• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 1,690 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Dragon: Friendship is Magic - JusSonic

It's the Mane Six and Spike as you never see them before...as Dragons! But can they stop the return of the Moon Dragon?

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Chaper 2: Meet the Other Dragons

Chapter 2: Meet the Other Dragons

After a while of treats, Twilight and Spike finally leaves Dragon Apple Acres to the next destination. The pony glances at the list while saying, "Well, it's safe to see that the food's been taken care of. All right, next is the weather."

"Ugh...so much pie..." Twilight groans as she walks on with a full stomach. That pony has to endure a lot of sweets just to get away from those other members of Applejack's family. Spike glances into the sky as if looking for someone.

"Let's see...according to the list, a Storm Dragon named Rainbow Dash is supposed to be clearing the clouds..."

"Honestly? I think that Storm Dragon is doing a bad job. Anyway..."

Twilight didn't have time to continue as someone hit her very fast, sending the two crashing into a mud puddle. The Mind Dragon groans a bit as she find herself with a Storm Dragon on top of her. It's a light blue female dragon with rainbow hair and pink eyes.

The Storm Dragon got up and saw Twilight, chuckling, "Oh sorry, excuse me." The Storm Dragon flew upward, didn't see you there, egghead." The purple Mind Dragon groans in frustration. "Allow me to help!"

The Storm Dragon breaths out a cloud and breaths air on it, sending water right onto Twilight. Of course, while it got rid of the mud, it turns the poor dragon into a wet mess.

"Oops, overdid it. How about this," The Storm Dragon chuckles sheepishly. She then got rid of the cloud and flies around, forming a black tornado all over Twilight. "Yeah, that's it, my very own patented 'Rainbow Blow Dry'." Once the dragon is satisfied that she dry off the Mind Dragon, the Storm Dragon came to a stop, landing on the ground. "Now don't thank, you're welcome."

Of course the Storm Dragon looks surprised as she saw the result of her work: Twilight's hair is all puffy and messy like she just gotten out of the dryer. The one who did this tries not to laugh but does so anyway, falling to the ground. Spike laughs at his friend's hair as well.

"Ugh, typical; so you must be Rainbow Dash, right?" Twilight ask Rainbow with an annoyed sigh. That does explain the attitude.

Rainbow stood up, smiling proudly while exclaiming, "You got it! The one and only! Let me guess, you heard of me, huh?"

"I do know that you are supposed to keep the sky clear for the Summer Sun Celebration! My name is Twilight Sparkle, the princess send me to check on the weather."

"Right, sure, that will be done in no time, yeah. Just wait for me to finish practicing and I will get to it, okay?"

Rainbow sat on her back in mid-air, making Twilight puzzled as she wonders what this arrogant Storm Dragon is on about. The Mind Dragon asks, "What are you practicing for?"

"Come on, who else? The Wonderbolts," Rainbow exclaims eagerly as she points a claw at a poster hanging on a wall. It shows certain Storm Dragons in uniforms with lightning bolts on them. "Oh yeah, they will perform at the celebration tomorrow. I am going to show them my stuff."

"Wait, the Wonderbolts?"

"You got it."

"You're talking about the talented Storm Dragons in Draconia?" Twilight ask Rainbow in amusement. This Storm Dragon wants to join up with those guys?

"You got it." Rainbow exclaims eagerly. Twilight scoffs a bit then got an idea on how to get this dragon with an ego to clear the clouds away sooner.

"Give me a break. Why would they want a Storm Dragon who can't keep the sky clear for one measly day? Those Storm Dragons won't bother with someone like you."

"Hey, dragon lady, I could clear the sky in 10 seconds flat!"

"Prove it." Twilight said with a slight smirk. Rainbow has taken the bait and she didn't even know it.

Rainbow frowns a bit. She is going to prove this Mind Dragon that she could do her stuff and clear the sky in no time. As Twilight times her, the Storm Dragon flew up and clears the cloud with his fire breath and lightning very fast.

