." Spike said to Twilight with a mumble.

"Absolutely not, Spike! You are not going and that's that!" Twilight exclaims a bit harshly to Spike.

Spike yawns, too tired to argue with Twilight about this further. The Mind Dragon put her pony assistant into bed while saying softly, "Sorry, Spike, you're just a baby pony after all. I promised someday to make it up to you..."

After making sure that Spike is sleeping, Twilight turns the lights off and heads downstairs to the library and begins using her magic to look through some books. The dragon is frantic. She got to find something that could stop Moon Dragon.

"Elements...elements...oh, not good," Twilight groans as she tries to look through the books for any mentions of the Elements but to no prevail, "Ugh; how can I stop the Moon Dragon without the Elements of Harmony?!"

Suddenly, Twilight yelps as a familiar Storm Dragon appears, flying in front of her while demanding, "Okay, what are the Elements of Harmony? How did you know about Storm Dragon, huh? Are you a spy?"

Suddenly, Rainbow yelps as Applejack pulls her by the tail, sending her to the floor. As the others came into the library, Applejack said, "Calm down, Scales, she ain't no spy! But Ah betcha she knows what's going on; Right, Twilight sugar cube?"

Twilight hesitates as the other dragons look at her, obviously wanting to know. Then the Mind Dragon sighs, knowing that she has no choice but explains herself now. Twilight knew that they will keep on insisting until she gives in.

You see, I read about the prediction, of how Moon Dragon is destined to return." Twilight explains with a sigh. "The only thing that can stop her is mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony...but I don't know what they are, where to find them...or what they can even do!"

"'The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide'," Pinkie Pie said aloud as she looked at a book.

Twilight look surprised as she flies to where Pinkie Pie has found the book, pushing the pink dragon aside. The Mind Dragon ask in shock, "Where did you find that?!"

Pinkie bounces by as she replied in a sing-songy voice, "It was under 'E'!"

Twilight sighs a bit. Unbelievable that one pony was able to find something when the Mind Dragon couldn't. Still Twilight takes the book out and opens it to begin reading.

Twilight read out loud, "There are actually MANY Elements - though only six MAIN elements. The main elements all require each other to work, but the bonus elements; though not technically necessary to work the other six and, in fact, useless without the main six; DO make the collective elements even stronger."

Pinkie sneak in, "That last part must be foreshadowing for future adventures."

Twilight continues reading on, "So far, only five Elements of Harmony are known. They are Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty." Her friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow listen carefully from left to right. "The sixth is the mystery. The last known location of the five Elements is in the ancient castle of the Royal Dragon Sisters."

Of course, as Twilight continues, not her or any one of her new friends saw that a familiar mist was watching from a window, "It is in a place known as..."

Twilight gulps as she and the others finished, "The Everfree Forest!"


The dragons arrive at the outskirts of a large strange forest, not one of them move. Most of them heard the legends of the place and anything that lives in there. They are hesitating. The dragons knows that the Elements needed are in there...but do they really want to go in there?

Pinkie, of course, happily bounces on while exclaiming, "Come on, let's go!"

"Wait, hang on, stop," Twilight exclaims, causing Pinkie to stop in her tracks. "I like the offer of you dragons coming with me...but I prefer to do this on my own."

"No can do, sugarcube! No way we are lettin' any friend o' ours go into 'dat creepy place all by yourself!" Applejack exclaims in determination as she and the other dragons begin to walk to the forest. The place may be scary but they can't let their friend go in by herself to face the dangers. "We're stickin' 'ta yew like caramel on a candy apple!"

"Especially if there's any candy in there," Pinkie exclaims randomly. She notices Twilight giving her a weird out look. "What? Those things are good!"

Twilight sighs as she saw the other dragons going in the forest. The Mind Dragon want to protest but there's no point in doing so. She is stuck with these dragons so, after shaking her head, Twilight flew up to catch up with the others.

The dragons fly through the forest, looking around. This place is dark and spooky looking, Twilight wonders why the Royal Dragons would have a castle in a place like this...and she could've sworn that something is watching...

"So...have any of you dragons been here before?" Twilight ask the other dragons curiously.

