• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 359 Views, 9 Comments

MLP FiM: Aspects of Emotion - Edge Maverick

Eighty years have passed sense the Tree of Harmony was revived, and nothing but atrocities have happened sense. With a new generation coming around, can Equestria be saved?

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Chapter 4: We weren't prepared for this

MLP FiM: AoE: Chapter 4: We weren't prepared for this.

The whole crew suddenly wakes up to the sound of a splintering crack of the starboard bow hitting hard stone and were further enlightened of the situation through the sound of hooves galloping across the deck to get situated in the docking process.
As our heroes make their way to the top however, they get the spectacular sight of the largest waterfall in all of Equestria. The entirety of the sight being the realization that this waterfall is the runoff of the arctic mountains surrounding the Crystal Empire. Every drop eventually making it’s way back to here, were it supplies it’s water back to the east of their beloved continent and country.

“Maybe traveling like this isn't so bad after all.” Said Golden Leaf, awake at the sight.

“You're right, the research that could be done here is simply breathtaking.” Azure answered with a smile.

“Coulda fooled me! I was getting some good research on the subject of sleep before this.” Ghost interjected, still dizzily grabbing hold of the rail, his breath still smelling like booze.
The rest simply smiled, finally getting a breath of the vapor filled air gave a feeling of refreshment to the crew. Spirits began to raise as they made their way to the supplies for their pre-mission meal. Passing of rations and the singing of songs took place as those who finished started unloading for a trip into their old camp.
“Alright crew! This is Captain Beat here!” The captain spoke as he walked amongst the crowd. “This trip took us much longer than we had intended on. The delay caused by Sombra’s creatures shall bind us no longer. Today we march into his land and if we find his beasts than we shall purify them, with extreme prejudice. Leave nothing alive, no stone unturned, and reclaim this territory in the name of Celestia and Luna. All hail Equestria! All hail the divine!”
The rest of the crew, with the exception of Ghost, Golden and Black Mist -- cheered in excitement and furiosity.

After a couple moments they were off, traveling off the boat and along the side of the massive lake in order to get behind the waterfall. As they entered the whole world filled with the sound of rushing water, the echoing waterfall become the only audible noise as it had drown out out even their speech.
As the neared the back of the cave they saw a door embedded into it, surrounded by torches though all of them put out, likely because of the water. Two of the colts broke from the group to light the torches and carry them as Captain Beat opened the door.
Inside the door was another hall, this one narrower, more like a tunnel, obviously pony-made as it was lacking stalactites. The group began to find itself gathering into a line and drawing their weapons in case of danger. They traveled like this for about a half an hour, through twist and turn, dark hallway after dark hallway, and the only thing to accompany them was the sound of their hooves hitting the floor and each-others breath.

Finally the group came to an opening, a widening of the original tunnel smoothly into the gaping openness of an entire room, the sound of a small underwater stream sounding within it.
“All of you that are feeling parched, I suggest you get a drink before we find the next door” Beat said to his crew. Many a soldier went to get a drink until a sophisticated voice spoke up from the distance.

“Sir? It seems we've found your door.” Azure said, lighting the room with the magic from his horn. Illuminated in the dark room was a massive door, at least fifteen feet high and ten feet in width which had marked upon the ancient artwork of the kingdom, depicting the soldiers that had originally fought off the invasion of first Griffon Kingdom War. The other soldiers and the heroes began to look upon the magnificent sight in awe as the door began to open before their very eyes. Light cracked from between the doors as they split seamlessly in the middle of the picture and swung to each side. The warriors scuttled to get out of the way in time, and upon doing so, achieved a look inside the room. It was lit with torches across every wall, a shining throne of what looked like sand stone and copper sat at the top of a flight of stairs, connected to a red carpet entrance covered in glyphs and flanked by suits of armor all leading back to the magnificent double door entrance.

“Sir, we should be careful of those glyphs, they were most likely enchanted with traps in case of our retur-” Azure began before being interrupted by Beat, “I’ll hear no more of it, this place and it’s treasures belong to those who found it, men, come with me.” He then proceeded to gallop his way inside the room, followed by most of the crew.
Left behind were our heroes and three crewmen by the names of Bon jr., Razor and of course Cherry Pie. “He doesn't know what he’s doing.” Stated Azure as their Captain left him.

“Should we wait for the fireworks? Or will it be an ambush ready to chop them into strawberry jam?” Ghost said before laughing off his morbid sense of humor.

“Based on the glyphs-”,
“Guys, look over there.” Golden interrupted Azure’s speech.
The group then looked only to find their allies surrounded in glowing light, the glyphs did in fact activate, but no traps were apparent. The symbols began to spin and the armor fell to the floor, shocking the group, and forcing them to gather into a more defensible circle formation. “Don’t lose heart men! This is our proving ground!” Beat said as the tension began to rise.
An ooze like shadow began to seep from the armors and then began to take solid form -- picking up the armor itself and giving it form. Foggy darkness gathered around the joints and pooled at their hooves.
The crew was shaken, they had never seen things like this before, finally one of them in the crowd shouted, “Heroes! Save us!” and the group looked to their heroes.
They all looked back in shock except for Ghost, who ran in unhindered, but was too late to prevent what was to come.

The shadowy knights all struck at once, tearing into their enemy as though they were taking a bite into steak, the armors themselves grew teeth and mouths and dropped their swords so they could began consuming the pieces that flew into the air. The first layer of shields were torn open with little to no effort, the second layer let the beasts run into their blades -- soon to drop the same way, finally the captain and his two guard were the last ones left. They fought as survivors should, but it wasn't enough, Beat was the last one left before he could grasp it. The pooling shadow formed into Sombra himself upon the throne.

“Your presence is a perversion of my perfect world, begone.” Sombra said as his dark magic reached across the room and shattered the mind of the valiant captain.
Ghost paused in utter shock as what he had previously described as strawberry jam splashed across his face with the putrid smell of death. Shock formed in his eyes as Sombra walked towards him, “Are you done yet, maggot?”
Ghost struggled to respond for a moment. Azure and the rest of the group marched forward to back him up, spreading into a v-formation behind Ghost.
“No, no I’m not.” Said ghost, “I have some avenging to do.” He finally said before pulling out his short sword.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait.

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