"Oh yeah, loop-de-loop and boom," Rainbow laughs eagerly as she sat down on a cloud, "Ha! How's that? 10 seconds flat! I would never leave Dragonville a-hanging!"

Twilight and Spike are both astounded and amazed. Rainbow was able to clear the sky in 10 seconds flat! Guess she wasn't all talk and no work after all!

"Looks like you're speechless, I mean look at her faces. You're a laugh, Twilight. Can't wait for us to hang out...if there's time; Later!" Rainbow exclaims. The Storm Dragon flew off eagerly to continue her practicing for the Wonderbolts.

"Cool, she's amazing!" Spike exclaims with a smile. He glances at Twilight's weird hair and chuckles, much to his friend's annoyance. Twilight grunts and flew off as Spike does his best to catch up. "Still, cool when you get to know it..."


Next up, the two are heading into Dragonville's city hall where Princess Sun Dragon is supposed to be for the celebration and to raise the sun. Another Mind Dragon is supposed to be decorating the place.

The inside of Town Hill looks wonderful and such; whoever is in charge is doing a good job. As Spike marks the list, he said, "Decorations." The alicorn looks up...then sighs lovingly. "Wow...beautiful."

"Yes, I agree, the decor is coming along nicely." Twilight said while glancing at the decorations and accessories. "Hopefully this should be good and I will get to the library very soon; Beautiful...and the accessories."

"I wasn't talking about the decor! I mean...her..."

Spike gave a loving sigh as he points to a dragon checking on the decorations. It's a light azure grey Mind Dragon with a purple hair and light blue eyes. The dragon is using her magic to check on the color ribbons.

"No, no, absolutely, no, no," The Mind Dragon sighs as she kept on choosing what ribbons to use. Spike sighs happily as he appears to be flying in mid-air, hearts came out of his head and in his eyes.

"Wow...so how's my mane? Is it straight?" Spike asks Twilight hopefully. The purple dragon arches an eyebrow at this. It doesn't take long for her to realize what's going on her: her baby assistant has a crush on this white Mind Dragon; Cute, sort of.

Twilight walks up to the other Mind Dragon as she spoke up, "Good afternoon, miss..."

"One moment, I'm 'in the zone' so to speak." The white dragon said, not seeing Twilight at first. She uses her powers to tighten the ribbons with sparkles. "Perfect, sparkles always work; Rarity, you are a talent indeed!"

Twilight can guess that the white dragon is talking to herself and Rarity is her name. As she turn around, Rarity herself spoke up, "Well, then, how can I help you....AAAARGH!" The Mind Dragon was screaming for a good reason: she just saw Twilight's poofy hair! "Dear goodness, darling; what happened to your coiffure?!"

"Huh? Oh you mean my hair, right?" Twilight ask, blinking a bit. "Well, long story but no time. Just let me check on the decorations and I will be out of your hair shortly."

"Out of my hair? What about YOUR hair?! Oh, this won't do at all! Something must be done!"

Rarity quickly pushes Twilight as Spike follows them, floating in mid-air behind the white dragon, sighing lovingly.

"Wait, where are we going? Hey, help!" Twilight protests in worry. This white dragon is even more crazier than Applejack and Rainbow!


Rarity takes Twilight to a shop that she owns, working her hair and giving her outfits to try one, despite the purple dragon insisting that she doesn't want any clothes at all. Rarity insists on it.

"No, no...too green, too yellow, too poofy. Not poofy enough, too frilly, too shiny." Rarity said, giving out clothes on Twilight while she 'tries them' out. Finally, the unicorn has some sort of sparkle clothes with jewels and such. "Good. Now tell me, you were going to explain as to where you're from, correct?"

Rarity begins pulling on the straps, tightening the dress, making Twilight yelps. It's hard to breathe with this thing on. What is this white Mind Dragon trying to do? Suffocate her?

"I've...err...been send from...Dragonlot to..." Twilight tries her best to speak while Rarity tighten the dress some more.