"Heavens, no; why, the place looks absolutely dreadful!" Rarity exclaims with a shiver. "Even if we're dragons, this place is enough to freak us out!"

"Plus 'de jungle ain't natural at all." Applejack said with a cringe. "'De sun never shines here, magic almost never works an' there are things in 'dis here jungle 'dat makes yew wanna scream."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Twilight ask the other dragons nervously. Not one of them some familiar smoke appearing, causing shadows to come out of hiding.

Suddenly Rainbow came out of the shadows, smiling devilishly while speaking in a spooky voice, "Noooooo ooooooone knooooows! Wanna know why, huh?"

"Come on, Rainbow, stop it!" Applejack exclaims in annoyance. But her friends just slink towards Pinkie, Rarity and Flutterashy, creeping some of them out a bit.

"Because any one who comes in here...never comes out!"

Fluttershy comments, "This forest contains some of the nastiest creatures in all Draconia."

Pinkie puts in, "As well as this weird voodoo lady - or is that for later on?"

Rarity puts in, "The point is, like we insist before, Twilight, there is no way we are letting you do this alone."

Suddenly without warning, a fireball almost hit the dragons near a cliff, making them yelp in alarm. A bunch of Slicers, giant mantises, appears, roaring right at them.

"Whoa, watch it!" Rainbow exclaims as she claws at one Slicer, knocking it back. "Fluttershy, Slicers coming right at ya!"

"Oh goodness, oh goodness," Fluttershy exclaims as she flew in to save Rarity who was almost stomped on by a Slicer. Rainbow quickly uses her fire breath to assist Pinkie into chasing off more of those creeps.

"Wow! This is different than the actual version since Moon Dragon sent monsters instead of making a cliff since after all, most dragons CAN fly AND possess great enough durability where great heights wouldn't even be a minor problem." Pinkie exclaims happily. Her friends have no idea what she's on about and prefers not to ask about that right now.

Twilight uses her magic to fend off but more of those creeps kept on going after her. Applejack saw that she needs help as one Slicer knocks the Mind Dragon down.

"Hang on, Twilight! Ah is a-coming!" Applejack exclaims as she flew in and punch one of the Slicer away. That helps Twilight get up but more of those guys are coming.

"Oh, what do we do, Applejack?" Twilight ask in worry. Those Slicers are surrounding them all...and the others are too busy with their own Slicers to help them.

"...Twilight, Ah want yew...'ta git down an' not do anything."

"What?! Are you crazy?! You will need my help to fight these guys off!"

"No, Ah ain't crazy an' Ah don't need help." Applejack said to Twilight softly. "Yew will be safe."

"That isn't true!" Twilight exclaims to Applejack in an unsure way. How will she know that the Mind Dragon would be safe should she not do anything?!

"Listen...it may not make sense but what Ah will do next will save yew. It's a wise decision so git down...yew will be safe; 'Dat's 'de honest truth."

Twilight hesitates but her eyes gleam as if she wants to trust Applejack. So the Mind Dragon quickly ducks...then the Worker Dragon works as she shoots out a huge flame that makes a huge wave. The Slicers yelps as the attack hits them all, sending the mantis monsters packing.

"Phew." Twilight said with a sigh of relief. Applejack did it, she took all those Slicers out with one attack. If the Mind Dragon stood up at that moment, she may have gotten hit as well!

Eventually, the last of the Slicers was forced to flee in defeat, not used to fighting dragons. Fluttershy sighs, "Wow...sorry if I sound exhausted. I am not used to handling anything than a bunny or two."

Twilight smiles to Applejack who cracks her knuckles in triumph. The Worker Dragon was telling the truth, that she will be safe. Amazing…

Unknown to the dragons, a familiar wisp saw this, looking a bit ticked off. It isn't over yet so the thing flew up ahead...and hit some sort of monster in the shadows. It begins to roar while the thing begins to make duplicates of itself for some reason...

Author's Note:

The dragons are now beginning their journey as Applejack shows some honesty. In the next chapter, more confrontations as more of Twilight's new friends show displays of Kindness, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty. Read, review and suggest.