"What, Dragonlot?" Rarity asks upon hearing her, causing the Mind Dragon to release the straps and for Twilight to fall to the floor. As Sun Dragon's student got up, the eager Rarity flew over to her, "My goodness! Oh, I am so envious! Imagine the glamour and sophistication...why I always dreamt of living there! I cannot wait to hear all about Dragonlot. Oh, I can guess that we're going to be best friends, you and I."

Twilight's eyes widen in worry. Rarity wants to be her friend? The white dragon glances at the emeralds on the dress, making her frown and flew off, asking, "Emeralds? Oh, what was I thinking? Won't do! I will get you some rubies! Be right back!"

As Rarity heads off, Twilight decides to make a break for it. The dragon flew towards the door while screaming, "Come on, before she decides to dye my scales a new color!"

Spike sighs at Rarity though Twilight uses her magic to pull himself out of the shop with her.


Later, Twilight and Spike were walking through Dragonville as the latter was riding on the former's back.

"Wasn't she wonderful?" Spike asked lovingly.

"Argh; Focus, Spike," Twilight groans in annoyance by the alicorn's love towards Rarity. She wants to get this list done so that she can get back to finding proof. "What's next on the list?"

"Let's see...music, it's the last one." Spike explains, reading off the last item on the list. Twilight sighs in relief; just one more preparation to check on.

Just then, the two heard birds singing and came through some bushes, seeing another Storm Dragon teaching some birds in a tree to sing. It's a pale yellow one with long pink hair and cyan eyes who looks like a cute one.

A blue jay is singing a bit off-key, much to the Storm Dragon's notice as she said, "Oh my...everyone, err, please stop." The birds stop singing as the female dragon flies over to the one singing. "Excuse me? Not to be mean, but your rhythm sounds a teeny, tiny bit off." The bird nods in understanding. "All right, let's try again. A-1, a-2... A-1, 2, 3..."

"Hello!" Twilight calls out. This causes the Storm Dragon to gasp in fright as her birds flew off, startled, "Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to scare your birds off! I'm here to check up on the music and it sounded so beautiful."

The yellow Storm Dragon lands next to Twilight, looking away shyly while clawing the ground; the purple dragon smiles nervously, looking around. It's obvious that this yellow dragon is shy, not sure what to say.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle. What is your name?" Twilight ask the dragon with a smile.

"Uh..." The yellow dragon then begins to mumble a bit. "Mynameisfluttershy..."

"Sorry, what was that?" Twilight asked the yellow dragon, whose name is obviously Fluttershy but she spoke too softly for the Mind Dragon to catch it.

"My...mynameisfluttershy," Fluttershy mumbles shyly again as she backs away.

"Sorry, didn't quite catch that." Twilight said. Fluttershy whines a bit in sadness, the Mind Dragon feels bad. Perhaps it's not a good idea to continue the conversion further.

Just then, the birds flew back onto the tree, much to Twilight's notice. She spoke up, "Oh, well...your birds are back. So everything is in order. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you." Fluttershy said meekly.

"Okay." Twilight said awkwardly. Perhaps she won't get much trouble with this dragon. As she backs away, the Mind Dragon turns to Spike just as Fluttershy turns to look at the trio through her long hair, "Okay, so that was easy..."

When Fluttershy noticed Spike, she gasped in shock and delight as her eyes widened, "A BABY PONY!" She exclaimed loudly in delight, startling some of the birds into flying off the tree again.

Twilight yelps as Fluttershy flew past her, knocking the dragon away. She lands near Spike and exclaims in awe, "Oh, I have never saw a baby pony before, even an alicorn one! Oh, he's so cute!"

"Well, well, well!" Spike exclaims to Twilight with a smirk. About time some dragon gives him full attention.

"Oh, and he talks, too? I didn't know baby ponies could talk. That's...that's so wonderful...I just don't know what to say!" Fluttershy exclaims, flying into the air in joy.

Twilight got back up and quickly puts Spike on her back, ready to go before Fluttershy does something crazy. The Mind Dragon said, "Well, in that case, we better be going." The two begins to head off...with Fluttershy following.

"Wait, wait!" Fluttershy said as she started following Twilight and Spike, "What's his name?"

"Oh, my name is Spike." Spike said to Fluttershy with a grin.

"Hi, Spike. My name is Fluttershy." Fluttershy said in delight, making Twilight roll her eyes. "I still can't believe it, a talking pony! What do ponies talk about?"

"Well, whatcha wanted to know?" Spike asks Fluttershy with a grin.

"Absolutely everything!" Fluttershy squeals. Twilight's eyes widen as she groans in frustration. This is going to be a long walk/talk; the purple dragon just knows it.

Spike comment, "I started off life as an adorable purple Earth pony foal with a green mane and tail, but Twilight here upgraded me to alicorn status (though I was still a foal, I now had purple wings and a green horn) as her entrance exam to Princess Sun Dragon's Academy for Gifted Dragons. But when I asked if I had a family, the Sun Princess just said nothing, and well, Twilight was kinda harsh to me at times like I say maybe 10."


Twilight was a bit tired as Spike is finishing his story up to Fluttershy, "Aaaand, that's my story of my life until now. Wanna hear about today?"

"Oh yes, please do!" Fluttershy giggles. Twilight then sighs then smiles as the two has reached the destination: the library where Twilight and Spike will be staying at for a while.

"Oh wow, sorry! How did we get here so fast? Yes, this is where I'm staying at while in Dragonville!" Twilight exclaims, wanting to end this conversion ASAP. "My baby pony, poor dear, he needs his sleep."

"Wait, no, I don't. It isn't..." Spike was cut off as Twilight toss eshim off her back, sending him right onto the ground.

Spike glares at Twilight as she spoke in a baby like way, "Aww, wook at that. He's so sweepy, he can't even keep little wittle bawance." The purple dragon then gave an innocent smile to Fluttershy, in hopes that she would get the idea and leave.

"Oh, you poor thing," Fluttershy said to Spike in sympathy as she picked him up before she flew inside the library as she spoke, "You simply must get into bed."

Twilight, however, zipped into the house and pushed Fluttershy out, insisting, "Yes, yes, we will get right on that, goodnight." With that, the purple dragon closes the door right in the Storm Dragon's face.

The library looks dark and hard to see, but at least Twilight can see that no dragon is elsewhere.

"Geez, weren't you a bit rude to that dragon?" Spike asks Twilight in disappointment by his friend's action. "She was being nice."

"Sorry, I didn't want to but right now, I gotta convince the princess that Moon Dragon is coming and we are running out of time!" Twilight explains desperately to Spike. "I must be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy dragons trying to make friends all the time when I don't want any! Where's the light?"

Twilight got her question answered as lights are turned on...followed by a bunch of voices yelling, "SURPRISE!" The dragon jumps with Spike as in the library are now a bunch of balloons, decorations, followed by ponies!

A blower was in Twilight's face as she groans in annoyance; Just great.

Of course, who could show up at that moment than the first dragon that Twilight first met upon arriving in Dragonville...the pink one that is.

"Surprise," The pink dragon giggles much to Twilight's annoyance. "You see? I threw this party for you! My name is Pinkie Pie BTW! Oh, were you surprised? Huh? Were you, were you, were you?!"

"Ugh, you know, libraries are supposed to be quiet." Twilight groans in annoyance as she heads off, with Pinkie following her, chatting some more.

"Oh come on, how silly is that? I mean, what welcome party would you get if it's quiet? I can tell you two words: 'bo-ring'! When you got here, I realize, after you you were all 'hello' that, gasp, I never saw you before! If I never saw you before, that means it's because you're new! I know every dragon, and I mean every dragon here in Dragonville, and if you're new, that means you haven't met anyone yet! If you haven't met anyone yet, you don't have any friends!"

Twilight roll her eyes as she pours something in her drink in hopes to settle down. The dragon drinks it while Pinkie continues talking as she motions to the party, "Since you have no friends, you got to be lonely and that makes me sad! Then I had an idea which is why I went gasp! So I just throw a great big ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party, inviting everyone to Dragonville! You see? You got lots of friends!"

To Twilight's dismay, the dragons that she met, AKA Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy appears with smiles on their faces. They want to be her friends? Just then, the Mind Dragon yelps as something inside herself begins to burn up...she turns round, showing a red face.

"Uh, yew all right, sugar cube?" Applejack asks Twilight in concern. The new dragon's face appears to be red, as if...

Suddenly Twilight burns more fire than usual as she became a flaming dragon and flew off in alarm. The other dragons are startled by this. What came over here?

"Awww, she's so happy that she's crying!" Pinkie exclaims happily, not fazed by what just happened.

Spike glances at Twilight flying upstairs in a hurry and saw what she put in her punch and takes it. The alicorn saw a fire symbol on the label and realize what his friend just put in.

"'Hot sauce'; I guess Twilight's fire breath got even 'hotter'." Spike remarks. He looks up just in time to see Pinkie grabbing the hot sauce, pouring it right onto a cupcake, much to his disgust, "Ick!"

The others look more disgusted as Pinkie eats the cupcake happily, not minding the hot sauce at all. Upon seeing her friends' weird out looks, she asks puzzled, "What? This stuff is good!"

The dragons chuckle and laugh a bit. That Pinkie Pie can be sooooo random!


Twilight groans as she does her best to get to sleep in her bed. Of course, one problem: the music and party was so loud that she's trying to use a pillow to drown out the noise.

And to add more annoyance to injury, Twilight still can't do research and find any proof of Nightmare Moon's return. This is not good at all! The Mind Dragon glances at the clock, groaning.

Spike came into the room, grinning with a lamp on his head while calling out, "Hey, Twilight! Pinkie Pie is playing 'Pin the Tail on the Dragon'. Wanna play? You loved that game!"

"Ugh, no! Honestly, all these dragons in this town are crazy!" Twilight exclaims to Spike in annoyance. "I mean, do you even know what time it is?!"

"Honestly, yeah. It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration, remember? The dragons have to stay up so they don't miss the princess raising the sun. I know you don't wanna make friends but come on, that dragon you spoke of would've wanted you to do so. Lighten up, it's a party."

Twilight roll her eyes as her assistant leaves the room. Her, make friends; the Dragon mocks what Spike said at first, "'Lighten up, it's a party'. Bah! Here I was hoping to find time to learn more about the Elements of Harmony...but silly me! The whole ridiculous friend making has kept me from it!"

Twilight sighs in sadness as she think back to the REAL reasons she prefers to have as few of friends as possible. The dragon never told anybody about the real reasons why she never made friends. The studying thing is the only reason that Twilight has told.

One of Twilight's real reasons is the guilt over - failing a certain friend named Ben Drake whom she was falling more - more than twelve years ago and figuring that, the fewer friends she has, the less the odds that she has to go through that guilt again. The only dragons that she made friends with so far are the princess herself, and Twilight's old babysitter Lady Symphony.

Twilight wonders where Lady Symphony was lately.

Twilight then turns around with her pillow, recalling the legend, "'Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring about nighttime eternal." The Mind Dragon glances at her book which she took that explain the legend and looks at the moon with the image of the Dragon in the Moon itself. "Oh, I hope that the princess is right...I hope that it really is just an old lizard tale."

Twilight is worried as to what would happen either way.

Just then, Spike is heard calling, "Twilight, let's go; Time to see the sun rise!"

Twilight sighs as she prepares to head out. Hopefully the dragon can talk to Princess Sun Dragon and explains her worries to her mentor.

Author's Note:

Twilight made some new friends, sort of, and is still worried about the return of Moon Dragon. Things are getting interesting. In the next chapter, the Moon Dragon herself arrives as the Mind Dragon and her new friends begin their quest for the Elements of Harmony. Read, review and suggest.